Crop the picture

Crop the picture:

It had been a very long time since I’d seen my friend and was excited about getting together with her. She came down from Denver and I went up from Pueblo to meet for a meal in Colorado Springs.  Seemed like we couldn’t quit talking and as we waited for our food we got caught up on each other’s lives.

Needing a picture to capture our moment together for the FRIENDS frame I was giving her, and wanting a copy for my own album, I asked a server at the restaurant if he would take our picture with my phone. He graciously agreed. Thinking I needed a landscape view, since the outer writing on the frame I had bought my friend was for a landscape shot, I ask the server to hold my phone sideways in taking the picture.  Bless his independent heart, he took the picture his way, ignoring my specifications. It was a portrait shaped snapshot. O well, I got a picture, and I sent it to my email.

The picture came to me looking like it was on its side. It just needed to be turned 90 degrees and cropped and sized to fit the frame. But with the computer that really wasn’t a problem.

In the same manner, GOD takes what the devil throws at us- things meant for evil- and turns them around 90 degrees and crops them to use for our good to accomplish what HE wants done (Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28).  Let me give you a personal example from when I was in my 30’s.

After a crazy, fun, non-stop weekend as a counselor with a cabin full of whacky, giggling middle school girls at a Christian snowball camp I was exhausted as I headed home down the mountain in a snowstorm.  My weariness along with the blackness of night as I rounded the curves on icy roads with very little visibility made driving slow and strenuous.  

To top it off I was none too excited about confronting what I would find once I was off the mountain. Arrows of negative thoughts bombarded me shoving the fun thoughts of the weekend with campers away and focusing me only on negative aspects of the situation I knew I was about to face.

I didn’t turn to the LORD with a cry for help (Hebrews 4:16), nor was I focusing on JESUS and what HE did (Hebrews 12:2), nor on GOD’s promise that all things were for my benefit (2 Corinthians 4:15), let alone calculating that HE was actively at work achieving wonderful things through that very situation I so dreaded (2 Corinthians 4:15-18, Romans 8:28).

Instead, feeling sorry for myself, I cried out for GOD to release me from the nightmare and take me home to heaven.

I know GOD heard me, for suddenly I lost all control of my car on the snowy icy roads. My car spun round, and around, and around in circles then stopped with a thud, heading in the right direction on the right-hand side of the road. Miraculously, there had not been any traffic. GOD had held me in HIS hands protecting me, and protecting others from me, during the whole episode.

Then within I heard HIS soft whisper, “Sharon, Do you really want to die?”

I realized that I didn’t.   GOD had shown me truth by putting me in a wild tailspin.  In those crazy moments I knew there was a reason to live. Our LORD had taken the twisted view I’d gotten from listening to the evil one’s sneering lying accusations and turned it around 90 degrees then cropped it so I could see things clearly.  HE had done with my thinking, just as I had done to that picture of my friend and me.

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY had renewed my mind, showing me HIS glorious perspective. Only HE can do that!  That is why we are told to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5).

That experience sure taught me a lesson.  Now I know to arrest all my thoughts and examine them by talking them over with the LORD (Proverbs 3:5-7).  Aware of the deceptive power of the enemy’s taunting lies, I’ll often pray, standing the gap, for ones being mentally harassed by that liar, Satan. Regardless of their situation I pray that GOD bring them clarity in whatever way HE knows will work.  I ask that HE show them the purpose HE has for them for GOD does nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23) and HE has made each of us for a reason.  HE is Sovereign and will only allow struggles that HE can use for our good and HIS purposes.

GOD alone knows what battles each of us are fighting, and the lies we are being fed. HE alone has the wisdom, power and ability to deliver us from the ones stronger than we are (Psalm 18:17) and show us the way we should choose. But HE never takes away our GOD given ability to choose.

So, if you are struggling, recognize the truth that we are not sufficient by ourselves to think we can handle things, but our sufficiency comes from the LORD (2 Corinthians 3:5).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2).



Put on hold

Ever made a business phone call and been put on hold? The wait gets so long you wonder if they know you are still on the line. Sometimes you have to call back a time or two. That happened to me recently as a scheduler had never called me concerning scheduling me for the procedure the doctor ordered. Finally after over 3 weeks I called again. This time I got a hold of my doctor’s nurse who was able to contact the scheduler and in a couple of hours I received a call, with an apology for the order had never gotten to the scheduler. My calls were needed.

