Beginning my day

How does your day begin?

Today as my day began, I talked with GOD.  Praying for my children and their concerns (large and small), for Vacation Bible School, for Camp Elim’s varsity camp, for friends and sick ones and for the persecuted around the world, in each case, one word came to me directing me in how to pray.  “LORD give them a word, speak to them LORD.”

JESUS said that “man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4).

The direction, the comfort and strength and peace that comes from a simple word from GOD is immeasurable. When received and acted on as truth, that word brings peace that throws us beyond having to understand and guards our hearts and our minds (Philippians 4:6-7).

GOD’s word is my sword when tempted or attacked, my light when all I see is darkness, my hiding place and comfort.  GOD’s word supports me when I am about to fall.  Day in and day out GOD’s word brings me joy and peace and as I believe it I overflow with home by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT who lives within me (Romans 15:13).

I love GOD’s word.  Do you?



The war

Just days from now will mark a year from the beginning of the war in Ukraine and although many of us have prayed, most of us have never endured the horrors of a physical war like they have and are experiencing.  But each of us have had arguments and fights.  Our arguments are generally with people, although the Bible tells us that they are not our enemy.  We need to know who our enemy really is.

We see government and global leaders and activists doing stuff we just plain don’t like, but GOD says they are not the enemy.  They may be being used by our enemy, but most likely they are just people, people who need JESUS.

For we do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but against (evil) principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts (armies) of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).

We are human but we don’t wage war with human plans and methods. We use GOD’s mighty weapons not mere worldly weapons to knock down the devil’s strongholds of lies and take captive those tempting thoughts by talking them over with CHRIST JESUS (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

What are those weapons?

In the beginning, the Bible tells us in Genesis 1, GOD spoke and everything was created. HIS word created. At the end of the Bible, in Revelation 19:15, we see JESUS riding a white horse, followed by all the armies of heaven all riding white horses. But it is JESUS alone who slays all the enemy armies single handed with the double-edged sword coming out of his mouth.

Hebrews 4:12 “The word of GOD is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword…”

Ephesians 6:17 “The sword of the SPIRIT is the word of GOD…”

In Matthew 17:20-21 tells us of another of GOD’s weapons. It says anything is possible if we have faith. “Faith comes from hearing and hearing from a word from GOD” (Romans 10:17). Again, we have GOD speaking and showing us what to pray or speak aloud.

In order to get what we need, we are told to run to the throne of GOD to obtain HELP in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). We call that prayer. In prayer GOD the HOLY SPIRIT directs our minds to what we should do.

Three mighty weapons: GOD’s word, faith in GOD’s word and prayer according to GOD’s word. GOD offers these to each of HIS children. Yes, they are available to each of us. And just like physical weapons, we need to use them for them to do us any good. The weapons are GOD’s Word, faith in GOD found by grabbing a hold of HIS promises (HIS word) (2 Peter 1: 1-4), then praying and being directed according to HIS word.

Are you, am I in HIS word daily giving GOD an opportunity to prepare us for what we will face each day?  Do we allow the Word of GOD to speak to us and direct us so that armed with GOD’s weapons we are ready to use them when the enemy attacks?

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.


Sharon L Manning

HIS ways are higher

Do you pray like JESUS? “Not MY will but YOURS be done.”

Stop for a moment and consider, when you pray do you ever tell the LORD, who created heaven and earth, what to do and then get upset or frustrated if HE doesn’t do it your way?  I must admit that I have.

“My thoughts are completely different from yours, says the LORD. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9 NLT).

I have no real concept of how high the heavens are above us. But to get an inkling of how unfathomable higher GOD’s thoughts are than ours, I did some research. Here are a few facts. Draw 2 circles, one large and one small with their centers just 9 inches apart. If each inch represented 10 million miles (10,000,000) that picture would show the distance between our earth and our sun. When I took a moment and drew it, I got a better idea.

