Do you want direction?

Being profoundly hearing impaired, my cochlear processor and my compatible resound hearing aid are my lifeline concerning communications with people.  So, to realize that my resound was gone freaked me out until I turned to GOD and I cried out to HIM for help in my time of need (Hebrews 4:16).  

Peace descended and I calmly started looking everywhere I had been at home and search the car several times as well.  I couldn’t find it anywhere. A thought came to go to my daughters for I had taken her daughter to the doctor and had to lift the knee scooter in and out of the trunk of the car which took some maneuvering. But I pushed the thought aside as my husband and son joined in the search.  After about an hour both of them were becoming frantic.  I felt calm but knowing GOD doesn’t always answer the way we want, I stopped and said, “LORD you know I can’t afford another one, and YOU know precisely where my hearing aid is please show me. But not my will but YOURs be done.  I do believe YOU know what YOU are doing and know best. I trust YOU LORD.”.

The thought to go check at my daughter’s came again (Proverbs 21:1), but just then my husband told me to search the car again.  While searching for the hearing aid I located a glass case with new glasses in it and since my daughter had borrowed the car I knew they must be the new pair of glasses my great-grandson had lost.  I knew I had to go to my daughter’s and guess what I found on her floor?  Yes, my resound hearing aid had fallen in the doorway!

GOD was directing me all along but even though I had rested in peace, I still had to obey that still small voice to do what I needed to do.

Even though this is a minor matter in these troublesome times of riots around the world and wars, food and utility shortages, train wrecks with toxic chemical spills and nuclear leaks, not to speak of so much sicknesses, still how GOD  directed me reveals how willing HE is to direct our steps in the way we should go (Proverbs 3:5-7).    

Are you stressed out, anxious about the global and nation troubles and what lies ahead or what you are facing today?

Anxiety isn’t a condition – it is a CHOICE. When we choose not to pray and trust GOD with our lives, we have chosen to be anxious. The formula is very simple, you are either going to pray or you are going to worry. /Jimmy Evans

The Word of GOD confirms that statement for it says that if we make our requests known to GOD with THANKSGIVING (that HE is listening, HE really cares and is actually at work through our situation (2 Corinthians 4:15-18) and HE has a plan that will bless you IF you belong to JESUS.  IF we hand GOD our concerns with thanksgiving, the LORD will give us HIS peace that will throw us beyond  having to understand the details and will shield our minds and emotions against stress, worry, demonic spirits of fear and even anxiety attacks. (Philippians 4:6-7).

But that just applies to those who have come to GOD through JESUS (Hebrews 7:25).

Do you know JESUS? Do you trust HIM?  Do you believe that:

1) You have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD?  (Romans 3:23)

2) The wages of sin is death? (Romans 6:23)

3) But the gift of GOD is eternal life through believing in JESUS CHRIST? (Romans 6:23, John 3:16)

4) GOD sent JESUS to die for your sin because HE loves you? (John 3:16)

5) If you confess with your mouth JESUS is LORD (Master) and believe in your heart that GOD raised HIM from the dead that you will be saved? (Romans 10:9)

6) With your heart you believe and thus justified (just as if I’d never sinned), and with your mouth you confess and are saved? (Romans 10:10)

7) All who call on the name of the LORD shall be saved? (Romans 10:13).

Direction or destruction the choice is yours.



In much or little

While I was in grade school, my neighbors were going on vacation and didn’t want their grass to die so asked me to water it every day. I agreed. But one day I forgot to turn off the water. I didn’t think it mattered that much until, my neighbors got home and found that their basement was flooded. Then I was ashamed, and learned the hard way I needed to be faithful to do all I was supposed to do.  And it was just as important to shut the water off as it was to turn it on.

JESUS told a parable about HIS coming Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30). In the parable, the King was going to take a trip to a far country. HE gathered HIS servants and gave each of them some of HIS goods, each was given what they could handle, according to their own specific abilities, Then the King left on HIS journey. When HE returned, he gathered HIS servants again, this time for an accounting of what they had done with HIS goods while HE was away.

From the text we learned that

*GOD never asks of us more than we can do (verse 15).

*GOD expects us to use what we have been given to advance HIS Kingdom (verse 26-27).

