
Every day brings another crisis or challenge and for someone who hates friction and drama this has really been exhausting to say the least.  

My world seems spinning out of control.  There has been not one single day recently that has not had at least one new and serious crisis.  So how can I obey our LORD when JESUS said, “Let not your heart be troubled (the Greek indicates an outside being-demonic- is what is stirring up your heart). You believe in GOD, believe also in ME” (John 14:1). Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).

How can I walk in that Peace that JESUS offers me?  I have discovered I must take my eyes off all the craziness and look to JESUS the ONE through whom GOD the FATHER made all things and speaks to us (Hebrews 1:1-3).

When I look at the stars or see lightning and hear the thunder I stand in absolute AWE and WONDER.  For it directs my attention to the amazing power of GOD. HIS mind-blowing power along with of HIS infinity (being unlimited in every way) and the LORD being the Creator of all things, shows me that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is the source of all and controls all power.  HE has absolute power and supreme authority over all. 

Couple that with the LORD knowing everything past and present plus HIS foreknowledge that takes in everything that will ever happen, it just takes my breath away. I simply must bow in wonder. 

Jeremiah 32:17
“Ah, LORD GOD! Behold, YOU have made the heavens and the earth by YOUR great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too difficult for YOU.”

The chorus and verse from a song I wrote over 40 years ago speaks of this.

The sky up above is silent, the clouds drifting by are silent, the grass and the trees and the flowers too are silent as they tell of YOU.

In wild storms of wind, lightning, and thunder man thinks of YOU and he wonders, “How ONE with such power can be loving too”, but YOU sustain all things and daily renew.”

These basic true facts about GOD calms me in every situation or storm I face WHEN I look at them. For GOD is prepared for everything and there is nothing too difficult for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and nothing that will ever surprise HIM.

Then, as is HIS gentle way, today as I was trying to put away a grumbling spirit, the LORD whispered what HE was teaching me though this latest crisis.  As I recognized that HE is changing me into what I need to be, it sure changed my attitude and brought a smile to my face.




“The only safe place for sheep is by the side of the shepherd, because the devil does not fear sheep; he just fears the shepherd.” AW Tozer

We are in a time of crisis with the Coronavirus and the only safe place is under the protection of GOD (Psalm 91).

As I sought GOD in prayer and in HIS word over this time of crisis with the Coronavirus HIS emphasis in my heart was the time is now to reach out to the lost.

Who will pray with me?  I am especially praying that the Coronavirus will wake people up. To wake up believers to their commission to witness and through their witness to wake up unbelievers causing many to reach out to JESUS and call on HIM (Acts 17:26b-27, Romans 10:13).

I truly believe this virus is pre-birth pains showing us the time is getting close and urging us to spread the gospel. Remember GOD works ALL things together for good to those who love HIM…(Romans 8:28)

Check it out with the LORD and see if HE confirms what I have said.
