Everything good

GOD is amazing, the author of creativity and I love HIS designs.  Crazy as it seems, what appears here as a bird is actually a flower.

Have you ever been delighted when catching a glimpse of a vibrantly colored dazzling rainbow, filled with joy at seeing the beauty of a sunrise or sunset, or set to dancing when you hear lively strains of music?  Those are just crumbs of the glory/majesty of GOD’s astounding power. “For every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the FATHER of lights” (James 1:17).

Across the spectrum, when you have been troubled, confused, or hurting have you opened the Bible and prayed and been met and filled with peace?  That is just a tidbit of being aware of the Presence of our ALMIGHTY loving GOD.

As believers in JESUS, we are guaranteed to both experience the awesome wonder of GOD’s amazing Presence and every thing good which is the glory of HIS majestic power. We get to experience them both intimately throughout all eternity.

But not so for the ones who refuse JESUS and turn from the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10).  These want nothing to do with GOD on earth and suppress or push from themselves every thought of the LORD (Romans 1:18-23). So GOD gives them what they have chosen for all eternity.  It is written, “These shall be punished with everlasting destruction shut out from the Presence of GOD and the glory of HIS power (everything good)” (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

For this reason, we who know JESUS tell others about JESUS. And like GOD our Heavenly FATHER, we do not want others to suffer (Ezekiel 18:30-32).

The LORD is merciful and kind, HE is good and anyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved! (Romans 10:9-10, 13).



Trust the LORD

GOD who made heaven and earth is so amazing!

This morning as I spoke with GOD concerning the Russian massive attack to all parts of the Ukraine and how many would say, ‘How could a loving GOD allow that,’ a verse came to mind, or I should say that the HOLY SPIRIT reminded me (Proverbs 21:1-John 14:26). 

“HIM (JESUS), being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of GOD, you have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain” (Acts 2:23 KJ).

“being delivered up by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of GOD…Christ was taken by lawless hands and…” (Acts 2:23 lit).

So, I went to my Greek testament to see more what GOD was saying to me.  I was blown away, literally stunned at the clarity that this verse, I thought I knew so well.  It brings to what actually happened that day so long ago and what happened yesterday by the Russians into perspective.  It is a verse that also clearly portrays one of GOD’s ways.

The word delivered is passive, which means that GOD did not instigate the action-just allowed it.

The word determined it a perfect participle… a state of being that began in the past, continues and can not be stopped.  The word used for determined means sets boarders or limits that cannot be passed.  Which shows the truth that in GOD’s amazing control HE has set limits on everything… limits that cannot be overstepped unless GOD HIMSELF ordains it (as in a tsunami).

This setting of the limits was determined by 2 things:

1) HIS counsel/ purpose (plural -counsel within the Trinity, strategy with a definite purpose for good in view).

2) HIS amazing, for humans- incomprehensible foreknowledge.  The amazing truth that GOD knows/ has seen all things before they occur… HE clearly understands how we each will react in any given situation. It is through that foreknowledge that HE made eternal choices (1 Peter 1:2) and set times, places, and limits so people would reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26-27) while allowing man to have a choice.  Foreknowledge is simply a mindboggling concept but at the same time explains a lot!

I had to laugh Tuesday during class when one of my students stated that she didn’t want to bother GOD about the little things because HE already had too much to handle.  Our GOD is infinite—HE has no limits and can listen to me or you as if we were alone together while at the same time doing it with millions of others.  One on one contact with each and every one, deeply caring about each person and what they are saying and feeling.

According to the stated principle of GOD outlined in the Bible (and so clearly in Acts 2:23) as I just described, GOD cares about what happened yesterday and continues today in the Ukraine.  The Ukraine was taken and invaded by lawless men/ wicked hands.  Yes, GOD allowed it just as HE allowed JESUS crucifixion for a specific purpose of good that unseen at the time, yet resulted in incredible good for any and all who will believe (Romans 8:28).  

We can be sure that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has a specific purpose of good in view for allowing this atrocity to occur and will bring about HIS purposes of good through it.  For HE does nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23).

