Ever been put on hold?

Do you feel like you have been put on “hold”?

One morning I woke up while it was yet dark, feeling greatly troubled and defeated but not sure why. Then I read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12).

“Yes,” I agreed, “That’s it!  That is what I’m feeling, my heart feels sick”.

Circumstances looked so wrong, not a bit like my expectations, but rather a mocking of them. Then the LORD’s whisper came, “Didn’t I promise?” and the word ‘deferred’ came to mind.  

I pondered that word.  Deferred it has 2 meanings you know.  1st It can mean delayed, put off for a while but not denied.

“The LORD is not slack (tardy) concerning HIS promise, as some men count slackness (being late); but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any (of us) should perish, but that all (of us) should come to repentance” 2 Peter 3:9.

“Do you despise the riches of GOD’s goodness and long-suffering and forbearance (putting up with things?) Don’t you know that the goodness of GOD leads you to repentance?” Romans 4:2.

This time of waiting has a purpose, and its purpose will help people. This lingering delay is for me as much as the others for during the years of delay GOD has changed me and even now patience has not yet finished its perfecting work in me (James 1:3-4).

Then there is the 2nd meaning of ‘deferred’ to submit to and accept.

LORD, YOU are a faithful GOD who has synchronized the universes so stars and planets never collide, and autumn follows summer therefore I choose to humbly submit to YOUR timing!  YOU know all things and do all things well, I defer to YOUR wisdom and understanding and completely trust that this delay will achieve things that far surpass anything I can imagine.  I bow before YOU my GOD and defer to YOU as I expectantly await the fulfillment of YOUR word to me, YOUR servant.  Thank YOU, LORD for loving me and sending JESUS to save all who will believe and reconcile us to YOURSELF.  My eyes are on YOU and I am watching to see YOUR plan unfold.

Are facing a delay like me?  Turn your eyes to JESUS.  Look to GOD, HE has a reason, HE is neither ignoring the issue you are facing nor is HE late with the answer. HE will get there before the tardy bell rings.




This morning as I was reading the Word, GOD showed HIS faithfulness to me to prepare me to do what HE assigns (Ephesians 2:10, Isaiah 50:4) and also reminded me that delays always have a purpose (Ezekiel 14:23).

When I discovered that I’d run out of ink and paper for my printer, I asked the LORD “what am I to do?  Tuesday’s class needs this lesson before class so they can do the detailed homework for the first lesson in Leviticus on the 30th” (we skip a week because I must be out of town).  The LORD’s peace settled over me although HE told me nothing.

Well class was crazy Tuesday and we didn’t finish up so are going to do it on the 30th (problem solved for we get paid on the 25th and I can get the ink and paper and print out the master and make copies.)  So time wise we are good! Praise the LORD.

But that’s not all, as I was going on to compile the next lesson something caught my eye and I wondered why it wasn’t in the 1st chapters?  Going back I found it was there so now I have the opportunity to make the correction before I print and my class will see the offerings in a more complete way!  GOD is so good to me. 

Had I printed out the original lesson two important elements would have been left out.  Again I am reminded how I am to give thanks for all things and trust when I don’t understand for GOD will provide one time one way, and other time a different way.

“Faithful is HE who calls you who will also do it?” 1 Thessalonians 5:24.