*JESUS praises and rewards faithful service when HE is gone, with ruling positions in HIS Kingdom once HE returns (verse 23).

*GOD promises that to the one who has, more shall be given.

*But, let’s focus on that one servant who hid what he had been given, rather than use it (verses 24-29).

I personally believe that he was entrusted with the truth of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. For it is written that JESUS gave light to everyone that came into the world (John 1:9). Apparently the servant did not accept it, for he had no clue what the Master was like. He believed the lies of the enemy accusing GOD as being a hard and demanding Master. The servant’s attitude indicated that he actually despised and hated his Master. That is seen elsewhere in scripture describing those who suppress the truth because they don’t want the light of the truth to direct them. They want none of its demands made of them (John 3:17-20, Romans 1:18-21, 25, 28).

All the Master asked was for the servant to use what he had been given. Once you believe, you are given the HOLY SPIRIT and HE teaches you what JESUS is like (2 Corinthians 3:18). If you see JESUS you will know what GOD the FATHER is like (John 14:9). That is why I feel that servant did not believe the truth shown him, or walk in the light he had been given.

The prophet Daniel said, “The people who know their GOD, do exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

Why? Once you believe that GOD loves you and sent HIS SON to save you, you are given the HOLY SPIRIT to teach you. Therefore, you have the inside tract to what GOD wants you to do and the power to do it (Philippians 2:13).  Plus, the HOLY SPIRIT pours out HIS fruit into our lives beginning with the love of GOD (Galatians 5:22-23). If you abide in JESUS, you begin to desire what HE desires and will act on that motivation therefore you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain (John 15:5).

We all have been given gifts according to our own particular abilities.  A dear friend has been given an assignment, his watchword for it is 2 Corinthians 13:5 “Examine yourselves to see if you are in the faith.” I think that is a good word for each of us.

Are you, am I using that which GOD has given us? Will the LORD be able to say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant?”

Our Master, the LORD JESUS CHRIST can come back any day, are we ready?  Are you, am I using what HE has given us and told us to use?

Hugs Sharon

New Emphasis

Before I explain what became so clear to me this morning, let me interject here that what I am relating to you does NOT mean that GOD is done with the Jews.  HE has made them promises that HE will keep.  For what HE says HE will do. But it will take the Jews going through the 7-year Tribulation (Jacob’s trouble, also called the 70th week of Daniel) for Jews to come to believe in JESUS and be saved (Daniel 9:24, Zechariah 14:9, 12:10, Romans 11:1, 26).  Then GOD, during the 1,000-year reign, will keep HIS promises to Jews.  After that, there will be a new heaven and new earth with no need for the sun and moon and there will be no Jews for all nations and tribes will be one in CHRIST, children of the Living GOD (Jeremiah 31;35-36, Revelation 20:23).

But meanwhile, now during the age of Grace I saw something emphasized as I read GOD’s Word.

After reading the Bible time and time again you would think I would understand more than I do. But each day the Word of GOD proves to be living and powerful as I see more of what it means. Though I have studied the book of Hebrews many times and have written homework lessons on each chapter in the past, still this morning I had an awakening to an emphasis that had escaped me.

Out of the 12 tribes of Israel, only the tribe (family) of Levi were made priests of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  People of the other 11 tribes of Israel had to go through the priests to offer sacrifices to GOD. Only the priests could approach GOD or work in the temple under the law given by Moses.

But under the New Covenant, established by the blood of JESUS on the cross (I Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 10:16-17) of necessity there was a change in the priesthood as well (Hebrews 7:12). Under the New Covenant the tribe of Levi are no longer the priests, instead those who believe in and received JESUS as LORD and have been born of the SPIRIT into the family of GOD (John 1:12-13, 3:5-8) have been placed into JESUS’ kingdom and made kings/ royalty (given authority) and holy priests unto GOD to show (declare) the praises of GOD and to offer up spiritual sacrifices such as praise and thanksgiving to GOD by JESUS (1 Peter 2:5, 9, Revelation 1:6, 5:10, 20:6).

I have known those verses but it wasn’t until I was pondering how to write the homework lessons for Hebrews that tell of JESUS role of being our High Priest that I saw more of the weight of our role and responsibility of being a priest unto GOD by JESUS.

