Now we see as in a glass darkly

1 Corinthians 2:9

Have you ever been driving cross country with little children, after a long day, night has settled in, hunger is gnawing, and the need for a pit stop is all too real?  The little ones keep asking, “Are we almost there?” Far in the distance you see lights, and think, “Ah, the town is closer than I thought.  We must be making good time.”  But as you go, and go, and go, there is no town.  There is a light here, and one there but no town in sight.  What had happened? 

From a distance things seemed closer together and even merged.  So, you cross your legs, and just keep going until you get to a town or a roadside rest area.

That repeated scenario as I traveled with my kids, is how prophesy is sometimes presented in the word of GOD.  For instance, in Zechariah 9:9 JESUS is said to be their KING coming to them low and riding on a donkey and then in says immediately, verse 10, HIS physical rule on the earth is from sea to sea.  As we know the time between those instances is already 2,000 years and growing.  From a distance, they looked together.

The Old Testament prophets saw JESUS coming to earth as a blur: HIS birth, HIS death, HIS coming to catch away HIS bride and even HIS coming in power to reign all meshed together. They viewed the 1,000-year reign and eternity future entwined. 

The 1,000-year reign is but a speck, when you consider the endless ages of eternity.  Scripture does not make clear the relationship between the renewal of the earth under the Messiah (1,000-year kingdom reign of JESUS, which fulfills a promise to Abraham, and the Jews), and the reconstruction of the material universe after it blows apart as recorded in Revelation 20:11 and detailed in 2 Peter 3:10-11.  Yet, we can sort out the times if and when we look at the specific details.

For instance, in the 1,000 year-reign, there will be no infant deaths, nor a man who has not fulfilled his days (Isaiah 65:20), but there will be death.  Though longevity is restored, death, the last enemy, (I Corinthians 15:26) is not destroyed until the great White Throne. There will be no more death once death and the grave (hades) are cast into the eternal lake of fire (Revelation 20:14).

Let’s take a quick peek at life during the 1,000-year reign as seen by Isaiah

Isaiah 65:18 a place of joy and gladness

Isaiah 65:19 the LORD will rejoice over HIS people

Isaiah 11:2-5 JESUS will rule justly but firmly, if they don’t do what they are supposed to there will be severe consequences. (Zechariah 14:16-17)

Isaiah 65:19 no crying or weeping in Jerusalem.

Isaiah 65:20 lifespans will be extended with no infant deaths, or adults dying young, but death will still be present

Isaiah 65:21-22 people will experience abundant harvests

Isaiah 65:23 GOD will bless their work and families

Isaiah 65:24 HE will speedily answer their prayers

Isaiah 65:25 harmony and safety will prevail

Isaiah 11:6-8 wild animals will lose their ferocity and playfully interact with children and each other (Hosea 2:18)

Isaiah 11:9 we may be vegetarians, for none will hurt or destroy

Isaiah 11:9 there will be a sea (Zechariah 9:10).

Though we know very little of what it will be like after the 1,000-year reign let’s compare it to the 1,000 years.

Revelation 21:1 There is no sea, therefore the water cycle as we know it will be done away with for water will flow from GOD’s throne.

Revelation 21:3, 22:3 GOD the FATHER and JESUS will live with the people

Revelation 21:4 No tears, no death, no sorrow, no pain

Revelation 21:4 The former things/ the way things were previously all passed away.  One example is Matthew 22:30 No marriage (1 Corinthians 7:33).

Things will be very different.  As Job advises (Job 12:7), “ask the animals and they will tell you.” 

Remember that caterpillar who continually eats until he goes into the cocoon?  There he dies and as his body parts dissolve, another creature-totally different, is formed from the juices of the dissolving caterpillar.  That butterfly that comes out of the cocoon doesn’t chew as the caterpillar but takes a sip now and again of the sweetness of a flower; and while the caterpillar had 6 sets of simple eyes, this new creature has 1 set (2 eyes) with thousands of facets in each eye enabling him to see so much more than the 1st creature.

Eye has not seen, nor ear heard what GOD has prepared for them who love HIM (1 Corinthians 2:9).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.



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