Part 1 GOD knows

Donna, Virginia and I have been friends, gone on treasure hunts and studied the Word of GOD together for many years.  We dearly love one another but don’t always see things eye to eye.

But that is not true of GOD the FATHER, JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT for JESUS is the exact representation of GOD the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT is called both the SPIRIT of GOD and the SPIRIT of CHRIST.  Those 3 agree on everything.

When GOD said, “Let US make man in our own image” Genesis 1: 26 it was a decree of the counsel of the GODhead.  For there are 3 that bear witness in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD (JESUS-John 1:1, 14), and the HOLY GHOST (SPIRIT) and these 3 are one (1 John 5:7KJ).

JESUS said to Nicodemus, a Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews, “I say to you, you must be born again” Then JESUS said, “Verily (it is true), verily (it is true), I say to you, WE speak that WE do know, and testify to what WE have seen; and you receive not OUR witness. (John 3:11).

Notice JESUS goes from 1 person singular (I) to 1 person plural (WE, OUR)? Why? JESUS clearly says both HE and the HOLY SPIRIT only say to men what GOD the FATHER has told them to say. (John 12:49-50, 16:13).  What JESUS says and what the HOLY SPIRIT convicts men of agrees with what GOD the FATHER proclaims.

What did they proclaim? “It is the truth, We speak only what WE know and testify to what WE have seen.” There is no guessing, and no speculation they speak only fact.

What does GOD know?  For one thing HE knows the hearts of each of us and how we will act in any given situation. “But JESUS did not commit (entrust) HIMSELF unto them, because HE knew all men,  And needed not that any should testify of man: for HE knew what was in man.” John 2:24-25.

GOD knows what we are going to say before we speak, in fact all the days of our lives (everything we would do) were recorded in HIS book before even one began (Psalm 139:4, 16).

GOD does not live in time as you and I,  but HE sees our past, present and future as one.  That is how HE sees what will happen.  Personally, I have no clue how that could be but trust the word of GOD that it is so.

GOD works (accomplishes) all things after the counsel (purpose) of HIS own will (Ephesians 1:11) by working all things together for an end result of good to those who love HIM (Romans 8:28-29) and call on the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST (1 Corinthians 1:2). A well-used illustration of this is stirring together the good and the bad like a cook beating up a raw egg, flour, sugar, shortening, vanilla, milk and baking powder then sticking it in a hot oven for a prescribed period of time.  All according to a recipe with an expected end of good!

GOD only allows or does that which will eventually produce good according to HIS eternal purposes.

A couple verses indicate to me how our GOD decided what HE determined (decreed) to happen.

Elect (chosen) according to the foreknowledge of GOD the FATHER… 1 Peter 1:2

So, what is foreknowledge.  It is two Greek words put together to make one: to know+before.  GOD knows beforehand what each man’s choices will be and knowing what choices man will make in any given circumstance GOD can determine the outcome by presetting the times and the places things happen.

An example from my life: GOD says I am HIS workmanship created in CHRIST JESUS unto good works that HE prepared in advance that I should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).  Well, there was a day of great turmoil in my life and I was going to leave my husband and would have gone I to a different location.  GOD said to me, “If you leave, you will lose your ability to do what I have planned for you.”  Nothing was worth that, so I stayed.

Later I realized that the LORD wasn’t saying that HE was going to punish me and take my work away but rather that my work was in a certain place for a certain time all preset by HIM.  Of course, HE knew what my choice would be so there never has to be a plan B.

“HIM (JESUS), being delivered by the determinate counsel (nothing can happen without GOD’s permission-Job 1, 2) and foreknowledge of GOD, you have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain” Acts 2:23  GOD determined to achieve our salvation through the blood sacrifice of JESUS and therefore let wicked men do what they determined in their evil hearts to do.