Do you feel like you have been put on “hold” by GOD?  What I mean by that is the LORD has promised something but day after day, week follows week and even year after year goes by and you are still waiting.

Unlike my scheduling situation, delays with GOD are never that lines were crossed.  But it still feels like I’ve been put on hold.

One morning I woke up while it was yet dark, feeling greatly troubled and defeated but not sure why. Then I read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12).

“Yes,” I agreed, “That’s it!  That is what I’m feeling, my heart feels sick.”

Circumstances looked so wrong, not a bit like my expectations concerning the Promise the LORD impressed on my heart years ago. Rather the situation seemed to mock the promise.

Then the LORD’s whisper came, “Didn’t I promise you?” and the word ‘deferred’ came to mind. 

I pondered that word. Looking it up I saw it has 2 meanings.  1st It can mean delayed, put off for a while, but not denied.

“The LORD is not slack (tardy) concerning HIS promise, as some men count slackness (being late); but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any (of us) should perish, but that all (of us) should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

“Do you despise the riches of GOD’s goodness and long-suffering and forbearance (putting up with things?) Don’t you know that the goodness of GOD leads you to repentance?” (Romans 4:2).

The reminder that this time of waiting has a purpose, and its purpose will help people. This lingering delay is for me as much as the others for during the years of delay GOD has changed me and even now patience has not yet finished its perfecting work in me (James 1:3-4).

Then there is the 2nd meaning of ‘deferred’ to submit to and accept.

LORD, YOU are a faithful GOD who has synchronized the universes, so stars and planets never collide, and autumn follows summer therefore I choose to humbly submit to YOUR timing!  YOU know all things and do all things well, I defer to YOUR wisdom and understanding and completely trust that this delay will achieve things that far surpass anything I can imagine.  I bow before YOU my GOD and defer to YOU as I expectantly await the fulfillment of YOUR word to me, YOUR servant.  Thank YOU, LORD for loving me and sending JESUS to save all who will believe and reconcile us to YOURSELF.  My eyes are on YOU, and I am watching to see YOUR plan unfold.

Are facing a delay like me?  Turn your eyes to JESUS.  Look to GOD, HE has preset the exact times and places for a reason (Acts 17:26-27).  If you have asked the good LORD is neither ignoring the issue you are facing nor is HE late with the answer. HE will get there before the tardy bell rings IF you have asked and continue to remind HIM. 

Remember James 4:2 “You have not because you ask not”

Isaiah 62:6 “…never be silent day or night.  You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest 7and give HIM no rest till HE establishes”

It is not that GOD needs to be reminded but that by going to HIM continually HE continually assures your heart restores your confidence in HIM, HIS wisdom and that HE is at work behind the scenes.

Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! (Psalms 116:2 – NIV) 


Sharon L Manning

Is there a why behind the what?


Is there a why behind the what is going on, or is life meaningless?

I want to begin with a disclaimer.  Not all problems are a direct result of our misconduct, but these thoughts are for the times they are.  For the times we have done it our way instead of GOD’s.

Things stood out as I read Psalm 107 this morning. I was incredibly impressed and deeply comforted as I saw anew the steadfast love and longsuffering of GOD toward HIS people.  The captivating concepts the Psalm so clearly revealed repeatedly were:

1)How it took much opposition or trouble for the people to look to GOD

2)How quickly they turn back away from GOD to do their own thing

3)Yet, immediately GOD’s response was to run to their aid, once they cried out to HIM.

“Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and HE delivered them” Psalm 107: 6, 13, 19, 28

It was as though GOD was waiting to have them reach out to HIM.

Isaiah 30:18 And therefore will the LORD wait, that HE may be gracious to you and therefore will HE be exalted, that HE may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a GOD of judgment blessed are all they that wait for HIM.

Psalm 107 shows troubles that invariably came as a consequence of something the people did. Their turning to GOD in their struggles suggests the truth seen in the verses below.

