It is getting close

In the Word this morning the LORD spoke to me through HIS Word, not to be afraid of the reactions of people but I was to speak what HE has shown me and explain how it ties into HIS eternal prophetic Word.  There is nothing new.

JESUS said that we were not to live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4). As I read through the Bible the LORD often impresses personal application of scripture or will later bring a scripture verse to mind when answering my questions. 

One morning not long ago as I was asking the LORD how to pray concerning the Coronavirus and HE brought scripture to mind two days in a row that repeatedly told me not to pray for the Coronavirus to cease (Jeremiah 7:16, 11:14, 14:11).

A couple weeks later as I heard one pray for GOD to stop the virus, I said to the LORD, “Should I agree with his prayer? GOD spoke clearly, “No! Do not pray against the Coronavirus for it is from ME to bring about the fulfilling of MY prophetic Word and bring to pass that which I have decreed.  This is MY doing.  The appointed time will not be changed.”  (Since we are to check what is said with Scripture, when 2 Chronicles 10:15, 11:4, Acts 17:26 came to mind I knew without doubt this word was from the LORD.

Now what will it bring about? Or what has been prophesied and decreed? There is much talk from those in international authority that we need a one world government with one leader, and there are makings of a uniting of faiths to a one world religion.  This ties in with Scripture that during what is called the 7-year Tribulation there will be a one world government headed by the antichrist and a one religion will be mandated via a false prophet (see Revelation 12).

It has also been said a vaccine is being developed to stop the Coronavirus and it will be given in such a manner that a tracking devise will be placed under your skin that will enable you to prove who you are and that you have been vaccinated…. Humm Could it be the mark of the beast?

We are in the last days when knowledge is increasing (Daniel 12:4).  Somethings of Scripture have been closed and are now being revealed as the days draw nearer.

This morning in my normal reading place in the Word- that which I had seen as I have repeatedly taught Revelation, was verified and explained in Ezekiel 2:10. The scroll in Ezekiel, which parrells the one in Revelation 5, for the lament, mourning and woe are written on the front and back of the scroll that has been UNROLLED.  Revelation 5 tells us the scroll has writing on front and back, but it can’t be read until the seals are opened. So, although the birth-pangs of the seals hurt, the wrath and sorrows of the tribulation come after the 7 seals have been opened. 

A careful look at Revelation 6 shows us that we are in the days of the 7 seals. It seems appears we are in the 5th seal (of persecution of believers) awaiting the great earthquake and then comes chapter seven.  That glorious chapter -an interlude/ a pause BEFORE Jesus opens the 7th seal which will open the 7 angel trumpet judgments that begin the outpouring of the wrath of GOD.

The reason I call chapter 7 a glorious chapter is that 1st we see angels holding back judgment of the earth ( Revelation 7:1-3) then see an angel sealing 144 000 Jews to protect them from demonic attack since they stay on the earth for a while (Revelation 7:3-8, 9:3-4) and then an innumerable multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language are swept up into heaven and are singing to GOD before HIS throne (to learn more see Revelation 7:9-17)  We know this cannot be martyrs for to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD so martyrs go individually. 

No, it is not martyrs, it is the Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17—note* it is the trump of GOD that calls them not the trumpets of angels spoken of in Revelation 8:1 through Revelation chapter 10). Believers in JESUS, indwelt by the HOLY SPIRIT are holding back the extent of evil and we are told that we must leave with the HOLY SPIRIT before the antichrist can be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2;1, 5-8).

Right now, here on earth the stage is being set for the 1 world government with one world leader and one world religion headed by the false prophet.  That warns us that it’s getting close so be sure you belong to JESUS and warn others so they can believe.

Looking unto and for JESUS,