The LORD GOD is almighty- HE is good, HE has all power, all wisdom, and because HE knows all things down to how each of us will act in any given situation HE can set the stage (preset times and places Acts 17:26-27 with a specific goal in mind) and know precisely what will occur without infringing on HIS decree to make us (humans) in HIS own image (which included giving man the ability to choose). 

Therefore, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY can proclaim the future with 100% accuracy.  Over 300 prophesies were fulfilled when JESUS the eternal WORD (John 1:1, 15) took on a human body (Philippians 2:7) and was made in all ways as we humans except for sin (Hebrews 2:14) came as a baby, so that through HIS death on the cross HIS blood would ransom (pay for) all the sins of mankind.  Being both GOD and man HE is the only mediator between GOD and man (1 Timothy 2:5) and JESUS is now seated on the right hand of the FATHER in heaven.  There are still many, many more prophesies concerning JESUS CHRIST our LORD left to be fulfilled before the new heavens and new earth spoken of in Revelation.  Everyone will be fulfilled.

In part 2 want to share a bit about the times and seasons and how GOD changes them without HIM changing in purpose or nature.




When plans change abruptly, hopes are dashed, and answers to prayers are delayed over and over and over again, how do you react?

Friends of mine had saved up and planned a dream trip.  They had made all the arrangements, taken leave from work, bought the airline tickets, made reservations at hotels, and at places where they wanted to go.  The night before they were to leave everything changed. One of them tested positive for Covid and the trip had to be cancelled. Instead of enjoying the time away together they were separated as the husband fought off Covid in the ICU and she was not even allowed to be with him.  It was hard for them not to question GOD as to “WHY?”

At times we are severely tested. When we become angry about it, it shows that we have a faulty view of GOD and HIS ways (3 John 1:11). During hard times we need to remember GOD’s word, believe and claim HIS promises.  For HE says HE has a plan for you that is good (Jeremiah 29:11); HE has even scheduled each day of your life before you began to breathe (Psalm 139:16) plus HE has special things for you to do (Ephesians 2:10).   

You might react, “What do you mean GOD scheduled my days. I am just a puppet?”  The answer is a resounding NO!  The Word of GOD tells us that our Creator, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, who by the way knows all things past, present and future determined all things according to HIS purposes (Ephesians 1:11) and HIS astounding unfathomable foreknowledge includes knowing how each of us will act in any and all situations (1 Peter 1:2).  GOD sets the stage by determining the exact times and places and HE does it for a reason (Acts 17:26-27).  Then we get to choose how to act within those boundaries, so we are definitely not puppets.

Our faithful LORD will keep every one of HIS promises for HE alone has the power, will and knowledge to do just that. You see GOD cares deeply for each of us and was in CHRIST reconciling the world to HIMSELF (2 Corinthians 5:19) In the same way HE designed the exact minute details of let’s say a mosquito or a flower, every nuance of each of our stories is important to HIM.

When trouble comes (and it will John 16:33), we can know GOD has not abandoned us nor forgotten about us for HE has promised to go with us through whatever is our lot (Isaiah 43:2, Hebrews 13:5). Hard seasons have their end dates set by GOD HIMSELF (Acts 17:26). Setbacks—for the Believer—are always setups preparing us for what lies ahead (James 1:2-4) and achieving for us amazing eternal things that far surpass the pain of today (2 Corinthians 4:15-18). Detours always have a hidden and divine purpose for the greater good of our stories and for the glory of GOD. Remember, we are only passing through; this world it is not our home.

Have you been holding your breath during an onslaught of struggles or hearing of worldwide pandemic, unrest and rioting, wars and rumors of wars, an onslaught of volcanos erupting and increasing earthquakes?  Have you been wondering what in the world is coming next? Stop! Be still and remember GOD is sovereign (Psalm 46:10) and HE told us this all was coming.  Exhale today, refocus by considering GOD’s control, HIS great promises and all the incredible blessings you are enjoying today. Then, offer up a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise to GOD for HIS faithfulness to you. Remember HE is faithful who promised that all who call on the LORD shall be saved (Romans 10:13).



