Be Merciful as GOD is Merciful

O what a beautiful LORD’s Day.  I had a delightful walk in the cool of early morning after feeding the birds 🐦 and squirrels 🐿 🐿.  It began to sprinkle just a mite as I was finishing up my rich quiet

🤫 time out back, so quickly grabbed up my Bible, journal and coffee cup and dashed into the house.

This morning during our time together the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY answered my cry to know how to pray for my children and their children and their children who have been deceived by the lies of this world. As GOD often does, the HOLY SPIRIT brought Bible verses to my mind to answer my question.

Eve sinned but was deceived with consequences, but a promise of mercy is given to women stating they can be saved from passing on their sin nature if they act correctly (1 Tim 2:14-15). On the other hand, Adam, who was not deceived but sinned knowing the truth (1 Timothy 2:14) has passed on the sin nature to all humans, so all die physically (1 Corinthians 15:22).

As horrible as his crimes were, Paul received mercy because he acted in ignorance (1 Timothy 1:13).

Luke 12:47-48 shows those who have been deceived by the culture and know not what right is are not as responsible as those who know what to do.

In John 9:41 JESUS told the Pharisees, “if you were blind you should have no sin.”

Then Lamentations 3:22-23 came to mind. Ah the mercy of our GOD. Don’t you love the song:  The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning, great is YOUR faithfulness o LORD, great is YOUR faithfulness!

And I knew how I was to pray. I was to ask for mercy, confessing their sin 1 John 5:16 and asking GOD to expose the lies and give them light. I love it that GOD lays on our hearts what HE wants us to pray for (Philippians 2:13) and then gives us great joy when HE answers those prayers.

Does that mean that those things will always happen even if we do not pray? NO!  GOD says, “You have not because you ask not!” (James 4:2)

Coming in out of the sprinkles, I checked my texts and found one I needed to answer. One sent me yesterday Oops 🙊.  The answer to that text, crazy as it sounds, had to do with being merciful as our FATHER in heaven is merciful (Matthew 18:23-35).  (Just additional confirmation on how to pray!)



Follow the Instructions

When it comes to HIS children (those who believe JESUS- John 1:12), does GOD really say HE will not hear us (be willing to listen to our prayers, with the intent of answering them) if we refuse to listen to HIM and either turn from a sin HE has convicted us of, or do something HE asks of us?

“If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD would not have listened” (Psalm 66:18) This verse speaks of holding on to a sin that GOD has told us to let go of, by conviction that it is wrong.

“We know that GOD does not listen to sinners. HE listens to the godly man who does HIS will” (John 9:31).  That means man turns from 1) focusing and holding on to his sin, or 2) refusing to do what he knows he should.

“Show respect to your wives… that your prayers will not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).

When GOD has shown us something in us that is not right or has asked us to do something for another and we refuse, we are refusing to do HIS will. We have turned away from HIM. This doesn’t mean that we have to be perfect, just obedient.

Since it is the HOLY SPIRIT who explains GOD’s messages and HIS word to us, obedience to conviction from GOD’s Word and nudges to act, is what is called, walking in the SPIRIT

Now GOD doesn’t show us everything we do wrong or ask us to take care of all the problems of the world.  But, one by one HE reveals areas where HE wants us to act.  When HE shows an area and we refuse to listen to HIM, that means we have turned our back on HIM. 

When we do that, Almighty GOD, though HE is a loving Heavenly FATHER, generally will not answer any other questions for us, until we turn back around to face HIM, by following HIS instructions in the area HE pinpointed.

There is no reason to tell us more, when we refuse the instructions, HE has already given.

“Stop bringing meaningless offerings!” are the words that begin Isaiah 1:13-20. In other words, the LORD says coming to church and singing the songs are hateful to GOD, if your heart is not honoring HIM, by following HIS instructions. 

When you love someone, you desire to make them happy. Sin hurts us and others, so it grieves GOD. When we set out to do our own will, we grieve GOD for HE knows the outcome. 

Why would HE listen to our requests when we won’t follow HIS counsel?  Shocking as it seems, even our prayers, our gathering together in church and songs then become a burden to HIM. But, when we seek HIM with all our heart, even if there is something wrong, HE will hear. HE wants to help us, to show us the way to go, or give us the help we need and to forgive us.

The Lord is far from the wicked, but HE hears the prayers of those who (want to) do right (Proverbs 15:29).

If anyone turns a deaf ear to (refusing to hear the instructions of) the law (what is right), even his prayers are detestable (Proverbs 28:9).

So, if you want help, or directions on the way to go, turn back and do the one thing you know you should do.  When you do that, you are turning back to your GOD, and HE will honor you by showing you the next step.



