
I made our traditional pineapple upside down JESUS birthday cake But this year in a shape of a tree for I see so many Christmas trees �� posted on Facebook. Let us not forget the reason God the Son came.

Ring the bells, ring the bells, let the whole world know, Christ was born of Mary many years ago. Born to die so man could live, came to earth new life to give, born of Mary, born so low many years ago (an old song)  

Emptied of HIS majesty HE comes in human form Being’s source begins to be And God is born All our griefs HE’ll gladly share… All our sins HE’ll fully bear HE will cover our disgrace And suffered in our place. — Bob Kauflin, Sovereign Grace

Love and hugs.

Merry Christmas

Sharon L Manning

My sister Carol

My baby sister was born a few days before Christmas, and she was named Carol. Like the music she is named after she sang beautifully. I thinking of her a lot lately for she graduated to heaven this year and now gets to celebrate Christmas with JESUS HIMSELF. So many things get me thinking of my sister and Christmas caroling which I have always loved is one of them.

A CAROL is a ring dance. Being denied the opportunity to sing in the churches, the people used to sing outside. While the people were dancing (caroling) tunes and words were made up by one or more bystanders from the Nativity incidents. This accounts for occasional inaccuracies like the shepherds seeing the star.

Like folk songs, Christmas songs narrate, and they have come directly from the hearts of the people so that the authors of both words and music have been forgotten.

Tradition has it that Pope Telesphorus (Pope from 125-136) decreed that all should carol (dance and sing in the streets) Gloria in excelsis Deo on the birthday or our LORD. As the people sang and danced to Gloria in excelsis Deo, one or another added the lines of the verses and Angels we Have Heard on High) truly became the 1st Christmas song. This decree inaugurated the custom of celebrating the Nativity with singing of CAROLs.

Now, in France all Christmas songs are called NOELs. Some have associated this word with the Latin novella (news) but more likely it came from nadal an altered form of the Latin natialis (birthday). How fitting… the 1st NOEL (birthday!)

Wow! To think that our eternal GOD the Son, Creator of heaven and earth had a birthday (the mystery of HIS taking human form)! No wonder the people danced and sang in the streets.

I love to sing Christmas carols and make JESUS a birthday cake each year decorating it with a center of yellow tinted coconut (hay) and a toy child figure (JESUS) a little lamb and cow looking down on HIM.

But JESUS came not to be a baby, but to grow up experiencing all we experience so that we could know HE really understands (Hebrews 4:14-16) and to die on the cruel cross carrying every human sin (past, present and future) to defeat the devil and blot out the record of our sins (Colossians 2:14-15) so that whoever chooses to believe that WORD of GOD and will confess that JESUS is LORD of all and GOD the FATHER raised HIM from the dead will be saved eternally to live with JESUS (John 3:16, 36, Romans 10:9-10, 13).

I love the old, old carols, like Angels we have heard on high. But one of my favorite songs at Christmas is a relatively new one: “Mary did you know?” It shows that JESUS is GOD and put aside HIS glory to take on the form of man and die for our sin that we might be reconciled to GOD the FATHER. The line that always thrills me most is….”did you know that when you kissed your little baby, you kiss the face of GOD”.

Mary did you Know? (lyrics follow)

Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?

Mary did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?

Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?

This child that you’ve delivered, will soon deliver you.

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?

Mary did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?

Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?

And when you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God.

The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dead will live again.

The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb.

Mary did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?

Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?

Did you know that your baby boy is heaven’s perfect Lamb?

This sleeping child you’re holding is the great I am.

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2)



Turn around

Right now we are celebrating the birth of JESUS, eternal GOD the SON, who though fully GOD stripped HIMSELF [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that HE became like men and was born a human being so that HE could die for the sins of all men and reconcile them to GOD (Philippians 2:7-8).  “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

One has come to me over and over to get rid of voices in his head.  Since those voices cause him to be hateful, destructive, and even beat himself, I thought of demons- for like their leader they come to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). Talking with the LORD concerning him and asking how to pray the Lord has taught me the great need for REPENTANCE as HE showed me how to pray for this tortured man.

Proverbs 21:1 tells us that GOD directs our thoughts and after I’d prayed I opened my Bible where I had been reading and came to Luke 8.  There another poor man was infested with demons.  They crazed him, pushing him to destroy and sought to kill him as they drove him to cut himself.  But though he always stayed away from people, when this man saw JESUS ran to HIM and fell at JESUS feet (Luke 8:28).  The cry of his heart was to be set free for one must call upon the name of the LORD to be saved (Romans 10:13) and we are told that JESUS at that point was telling the demons (2,000 of them) to leave and not return and the demons begged JESUS to let them go into the pigs nearby.