Be still and know

Ever have your plans changed without warning?

Yesterday morning as I prayed for ones who are grieving, GOD spoke to my heart things concerning not going our way, then HE ended with Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am GOD.”  That word be still can be translated calm down, stop fighting, let go, be in awe and silent, desist.

I was going to attempting to put the concept in words and had several other things on my to do list.  Then talking about my day with the LORD, I said “LORD have YOUR way.”  I sat down at my computer and there was a phone call.  My whole schedule was delightfully changed by grandchildren coming over to help make Christmas goodies (popcorn balls and ginger bears) and then sweet friends dropping by.  By the end of day and I’d just finished cleaning up after the kids left, I could do no more but collapse, so went and soaked in the tub.

The crazy thing is that my day was actually an illustration of what GOD spoke to my heart to pray for my grieving friends.  “Trust ME, I have a good reason for doing what I have done.”

My grieving friends are Christians and so desire to please GOD.  When one believes in JESUS (John 3:16,36, Romans 10:9,10, 13) and becomes GOD’s child (John 1:12) among other things that person is set apart to GOD and by GOD (Colossians 1:13. Hebrews 10:14).  Anything set apart to GOD is holy and removed from the realm of the common and moved into the realm of the sacred.  Anything set apart to GOD must be for HIS use alone.  But holiness in practical daily life is progressive.

Therefore, “In reality, the experience of holiness consists in one thing only, complete loyalty to GOD’s will” /Jean-Pierre de Caussade .  To be loyal to GOD’s will is to accept it as best.  That can be hard and takes refocusing off what we want.  There are traumatic issues that we are facing where I must run repeatedly to the throne and ask GOD to refocus me on the truth GOD is in control and knows best.  

It is deliberately choosing to accept and trust GOD’s timing (Acts 17:26-27), wisdom and foreknowledge of what HE allows or sends into my life.  What helps me is to remember GOD in HIS perfect love and knowledge of what lies ahead (Psalm 130:16, Isaiah 46:10) filters what comes to me and HE always has a good reason for what HE does! (Ezekiel 14:23).  For GOD will keep in perfect peace the mind that is stayed/ fixed on HIM (Isaiah 26:3).

Is your mind fixed on GOD or on what you want to happen or get?



What is the first thing you think of?

Got online to bring up my exercise video (since for over 2 months of sickness and healing I have moved very little and am I ever stiff and achy.  But my mailbox popped up and on top was the church prayer chain.  So naturally I had to open it up.

Then, as I began to pray for some new prayer requests concerning ones I do not know, I asked the LORD what HE was doing and how I should pray, and verses came to mind that not only fit how to pray for these but also how to view the struggles that come to each of us.

“GOD made…all nations of men…and has pre-determined (set into place) the times (things happen in their lives) and the places (boundaries where they should live and move) for the purpose that men would reach out to HIM…” (Acts 17:26-27). Yes, though it blows my mind how HE does it, GOD presets our locations and schedules, but we are responsible to choose how to act within that setting.

We know from reading Job 1 and 2 that nothing (not one thing- not one problem, no sickness, no pain, not even an accusation) can Satan or the world hit us with unless GOD has allowed it.  We see from the book of Job and from Acts 17:27 that GOD allows only what would catch out attention so that we turn to HIM.

As I read the prayer request and sought the LORD the words of Acts 17:27 jumped out at me. Don’t know GOD’s plan for the person but do know GOD is allowing this to turn this person to reach out to HIM and so that is what I prayed.  For GOD has told us that we have not because we ask not (James 4:2).

As upsetting things or problems come into your life, are you reaching out to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY? HE instructs us to “Trust in the LORD with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding, but in ALL our ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct our path.  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil” Proverbs 3:5-7.

Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of GOD concerning you in CHRIST JESUS” 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

For if we look at all things as a GOD given opportunity to draw nearer to GOD, we will grow in our knowledge of HIM and be blessed beyond what we can imagine.  Job had horrendous trials and pain, yet GOD rewarded him greatly.  But what really strikes me (what comes to mind first and foremost) when I think of Job are his words to GOD in Job 42:5. (before these troubles) “I had heard of YOU by the hearing of the ear (I’d heard things about YOU) but now (through these struggles) I have seen YOU face to face!”

To those of us who have become HIS children by believing in JESUS CHRIST as LORD (John 1:12), GOD never said we have to like sickness, struggles and trials. But HE does say that through them we need to look to HIM and give HIM thanks for this opportunity to see HIM work on our behalf.  For HE uses even the bad for good to those who love HIM (Romans 8:28).

Hugs Sharon (PS now I’d better get to that exercise video lol).

A bear before the fires

My teenage stomping grounds, the mountains in Northern California is on fire.  Some of the most beautiful forests have gone up in smoke and we can tell it even here in Colorado where the air quality is so poor from smoke that many of us avoid prolonged outside activity.

Until the past several years we would venture out to Quincy in Northern California and met up with our life-long friend, Alan.  One year he took us for a day of four-wheeling up dirt roads in Plumas National Forest. It is beautiful country, and we saw many interesting things. We went up to a rickety lookout shack. The steps up to it, were crumbling, and I slipped once going up. Therefore, I didn’t go into the actual outlook station, feeling it a bit too risky. Before World War II, there were five or six of those lookouts on various mountain tops. They were manned, 24 x 7 to watch for forest fires. With communication between the outlooks, any forest fire would be spotted, the location could be calculated, and given to the fire fighters.

Mac and Al were waiting for me, as I climbed down from what was left of that old outlook station.

Since only Alan knew where he was taking us, Alan led in one four-wheeler, be. With the maze of logging roads on the mountain side, one sure could get lost easily. Since Alan’s four-wheeler had room for two, I rode with him. Mac brought up the rear, so he hung back, as not to eat as much dust.

Not long after leaving the base of the outlook station, Mac slowed a bit because of the rocks, and gullies in the road, from water runoff. He felt more than saw some movement off to his left, but was since unfamiliar with the vehicle he was concentrating on maneuvering the four wheeler on the rough dirt road full of holes. Suddenly a bear loped hurriedly cater-corner across his path, not ten feet in front of him. It really shook Mac up.

Mac later described the bear as having all four legs stretched out as he lunged hurriedly, seeminly running lickety-split from something, for the bear was running for all he was worth.
past him not really aware of Mac at all. It happened so fast, in a split second the bear was gone, Mac gunned the four wheeler, and flew to catch up with us.

Since we couldn’t see Mac behind us, Alan stopped at a fork in the road, to wait for Mac to catch up. That was the only way that Mac would know which road to take. It wasn’t long before Mac came flying around the bend.

His near tangle with the bear had left him breathless! As the words tumbled out of his mouth, I heard my husband excitedly relate his adventure with the bear. I was silently green with envy. I whispered to the LORD, “I know its childish LORD, but I wish I could have seen the bear.”

Alan took off again, and not ten minutes later, he and I spotted, what Alan said, was the biggest bear he’d ever seen. It was causally ambling down the middle of the dirt road, maybe thirty feet in front of us. He was a beautiful creature, cinnamon brown, with cream colored fur across his neck and upper back, almost like a mane. The moment he spotted us, that fat bundle of fur, turned and was gone up the bank. It was almost straight up on that side of the road, but there was no trace of him as we passed by.

I was so excited! GOD had given me my desire, and let me see a real live bear in his own habitat.  To do that GOD had to set the exact time and place (Acts 17:26) and must have spoken to the bear just as HE spoke to the ravens and told them to feed Elijah.

“I (GOD) have commanded the ravens to feed you there” (1 Kings 17:4).

Alan laughed at my animation. But when GOD gives you a desire of your heart, it is absolutely thrilling!  And it gave me an opportunity to witness of GOD’s goodness to Alan (Acts 17:26b-27).