Now if you want to draw another circle to show how far the nearest star would be the star would be 40 miles from the sun you drew on your paper.  So, you really can’t do that. The nearest star is Alpha Centauri and is 24 thousand million miles away (24,000,000,000,000). 

That distance is hard to imagine so suppose you started out the moment you were born and ran a mile every 4 minutes without stopping. You would be 700 years old when you reached our sun and 182 million years old before you reached the nearest star. And that is just the beginning… it is the closest star in our universe of millions of stars and beyond are galaxies  upon galaxies upon galaxies all filled with stars and quasars and whatever else is out there.

Those numbers blow me away. I have no concept of the distance. But consider what the GOD who flung them all into space says. “for just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

The Psalmist said, “Who is man that YOU are mindful of him?” Yet, we know from HIS word that GOD is very mindful of us. Before man was ever formed, the eternal Triune GODHEAD devised a plan and preset the small details of times and places for each one ever to be born (Acts 17:26).  In forming us HE determined our DNA (Psalm 139). And knowing our choices before we made them, HE knew that we would need a Savior and that was planned too. 

JESUS, who flung those stars into space and made everything that was made, would not grasp HIS equality in the GODHEAD but took on the form of a servant/ the body of a man and become obedient to the plan and carry the all sin of the world, past present and future on HIMSELF on the cross (Philippians 2:5-8) so we could be forgiven and reconciled if only we would believe. JESUS’s body was then risen from the dead guaranteeing our resurrection from the dead.

Yes, GOD’s thoughts are completely different than our thoughts, HIS ways are far beyond anything we could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are HIS ways higher than our ways and HIS thoughts higher than our thoughts. No wonder we need the Holy SPIRIT to interpret what GOD says to us (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). Yet, in arrogance we try to tell HIM what to do and get mad if HE doesn’t do it our way on our time schedule. I would say LOL but it isn’t a laughing matter.

Instead of holding on to the way I thought GOD should act and try to push and shove for HIM to do it my way I’m learning to ask the Eternal I AM to show me more of what HE is doing.  Instead of disputing according to my limited understanding, I ask the SPIRIT of truth (John 16:13) with whom I am sealed until the day of redemption (Ephesians 4:30) to open my understanding to the next thing GOD wants me to see (1 Corinthians 2:10-12) and place in me what HE wants me to do (Philippians 2:13).

If both JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT while dealing with men on earth only speak the words that THEY are given (John 14:10, 16:13-14, Romans 8:26-27) how much more should we acknowledge GOD in all things and let HIM direct our words and actions? (Proverbs 3:5-7).



Making plans

The snapshot is of Marcus, the team leader’s son, and I after climbing to the ruins of Skanderberg Castle, Albania on a windy day along with our team of prayer warriors.

As I thought over the message on pride, including us making our own plans without consulting our maker (Proverbs 3:5-7), memories of our Albanian prayer journey flooded over me.

I think the leaders of our Prayer Team to Albania in 93 spent much time on their knees seeking GOD’s direction, as they planned the itinerary and made arrangements for our trip.  But once we got there, things changed (James 4:13-14).  The hotel booked for the 31 of us, had no reservation on record for us.  Another hotel had to be found, and quickly.

On our way from the hotel in Tirana to pray at a strategic high place, our bus broke down.  Since we were going to have to wait for another bus to come, we got off the bus and walked down to the beach of the Adriatic Sea not far from the road.  I believe it was a GOD appointment.

50 years earlier, at the end of World War II, the Allies (USA included) turned over the country of Albania to the Communist due to their help during the war.  Hoxfa became the leader, and closed the country for anyone going out, or coming in.  One of the horrendous actions he took against the Albanian people was taking all Christians who refused to recant their faith, seal them in oil drums while they were still alive, roll them from the beach out to sea. 