I knew without a doubt GOD was telling me to pray for the one wanting freedom from the voices to fall on his face before GOD in submission before GOD could set him free.  For unless he turned from his ways that opened himself up to the demons he could not be set free, lest they just returned when he opened up the door though his actions.  This one must fill himself with seeking GOD.

And the times of this ignorance GOD winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent: (Acts 17:30).

But what is repentance?

Repentance is to turn to GOD from idols, to serve the living GOD (I Thessalonians 1:9). It’s a changing of commitments, an “about face”, a change of mind and attitude.  One goes from fighting GOD’s right to set standards to wanting to please GOD.

Repentance does not emphasize emotion or stand beside faith as an added essential for salvation.  Rather, repentance provides a perspective on faith.  For faith in a biblical sense is commitment, not mere mental assent.  The one who repents has faith, for it is faith in GOD (HIS goodness, wisdom and power) that is expressed when we decide to turn to HIM from our old ways.

“Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance” Matthew 3:8.  If you really turn to GOD from idols (seeking what you want from something or someone other than GOD), your actions will change.

Warning: “but, unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish” Luke 13:3

Will you join me in praying for this man- that GOD enable this man to turn fully to GOD and fall on his face before HIM?



PS After being set free, the man in Luke 8 sat at JESUS feet listening to HIS words and wanted to follow JESUS.  JESUS commissioned him to go tell others about what GOD had done for him.

Be still and know

Ever have your plans changed without warning?

Yesterday morning as I prayed for ones who are grieving, GOD spoke to my heart things concerning not going our way, then HE ended with Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am GOD.”  That word be still can be translated calm down, stop fighting, let go, be in awe and silent, desist.

I was going to attempting to put the concept in words and had several other things on my to do list.  Then talking about my day with the LORD, I said “LORD have YOUR way.”  I sat down at my computer and there was a phone call.  My whole schedule was delightfully changed by grandchildren coming over to help make Christmas goodies (popcorn balls and ginger bears) and then sweet friends dropping by.  By the end of day and I’d just finished cleaning up after the kids left, I could do no more but collapse, so went and soaked in the tub.

The crazy thing is that my day was actually an illustration of what GOD spoke to my heart to pray for my grieving friends.  “Trust ME, I have a good reason for doing what I have done.”

My grieving friends are Christians and so desire to please GOD.  When one believes in JESUS (John 3:16,36, Romans 10:9,10, 13) and becomes GOD’s child (John 1:12) among other things that person is set apart to GOD and by GOD (Colossians 1:13. Hebrews 10:14).  Anything set apart to GOD is holy and removed from the realm of the common and moved into the realm of the sacred.  Anything set apart to GOD must be for HIS use alone.  But holiness in practical daily life is progressive.

Therefore, “In reality, the experience of holiness consists in one thing only, complete loyalty to GOD’s will” /Jean-Pierre de Caussade .  To be loyal to GOD’s will is to accept it as best.  That can be hard and takes refocusing off what we want.  There are traumatic issues that we are facing where I must run repeatedly to the throne and ask GOD to refocus me on the truth GOD is in control and knows best.  

It is deliberately choosing to accept and trust GOD’s timing (Acts 17:26-27), wisdom and foreknowledge of what HE allows or sends into my life.  What helps me is to remember GOD in HIS perfect love and knowledge of what lies ahead (Psalm 130:16, Isaiah 46:10) filters what comes to me and HE always has a good reason for what HE does! (Ezekiel 14:23).  For GOD will keep in perfect peace the mind that is stayed/ fixed on HIM (Isaiah 26:3).

Is your mind fixed on GOD or on what you want to happen or get?



Bad turns out good?

Can you name a time something seemingly bad turned out for good? 

GOD says that HE works all things together for a result of good to those who love HIM (Romans 8:28).  But in the middle of trouble do we believe that? Do we go a step further to obey GOD and thank GOD in the middle of a storm? (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Colossians 3:17, Philippians 4:6).

Yesterday I was working on a Christmas letter with pictures of all my offspring when I got chilly and tried to turn on my space heater and it wouldn’t go on.  Our electricity was out.  Then I tried to access new pictures I had sent to my phone through text and my email didn’t show them.  Well, the internet was out too. Bummer!

Praise the LORD I have a laptop that runs on batteries and so worked a bit longer until darkness overtook me.

