A mind of your own

Have you heard it said, “He has a mind of his own?”  Do you think that is a positive statement or a negative one?

Now we know that GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON (previously known as the WORD John 1:1-3, 14), and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT are equal and share the same glorious nature though we see them each in their different roles.  All things flow from GOD the FATHER, who made all things in Heaven and earth through the Word (GOD the SON) by the moving power of the GOD the HOLY SPIRIT.  Yet they are ONE GOD and share in the same nature- things like their goodness, eternity, wisdom, power, infinity, gentleness and patience just to mention a few. 

But In class yesterday an interesting topic came up concerning the individual personhood of each of the Trinity. I’ll just share a peek into that topic and then you can do your homework.

GOD the FATHER, who searches the hearts, knows the mind of GOD the HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 8:28).

GOD the HOLY SPIRIT searches the things (mind) of GOD the FATHER (1 Corinthians 2:10) and understands GOD the FATHER’s will (Romans 8:27).

GOD the SON, JESUS, had a will (mind) of HIS own but submitted HIS will (thoughts of HIS mind) to GOD the FATHER’s will (thoughts of the FATHER’s mind) (Luke 22:42).

So we see each person of the Trinity has a mind of HIS own and they graciously honor and submit one to another.

When GOD created man, HE did so in HIS likeness, literally “in Our likeness”(Genesis 1:26).  The pronoun in that verse points to the oft seen triune nature of our ONE GOD. GOD made man as a person.  To be a person one must have a mind (the Bible often refers to this as the heart). The thoughts of one’s mind (what is in his heart) determine his choices.

You may say, of course, so what are you getting at?

For those who are living according (yielding to the desires of) to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh which gratify their wants, but those who are living according to the SPIRIT (follow HIS instructions and nudges), set their minds on the things of the SPIRIT (HIS will and purpose seen in HIS teaching and nudges). Romans 8:5.

Though he may be influenced, each person has a mind of his own which is also called the will.

Calling on the name of the LORD (Romans 10:13) when we have understood and accepted that JESUS died for sin and all we need do is go to HIM for forgiveness and eternal life, brings us salvation and makes us children of GOD (John 1:12, 3:16, 36).  We also are placed into JESUS kingdom (that means HE is our king/ our ruler).  To help us know how to act as GOD’s child in JESUS’s kingdom we were given the HOLY SPIRIT to teach and lead us (John 14:26, 16:13-15).

Bear in mind that although we may hear and understand and even feel drawn to do what the LORD says, we have minds of our own and have the ability to refuse to comply.  Wrong actions are never because GOD the HOLY SPIRIT wasn’t directing us, but because we chose not to do what we knew we should do. 

GOD’s ways are not our ways, nor are HIS thoughts our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9) so don’t expect that which the HOLY SPIRIT impresses on our hearts to do (Philippians 2:13) will always make sense to us.  Nonetheless, in any given situation only GOD knows what is really needed and what will work the best.

If we allow the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to lead us, nudging us ahead we are walking in the SPIRIT and doing GOD’s will.

Once we are saved, GOD the FATHER is now our heavenly FATHER. When we choose to do wrong HE disciplines us (Hebrews 12:4-8) because HE loves us.  No discipline is fun while it lasts, but it seems painful at the time. Later, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11).



What are you thinking about?

What are you thinking about? All of our minds are set/ focused on something. What we choose to think about determines or governs how we act.

Those who live according to the flesh (natural self) have their minds set on what the flesh (self) desires (the things of this world); but those who live in accordance with the SPIRIT (listening to HIM and going with HIS nudges) have their minds set on what the SPIRIT desires (the things of GOD). The mind governed by the flesh is death (spiritual death), but the mind governed by the SPIRIT is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is HOSTILE to GOD; it does not submit to what GOD wants, nor can it do so (Romans 8:5-7).

Set your mind on the things above (things of GOD), not on the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:2).

We choose our mindset. What are you thinking about?