It struck several of us that perhaps, that atrocious scene took place from that very stretch of beach where we stood.  Although not on the itinerary, with the opportunity given us, we joined together in prayer.  First, we confessed our part, as Americans, in turning Albania over to the Communists (Nehemiah 9:2).  Then we asked that the seeds of faith, sown by those Christians who refused to renounce their faith, would bear fruit in a great harvest for the LORD in Albania (John 12:24).

Another appalling assault on the Albanian people was to confiscate their lands and make them all go into the cities into cinderblock apartment buildings.

We walked the streets in many Albanian towns, praying for the people.  We were allowed inside the mosques that were being rebuilt (for of course no religion was allowed by Hoxfa). In one mosque several of us climbed up to the turret (where the call to pray goes out from).  Then carefully walked around the outside if the turret, looking down over the town, we extended our hands to the town and prayed for the light of the glorious gospel of JESUS CHRIST to come to them.  We prayed over ruins, the people and even ran in the rain to go get ice cream once we got back to Tirana.

On the last evening before leaving Albania, one felt nudged to get up very early, like the people of Albania did, and take the city buses to a hospital.  Having made friends with an Albanian who spoke a little English, he had learned only one transfer was necessary to get to the hospital. Then he opened the opportunity up to whosoever would join with him.  He insisted that we would have to pack up that night, for there would be a close time schedule.  No one wanted to miss our plane to Rome. 

A few of us went with him.  It was, for me, one of several highlights of the entire trip.  The hospital was ill equipped, and so very dirty, but the people- both patients with their families, and the staff warmly welcomed us to come and asked us to pray for them.  Which we did.  We have no idea all that those prayers did.  But we do know, one man received his sight. When he shouted, “I can see, I can see” we were embraced by all around.

Detailed plans for our trip had been made, yet they had to be tossed aside, when things unaccounted for happened (James 4:13-14).  Now, GOD knew all along what was going to happen, and HE used the lack of reservations, to put us exactly where HE wanted us.  It was there I got to meet an Albanian lady, a gypsy street sweeper.  I offered her the necklace that was around my neck which had John 3:16 in Albanian, engraved on it.  She received it with joy so it didn’t matter that we didn’t speak the same language.

GOD used the delay of the bus breaking down, at just that inlet near the ocean, to have us do something HE wanted done.  It was all for HIS glory. Then, that nudge HE gave David, and those of us who went to the hospital, was greatly rewarded.  Even though we had to laughingly run to get into the van once we got back to the hotel.  The rest of the team had been there counting the minutes, hoping and praying they wouldn’t have to leave without us.  Boy, were we glad the ones staying at the hotel had loaded up our luggage for us. 

But, the fact remains, throughout the trip, walking and praying, handing out Albanian Bibles and singing in these things and many, many others, we were not in control of place or timing.  GOD was.

Acts 17:26-27 GOD had preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men would reach out to HIM and find HIM.

“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  You ought to say, If the LORD will, we shall live and do this or that” (James 4:14-15).

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge HIM (talk everything over with HIM). and HE promises to direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.


Sharon L Manning

Burn off the mist

This morning I awoke praying. During that conversation with my heavenly FATHER, a dear friend came to mind.  This friend recently was greatly disappointed when another barraged her with lies.  Although she denied their validity little things she is saying and the subjects she chooses to speak on show that those lies are haranguing her, taunting her and it appears they have made way into and even infected her thinking, blocking her vision of truth. 

When I got out of bed and walked into my office, I automatically glanced out my window to catch a glimpse of the early morning beauty of the grass and the flowers and the trees. But I was dumbfounded when what greeted me was a thick murky mist, one I could not see through.  It shrouded from my sight all that was out there. Being it was so unexpected I was mystified by what I saw.  So, I went to the kitchen and brewed a cup of coffee to regain my bearings.  Then upon returning to my little office the bright glare of sunshine hit me. For as the sun had risen it had melted off that heavy mist, reminding me of truth.  “The entrance of THY (GOD’s) words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).

