Contradiction of truth and reality

Crazy contradiction

The Lord despises those who say that bad is good and good is bad. Proverbs 17:15 TLB

In our world today we see mass adherence to plum craziness saying good is bad and bad is good and in doing so CONTRADICT truth and reality.

That craziness really fits in to the place we are studying today in class.

We are in Hebrews 12 and will cover the 1st 3 verses which tells us to CONSIDER the total CONTRADICTION of truth and reality.  We are told to CONSIDER our perfect LORD JESUS in WHOM is all the fullness of the GODHEAD in a body (Colossians 2:9), without WHOM nothing was made that was made (John 1:1-3, Hebrews 1:1-3), WHO went around doing good and healing the sick, this JESUS who never sinned YET sinners called HIM a lawbreaker, a criminal worthy of death and had HIM crucified.  On the cross HE bore and paid for all sins even those of the very sinners accusing HIM.

If that is not saying good is bad and bad is good, I don’t know what is.  Their act is a contradiction of truth and reality. 

Note the words of this old song (1917); Living for JESUS written by T.O. Chisholm that we are singing in class today.  I’m having them sing the 2nd verse 1st for a reason.

#2        Living for JESUS who died in my place, bearing on Calvary my sin and disgrace Such love constrains me to answer HIS call, follow HIS leading and give HIM my all

C          O JESUS LORD and Savior I give myself to THEE for THOU in THINE atonement didst give THYSELF for me; I own no other master, my heart shall be THY throne, My life I give henseforth to live, O CHRIST for THEE alone.

#1        Living for JESUS a life that is true, striving to please HIM in all that I do.  Yeilding allegiance, gladhearted and free, This is the pathway of blessing for me.

C          O JESUS LORD and Savior I give myself to THEE for THOU in THINE atonement didst give THYSELF for me; I own no other master, my heart shall be THY throne, My life I give henseforth to live, O CHRIST for THEE alone.

When I consider this contradiction against JESUS it shows me how to endure my struggles.



A lie

YOU are worthy O LORD our GOD to receive glory and honor and power for YOU created all things, and by YOUR will they were created and have their being (Revelation 4:11).

When someone makes something, they have the copyright over it. They determine what will happen to it and set the standards by which it is to operate. GOD who made all things and showed was delighted with what HE created by stating that it was good (Genesis 1), set up standards to protect what HE made and loved (people and other parts of HIS creation). HE did this for HE knew man would want to do his own thing and that man being limited in knowledge and power man would do wrong.

GOD is the center of the universe with all its galaxies.

I recently overstepped a person’s rights. I spoke when it was not my business because I thought I knew best. I was wrong and caused pain.  When I saw I had caused pain, I was so sorry and had to make some changes but still I couldn’t erase the pain I had caused.

Since GOD made the heavens and the earth and all things in them, HE alone has the right to control what happens to them.  No one seems to argue with the consequences of the laws HE has built into nature, such as gravity.  We accept that if something, or someone falls off a cliff, it will go down until something stops it.

But GOD also has set up moral laws with consequences to protect HIS creation.  For the most part, our world has rejected these laws in favor of what one (Del Tackett in The Truth Project) calls “the Pernicious Lie.”

When I heard Del use that term, it sounded awful.  But I must admit, I didn’t understand what the word pernicious actually meant.  So, I went online (since my dictionaries are very old and words have changes meanings through the years).

I discovered: Pernicious is an adjective meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way. Synonyms listed were harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious, hurtful.

2nd pernicious definition= causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.

That sounded even worse.  What lie could cause that sort of damage across the board?

The lie, as Del brings out is the belief, ‘its all about me’.  Or as my illustration shows the world circles around me. 

That lie says that I should live for myself.  I am the center of the universe.  If I live that way, anything is right and good, if I like it.  Something is wrong or evil when I don’t like it.  A big problem with that viewpoint is crazy with so many individuals around, one person’s likes will infringe on another’s.  So, one’s man’s good, is another man’s evil, and people get hurt.

The pernicious lie,  “its all about me and what I think” is how sin entered our world (Genesis 3:6) and why evil abounds today and gets worse. Every day we hear new accounts of evil and hard things facing millions upon millions caused by people doing what they want to do. These things affecting so many have reached a point they cannot be stopped.  Things such of lack of oil to heat homes in Europe and no electricity to many countries beginning with Ukraine, food shortages and lack of water.