We must remember HIS ways are higher than our ways and we must “Trust in the LORD with all our hearts and lean (depend) not on our own understanding, but in all things acknowledge HIM and HE will direct us.  Let’s not be wise in our own eyes but fear the LORD and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7 personalized).

LORD, we look to YOU for the people of the Ukraine.  Help them we ask in JESUS name.



Search it out

Remember the fire drills we had at school when we were kids? They were not to scare us but to prepare us to know how to act in case of a fire. The same is true for the warnings and prophesy given in the Bible.  They are to prepare us.

Yesterday in Bible study I mentioned how criticism was very helpful when writing my book.  Little did I know that criticism would find me when I got home and send me to searching the Word of GOD.  A comment on a recent post seemed way off base. The writer seemed to buy into a false doctrine that is circulating within the church at large today.  But I needed to check out what was said and not just dismiss the comment.

For GOD teaches line by line, here a little and there a little as we can grasp truth (Isaiah 28:9-10).  Knowing GOD delights to have us search out a matter (Proverbs 25:2), I sought all the counsel of GOD” (Acts 20;27) on this issue by going to HIS Word with a prayer asking HIM to lead me.

Just before JESUS ascended into the heavens HIS disciples asked HIM if HE was going to restore the kingdom at that time. The LORD responded that GOD has determined the times and the seasons and the timing was not for us to know (Acts 1:6-7).

Searching both old and new testament books, consulting the original languages and the tenses of the verbs (if things are past, present or future) I found some clear answers. Although I won’t be on earth to see it play out, it was exciting to see the future unfold as I learned more about what restoring the kingdom means and to see the part the 2 witnesses play in what JESUS said in Matthew 17:11.  Those were things I’d missed even in teaching Revelation and Daniel.

Although we don’t have privy to the exact times, there are a lot of details GOD has revealed, tucking them away in several different books within HIS book the Bible. If we prayerfully search the Bible for answers we can learn much. 

As you know today we are living in crazy times, times that would really scare us if we didn’t know that the Bible says these things must take place (Matthew 24:6-8) and that JESUS tells us we are not to be afraid (John 14:1-3).

JESUS comes in the air for the church (those who believe in HIM) before wrath of GOD is poured out on the earth’s unbelief and wickedness.  But JESUS will not touch down on earth when HE gathers believers to HIMSELF at that time (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18).  No, it will be 7 more years, a wedding feast of the Lamb to HIS bride the church before JESUS returns and places HIS feet on the Mount of Olives.  Then a few more things must happen (a battle and throwing the antichrist and false prophet into the eternal lake of fire and then having Satan and the demons locked up for 1,000 years before JESUS sets up HIS kingdom on the earth (check out Revelation 19:1-20:1 to begin with).

We don’t have all the answers, but we do know JESUS promises to come gather those who believe in JESUS to HIMSELF and return to heaven before GOD’s wrath is poured out on the unbelieving earth.

I am grateful for that critic’s words because they sent me searching. Now I understand a little bit more about the meaning of the term restoring.

Search things out for yourself and you will be blessed,



Look up!

Wow! If you are following the world news like I am, you saw today the reaction of the world’s leaders to the Russian President Putin actions and the Supreme Ruler of Iran’s statement which indicate something big has changed.  It’s not just about the Ukraine and may lead to World War 3 or for a lift off of believers in JESUS (called the Rapture see 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 as pictured in Revelation 4:1) just prior to the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation. 

I say may because we just don’t know the timing of all of this.  These things must happen because GOD said they would, but we don’t know when it will all take place.  What we do know without a doubt is we are in GOD’s hands. Our LORD JESUS has instructed, encouraged, and promised us awesome things.

And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet (Matthew 24:6).

Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in GOD, believe also in ME (JESUS).  In my FATHER’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I am (in heaven), there you may be also John 14:1-3.

So, fear not but look up for your redemption draws near (Luke 21:28), and tell someone about JESUS today!




When plans change abruptly, hopes are dashed, and answers to prayers are delayed over and over and over again, how do you react?