Today there are many issues clouding the vision of millions.  Those issues stir up anger and hostility in our country and around the world.  3 them came up in my time with my heavenly FATHER this morning.  These three seem to have blurred the vision of several I love and millions of others.  They concern gender, race, and rights.  For me the spin these issues have taken baffle me for I come from a different era since I am just weeks away from 77.  But GOD reminded me of a simple truth this morning that excludes me from judging.

When I sinned and each time I sinned against another I was saying, “I am more important than you.”

When I refused to walk in GOD’s ways spoken of in HIS word I was saying, “I know better than YOU (GOD) what is best for me.”

Those 2 simple truths cover all the issues don’t they?

GOD says, “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever you are that judges: for wherein you judge another, you condemn yourself; for you that judge do the same things” Romans 2:1.

So, instead of judging (1 Corinthians 4:5) let’s pray (1 John 5:16) for only GOD can open blind eyes to truth (2 Timothy 2:24-26). Let us gently speak lovingly the Words of GOD, for the entrance of GOD’s word brings light (Psalm 119:130) and will melt the thick mist of lies that blinds them.



Ready for a change?

Do you feel it is time for a change?  I want to tell you about what changed me.

I was 24 and a young mother with 2 small daughters.  It wasn’t long after the death of my baby boy that brought me back to the LORD that we moved back to California.  I knew very little about the word of GOD and was just beginning Bible study to learn about the GOD I’d met when I was 12.  It was a terrible time for many reasons and one gal, I didn’t even know, saw my pain and suggested I obey GOD (Ephesians 5:20, I Thessalonians 5:18)  and give thanks to the LORD for and in everything that upset me for 30 days and just see what would happen. 

So, taking up her challenge. I began saying thank you for whatever bugged me.  At 1st it was maybe even 30 times a day and each time it was said between clenched teeth.  But as the days rolled by, I had to say it less and less for I wasn’t getting upset as often. 

Later I understood that each time I went to GOD and said , “I thank you for ___________” I was entering into GOD’s presence and was talking to the eternal GOD of the universe.  Just being in GOD’s Presence made Moses’ face glow.

I know now that as I went to the LORD and gave thanks to GOD in almost defiant obedience (Ephesians 5:20 give thanks for all things and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all things) it changed me.  For spending time with GOD in obedience (talk to ME about everything-Proverbs 3:5-7), even though I was unloading my frustrations made me different for HIS very presence calmed me and I learned to enjoy that calm of HIS presence and began to trust HIM.  When a few months later we moved back to Colorado one woman said, “Wow, Sharon, you have changed, you are not the same person!”  And I wasn’t.

Is it a time for a change?



Ever want to scream WHY?

Ever wonder why?

On my walk this morning I found I had to hand troubling thoughts to GOD, thoughts that screamed “do something!” before I was able to sing praises to HIM.  If you are like me, many things going on in this world tear you up and grieve your spirit and would totally weigh you down were it not for GOD and HIS promises. 

I got home and opened my Bible and heard JESUS talking… 

But now I go MY way to HIM (GOD the FATHER) that sent ME; and none of you ask ME, “Where are you going?”But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient (beneficial, advantageous) for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the COMFORTER will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send HIM unto you” John 16:5-7.

JESUS said something hard had to come but it was necessary before something beautiful would happen.  That picture applies to today and us.

This is a beautiful picture of the Trinity working together but that is not what the HOLY SPIRIT spoke to me concerning.  HE said, “There is a purpose and these things MUST take place before the blessings come.”

“And when you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled: for such things MUST NEEDS be (have to take place); but the end shall not be yet. For nation (ethnic/ tribe) shall rise against nation (ethnic/tribe), and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in numerous places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:7-8).

GOD who knows all things past, present and future, knows what is in the heart and thoughts of man and what they will do before they do it (Psalm 139:16). GOD in HIS infinite foreknowledge has SEEN all that man under the influence of the evil one (Ephesians 2:2-3) in his free will shall do.