JESUS our High Priest, shows us parts of our role as a priest to GOD by JESUS.  JESUS, as does the HOLY SPIRIT,  prays for us (Romans 8:26-27, 34, Hebrews 7:25) in our weaknesses and BOTH JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT work for our complete sanctification (to save us to the uttermost from our old sin nature/flesh that is still within us fighting with GOD until we receive our new bodies at the Rapture).  JESUS also completely understands how we feel (sympathizes with us- that is what the word mercy means in Hebrews 4:16) and HE knows what it will take to resist each temptation for HE was in all ways tempted as we are but without sin and has the power to supply what we need to overcome (Hebrews 2:17-18, 4:14-16).  

How does that apply to our role as a priest to GOD? Well, the truths that follow I knew as verses but had not connected them as part of the privilege and responsibility of being a priest to GOD. Somehow the weight of it seems much stronger now.

1 Timothy 2:8 tells us we are to pray for everyone’s salvation.

1 John 5:16 tells us to confess the sins we see in others, to open the door for GOD to speak to them in that area.  The light GOD will then give them they will have to choose to accept or reject but our prayers will break off their blindness to the truth we share with them until they make their choice 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Ephesians 6:18-19 tells us to pray for each other challenges and the work each has been given to do.

James 5:16 tells us to pray for the faults our fellow believers confess to us.

James 5:15 tells us to pray for the sick.

In all these ways we join with JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT in sympathizing and giving help to others in need. As JESUS had to be made like HIS brethren to be a merciful and faithful High priest to make reconciliation for the sins of the people, so it is written that if we suffer we are being prepared to help those who suffer with the same comfort GOD gives us in our struggles. (Hebrews 2:17-18, 2 Corinthians 1:3-4).                                                                            



The JOY of the LORD

What did GOD delight in? What brought the LORD joy day after day while HE created the heavens and earth and everything in them?

HE saw what HE had made and said, “It is good!” (see Genesis 1).

That wasn’t all that brought GOD joy, for other texts tell us that within the GODHEAD the THREE each loved and delighted in ONE ANOTHER. HE also delights in those who seek HIM. Just like my greatest joy is knowing GOD and spending time with HIM in HIS word and prayer.

But I also find great joy in what HE delights in, HIS creation and those who love HIM.  Seeing the beauty of a sunrise, the flowers on my plants and even clouds in the sky will lift my spirit and bring me joy, giving me strength by refocusing me on the awesome characteristics of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

Who would have thought that my strength is determined on what I choose to think about?  But I find that it does.

“The JOY of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).

Whether it is simple irritations like the cat knocking things off my desk, concerns over countless struggles my children and grandchildren are facing, or disturbing reports of the global disasters, wars, or even just the cost of eggs, it is too easy to get my eyes onto distractions and off my great ALMIGHTY GOD and HIS promises.

AW Tozer said, “Sometimes when we get overwhelmed, we forget how big GOD is.”

But GOD’s word says, “All this is for your BENEFIT, so that the GRACE that is Reaching More and More People may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of GOD. Therefore, we do not lose heart… For our light and momentary TROUBLES (in comparison) are ACHIEVING for us an eternal glory that FAR OUTWEIGHS the pain and struggles of today. (2 Corinthians 4:15-17).

That says that the things we and others encounter in life are meant for our good, to cause us to reach out to GOD and find HIM (Acts 17:26-27) so that we may live forever with HIM in a sinless and wonderful new world (John 3:16).

So, if we FIX our EYES not on what is seen (the situation), but on what is unseen (choosing to trust what GOD has said, that HE is ACHIEVING through the situation) we can find joy and peace in the midst of the storm.

For what is seen (the situation) is temporary, but what is unseen (what GOD is ACHIEVING) is eternal.  2 Corinthians 4:18).

It is written, “The joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). So choose joy.

GOD is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8), HE changes not (Malachi 3:6). GOD so loved the world HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM will not perish but have ever lasting life (John 3:16).  Find joy in the LORD and grab ahold of HIS promises by simply believing HIM.

“For the LORD GOD, the HOLY ONE of Israel says in returning and rest (in ME) shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence (in ME) shall be your strength..” (Isaiah 30:15).

No matter what you are facing, let the joy of the LORD be your strength by simply trusting HIM.