What is the answer? It’s as individual as the lie.  It is for whosoever will.  “For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM (JESUS) should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

“He that believes on the SON (JESUS) has everlasting life; and he that believes not the SON shall not see life, but the wrath of GOD abides (stays)on him.” (John 3:36).

GOD must eradicate all evil before HE issues in the new heavens and earth or the whole mess will start up again.  GOD, WHO knows all things past, present and future (1 John 3:20, John 16:30, John 21:17) and cannot lie (Titus 1:2) has promised that will not happen.

“What do ye imagine against the Lord? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time” (Nahum 1:9).

Do you believe in JESUS?  If not, what are you waiting for?  By accepting HIM, every wrong you ever thought or did is erased and you are cleansed and accepted by GOD. JESUS is coming to call up HIS believers unto HIMSELF so they may be in heaven with HIM during that terrible 7 years of trouble coming upon the earth.



Two questions you need to answer

I have 2 questions for you to ponder and answer.

JESUS asked, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” (Matthew 9:28).

Our LORD JESUS unwaveringly asks us that question, and it confronts us in every individual situation we encounter.  Is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who was and is and is to come able to do what needs to be done?

That brings up another question.

Do you believe our GOD can lie? (Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18). Don’t hedge but answer clear.

For that is what you’re saying when your heart is gripped with fear.

And when you worry, scheme or pout, or cry out LORD, why me?

You’re really saying NO to GOD fighting HIS divine decree (Lamentations 3:37).

For HE tells us HE is in control what HE allows, we need (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

Believe HIS word, acknowledge HIM , Trust and follow HIS lead (Proverbs 3:5-7).

How did you answer the two questions?



Will begging change GOD’s mind?

I really believe that what I say I believe is really true because when I look up into the sky on a starry night and seeing the beauty of the twinkling hosts and remember a little that I learned about the millions of light years away they are.  I stand in awe knowing that what I see was made at GOD’s command so that what I see was not made out of something that already was.  GOD flung them all out in space simply by speaking a word.  . 

I remember how GOD tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9 that HIS ways and HIS thoughts are as high above mine and yours as the heavens are about the earth.  But HE has given everyone of us (who believe in JESUS and have called on HIS name to be saved) the HOLY SPIRIT so we can begin and grow to know GOD better and better (1 Corinthians 2:10-12, 2 Peter 1:1-4).

Today our Bible study spoke of Balaam and his talking donkey and the huge angel with the drawn sword and how this pagan prophet/ sorcerer came to know Numbers 23:19

“GOD is not man that HE should lie, nor the son of man that HE should repent.  Has HE said it and shall HE not do it.”

He learned it by trying to change what GOD was going to do by putting a spell on GOD’s people the Jews.  But GOD would have none of it for GOD is faithful to HIS people and does what HE promises.

The reason I mention this is because I shared how I used Numbers 23:19 when it SEEMED GOD had lied to me. For when you have to wait a long time for the promise or the opposite happens from what GOD said it SEEMS like GOD has lied to you.  The truth is GOD’s ways and timing are not ours but that HE will fulfill every promise HE ever made.  If you and I just go to GOD with the lie the enemy has spoken GOD will reassure our hearts.

So when the devil, that old accuser whispered “GOD has lied to you”, I spoke out loud Numbers 23:19, just like JESUS answered the old accuser’s lies out loud with Bible verses (Matthew 4:1-10).  Just hearing the words also assured my heart GOD was at work and I just didn’t see it yet.

As I was relating this to the group one of the gals went ballistic.  It blew her mind that anyone could think that GOD had lied to him.  I don’t think she understands yet that the devil doesn’t tempt everyone the same but tempts each of us in areas of weakness for he knows each of us well.

Isn’t it good to know that GOD keeps HIS WORD?  Remember, faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.



Prophets part 2

A very special friend asked 2 questions concerning my post about prophets and I would like to explain a bit more about them and offer answers to her questions here for perhaps someone else has similar questions.

She asked: “Are there very many true prophets today? I still don’t know how you could tell even after reading scripture! I think I would always think they were false!

A prophet is a messenger for GOD.  Someone who gives out GOD’s word faithfully. He has been given insight and explains what GOD has said in HIS word. A false prophet is one who adds to or takes from the words of GOD.

A person gets the HOLY SPIRIT when they believe in JESUS.  The HOLY SPIRIT confirms or warns when others speak of the Bible.  HE teaches us and reminds us of what JESUS (Who is also called the WORD) said. Technically  we do not need to have GOD tell a prophet something new and then relate it to us but a when a man of GOD is given insight into what GOD has said and shares it he co-labors with the HOLY SPIRIT who then verifies what is said in our hearts.

