Do you do what you say?

Do you do what you say you will do?

Help O LORD, for the godly are fast disappearing!  The faithful are vanishing from the earth (Psalm 12:1)

Written thousands of years ago that verse sounds more accurate than today’s newspapers.  Broken promises, failure to keep commitments, quitting when things get rough and excuses are the name of the game today.  People as a whole are so wrapped up in their own little worlds GOD is ignored and others come after their own comfort, if at all. 

Unfaithfulness is part of mankind’s sinful nature especially in our “me-generation”.  And it is getting worse.

On the other hand, faithfulness is part of GOD’s divine nature.  HE cannot deny HIMSELF, so HE is always faithful. We can always count on HIM to keep HIS word.  When GOD says something, it will happen (Numbers 23:19).   One thing HE promises is that HE will enable us to be faithful if we look to HIM for help.  As we claim GOD’s promises and meet their conditions, we can actually partake it GOD’s divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) though we will never be gods.  Being led by the HOLY SPIRIT, HIS fruit of faithfulness will flow through us.   It is amazing.

Parts of a song I sang decades ago comes to mind.  “Summer and winter and spring time and harvest, sun, moon and stars in their courses do rise give with all nature a manifold witness to THY great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Psalm 15 lists faithfulness as one of the qualities to dwell in GOD’s Presence.  “Lord, who shall abide in THY tabernacle? who shall dwell in THY holy hill?” In verse 6 it says “the one who swears to his own hurt yet keeps his word.”

Yes, faithfulness is highly valued by GOD. 

Do you keep your word?  Are you faithful?  



From the rising of the sun

“when they cried out to the LORD for help, HE raised up a deliverer” Judges 3:9

Sun ☀️ moon 🌙 and stars ✨

I awoke with the words and music of  “The moon and the stars declare WHO YOU are…” (from Phil Wickham’s Cannons) running through my mind.  Though I couldn’t remember all the words, my heart lifted in singing praise to GOD.  Then as I talked with HIS Majesty, I overwhelmed with my blessings and overflowed thanking the LORD for one thing after another, including recent deliverances for me and loved ones.

Then I opened the Word, and I read, “when they cried out to the LORD for help, HE raised up a deliverer” three times (Judges 3:9,15, 4:3).  In each case their troubles came because of disobedience, shows that regardless of reason we are in a bad place GOD is ready to hear and answer our cries for help if we will only turn to HIM.

What a marvelous loving GOD we serve!

May our LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2).



new beginnings

Sometimes we see people ensnared by the lies of the enemy and it breaks our hearts.  But the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, HIS mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  And there are new beginnings.

To reach the struggling and the lost we enter into front-line battle with the devil for he wants to defeat us and keep them enslaved.

Since we are fighting a battle we cannot see, spiritual warfare against spirits, what must we do personally to prepare?

Galatians 5:16 walk in the SPIRIT and go with HIS nudges

Ephesians 6:10-18 and putting on the armor of GOD

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (What seems to be the key here?) The battle is in our mind for our thoughts (for thoughts lead to action) and strongholds are lies against GOD, stating HIS way is wrong.  I find the best way to fight is to take every thought to JESUS!

2 Timothy 2:25-26 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that GOD will grant them the repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do HIS will.

What are the 2 things GOD instructs us to do to reach the lost and hurting?

Gently instruct—be patient, humble, teach and correct.   Pray with expectant Hope that GOD is working in their hearts

Step 1: What must GOD do before a change can come?

Let them see HIS side of the situation (turn their eyes to the truth- repentance means to turn around 180 degrees and have a change in the way you see something)

Step 2: What does step 1 produce in the one who opposes?

An awareness/a knowing of the truth

Is that the same as accepting the truth?

No, you can know and turn away from the light of the truth, or you can seek to walk in that light.

An example of this Felix the Roman ruler over Palestine trembled as he heard the truth.  He understood all to well what it meant, but he flatly refused to walk in the light and stopped Paul’s preaching Acts 24:25

Step 3: What does that term come to your senses mean?