Friends of mine had saved up and planned a dream trip.  They had made all the arrangements, taken leave from work, bought the airline tickets, made reservations at hotels, and at places where they wanted to go.  The night before they were to leave everything changed. One of them tested positive for Covid and the trip had to be cancelled. Instead of enjoying the time away together they were separated as the husband fought off Covid in the ICU and she was not even allowed to be with him.  It was hard for them not to question GOD as to “WHY?”

At times we are severely tested. When we become angry about it, it shows that we have a faulty view of GOD and HIS ways (3 John 1:11). During hard times we need to remember GOD’s word, believe and claim HIS promises.  For HE says HE has a plan for you that is good (Jeremiah 29:11); HE has even scheduled each day of your life before you began to breathe (Psalm 139:16) plus HE has special things for you to do (Ephesians 2:10).   

You might react, “What do you mean GOD scheduled my days. I am just a puppet?”  The answer is a resounding NO!  The Word of GOD tells us that our Creator, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, who by the way knows all things past, present and future determined all things according to HIS purposes (Ephesians 1:11) and HIS astounding unfathomable foreknowledge includes knowing how each of us will act in any and all situations (1 Peter 1:2).  GOD sets the stage by determining the exact times and places and HE does it for a reason (Acts 17:26-27).  Then we get to choose how to act within those boundaries, so we are definitely not puppets.

Our faithful LORD will keep every one of HIS promises for HE alone has the power, will and knowledge to do just that. You see GOD cares deeply for each of us and was in CHRIST reconciling the world to HIMSELF (2 Corinthians 5:19) In the same way HE designed the exact minute details of let’s say a mosquito or a flower, every nuance of each of our stories is important to HIM.

When trouble comes (and it will John 16:33), we can know GOD has not abandoned us nor forgotten about us for HE has promised to go with us through whatever is our lot (Isaiah 43:2, Hebrews 13:5). Hard seasons have their end dates set by GOD HIMSELF (Acts 17:26). Setbacks—for the Believer—are always setups preparing us for what lies ahead (James 1:2-4) and achieving for us amazing eternal things that far surpass the pain of today (2 Corinthians 4:15-18). Detours always have a hidden and divine purpose for the greater good of our stories and for the glory of GOD. Remember, we are only passing through; this world it is not our home.

Have you been holding your breath during an onslaught of struggles or hearing of worldwide pandemic, unrest and rioting, wars and rumors of wars, an onslaught of volcanos erupting and increasing earthquakes?  Have you been wondering what in the world is coming next? Stop! Be still and remember GOD is sovereign (Psalm 46:10) and HE told us this all was coming.  Exhale today, refocus by considering GOD’s control, HIS great promises and all the incredible blessings you are enjoying today. Then, offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise to GOD for HIS faithfulness to you. Remember HE is faithful who promised that all who call on the LORD shall be saved (Romans 10:13).



What can I do?

Have you ever made a foolish choice that keeps affecting you?

Although I came to Christ when I was 12, when I left the safety of my grandmother’s home at 15, I began making foolish choices. It began with little sins like smoking and skipping out of church after singing in the choir with my friends to drive fast over the joy bumps just out of town.  Slowly my sensitivity to right and wrong dulled. It took a lot for the LORD to finally show me that I was going the wrong way.  But GOD in HIS time and unchanging faithfulness did what was necessary to show me/ to bring me to the place of repentance so I could escape the snare of the evil one who had taken me captive by lies (2 Timothy 2:25-26). 

Once I cried out to GOD and bowed before HIM in submission, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY broke off the chains of my past.  I praise HIM and rejoice that GOD’s amazing unceasing love and mercy are new every morning (Lamentation 3:22-23) not just for me but for anyone who will admit their need and call out to the LORD in submission (James 4:7). 

I have a friend who made some foolish choices concerning drug use and has come into the snare of the evil one.  When he tries to break loose the voices (that is how he describes them) badger him mercilessly.  Although he has not had drugs for a couple months the voices attack him and he hits himself trying to get them to stop. His face is badly bruised.

I often cry out to GOD for my friend and GOD impressed on me that my friend would have to submit to HIM before GOD could deliver him from the voices/demonic attacks he had opened himself up to through sin. 