It was getting colder and colder, so I put on a heavy coat, wrapped a blanket around my legs and we got out the old coal oil lamps just used as decorations since we moved here to Pueblo. Even though there was just a little oil in then it was enough and I thank the LORD we left the oil in them.

But there was a concern.  We live in a low area downhill from the east, north and slightly from the south so we depend on a stemp-pump to keep us from flooding.  Every 10-15 minutes it pumps out 7 to 15 gallons of water.  Well, no electricity, no stemp-pump (we had never invested in a battery for the alternate battery powered one that was included when we got the last stemp-pump). The water was rising.

Mac went down with a flashlight from time to time to check the water level for if it flooded much it would attack our water heater first and burn out the element.  Mac wanted to turn it off before that happened but hesitated to act too soon for it is really old and when flooded previously, he had a real problem getting it back on.

So, I prayed that the LORD would show us mercy and we would get electricity before the water got too high. We heard electricity was restored everywhere but our NW Pueblo area.  Praise the LORD for cell phones!

That is not the only praise.  In the dark, all of us who usually are doing their own thing, gathered together and there was much comradery, laughter, telling of times past and that was fun. Besides by losing our electricity and internet we realized how much we depend on them yet simply take them for granted instead of thanking GOD for all HE gives us.

The electricity came on around 8pm and then our internet came on at around 8 this morning. The water never rose above the floor line which was a definite answer to prayer and assured us anew of GOD’s protection and control even in little things. 

It also encourages us about what the judge will decide in court today (it is a long-term heart-breaking issue).  We have no idea what is best, but GOD does, and HE will turn the heart of the judge to do what is best of that I am convinced (Proverbs 21:1).

Again, it was through a trial that GOD proved HE is good and hears our prayers.  As never before I see the truth in Acts 17:26 (last clause) through 27.  What happens to us has purpose behind it, regardless of who or what is the secondary cause is, for it can only touch us as GOD allows it!



Nothing is impossible

Back in the 1993 I went to Albania on a prayer team to pray for Albania.  While walking down the street I saw many beggars sitting on the sides of the streets even as we do in our city. But they were dressed in ragged clothes and sat with their hands outstretched. My mind flew back to what I’d learned while researching for the 10/40 Window prayer group. In some 3rd world countries, there are parents who actually broke an arm or leg of their very own child so the child can effectively beg and get money for the family.  That reality broke my heart.

In John 9 today I read about a man who had been born blind and sitting outside the temple begging. I got to wondering about him and other beggars who had spent their entire lives sitting at the entrance of the temple begging. 

After JESUS healed them what did they do?  They didn’t have a trade, nor could they continue to sit and beg.  What did they do?

Then my thoughts to the drug addicts and alcoholics begging on our streets.  Many of them have a record of several arrests on minor crimes (like standing in the median).  Many have no trade they have never worked. If they come to turn to JESUS and HE sets them free from their addictions, where would they go and what would they do? 

LORD, YOU are loving and kind and so merciful and nothing is too hard for YOU (Luke 1:37). So, I come boldly to YOU concerning these that are on my mind for I know YOU value them. Many have given up any hope for change, although desire freedom and meaning.  Others think that they cannot live without the substance that is being used to enslave them.  Open their eyes.  I don’t know if that means bring on a crisis, but whatever will open their eyes to the truth I ask for you to graciously grant to them.  It amazes me how YOU know each heart.  Speak to each one in their own personal situation. YOU have a plan for each believer for good plus it is written that YOU have preset the exact times and places for ALL men for the purpose that men would reach out to YOU (Acts 17:26-27). Thank YOU, LORD, thank YOU.

These are crazy days, and we can see worldwide events lining up for fulfillment of what YOU foretold the prophets would happen thousands of years ago.  Many, even believers in JESUS, are troubled and fearful for their eyes are on the troubles these days bring instead of looking to and trusting YOUR plan spoken of in YOUR word and YOUR power to bring it all to pass.  Please use this time LORD to bring many to saving faith in JESUS as well as to bring back the prodigals to YOU where they belong. Help them see which way to turn and hear in their ear ‘this is the way, walk in it’, just like you promise in YOUR word (Isaiah 30:21).  I rest in YOU for YOU promise LORD that, YOU will keep me in perfect peace, if my mind is stayed (fixed/ focused) on YOU: because I trust in YOU (Isaiah 26:3). I ask these things in the name of my Savior and LORD, JESUS.

 And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left (Isaiah 30:21).