This horrible evil and darkness we are seeing is what happens when GOD, who is the light is pushed away.  But the marvelous truth is GOD has plan that will counter all the evil and accomplish all HIS good.  Satan and his ways and his followers will be totally exposed and removed eternally to the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

But we, those of us who have received the love of the TRUTH and believed in JESUS calling on HIS name (Romans 10:9-10,13, John 3:16), will live in an unimaginable wonderful place in the presence of GOD forever basking in HIS glory and worshipping HIM joyously. Though we don’t have a lot of details, the last 2 chapters of the Bible tell us about it.

Oswald Chambers once said, “The point of prayer is not to get answers from GOD, but to have perfect and complete oneness with HIM. If we pray only because we want answers, we will become irritated and angry with GOD. We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not always come in the way we expect (or like), and our spiritual irritation shows our refusal to identify ourselves truly with our LORD in prayer. 

Do you, do I come to GOD in prayer to maneuver HIM to do what we in our limited understanding think best, or do we come to worship HIM and find out how HE, our Master, wants us to co-labor with HIM?



Flung the stars in the sky

Living across the street from a park I often see kids throwing balls as they practice for football or baseball and watch others throwing Frisbees.  It gets me thinking of my kids, grandson and great grandsons (two are picture) and how they tried so hard as they played baseball or football to do it perfectly. But no matter how far or how accurate they threw a ball, their power and skill was nothing compared to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who flung the stars into space and keeps them there.

My mind flew to several of the impossible situations that so many I know or know about are facing today. I want so much to help but there is nothing I am able to do except pray and even then I don’t know how to pray as I ought for unless the LORD leads me I don’t know HIS will in the situation.  So I look to HIM to show me.

“…your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of GOD” 1 Corinthians 2:5.

“As for GOD, HIS way is perfect; the Word of The LORD is proven; HE is a shield to all who trust in HIM” 2 Samuel 22:31.

So, as I go to pray for those in Afghanistan, or India, for ones with Covid, facing the aftermath of floods or earthquakes, or ones on drugs or are struggling in any situation (and I know a bunch), “I will cry out to GOD Most High, to GOD who performs all things for me” Psalm 57:2.

Then I will stand the gap for them asking GOD for that which GOD HIMSELF places in my heart to ask. Philippians 2:13.



Prophecy and prayer

We hear a lot about prophesy these days. Yet the Bible tells us that in there is a lot of false prophets in the world stating what they think or want to happen.  They dare to conjure up things themselves then say,  “GOD said”.  It seems as though they think by proclaiming something they think, GOD will have to make it happen.

GOD HIMSELF said, “they dream up their own prophesies” (Jeremiah 23:25-26, 28-32) and “tell lies to the people.”

How can we tell true prophecy from false prophecy? Isaiah 8:20   Go check it against the Word of GOD.  True prophecy is when GOD says something will happen.  If you go to GOD’s word you will find many prophecies… many have already been fulfilled to the letter and others are waiting to be fulfilled.

Prophecy is the telling the future before it happens.  But is prophesy more than GOD making things happen?

GOD knows all things past, present and future (the things that have not yet happened.)  I love how Psalm 139 AMP states HE knows what we will say before the thoughts are formed in our minds and how HE has scheduled every day of our lives before we began to breathe.

A king sent a messenger to a man of GOD (Elisha) to ask him a question.  While speaking to the messenger, Elisha looked intently at him and began to weep. The messenger asked why Elisha was weeping.  Elisha replied, “Because I know the evil that you will do…” The messenger then asked how could I do such awful things? Elisha said, “The Lord has shown me” (for more details read 2 Kings 8:7-14).

Just as Elisha saw what the messenger would do, so GOD sees what we will do before we do it.  Now Elisha did nothing to make that messenger later do those awful things, he just saw them before they happened.  In the same way, although GOD presets the exact times and places, HE does not make people act (like puppets). 