GOD’s glory

Just sitting and talking to the LORD this morning, I got so excited for by GOD’s infusing a simple truth into my thoughts and coupling it with another verse (Proverbs 21:1) the light went on in vivid color for me as HE explained something I had accepted because it was in the Word of GOD but had not understood at all. 

The truth GOD whispered into my ear this morning: ”And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD had spoken it”(Isaiah 40:5).

The concept I had not understood was: “The LORD has made all things for HIMSELF: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil” (Proverbs 16:4).

We know from Exodus 33:18-19, 34:6-7 that GOD’s glory is HIS divine nature.

When GOD designed man, HE chose to make him in HIS own image (Genesis 1:27) and that included the ability to choose.  GOD did not make puppets, but people HE desired to one day make HIS children, yet HE gave them the choice whether they wanted to be with HIM or not.

”A man’s heart devises (designs/ contrives/plans/chooses) his way: but the LORD directs his steps” Proverbs 16:9.

How can that be? GOD sets parameters, (Acts 17:26 last clause, 27) GOD presets the times and places, with the desire that men would reach out to HIM and find HIM.  But the LORD of heaven and earth and everything within allows man to choose how to act within the boundaries HE sets.

The oldest book of the Bible, Job, gives us an example.  GOD allowed the fallen angel Satan to act within precise boundaries (Job 1:12, 2:6) but Satan decided what to do in the boundaries GOD allowed (Job 1:13-19, 2:7-10).  The thing that Satan didn’t know, but our all-knowing GOD did, is how Job would act in any given situation.

Our GOD is all knowing.  HE knows the past, present, and future which entail even the words we will say before we say them (Psalm 139:4-Before a word is on my tongue, YOU know it completely).

GOD’s attribute of knowing all things enables HIM to allow man to choose how to act since GOD sets the stage of time and place according to HIS purposes.  This way man is fully responsible for his actions since he chooses them, yet GOD is still in control and working everything together to fulfill HIS plans and purposes (Ephesians 1:11).

Before I tell you how GOD opened my eyes, let me remind you that GOD so loved the world that HE sent HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Three times in Ezekiel (18:23, 32, 33:11) GOD cries out to the wicked to turn to HIM and live because HE does not delight in the death of the wicked.

How would allowing those who GOD knew would choose evil instead of HIM bring glory to GOD?  It reveals GOD’s awesome character.  Things like GOD’s love, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, and righteousness (doing what is right) even in HIS eventual destruction of all evil.

Just one last example.  JESUS knew from the beginning that Judas was a thief, but HE had him carry the money bag for the group.  Why? Doing so gave Judas an opportunity to choose to do right.  JESUS knew Judas would betray HIM, yet it is written that JESUS loved him to the end (John 13:1). JESUS loved Judas until his continual wrong choices placed Judas in a catch 22 where he could not turn back.  That is what happens after the Rapture according to 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.

The greatest thing is to know GOD.  Job said, before all his trouble, he had heard of GOD with HIS ears but after all his troubles he got to see GOD as HE is.  That is the best.  And when we see GOD’s glory when HE ends all evil and promises it will not rise a 2nd time that will be glory indeed!

“What do ye imagine against the LORD? HE will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time” (Nahum 1:9).



What’s my purpose?

Getting stung by a bee is no fun and that is why bees really scare Mac.  One got in his Pepsi. When he went to take a drink it stung him and Mac’s mouth and tongue began to swell to the degree that he could barely breathe until he was given some Benadryl.

But GOD made bees for a reason. Their honey brings healing to people from allergies and many other afflictions as well as gives people sweetness and strength. The bee also cross pollinates fruit and vegetable flowers so plants can produce fruit. Without bees there is no productivity, there might be pretty flowers on the plants but no pumpkins, no peaches.

This morning when I read Mark 1:3 (JESUS said) “… that is why I came…”  

I wondered so asked my GOD, “Why am I here? LORD? YOU do nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23) but have made everything according to YOUR a plan with definite purpose in mind (Ephesians 1:11, 2:10) and YOU have equipped and assigned work to each of your creatures for the good of others (I Corinthians 12:7) . Even the bees have a calling. They do not know what they are doing but their making honey brings healing and gives sweetness and also has the side effect of cross pollination so we get watermelons. YOU made the bee for a reason and have given the bee purpose and meaning. What about me LORD? What is my purpose and meaning today?