However, in the New Testament Acts 2:17 we are told when the HOLY SPIRIT comes Christians will prophesy. And in 1 Corinthians 14 prophesy is a spiritual gift we are told to seek.  Now that prophesy may mean preach and give the Gospel with insight.

Remember there was a prophet named Agabus Acts 11:27-30 who by the SPIRIT foretold of a coming famine which came to pass and his words prompted believers in Antioch to take a collection and send it to those in Judea. Therefore, there are times when a prophesy is needed to meet a need.  The same prophet foretold concerning Paul’s arrest, note however the HOLY SPIRIT had previously told Paul the same thing several times (Acts 20:22-23, Acts 21:10-11).

 GOD will never speak contrary to what is recorded in the Bible, so  “…if they speak not according to GOD’s Word, there is no light (wise understanding and truth) in them” (Isaiah 8:20).

To answer my friend’s question “How many true prophets are there?” I have not a clue.  But we are told there will be many, many false prophets (Matthew 24:11, 1 John 4:1).

Her question “how would you know if something was true or a lie?” is easier to answer.  You pray and ask GOD if what is said is true and then search the scripture. James 1 says if we ask with a willingness to hear the truth from GOD, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who gives to all men liberally and unbraids not will show us what we need to know (James 1:5). 

**Warning: If you reserve the right to decide if its GOD telling you (once you have asked and what is said is Biblical) don’t expect GOD to tell you a thing (James 1:6-7).  For HE knows our hearts and HE won’t be mocked.

What a mighty GOD we serve!



Do you believe our GOD can lie?

Do you believe our GOD can lie? Don’t hedge but answer clear. For that is what you’re saying when your heart is gripped with fear.

Even in bad times GOD is protecting you. GOD is working in your behalf and works all things together for good for us who love HIM. In 2 Corinthians 4:15-18 GOD declares that everything that touches us will BENEFIT us .Do you believe that? It is in the Word of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Can you trust HIS wisdom and power to take that which seems evil and use it for good?..


Sharon L Manning

How do I do that?

We can only counter lies if we know the truth.

Reading about how our LORD washed HIS disciples feet in John 13 I noted again that since we are clean (washed in the blood of the Lamb-through faith in HIM Revelation 7:14) all we need is for JESUS to wash the dust off our feet -the stuff we pick up by living in this world  (Hebrews 7:25, 12:11).

Then JESUS said since HE our MASTER washes our feet, so we are to wash one another’s.  I know this means to meet the needs of others but felt compelled I ask the LORD how to work that command out practically in my interactions and all of a sudden I realized that the practices of our culture, the lies that pervade our society, and the false teaching that has crept into the church by sloppy use of scripture (that is teaching that doesn’t jive with and actually twists Scripture -Isaiah 8:20) is the dust of the world that needs to be washed away. 

So, our job is to loving point out scripture that shows the truth.  In that way we would be washing the dust of this world’s thinking off a fellow believer’s feet.  In this way I am to follow the LORD’s example of washing the disciples’ feet. 

Acting true to HIS nature, it wasn’t long before GOD gave me an opportunity to do just that. LOL.

However, we 1st must prayerfully check the Scripture and its context to be sure what we are saying is accurate.  Then we need to be careful not to strive. “For the servant of the LORD must not strive but be gentle to all men …patient and in meekness instructing…” (2 Timothy 2:24-25). We are just loving to introduce the truth into the conversation and let the HOLY SPIRIT take it from there to reveal truth to them.

I love these lessons the LORD is teaching me.



Is GOD Good?

What is GOD like?  Your answer to that question will be seen in how you act, for the character of the worshiper will always be molded by the character of what he worships.  If your GOD is critical and demanding, those qualities will show up in you as well.  Therefore, it is essential that we think rightly about GOD. The ALMIGHTY, GOD our heavenly FATHER has promised that every believer in JESUS will be transformed slowly, a step at a time into the wonderful image (character likeness) of JESUS CHRIST our LORD (Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18).

Truth is a revelation of reality, to know the truth is not just learning facts but to know the truth is to accept its reality and live accordingly. “GOD’s Word is truth” (John 17:17). Truth about GOD is revealed both in HIS creation and in HIS written Word.

GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT (spoke to) moved on the hearts of men and they spoke GOD’s word or wrote it down and we have GOD’s Word preserved in the Bible for us (2 Peter 1:21).  “GOD’s Word is living and powerful, sharper than any 2-edged sword…it is a discerner of thoughts and the intents of heart” (Hebrews 4:12)

“YOU are good and do good, teach me YOUR statutes” (Psalm 119:68). GOD spoke (GOD’s word) and things were created (Genesis 1:3) and GOD said, “It is good.” The initial creation was good for GOD is good.

There is a lie going around, a lie presented to mankind in the garden of Eden.  The Liar inferred that GOD was keeping something good from Eve, something that would benefit her.  In effect he was saying that GOD was not being good to her.  She believed the liar over GOD for it appealed to her senses and we are still reaping from that choice.  The devil uses the same lie on us today.

When something we perceive as bad happens many, even Christians say, “How could a good GOD let this happen?” I know I have thought it a time or two myself.  When one doubts the goodness of GOD it opens the door to disobedience and leads to independence of GOD.

Yes, it is true GOD is Sovereign and could stop anything.  But HE tells us up front that HIS ways are not our ways, and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts but as high as the heavens are above the earth so much higher are HIS thoughts than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).  That means we cannot always understand what HE does and what HE allows.  It is at those times we must cling to what we know is true about GOD.

Look out your window and see GOD’s Power and order, HIS wisdom and love beauty in HIS creation.  Then, turn your eyes to JESUS and see GOD’s love of mankind, HIS generosity, HIS humbleness, yes, HIS goodness.

GOD says that HE works all thing together (like stirring them into a pot) for an end result of good to those who love HIM (Romans 8:28).  HE says that everything is for our benefit (2 Corinthians 4:15) and that our troubles are achieving for us (believers in JESUS) an eternal weight of glory that far surpasses the pain of today and HE urges us to look beyond what we can see (our situation) to that which we can’t see (those things HE is achieving for us through our situation) for what is seen is temporary but what is unseen it eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

When my infant son died, and I cried out in despair for GOD to bring him back, there came a still awareness that this was the will of GOD.  HE had a purpose, as HE always does (Ezekiel 14:23), a purpose for good not evil (Jeremiah 29:11).  Looking back although I miss my 1st boy I know some of the good GOD intended and brought out of Little Mac’s death.  “Except a corn of wheat falls into the ground and dies it remains alone, but if it dies it brings forth much fruit” (John 12:24).  The first thing his death accomplished was to bring me back to JESUS for I had wandered away as a teen.  We are told GOD has preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men would reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26 last clause-27) and that it did for me.  Because of my boy’s death many others have reached out to GOD and have found comfort and eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD.

Good does not mean easy.  Some of GOD’s ways seem very  hard but they achieve good. Let us never forget, that though we may not understand why, we can know GOD is good!

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2).



Pernicious Lie

YOU are worthy, our LORD and GOD to receive glory and honor and power for YOU created all things, and by YOUR will they were created and have their being (Revelation 4:11).

When someone makes something, they have the right over it. I recently came to see that in a new way, when I overstepped a person’s rights by using something they had made without giving them credit. I was wrong, but didn’t realize it, for I had never thought it through.

When I was exposed as wrong, I had to make some changes.

Since GOD made the heavens and the earth and all things in them, HE alone has the right to control what happens to them. No one seems to argue with the consequences of the laws HE has built into nature, such as gravity. We accept that if something, or someone falls off a cliff, it will go down until something stops it.

But GOD also has set up moral laws, and for the most part, our world has rejected these laws in favor of what one (Del Tackett in The Truth Project) calls the pernicious lie.

I heard him use that term, it sounded awful. But, I must admit, I didn’t understand what the word pernicious meant. So, I went online, and checked two dictionaries.

Pernicious is an adjective meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Synonyms: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious, hurtful
Pernicious definition, causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.

The definitions sounded even worse than what I had imagined. What lie could cause that sort of damage across the board?
The lie, as Del brings out is the belief, ‘Its all about me’. Or as my illustration shows the world circles around me.

That lie says that I rule me. That I should live for myself. I am the center of the universe. If I live that way, anything is right and good, if I like it, and something is wrong, or evil, if I don’t. A big problem with that viewpoint is with so many individuals around, one person’s likes will infringe on another’s. So. one’s man’s good, is another man’s evil, and people get hurt.

The pernicious lie, that man should live for himself, is why there is evil in the world.

The truth is GOD rules HIS universe and HIS standards are t o be obeyed.

Looking unto JESUS (and living for HIM), the Author and Perfecter of my faith.