It is when one accepts the truth that GOD’s way is right

Step 4: Now is a time for choice, what is that choice and who must initiate it? A person must want out of the snare of the lies he has believed and be willing to give up what the lies gave him.

If the choice is to leave the snare of the sin that has entangled him, can anyone stop him?

no, but it may be hard, very hare. It means holding on to and verbally speaking the truth aloud over and over at first.

What can we pray for those we know who have left the truth, or never came to know it?

Romans 8:26 that the HOLY SPIRIT pray for that one according to GOD’s design for their life.

Acts 16:14 That GOD open his heart to the truth.

Philippians 3:15 that GOD reveal the truth to that one.

2 Timothy 2:25-26 that GOD give him repentance (a clear seeing of the truth), a knowing the truth (understanding how that works in his life), a coming to his senses (a reaching out for that truth for himself) and a deliberate determination to leave the trap and the lies of the enemy.

Do you have someone you know who needs to escape the snare of the evil one.  There are several I know and last night prayed those verses above for them.  This morning before dawn one of them was at my door and was open to hear and even asked me to write down some verses that she could take and study and use.  Isn’t GOD faithful to hear and act on our cries!

There are new beginnings and like desert after supper, GOD often saves the best until last.

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith.(Hebrews 12:2)



GOD’s faithfulness

There is a saying that if the devil can’t get you to sin, he will get you too busy.  At times I think he has done that to me.  But GOD showed me differently.

Several responsibilities have me going in several directions, add in interruptions, requests for help, and various hard problems and crisis situations within the family, I was beginning to drag a bit since I wasn’t getting the sleep I needed.  I never doubted that GOD was in control or knew what HE was doing, but I was becoming weary.

An awesome opportunity arose that let me leave everything behind and go up to my old stomping grounds- Camp Elim.  I had several hours of quiet, being still before the LORD, where I sat on a blanket of pine needles under a tall pine tree and at times talked to GOD as I looked at the beauty of the pines, the blue sky and fluffy white clouds, couldn’t help but praise HIM as HE calmed my spirit with HIS beauty. So, sang a new song to HIM (by changing the words of an old one).  While thanking HIM for the peaceful beauty HE reminded me that the glory of this world is of one type and different than the glory of the heavens and that the glory of this life is different than the glory of the next world (1 Corinthians 15).

Laying back absorbing the beauty I began to yearn to be there all the time.  I wanted a picture to take with me, so I jumped up went and got my phone.  But the screen went black as I hit the camera app for being in a low signal area had pulled power and my battery was almost dead.   I went and plugged it in and noticed a text from a friend.  Actually, she had just sent a Bible text.

“Even so I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good.  It is good for people to eat and drink and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life GOD has given them, and to accept their lot in life.” (Ecclesiastes 5:18 I’m not sure what translation).

GOD used my sweet friend to gently rebuke me.  To turn my eyes back to what is good.  For you see the words “accept their lot in life” screamed at me saying, “Sharon, I have put you where you are at, even all the problems, it is good, accept it.”

Peace flooded over me and I glanced over at the clock. I had to be somewhere soon so cried out to GOD “Just one word, LORD, just one word from YOU directly, please.  YOU said that YOU will open my ears to hear as one being taught.”  So, I opened my Bible to the Psalms and was going to turn to the Psalm of the day when my eyes fell on the words, “feed on MY faithfulness.”  As those words covered me, I was filled with joy and headed out for the session I was to attend.  You know how that last session ended?  They had us sing, “Great is THY Faithfulness.”

GOD confirmed HIS special word to me through an unsuspecting song leader.

Is someone reading this weary?  Remember GOD is with you and has preset the exact times and places (Acts 17:26-27) for a specific reason.  HE has work for you to do (Ephesians 2:10) and it is good, so enjoy your work and feed on HIS faithfulness.  HE will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.