Please use me today. As YOU use the little bee to bring healing, or strength, or sweetness, or build up another so that he can produce the fruit YOU made for him to produce, flow through me today to touch others I ask that in the name of JESUS.

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.




Claiming a promise

Writing a chapter lesson for my class in Hebrews about claiming a promise of GOD, I came across the same exact statement 4 times. According to translation rules that repetition brings emphasis it is clear this thought is important.

Since GOD declares that HE gives us great and precious promises that if we will use benefit us greatly (2 Peter 1:4), I thought it something I needed to share.

“Today if you hear HIS voice, Don’t harden your hearts (or be stubborn)…” (Hebrews 3:7-8, 15, 4:7, Psalm 95:7-8).

Notice the choice is to pay attention to what is said or to be stubborn and refuse to hear.

Now eight times in the Gospels and 8 times in Revelation, 16 times total another term is spoken of. “if you have ears to hear, listen and you will understand.” NLT (or if you want to hear, listen and you will understand).

In John 5:45 JESUS says that everyone IS taught by GOD (through the HOLY SPIRIT- 1 Corinthians 2:10-12) but its only those who listen and have learned that profit from what is taught.

As we know a teacher teaches all his students but not all the students learn.  Some refuse or choose not to listen.  Those students do not learn or benefit from what is being taught.

Romans 10:17 says faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD.

But we know that everyone that hears the truth of GOD’s word does not choose to grab ahold of it and believe it simply because GOD said it.  The one who grabs hold of the word obtains faith (2 Peter 1:1), but those that refuse to receive the love of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10), who ignore or suppress what they initially know is true (Romans 1:18-21) do not get faith in what they have heard.  Rather they deliberately choose unbelief and that is evil.

If you turn from doing what GOD says, Hebrews 3:12 tells us you have an evil heart of unbelief.

This shows that it is a choice not to accept what GOD says, it is not an inability to accept.

We live in evil times and 2 Timothy 4:3 speaks directly to our time. “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.

So let us listen and as Hebrews 3:13 tells us “exhort one another daily while it is called TODAY (until the RAPTURE) lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.”



Pieces of the puzzle

When I began serious Bible study with some gals in 1969, in the basement of a little country church, I began getting pieces of the puzzle of what GOD has shown us in HIS Word the Bible.  Day by day I go open the Word and GOD meets me there and teaches me precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little (Isaiah 28:10) so that I am able to see HIM more clearly and to know how to do what pleases HIM. Even after all these 54 years of diligent study there are volumes upon volumes left for me to learn. 

But when several pieces of a puzzle come together showing a clear small picture within the big picture and thus answer one of my questions, it is so exciting!  I also love it when I come across a verse that clearly states what I have seen that gives me the ability to share that truth with another person and maybe answer a question for them.

So, it was this morning as I was reading in John.

Knowing what was coming (HIS crucifixion and what followed), JESUS used HIS time with HIS disciples at the last supper to prepare HIS disciples for HIS death.  In John 16:5, 23-33 JESUS told the 11 that at that time (that HE left being with them) they would no longer ask anything from HIM personally but would speak directly to GOD the FATHER when needing something, for GOD loved them because they loved JESUS (vs 27).  We pray to GOD our FATHER in heaven.

At this time JESUS also asked them, Do you really believe? (vs 31) and then told them that they would all leave HIM alone and be scattered (vs 32).  This indicated that their belief was not complete, something was lacking.

On the day JESUS rose from the grave (John 20:19-20), HE appeared to HIS disciples in a locked room.  After seeing the holes in HIS hands and feet they believed that HE was truly LORD for by the resurrection they knew JESUS was the SON of GOD with power (Romans 1:4).

Then JESUS did something, HE breathed on them and said, “Receive the HOLY SPIRIT” (John 20:22).

Now the HOLY SPIRIT had been WITH them and JESUS said that the HOLY SPIRIT would be IN them (John 14:17).  Yes, the HOLY SPIRIT had been WITH them helping them understand what JESUS meant when HE spoke (1 Corinthians 2:10-12, Acts 1:2) and to convict them (John 16:8) but the HOLY SPIRIT could not be IN them until JESUS was glorified (John 7:38-39).