Acts 17:26 “(GOD) has determined the times before appointed (preset them) and (preset) their boundaries of habitation (movement) 27 that they should seek the LORD…”

Job 14:5 “Seeing his (man’s) days are determined, the number of months is with YOU (GOD), for YOU (GOD) have appointed his boundaries that he cannot pass.”

Have you ever been in a performance where between scenes the props were changed to fit what was coming up next?  In one way you could say that GOD does that.  HE sets the up the stage by pre-determining the times things will happen and places/ boundaries wherein the action will take place, and all this is done according to HIS infallible foreknowledge.

Then we come on stage, and we choose how to act in the circumstances HE has put into place.

GOD knows what it will take to turn us to come to HIM.  In our crazy world there are many fearful scenarios.  Some will use their ability to choose to turn to GOD and find peace and direction in this crazy world, while others will not.

I for one find great peace in GOD’s Sovereign control during turmoil for I know HIS purposes will be fulfilled even as they were when evil men took the LORD JESUS with wicked hands and crucified HIM.  Through HIS death all who will believe have eternal life (John 3:16).

I call on HIM in times of trouble, do you?



Fear not

What do you think of when you hear the word submit?

In our culture submitting, or putting ourselves under another, is not seen in a positive light.  But I saw something about submitting that is new to me.

Sometimes stating a truth in different words makes it easier to understand.  As I listened to one speak of 2 types of fear, the word submit jumped into my mind.  With crystal clarity I saw that fear was submitting to what we focus on. Whatever we submit to, we allow to control us.

When we are stressed/ fear, we are focusing on a situation and depending on ourselves to find a way out.  By allowing the situation to control our thoughts, we are submitting to our fears.

The only way to get out of that bondage is to turn our thoughts to the problem solver-the LORD and submit to HIM and HIS ways by trusting GOD with the situation.

When we trust GOD in a situation, we are submitting to HIM.  When we submit to GOD, it shows that we fear HIM, and the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).  Therefore, GOD is more able to lead us.

When we fear the LORD and submit to HIS ways we can claim HIS promises.  One of those promises says, GOD is working all things together for an end result of good for those who love HIM and are the called according to HIS purposes. (Romans 8:28).

1 Corinthians 1:2 says, “… to them that are sanctified in CHRIST JESUS, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD, both their’s and our’s:

So you see that all who call upon the name of JESUS CHRIST our LORD are the called, so qualify for that promise in Romans 8:28.

And “whosoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved” (Romans 10:13).

Just knowing that when I fear something, I am submitting to it makes it easier for me to take my eyes off that problem and refocus by turning to GOD by taking that thought to JESUS (2 Corinthians 10:5, Hebrews 4:16).

I’d not seen fear as submitting before… hmmm, there is so much to learn.



GOD delivers

I couldn’t help but think of GOD’s watchful care when I read about and saw a photo of a little 4-month-old baby dug out of the rubble and alive more than a day after the destruction of the cyclone.  It was just a glimpse of GOD’s gentle love and goodness in delivering us from harm.

Have you ever felt or cried out, “It’s not fair!  It’s just not fair!”  I know that I have many times. 

Being we don’t see the whole picture of why things happen and what lies ahead, human standards cry out ‘life is not fair!’ 

Yet the bible tells us, “The swiftest person doesn’t always win the race or the strongest man the battle, and wise men are often poor and skillful men are not necessarily famous.” Ecclesiastes 9:11 

We could add to that list: the innocent suffer while the guilty get rich; you do right and get blamed for wrong (like Joseph the son of Jacob); you lovingly teach your child to do right and he goes deep into sin;  or you just work hard and everything falls apart.

Although life on earth is not fair, we must not despair but rather put GOD in the equation. Too often we forget to remember GOD’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways.  We are told they are as high as the heavens above (light years away from) our thought and ways.  In other words, we do not have the capacity, at this time, to understand. We are as a preschooler who knows her ABCs yet can in no way understand a Greek novel.  It is totally beyond the level of her comprehension.

In the Bible we are told there is Divine reason behind everything that happens.  Don’t ask me to explain that, but since GOD says it, I believe it as a matter of faith in the truth, power, love and wisdom of GOD who works all things after the counsel of HIS own will (Ephesians 1:11). 

Although I am unable to know or convey the ‘whys?’,  I can give an example that reminded me of GOD’s wisdom behind unfairness as I read again in the book of Daniel.