If you are willing to do HIS (GOD’s) will, you shall know if a thought is of GOD or from another source (John 7:17). Isn’t that encouraging truth?



All over again

Worry and scheme or believe and trust the choice is yours.

Have you ever shared how GOD has taught you something and then boom, you find that you are back in that test all over again?  Today that happened to me.  But as I read,  “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of GOD so that things that are seen, were not made of things that do appear (are visible)” (Hebrews 11:3).

GOD impressed in my heart, “Sharon, I don’t need anything to do what I promised you. Don’t look at the things you can see for they are temporary, but, like JESUS on the cross (Hebrews 12:2) look ahead to what you cannot see, that which I promised to achieve through these troubles, for that will last forever (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

Just reading the living Word of GOD has flooded me with joy and peace and HIS word has renewed my hope.  GOD is so good!



Joy to the world

Ever feel stressed or down? What can you do about it?

So many things are happening in the world that causes stress and fear because we are not in control.  But we don’t have to stay there. The night that JESUS was born the shepherds went from fear to joy and so can we if we do what they did.

The night JESUS was born, GOD the FATHER sent an angel to the lowest working class (the shepherds) to announce JOY to the world.  “And the angel said unto them, FEAR not: (no longer do we have to fear) for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOR, which is CHRIST the LORD.  And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising GOD, and saying, Glory to GOD in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:10-14). 

They believed the word of GOD that the angel brought to them and showed their faith by going to see JESUS in the manger.

JOY and PEACE go together and produce assurance (meaning of the word hope in the Bible).

Now the GOD of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, that you may abound (overflow) in hope, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 15:13).

Joy and peace come from GOD and we can pray for them.  Did you notice there is CONDITION that you must believe?  That is saying we must be trusting GOD’s Word/ promises HIS love and good will toward us, HIS wisdom and HIS Presence and control in any given situation before we will have joy and peace.

If we focus on a difficult situation, or one not of our liking, we can really get down. But if we REFOCUS when we are troubled by running to the throne of grace, GOD’s word declares HE cares and understands our situation and how we are feeling and HE will give us help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Joy and peace are fruit (outworking produced) by the HOLY SPIRIT when we choose to turn from focusing on what bothers us (the world/ our situation) or on how we feel (the flesh) and deliberately choose to focus on GOD and obey the nudges of the HOLY SPIRIT within us (Romans 8:1, Galatians 5:22).

JESUS said “PEACE I leave with you, MY PEACE I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled (Greek text don’t let your heart be stirred up by an outside source), neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).

If we look at problems and sickness and even the world events, especially in the Mideast we know that things in this world are getting worse fast. In some respects, it seems people have lost their minds. Everyday rumors of wars are increasing. The world’s peace is definitely not here. 

But JESUS spoke of HIS PEACE.  It is defined in Philippians 4:6-7 “Be careful (stress out, anxious/ worry) about nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD. And the PEACE of GOD, which surpasses all (throws you beyond having to have) understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.”

Did you note the two conditions to getting peace?  Talk EVERYTHING over with GOD and give GOD THANKS for what HE is doing through them.  Remember, not one thing will touch us without HIS permission (see Job 1 and 2) and GOD will use ALL things (the bad as well as the good) for our good if we belong to HIM (Romans 8:28).

In Matthew 1:21 it says, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for HE shall save HIS people from their sins.

Who will be saved?  “If you declare with your mouth, ‘JESUS (Savior) is LORD (Ruler)’, and believe in your heart that GOD raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified (just as if I’d never sinned), and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in HIM will never be put to shame. ”For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same LORD (Ruler) is LORD (Ruler) of ALL and richly blesses ALL who call on HIM,for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD (JESUS) will be saved (from the wrath of GOD John 3:36).”

Then in Matthew 1:23 “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call HIS name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD with us.”

From the moment JESUS came into the world as a baby GOD has been with us.  JESUS remains in each and everyone who calls on HIS name (Hebrews 13:5) to be saved through GOD the HOLY SPIRIT/ the SPIRIT of JESUS (Philippians 1:19). HE is the same SPIRIT who indwelt the LORD HIMSELF when JESUS lived on the earth (Luke 4:14). Another name for that SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of GOD (Matthew 3:16).