Once more, I found GOD’s word is true. “No good thing will GOD withhold from them who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11). So, my friends, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and HE shall give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.

Does GOD really care?

Does GOD seem distant and unconcerned about you and what you are facing?

Then I’d like to ask you, “What do you think about? Is GOD in all your thoughts?

.. “through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after GOD: GOD is not in all his thoughts” (Psalm 10:4).

YOU (O GOD) will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed (fixed) on YOU, because he trusts in YOU (Isaiah 26:3).

Is your mind stayed (focused) on GOD or is it starved?

JESUS said man shall live on bread (food) alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4).

Starvation of the mind, caused by distractions and neglect of thinking of GOD and reading GOD’s Word, is one of the chief sources of exhaustion and weakness in a believer’s life.

You have the power to turn your mind to GOD at any given time and in any place. There is no reason to wait for GOD to come to you because HE is always with you (Hebrews 13:5). But when you are looking at problems, fears, or distractions (idols) your back is to the LORD consequently you can’t hear GOD talking. 

Therefore, you need to turn your eyes to JESUS and tell HIM about all those other thoughts.  HE has a special way of putting things that clarifies issues and shows you the way to go.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path.  Be not wise in your own eyes…” (Proverbs 3:5-7).

“O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his steps” Jeremiah 10:23).

When you turn your thoughts to GOD, HE will remind you of what HE has said and done.  You will see that the LORD is doing just what HE promised to do by placing HIS thoughts in your mind and heart (Philippians 2:13, Hebrews 10:16).

Living your days talking to GOD about ALL things, your mind will no longer be at the mercy of impulsive thinking that are often suggestions from the evil one who greatly influences this world we live in (Ephesians 2:2-3, 1 John 5:19).

As you think about GOD and discuss concerns over with HIM, not only do you get guidance you need but you grow in your knowledge of and affection for GOD.  No longer will HE seem distant or unconcerned about you and what you face.  Even in the very midst of great struggles you can be energized, flooded with a calm peace and deep joy and overflow with hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 15:13). It’s a given, for GOD has promised.

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Finisher of my faith.



Do you ever wonder what you are going to do?

Back in the early 90’s when I was doing reach for the 10/40 Window prayer group it broke my heart to learn that some parents actually broke an arm or leg of their very own child and then set them out in public so they could beg and get money for the family.

Reading in John 9 today I read about a man who had been born blind and I got to thinking of him and others who had spent their entire lives sitting at the entrance of the temple begging.  After JESUS healed them what did they do?  They didn’t have a trade nor could they continue to sit and beg.

Can’t you just hear JESUS telling them: 

“See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? (Isaiah 43:19)

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21).

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid.. for the LORD your GOD HE is the ONE who goes with you. HE will not leave you nor forsake you”  (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge (talk to GOD about)/ submit to) HIM, and HE will make your paths straight (show you how to proceed).  Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from evil. (Proverbs 3”5-7).

LORD for so many not knowing what lies ahead, as only YOU can urge them to look to YOU and talk over their thoughts … then speak to them in their personal situation. YOU have a plan for each believer for good and say that YOU preset the exact times and places that men should reach out to YOU (Acts 17:26-27) so use this time to bring many to saving faith in JESUS as well as the backsliders back to YOU where they belong. Help them see which way to turn I ask in JESUS name.

If you are willing to do HIS will you shall know if a thought is of GOD or from another source (John 7:17).

Look unto JESUS



In its time

There is an APPOINTED time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven— A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and a time to build up. … 11 He has made everything appropriate (literally beautiful) in its time. HE has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which GOD has done from the beginning even to the end. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-3, 11 NASB).

I want to share some texting communication I just had with a precious friend who is struggling with people doing things.  I share it because it contains a truth that took me forever (a long, long time) to figure out.  It began with me praying.