JESUS was glorified and shown to be the SON of GOD with power through the resurrection from the dead (Romans 1:4). That is why the emphasis of the resurrection is so strong in Romans 10:9-10 when it explains how to be saved.

“If you confess with your mouth the LORD JESUS and believe in your hearts that GOD raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10).

Since the HOLY SPIRIT was with the disciples while JESUS was alive and with them, then after JESUS was glorified as the SON of GOD through the resurrection of the dead, the HOLY SPIRIT went inside them to stay to remain until the Rapture (day of redemption when they would get their new bodies- Ephesians 4:30), so WHAT is Pentecost in Acts 2 all about?

The HOLY SPIRIT was already in the disciples in Acts 2.  But at the appointed moment the HOLY SPIRIT came upon the disciples and filled them with power (Acts 2:4).  This happened in answer to prophesy but there is more to it.  It happened to enable them to do a specific job GOD had determined/ prepared for them to do (Ephesians 2:10). 

But the filling didn’t remain, it came on them and when the job was done, it left. We see just a couple chapters over in Acts 4:31 these same disciples were filled anew with the HOLY SPIRIT.  This time they spoke with boldness.

The thing is we are commanded to be filled with the SPIRIT (Ephesians 5:18), yet we cannot fill ourselves, the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE who has to fill us, so what gives?  GOD does not command us to do something impossible so what are we to do? 

Actually it is quite simple and it is clearly stated and illustrated in HIS Word the Bible.  We are to ask GOD the FATHER for the HOLY SPIRIT.  Notice the disciples had been praying to GOD the FATHER when HE filled them initially (Acts 1:14, 2:1) and also when HE filled them anew with the HOLY SPIRIT in Acts 4:31.

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly FATHER give the HOLY SPIRIT to them that ask HIM? (Luke 11:13).

As we put together all these little puzzle pieces the picture gets clearer and clearer.

Be blessed as you go meet with our Heavenly FATHER.



Hope of glory

Today was an interesting 📚 study as we came to Hebrews 2:10 that JESUS had to suffer to lead/bring us into glory.  It took a bit to enable my class to see that CHRIST is bringing us into the glory of GOD. Not just taking us to heaven.

GOD’s glory HE HIMSELF described in Exodus 33:18-19 as being HIS nature of being merciful, gracious, long suffering, abounding in goodness, and truth, keeping mercy and forgiving and so on.

GOD has determined that everyone who calls on the name of JESUS will be confirmed to the image (likeness of nature) of JESUS (Romans 8:29) who is the brightness of GOD’s glory and the express image of GOD’s person (Hebrews 1:3)

The HOLY SPIRIT is showing us more and more of JESUS nature and changing us into JESUS’ likeness (2 Corinthians 2:18).

When we claim the great and precious promises GOD has given us in HIS Word we begin to participate in JESUS’ divine nature (2 Peter 1:4).

Our trials and tribulations are working to bring us to glory/ to being conformed to JESUS’ image (1 Peter 1:7).

And JESUS is continually interceding for our complete (to the uttermost) sanctification /transformation into HIS likeness (Hebrews 7:25, 10:14). Then when we see JESUS face to face we will be like HIM for we will see HIM as HE is (1 John 3:1-2).

Yes, JESUS is bringing us into glory Hebrews 2:10 (showing us and changing us into what we should be). 

As 1 Peter 5:10 says, “But the GOD of all grace, who has called us unto HIS eternal glory by CHRIST JESUS, after you have suffered a while make you perfect, stabling, strengthen, settle you.”

CHRIST in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). What an awesome truth!  Now that is glory!



How can we know?

Today people say all kinds of things so how in the world 🌎 can we know what is right what is true?

I believe that our Creator and Savior knows the right way for the stars are perfectly synchronized and spring follows winter and then comes summer and then come fall year after year.

So seek answers from GOD in GOD’s love letter the Bible.

As JESUS said to Peter, the values and thoughts of the world come straight from the devil.

Matthew 16:23 AMP But Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on things of GOD, but on things of man.”

Man can not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD (the Bible) Matthew 4:4.

Who do you listen to?


Sharon L Manning