We really can have PEACE and JOY in every situation but only if we meet the conditions? IF we will FOCUS on our loving GOD who knows what HE is doing and thank HIM that HE is LORD/ the ONE in control and HE is WITH us (Hebrews 13:5) we will have deep PEACE and JOY regardless of what is going on around us

Choose to believe GOD’s Word and trust, for “the JOY of the LORD is your strength Nehemiah 8:10

Hugs Sharon

In the year

As a young woman one morning my husband handed me our youngest child, our little baby boy and said, “Momma, the baby is dead.”  After my baby died, I found myself thinking irrationally and knew that the only thing that could keep me sane to raise my 2 little girls was to seek out the GOD I met when I was 12.  I ran down to a church, but no one was there!  Then I felt a splash of a raindrop on my cheek and looked up and saw a cloud shaped as a mighty lion with a baby on his back hanging on to the lion’s mane and laughing and I heard the words, “Don’t weep for him, he is having the time of his life.”  That turned me back to GOD and changed me and how I thought completely.

Just as Isaiah was changed, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD on HIS throne high and lifted up” (Isaiah 6:1).

I love my time with GOD and the way HE talks to me.  To direct me, encourage me or in leading me in how to pray GOD generally brings scripture to mind and often confirms HIS ways by making me aware of how it is working in others lives.

Anyone who has read Job knows that no one and nothing can touch us without GOD’s permission.  Job went from the mightiest man of the East, he had children, health, riches and honor then lost everything. We know that GOD rewarded Job greatly for every single thing he had to suffer, just as HE promises to achieve amazing things for us that far surpass the pain of today for every trouble that comes our way (Job 42, 2 Corinthians 4:16-17). After the struggles there was a new long-lasting season of blessing for Job.

We must lay the foundation of right thoughts of GOD if we are to cope in this life.  The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is beyond anything we can imagine, for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only (uniquely) begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Creation shows the LORD’s power and wisdom that boggle our minds. Little by little the HOLY SPIRIT is revealing GOD’s ways to the ones who believe in JESUS (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Right now, since there are crisis issues (yes plural) in my world that seem impossible GOD has gently reminded me that with HIM nothing is impossible and that HE has a plan that HE is working out.

In praying for these issues and many other prayer requests that come my way where I am unsure in what GOD’s good plan for them is, I am lead to pray for the very best the LORD has for them (Jeremiah 29:11-13) and that they not lack any blessing they could have if only asked for (James 4:2).

Then there are times when I am talking to the LORD concerning a situation or problem that HE will show me how specifically to pray.

An adult child of mine and I had sweet fellowship, we would sing Christian songs together and talk of the wonders of GOD.  But life happened and foolish choices were made. At this time my child has been taken from me, not by death but by access to.

As I cried out to the LORD for him,  GOD turned my mind to Isaiah 6:1, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD on HIS throne high and lifted up” and I was impressed that I (the one my child looked to for answers and direction) must be taken from his life before he could be see clearly, set free and go on to a new and better season of his life.

It brought me sweet peace to see the why behind the turn of events that look so horrific.

Years back a dear friend and I met once a week for Bible Study and prayer for over a year and a half.  The time was so special, I believe we grew to know GOD better and we shared our hearts with each other, so our bond became quite strong.  But then came a day when I could no longer meet with her. GOD had other plans.  It was hard and I missed her greatly. But it was all according to GOD’s magnificent plan for her.  When I could no longer meet with her for Bible study, her husband started studying the Word of GOD with her and their relationship grew even greater as it lifted to a higher level.  As for me, GOD had other plans as well. HE opened a new season for me in sharing HIS Word.

That makes me think of Isaiah 6:1  “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD sitting on HIS throne high and lifted up.”  As long as King Uzziah lived, Isaiah looked to the king for direction.  It was only after the king died that Isaiah look up and saw the LORD.  It changed his whole life.

As long as I was studying with my friend, we looked to each other, it blocked her husband from studying with her.  When I was out of the picture, the door opened and the next season in their marriage began .

Another dear friend, a mother I know has always been there for her daughter and grandchildren.  Though states apart during the many times of crisis the mom stopped what she was doing, delegated her work responsibilities and would fly out to help her daughter and grandchildren through sickness and struggles. But due to Covid this was stopped and now they are separated.  The mother aches to go see her daughter and misses her grandchildren terribly but she also is needed by others.  The stopping of one season of the mother’s life opened up the next season for now she is available, willing and able to go where she is needed. 

While the daughter, who always depended so on her mother, is in the place Isaiah found himself when King Uzziah died.  She can no longer look to her mother to fill her needs and give her direction. So we are praying that she will look up and see GOD high and lifted up and be drawn to walk with HIM.  HE would quickly become her strength.

… for GOD has preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men would reach out to HIM, though HE is not far from anyone… (Acts 17:26-27).