Recently, I have seen my friend fighting the voices and it tears me up.  I felt a need to sing to him songs of GOD, he calmed down and sang with me.  That made me think of King Saul.  He was being attacked by evil spirits and a boy was summoned to play music for him.  When the music was played the evil spirit would leave (1 Samuel 16:23).

It kills me to see my friend fighting the voices.  So, I asked the LORD what, if anything, I could do for my friend for I had no direction and reminded GOD that HE promised to direct me if I asked (Proverbs 3:5-7).  Then I remembered something (John 14:26).  An army was coming against Israel, so the king of Israel went to the prophet Elisha and asked him for a word of direction from the LORD. 

Do you know what that prophet did? He said, “bring me a minstrel.” Doesn’t that seem like a strange thing for a man of GOD to do?  Well, it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha and he was given precise details in what should be done (read all about it in 2 Samuel 3).

I took that memory as direction so I turned on some instrumental gospel music.  Tears came as I sang with the music and knew without a doubt my part was to pray for my friend to be open to GOD and submit to HIM and also to tell my friend about the role of music in both of these Bible stories, then leave the rest to GOD.

Godly music both drove away evil spirits and opened up a good person’s ears to hear what GOD was saying.  That says to me that I should have more gospel music in my life.  What part does gospel music play in your life?



Renew and refresh

Waking up in the wee hours I began talking with the LORD and several dear to me came into my mind along with their present struggles (Proverbs 21:1). All the situations are vastly beyond my gifting and ability to solve so, I am helpless. I asked what I could do and was reminded that when we cry out to JESUS to save us from our sins, we become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) a child of GOD (John 1:12). 

Two of the many, many awesome things GOD gives us at that point is 1) a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26) that desires to know GOD and 2) the HOLY SPIRIT to teach us (Ephesians 1:13-14, Hebrews 10:15-16).  But then our responsibility kicks in, and we are urged to renew our minds daily (Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:23).

For like a computer what goes in, is what comes out.  You program a computer, and you also program yourself. If you spend your time focusing on the pleasures of this world, that is what you’ll want.  But if you focus on GOD and HIS word something else will begin to happen.  One result is that you begin to hear what GOD is saying to you.

GOD promises to lead us and to answer our prayers.  But let’s not forget to look at the conditions attached to those promises.  Some are detailed in Proverbs 3:5-7 (parenthesis are added comments).

Trust in the LORD with all your heart (that is trust not just HIS power to perform, but to trust HIM-HIS complete knowledge of consequences, wisdom to do what is best, HIS love and timing and purposes)

and lean not on your own understanding (Although we are limited in understanding, how many times do we feel GOD should do what we think will fix a problem?  But GOD looks at things differently than we do Isaiah 55:8-9. HE looks at the hearts of men 1 Samuel 16:7 while we look on the surface at what is noticeable on the outside.  The LORD also sees ahead at the consequences, for HIS foreknowledge enables HIM to see all things past, present and future).

In ALL your ways (in everything) acknowledge (talk to) HIM and HE will direct your steps (not necessarily your understanding).  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil.

What am I getting at?  Yes, GOD will answer every prayer and direct us in how we should go IF we ask (acknowledge HIM) and depend on the facts that 1) HE has a plan and purpose for every struggle HE allows (2 Corinthians 4:15-17), 2) knows best and 3) that we are willing to do things HIS way (James 1:5-8).  You can know if something is of GOD, if you are willing to do it HIS way (John 7:17). 

So, back to the problems I was concerned over this morning.  I believe the LORD is leading me to pray that the HOLY SPIRIT stir up their hearts (Philippians 2:13, Exodus 36:2, Haggai 1:14) and move (2 Peter 1:21) each of them to cry out to GOD and get in HIS word so HE can show them “HIS good and acceptable and perfect will for them” (Romans 12:2) then they will know what they are to do.

GOD is good, may HIS will be done.

Hugs Sharon

It is staggering

I come to YOU in the name of JESUS.  Oh LORD GOD, there is none like YOU. YOU are Almighty and eternal and yet YOU constantly think about me (Psalm 139:1-4, 17-18) and not just me but all who do  or will reach out for forgiveness and life through JESUS CHRIST (John 3:16).