Now Daniel was taken captive as a young teenager. He chose to do things GOD’s way when doing what was expected of him would have been so much easier.  This story takes place after Daniel faithfully served several kings and he was a very old man.  Daniel was in a place of power because GOD put him there and gave him great wisdom. Daniel was faithful to serve his captives well.  His life was so devoted to GOD that his enemies (jealous because the new king planned to place Daniel over all the other rulers) could not find anything to criticize Daniel of. They knew the only way to get rid of him was trickery and it had to concern his GOD. 

Long story short, his enemies tricked the king into signing an unchangable law stating, ‘no one could ask anything from anyone (god or man) but the king for thirty days.  If someone broke that law he would be thrown into the lion’s den. When Daniel knew the law had been signed, he continued his practice to kneel and pray to GOD three times a day before his open window. He was caught by his enemies who demanded that the king throw Daniel to the lions because of the law he had signed.  The king tried to get out of it, but could find no way out and so threw Daniel to the lions.  In anguish, the king told Daniel that Daniel’s GOD, whom he served day and night, would keep him safe and GOD did.

Now on the surface we must conclude that what happen to Daniel was totally unfair. Bearing in mind that in the Old Testament the Jews primary responsibility (outside of worshipping and obeying GOD) was the same as ours as believers in JESUS today.  That is: we are to be HIS witnesses and are to tell others about our GOD and Savior. 

After spending a sleepless night, come morning, King Darius, rushed to the lion’s den and cried out to Daniel.  “Daniel, was your GOD able to save you?”  Daniel was safe and called back, ‘Yes!’

What was the outcome of all the unfairness Daniel endured?  “Afterwards King Darius wrote this message addressed to everyone in his vast empire in their own languages: “Greetings! I decree that everyone shall tremble and fear before the GOD of Daniel in every part of my kingdom.  For his GOD is the living, unchanging GOD whose kingdom shall never be destroyed and whose power shall never end.  HE delivers HIS people, preserving them from harm; HE does great miracles in heaven and earth; it is HE who delivered Daniel from the power of the lions. Daniel 6:25-27 TLB

So we see that Daniel’s witness was not just with the words he said but by how he lived his life to honor the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  Daniel’s words went far beyond anything he could imagine. Because of his suffering to do right, many people from many countries got to hear about GOD. 

Could GOD be doing something through your and my problems and struggles? The bible tells us that GOD has a reason for initiation or allowing of everything that comes our way (Ezekiel 14:23). HE did with Joseph, HE did with Job; HE did with Daniel and with JESUS and sob HE does with what touches you and me.  Are you willing to be like Daniel and trust GOD with all your heart and not lean on your own understanding? (Proverbs 3:5-6).


HE will do it

Talking to the LORD about one who is broken but filled with pride, I asked concerning him and how I might stand in the gap and pray on his behalf (Isaiah 45:11). In HIS tender love and mercy, the LORD spoke a verse to me as a rhema word for the situation.

“… he kept on in his willful ways. I have seen his ways, but I will heal him. I will lead him also and I will restore comfort to him and those who mourn for him” (Isaiah 57:17-18 ESV).

GOD said HE was going to manage it.

How can GOD promise that being righteous and having set the standard and the way, yet having given man choices? The LORD can only promise what will be done, because HE knows all things past, present, and future. Included in HIS amazing knowledge is how my rebel will respond in each situation he faces.

In Job 36:8 one is described as bound and held in the cords of his own sins. GOD promises in Job 36:9 that HE will show such a one his sins and how he has gone beyond the boundaries GOD HIMSELF has set. Then GOD declares that HE will open the rebel’s ears through problems and through discipline and tell that one what he needs to do. Then comes that person’s choice (Job 36-10-12). If one chooses to believe GOD, he will do what GOD directs. But If he chooses not to believe that which GOD has shown him, he will lose that which he was told, and he will die without knowledge.

So, for GOD to speak of healing one as HE did in Isaiah 57, we can be sure HE sees a whole lot more than we can. HE sees the choices that one will make before he makes them.

The truth related in Psalm 139 about how well GOD knows each person that has or will live blows my mind. And to think included in all that knowledge is what it will take to get my loved ones to see clearly and receive truth. It makes seeing the discipline and affliction they must endure so much more bearable for me to watch.