Many I know are in the place of looking to someone to show them the way.  They need something to wake them up.  Perhaps they need as Isaiah did “in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD sitting on HIS throne high and lifted up”

You can find as I have that if you face any and all situations (big and small) as coming from GOD and thank HIM for HIS actions in your behalf, you will find a peace that throws you beyond having to understand and guards and keeps your heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). 

Remember GOD is always with us if we believe in JESUS and nothing, absolutely nothing can touch us without GOD’s permission (see Job 1 and 2).



JESUS said

How long would you live if you did not eat or drink?  Now bread will nourish our physical body but what about our spirit (that part of us that fellowships with GOD)?

I had never quite grasped what JESUS meant about eating HIS flesh and drinking HIS blood until I pondered the surrounding verses this morning.

But HE (JESUS) answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4).

Notice JESUS is equating GOD’s word as nourishing and necessary for people, as bread is for our bodies to live.

“It is the SPIRIT that gives life; the flesh (body) does not profit (isn’t nourished): the words that I (JESUS) speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are life” (John 6:63).

JESUS’ words=the SPIRIT who gives life.

When JESUS spoke, HE spoke truth/ words given HIM by GOD the FATHER (John 8:28).  The HOLY SPIRIT takes that Word and convicts men that those Words of GOD are truth (John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 2:10)   If one receives (believes and accepts) the Word of GOD spoken by JESUS, he receives the HOLY SPIRIT for JESUS words are SPIRIT and HE gives life (John 6:63, Ephesians 1:13, 2:1, 5).

“So, then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of GOD” (Romans 10:17).

Now in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD.  The same was in the beginning with GOD (John 1:1-2) And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among men (and we beheld HIS glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the FATHER,) full of grace and truth (John 1:14).

From Genesis to Revelation we find GOD revealing HIMSELF and HIS plan through prophecy and “the testimony of JESUS is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).

We see in John 1:14 that the Word of GOD is JESUS.  In John 6:50-51 JESUS declares HE was the true bread from heaven.  Now remember (John 6:63). What JESUS says/ HIS Words are SPIRIT and give us life but the flesh/ our bodies profit nothing. When we eat that bread/ the Word of GOD/JESUS (by receiving the Word of GOD by faith) it gives us an outflow of the HOLY SPIRIT and HE gives us life and nourishment for our spiritual life.

A graphic illustration that believing/ receiving for oneself the Word of GOD/JESUS gives life is found when JESUS spoke the Word, “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM (JESUS) should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Spiritual life comes through believing in JESUS birth, death, resurrection and that HE is coming back for us which produces a calling on the name of the LORD to save us (Romans 10:9-10, 13).  Now we grow and are nourished spiritually as we read/ hear, meditate on and receive GOD’s Word as truth (Matthew 4:4, John 7:17).  That is called eating JESUS flesh (John 6:54-55). We are told in 1 Peter 2:2 to be like a baby drinking his bottle, we are to eagerly desire and drink in the Word of GOD so that we might grow spiritually.

Now drinking JESUS blood is to accept the finished work of JESUS accomplished on the cross for the remission/ full payment of our sins. Blood is necessary for the remission and forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 9:22, 10:14) On the cross when JESUS said it is finished (John 19:30), HE was stating that HE had paid off the death penalty for all sin and had disarmed the devil and demons (Colossians 2:13-14).

We not only have been given the opportunity to believe and accept our Maker and Savior’s gift of life and forgiveness of sin by believing in JESUS, but also we are told to remember JESUS, HIS suffering and death on our behalf through the eating of bread (symbolic of HIS body) and drinking a sip of wine/grape juice (a symbol of HIS blood) and in this way show the LORD’s death until HE comes (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

JESUS said, If you abide in ME (walk with ME, following ME) and MY words remain in you (you are to think about them and act in accordance with JESUS’ HOLY SPIRIT filled words) then you may ask what you wish and it will be given to you (John 15:7).

Wow! That is an amazing promise.  How can that be?  GOD doesn’t always answer the way we ask.

If you believe in JESUS (eat HIS flesh), you have the HOLY SPIRIT living in you and Philippians 2:13 and Hebrews 10:16 says the HOLY SPIRIT places GOD’s desires in our heart (so we want what GOD wants) and HE writes GOD’s thoughts in our mind so we know what GOD wants us to do.  If we listen to HIS still small voice and obey those GOD given nudges we will only want and ask for GOD’s will. Of course GOD can always give us that which is HIS will (1 John 5:14-15).