Let’s just pray.  “LORD we know that YOU have and do thwart the plans of men (Isaiah 8:10, 2 Samuel 17:14) and we ask that YOU do that to any plan not based on Your purposes. Prepare each of our hearts to accept YOUR plan for we know YOU do nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23) and nothing can be done without YOUR permission (Lamentations 3:37, Job 1:9-12, 2:6).

As I was thinking about what I had just prayed. Something came to mind.

Many years ago, GOD told me (impressed on my heart) that my prayer would be answered but a certain thing had to happen 1st. Well, I thought HE was preparing me for that thing.  But it did not come. Years went by and yet it still did not happen.

Throughout the waiting I questioned the LORD over and over asking if I heard HIM right or if a friend I confided in said that it was just wishful thinking.  Each and every time I asked GOD reinforced what HE had said by bringing other scripture to mind. But HE also made it clear that it was for an appointed time and that I must wait for it (Hebrews 10:36).

Finally, I came to understand that the reason GOD had told me way back when was to enable me to persevere and live in hope that what HE promised was really coming during the especially hard times.

I also began to see differences in others, so I realized that during what seemed to me as delay after delay,  GOD was busily at work preparing hearts and changing people so all could be blessed in the end.

Well the thing promised nor what must come 1st  is still not here.  Though at times I struggle (until I run to the throne-Hebrews 4:16) I have no doubt that at the APPOINTED time I will receive what is promised.

I think you know what I’m saying. It’s not just about us and what we think is needed, for others will be affected and GOD is at work on the behalf of each one.  Being aware of that helps me wait more patiently.  I hope it helps you too.



What we can’t see

Reading a missionary letter today I came to a little episode in their life here in the “states”.  Due to Covid-19 they are unable to return to their overseas field and are staying with friends. 

The missionary saw a “weed” and wondered why her hosts were allowing such a scraggly looking thing to exist in their otherwise beautifully manicured front yard.  Her curiosity got the better of her and she asked about it.  They replied, “It’s not a weed…just wait and you’ll see!”     Sure enough, she related that before she knew it, that scraggly-looking ‘weed’ started producing the most beautifully vibrant orange-red poppy flowers!  

I needed to hear that true story today, for what looks like a scraggly weed in my life looks especially bad today and it got me down.  I needed that reminder to not look at what is seen for it is temporary, but to look to what is not seen -that which GOD is achieving behind the scenes, for it is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).  

You see GOD has given me a promise that my weed is going to blossom, but HE has also said that it is for an appointed time and that I must be patient and wait for it (Habakkuk 2:3, Hebrews 10:36).  

Is there a promise GOD has given you that you are waiting to see bloom?  Remember that GOD makes things beautiful in HIS time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).  

Looking to and for JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2)



There is something that is out of my control, but I yearn for it with my whole heart.  I have asked the LORD concerning it.  But as much as I want it, I am asking the LORD’s will to be done because I have learned in Scripture and in my life GOD knows best.  For although something may be good in and of itself, it may not be what will achieve what GOD has purposed or it just may be the wrong time.

As I read in 2 Kings about Hezekiah this morning and the fit he threw when GOD sent the prophet to tell him he was going to die (2 Kings 20:2-3).  GOD granted him 15 more years.  But after his initial excitement of getting what he wanted, Hezekiah’s zeal for God lagged (2 Chronicles 32:25).  During the additional 15 years that GOD granted him, Hezekiah begot a son who would turn all of Judah to idol worship and even to offer their babies to the fire to Molech (see 2 Kings 21:2-9). 

We are told in the Psalms about another time the people demanded something from GOD and GOD gave them what they asked for but sent leanness to their souls (Psalm 106:15).

Isn’t that scary!

Leanness to their souls, is to not draw near to GOD but to have a coolness towards HIM.

Although I ask the LORD for many things, I choose to trust the loving plans of my wise Sovereign Maker.  Therefore, I avoid demanding what I want or what I think is best and believe HIS promises that HE works all things together for the ultimate good to those who love HIM…(Romans 8:28).

What about you?  Do you believe our GOD is still in control and can trust HIS promises?