I find myself paraphrasing 2 Corinthians 4:15, 17 “All things are for their benefit…their light and momentary troubles are achieving for them great and eternal things that far surpass the pain of today.”

In Isaiah 57 GOD was saying that HE- the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY would heal my rebel and lead him and will restore comfort to him. I was reminded (Proverbs 21:1, John 14:26), of Jonah who was tossed into the depths of the freezing cold ocean. Yet GOD had provided a fish to swallow him, to protect and keep him safe until the time when GOD commanded the fish to spit Jonah out on dry land.

My loved ones present troubles are no more an issue to GOD, than that deep ocean.

I praised the LORD, HE knows what HE is doing. The LORD’s word that jumped off the page into my heart (the rhema word) concerning what the LORD HIMSELF was doing, assures me and gives me peace and joy, filling my heart with thanksgiving and telling me how to pray (Proverbs 3:5-7).

When GOD speaks, and you receive HIS word into your heart, choosing to believe it (Romans 10:10), it creates faith whether in JESUS, or what HE is doing in an individual or situation. For faith come from hearing (paying attention to what is being said) and hearing (in your heart) from the (rhema) word of CHRIST. (Romans 10:17).

Faith the is assurance of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction of the reality) of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).

Has GOD, who cannot lie, given you a (rhema) promise? Hold on to it. If it seems long in coming, wait for it. For it is for an appointed time (Acts 17:26). It will surely come, and that not second late (Habakkuk 2:3).




As a young girl I lived in the mountainous tri lake area of northeastern California. I loved to climb rocks but often would rush ahead without thinking so became known as accident prone.  Except for breaking my clavicle at age 2 when I fell out of the bottom bunk (yep, the bottom bunk) and later in my 40s, breaking my big toe when I dropped a bench on it by trying to lift it by myself, my countless stumbles and falls produced little more than cuts and bruises, a bit of swelling and a tear or two.

But the stumbling and falls I read about in 1 Peter 2:4-8 are so much more serious.

1 Peter 2:8 says that men stumble and fall because they REFUSE (that Greek word is a present participle meaning they are continually REFUSING) to believe and obey/ comply with the Word of GOD.

The word REFUSE says 2 things to me.  1st, you cannot REFUSE what has not been offered, so they are offered salvation and/or direction and say NO!  2nd to REFUSE is a deliberate choice.  They choose what they think they want.

That word REFUSE also makes me think of 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11.  Where GOD does something to the ones who REFUSE to receive the love of the truth.  After repeatedly offering HIS best to them and people’s REFUSAL of it, (as is told also in Romans 1:18-28) GOD gives them over to what they want. 

Yes, you heard me right. GOD gives them exactly what they are fighting so hard to get. They have consistently chosen lies over HIS word, they don’t want GOD or HIS ways so GOD gets out of their way and sends them powerful delusion that they will believe the lie (that they will no longer be able to see the truth they are fighting so hard against). 

Even we who do believe in JESUS and cling to HIS promises must carefully look at what is being said here.  People stumble when they refuse to take GOD’s word seriously as a command from their commander as strategic moves in the spiritual battle we are in.

When we do things our own way, we will also fall.  No, we won’t lose our salvation per se, but we can get pretty beat up. 

But GOD is faithful and will use even our falls for an end result of good for us who love GOD and are the called according to HIS purposes (Romans 8:28).  But why get bruised and bloody by listening to and following that liar who is the enemy of our LORD?  JESUS said that liar comes only to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).

GOD is good and knows what is right, let’s follow HIM.



The end of the matter

What an awesome time in the mountains at my favorite place- Camp Elim.  I worked there for many years.  This complimentary retreat in the beautiful pine trees and aspens for my 77th birthday was totally refreshing. The amazing teaching, awesome singing, delicious food and fun fellowship with old and new friends was quite a energizing break for me.

Now, I want to encourage you on the end of the matter for I found the teaching quite good. 

What do you do when things are hard? 