It staggers my imagination as I see each of YOUR amazing attributes enhancing and enriching every other thing true about YOU.  YOUR love even of the variety is everywhere in YOUR Creation from flowers to fish and frogs and trees and people.  Even YOUR wrath against destructive wickedness is actually part of YOUR great love to protect YOUR children.  I know from YOUR Word that is why struggles come that we might be purified and set free from all that is harming us.

YOUR mercies are new every morning and I am excited for a new beginning this day and want to step into what is ahead with boldness and confidence. 

But in all honesty, I can’t just think about me, for as YOU fully know my heart aches for dear ones.  It is not their struggles, for from YOUR word I have learned the problems are for our good, they are cleansing and produce what YOU want done (2 Corinthians 4:15-17, James 1:2-4).  But do all my seed and others I know have JESUS and thus been given the eternal oil of the HOLY SPIRIT so they will be ready when JESUS comes for HIS Church?

LORD, YOU alone can show us where we are at and give repentance (turn us to see truth) to the acknowledging of the truth.  I know the next step must be ours to go with the light YOU give or turn back to the darkness.  YOU know what it will take to open our eyes and hearts.  LORD have YOUR way in us.

Search me and them O GOD expose anything standing in the way and blocking our hearing YOU and anything that will stumble us.  Refresh our hearts with a word and an awareness of YOUR Presence.  Just as YOU promise Heavenly Father, please direct our thoughts to the next step we are to take and then when that is done to the next (Philippians 2:13, and Proverbs 3:5-7).  My eyes are on YOU as I cry out for me and my children and those who will believe, for YOU are good and all things are possible for YOU.

HE feels it

Ever felt, “Nobody knows or understands what I am going through?”  Believe it or not, the truth is that is not so.

For we have not a High Priest (JESUS) who cannot sympathize with (literal Greek=suffers with us) our weaknesses, but was in ALL points tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Therefore (because JESUS feels/ suffers our weaknesses with us) let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain (get) mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:15 NKJV parentheses added).

Doesn’t that blow your mind that JESUS feels how we are feeling?

Isaiah 63:9 says “in all their affliction HE was afflicted”

Think about your struggles, your temptations, your hurts and when others misunderstand you.  In all of that and more JESUS feels with us.

That puts so much more emphasis on JESUS words, that what we do to others we do to HIM (Matthew 25:40).

Since JESUS knows us so well and feels everything that touches, that is why HE can say in HIS word the Bible,  “Wherefore HE (Jesus) is able also to save them (us) to the uttermost that come unto GOD by HIM, seeing HE ever lives to make intercession for them (us)” (Hebrews 7:25).

So next time you are troubled, hurt or tempted remember JESUS not just understands but feels your perplexity, hurt and struggle. Call out to HIM.  For HE delivers those who call on HIS name (Psalm 50:15).



Is not

During the summer birds also waited, but now in the cold of winter only the squirrels run back and forth on the fence looking for my daughter to appear.  For Jeri faithfully finds something, whether it be bread, popcorn, leftover pancakes or veggies, anything she can find to toss out to them to feast on. And feast they do.

Like them, each morning I go hungry and open the word of GOD and pray, waiting to be fed.  JESUS said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4).

Each day GOD meets with me there and prepares me for the day.

“Faith comes from hearing (and accepting as truth) and hearing from the Word of GOD” (Romans 10:17).

“The just (those who do right) shall live by faith (not sight)” (Habakkuk 2:4).

Faith is not for getting what we want.  Faith is just believing what GOD says and living accordingly. 

“For without faith you cannot please GOD.  For to come to GOD you must 1st believe that HE is and 2nd believe that HE will reward those who diligently seek HIM” (Hebrews 11:6).

When GOD speaks to our inner man, it will produce faith if we choose to believe HIM, and that faith acts.

Has GOD spoken a promise to you that produced faith that GOD would do something?  Hold on to that promise and do whatever HE nudges you to do.