GOD does set the stage up (Acts 17:26) but people themselves decide what they choose to do in the place they find themselves in. 

As Elisha could not be blamed for what the messenger would later do, neither can GOD be blamed for that which HE foresees will occur.

However, GOD’s ability to see ahead/ foreknowledge is that characteristic of our all powerful, knowing GOD whereby HE can devise a plan where all things work together to achieve HIS end purpose (Ephesians 1:11) and still allow people their choices.

GOD is not limited by time as we are.  Being above time, HE knows and sees all things past, present, and future.  Prophesy is GOD telling us what HE has seen will occur before it takes place.  HE relates what will occur in the future in great detail in the books of Revelation and Daniel for HE has a plan and is setting the stage and has already seen how it will play out.

Man is not going to change that even through prayer. 

The point/ purpose of prayer is not to conform GOD’s actions to our will.  We pray and seek GOD’s face to ask for help and direction.  When HE meets with us and directs us, our prayers join with HIM to do HIS will.

If we pray only to get the answers we want, we will become irritated and angry with GOD.  And that is dangerous. 

A dear friend had a medical emergency, and a group of believers circled her declaring in prayer “believing” that the problem did not exist.  Well, when the problem escalated, she said to me, “GOD let me down.”

NO! I said, GOD did not let you down!, HE just has other plans for HIS loving thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9) and they will accomplish what HE wants done (Isaiah 55:11).  It took awhile but she came to see GOD knows best.

Do we demand what we want from GOD or are we seeking HIM and HIS kingdom?  Do we check out prophesies with HIS Word or do we just embrace things we want to hear?



When doubts hit ask

We live in troubling times, where wickedness is rampant and pestilence stalks the streets. Multitudes are scared not knowing what a day will bring forth.  Men and women seek peace but cannot find it. Tonight, as I read the Word- Our Mighty GOD the HOLY SPIRIT-our teacher who reminds us (John 14:26), led me to pray.

Some say that since GOD knows all things, HE doesn’t feel emotions over what is going on.  I humbly beg to differ with them for that just doesn’t hold water when you come to verses like Luke 19:41-42. JESUS weeps over the Jerusalem (the people within it) and then says, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.”

JESUS promises a peace that will carry us through every struggle we face. “Peace I leave with you (those who know JESUS and have called on the name of the LORD JESUS and are saved); MY peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).  But JESUS’ peace comes only to those who believe for it is trusting in the Almighty GOD’s Sovereign control, tremendous power and eternal purposes that will bring peace.

Reading JESUS’s words my heart also grew heavy and I began to pray, “Oh LORD, show them, what will bring them peace.  Show them by giving YOUR children who believe in YOU and all their wayward children eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to believe/ perceive  (Deuteronomy 29:4) for when they turn their eyes to YOU their blinders are taken away (2 Corinthians 3: 14, 16) so they may call to YOU during all this and receive YOUR peace.  LORD, please do that also for everyone who will accept JESUS during these troublous times.”

But then a demonic fiery dart of a doubt hit which sneered-‘You don’t have that right”.  Turning to my LORD I asked, “Do I have the right to pray for the ones who will believe in YOU the same way I pray for believers?”

Immediately John 17:20 flooded my thoughts. JESUS prayed-“I pray not for these only but also for all those who will believe in ME through their word.”

Thank YOU, LORD for showing me how YOU wanted me to pray and who I could specifically pray for.  YOUR Word is true that if I just acknowledge YOU that YOU will direct me (Proverbs 3:5-7). YOU are amazing GOD and I worship YOU and honor YOU and rejoice in JESUS my Savior.  I cannot help but sing that old song you have poured into my thoughts (Proverbs 21:1).

I worship YOU Almighty GOD, there is none like YOU.  I honor YOU O Prince of Peace, this is what I long to do.  I give YOU praise for YOU are my righteousness, I worship YOU Almighty GOD, there is none like YOU.

Hugs Sharon