In the 1st session Jon Glock took us to Jeremiah 1 to underscore GOD’s call and promises to the young man Jeremiah (late teens or barely 20-year-old).  In sessions 2 and 3 we see why Jeremiah is nicknamed the weeping prophet. For he not only proclaimed GOD’s message to the people, but he also shared freely of his personal struggles through persecution and mockery. Then for the last session we went to Lamentations 3, which is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.

From Lamentation 3:17-18 Jon emphasized a concept, and 4 words.

Soul defined as being the whole self.  In these 2 verses we see 4 ways Jeremiah’s soul is affected by his reflection on his circumstances.

Peace– Jeremiah had no peace at this point.

Happiness or joy– Jeremiah had forgotten what it was like to be happy.

Strength– His strength was gone.

Hope– Jeremiah’s hope had perished. 

In Lamentations 3:19-20 Jeremiah remembered (FOCUSED on) his affliction, misery, the bitterness he felt, and he was humbled.  He felt helpless, discouraged, depressed to the point of despair, and wanting to quit.

but then, after Jeremiah cried out to the LORD, I think its scripturally accurate to say the HOLY SPIRIT brought to his mind/ turned Jeremiah’s mind to what he needed to FOCUS on (Proverbs 21:1).

Lamentations 3:21- Jeremiah recalled and chose to FOCUS on things he knew true about GOD and what GOD had promised.  Doing so brought him hope.

WHAT came to Jeremiah’s mind?

It is because of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed

GOD’s compassions don’t failHIS compassions are new every morning.

Great is GOD’s faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Then Jeremiah declared, “the LORD is my portion (that which gives me –my soul strength) therefore, I will, hope in HIM.  the LORD is good to them that wait for HIM, to the soul that seeks HIM.” (Lamentations 3:24-25).

Haven’t you found that true? I sure have!

The one line take-away Jon gave was: You must THINK (FOCUS) right to be able to do (live) right.

I, Sharon, know from repeated experiences, that these truths about where you find help in trouble and how your FOCUS affects your entire being is right on. When things get dark/ heavy with hard impossible stuff, as it has over, and over, and over again these past few years, causes me to cry out to GOD. often either a characteristic of GOD or a promise from GOD’s word comes into my mind or I’m nudged to open the Word of GOD and a word there strikes me. 

I know it is the HOLY SPIRIT nudging me or reminding me because JESUS said that is what the HOLY SPIRIT would do (John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:10).

Whatever truth concerning GOD’s nature/ or scriptural promise that comes to mind lifts me up, giving me peace, joy and hope.  Thereby, I am strengthened incredibly in my faith, my understanding and even physically and emotionally I feel it. I am filled with thanksgiving and am enabled to go on with a real smile anticipating what GOD is at work achieving through it all (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).  

Most often the circumstances don’t automatically change, but my FOCUS and attitude sure do. GOD tells us we are to live by faith not sight (Habakkuk 2:2, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38- remember repetition in GOD’s Word brings with it emphasis).

Often, I am compelled to share the very comfort I have just received from GOD (2 Corinthians 1:4) in hopes that another needs that word and will be comforted with GOD’s message to me.  That’s why you hear from me so much.

Stop for a moment, be still and consider, which truth about GOD/ or which of HIS great and precious promises do you go to (FOCUS on) the most in times of struggle?



Are you clinging?

When you have a break in the daily hassle, where does your mind go?  What are you looking forward to?

“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from GOD’s love for them (Jonah 2:8 NIV).

“Those who worship worthless idols forfeit the mercy that could be theirs” (Jonah 2:8 NET)

“they have wandered far from ME (the LORD GOD) and walked after emptiness and futility and became empty” (Jeremiah 2:5).

Using the  paraphrase of Jeremiah 2:5 “Chasing after emptiness they emptied themselves out,” I asked an alcoholic, “Is your thirst/ the hole/ the need for more getting bigger?  Do you seem emptier?”  She said, “yes.  Nothing satisfies for long.”

Chasing after and clinging to the momentary delights of this world, whatever form it takes, turns us away from all GOD offers not just for this life but for the next as well.

The LORD says, “Call unto ME in the day of trouble, I will deliver you!” (Psalm 50:15).  For only those who call on the name of the LORD (JESUS) will be saved (Romans 10:13).

What are you, what am I holding onto that keeps us from seeking the LORD with all our hearts?