Without HIM

Someone text me concerning a difficult situation.  I cried out to GOD asking how to pray for that situation.  Going to the Word, I read, “I do not pray that YOU should take them out of the world, but that YOU would keep them from the evil one” (John 17:15) Wow, that was fast, now I had it, GOD had shown me how to pray for the situation. I was not to pray for the situation to change but that he would be kept from evil.  Peace settled over me.

One after another prayer requests come in.  Without knowing what GOD is doing in a situation, it is impossible for me to know how to pray unless I ask GOD what to pray for. 

Isaiah 45:11 states there is a sequence for effective prayer.  “(1st) Ask ME of things to come concerning my sons (a situation), (Then you can) command ME concerning the works of MY hands.” 

Ephesians 1:11 tells us that GOD has a purpose for all things and that HE works all things according to the counsel of HIS own will.  Therefore, when the LORD directs me in how to pray, it is because HE has a good plan and intends to answer that prayer to fulfill HIS purposes in the situation I am praying about.

“So MY Word which goes from MY mouth will not return to ME empty. It will do what I want it to do, and will carry out MY plan well” (Isaiah 55:11 NLV).  And isn’t that what we want?

When we acknowledge HIM, by talking a situation over with GOD, HE really will direct us in what to do or pray IF we are willing accept HIS what HE says (James 1:5-8).  And HE who knows all things, knows how we will respond to HIS words even before we do.

Proverbs 3:5-7 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding (of what is needed), in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path. Don’t be wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil.

Proverbs 16:1 the preparations of the heart belong to us. but the answer of the tongue comes from the LORD.

Proverbs 21:1 personalized:  As water is turned into irrigation ditches, so the LORD can turn your thoughts withersoever HE wants them to go.

One problem has lingered for long time.  A friend finally went to the doctor and was prescribed meds.  As I began to pray for her, I knew she was not supposed to put her trust in the meds for I knew I needed to pray that GOD activate the meds to bring her the healing, only HE can bring. 

As I followed HIS lead in prayer, the light came on when John 15:5 popped into mind. “You can do nothing without ME.” 

And then a second witness/ confirmation to HIS leading came, “Unless the LORD builds the house they labor in vain that build it. Unless the LORD guards the city that watchman stays awake in vain” (Psalm 127:1).  So, I knew that unless the LORD activated the meds and worked in that situation the healing would not come.

As I asked the LORD, GOD directed my thoughts in how to pray HE made it clear that HE had to be the ONE keeping the situation under control. By HIS reminding me that without HIM nothing works, I was filled with overflowing joy, peace and the assurance that GOD was already at work doing what was necessary!

I know these are simple truths, but I love them. I needed to be reminded of them and thought maybe, one of you might need the reminder too.

Love you, Hugs


The heavens declare why we can trust GOD

Tomorrow Tuesday 11/8/22, in the predawn sky between 1 AM and 3AM here in Colorado we will be able to watch a total eclipse often called a blood moon.  Being scientists can chart precisely when this will occur shouts out GOD’s magnificent wisdom in design and synchronization.  They are not shots in the dark but detailed precision that can and are measured.

“The heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the firmament shows HIS handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). Yes, the heavens declare why we can trust GOD.

As we pray, we must be careful not to limit GOD, not just by unbelief, but also by thinking we know what He can do or how HE should do something. Expect the unexpected, things far above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

Each time you intercede, first be quiet, worship the LORD GOD in HIS awesome holiness.  Think of HIM sitting majestically on HIS throne high and lifted up above all things.

Recalling things we know are true about our Creator – HIS infinity (unlimitedness in all qualities HE possess), powerful, gentle, knowledge of everything past present and future… and thinking of some of the great things HE has done, things HE has promised, and how HE urges us to come talk with HIM (Hebrews 4:16) builds our faith.  It will flow out in rejoicing and thanksgiving that the MOST HIGH GOD actually delights in us who are in CHRIST through believing in JESUS.

I have found that by taking time to 1st see GOD high and lifted up in HIS glory builds my faith and opens me up to hear HIM. The HOLY SPIRIT will help us pray by directing our thoughts (Philippians 2:13) according to GOD’s will for the concerns on our hearts. Sometimes I am left wordless but full of HIS peace, and assurance that HE is at work doing what is best in the situation.

That target above shows how off base we can be when we pray with our limited understanding.

Think of our need as a target.  Often the things we think need to be done are like missing the bullseye.  But GOD’s answer to prayer is right on for HE knows the real need- the bullseye of the target. GOD knows the solution and how to bring it to pass.  The target GOD aims at is the need, HE always hits the bullseye.



IF means there are conditions

I came to Isaiah 58 in my reading this morning.  And like it does every time I read those beginning verses they gripped me and I stopped to consider myself.

“Cry aloud, spare not, lift up your voice like a trumpet, and show my people … their sins… they seek ME daily, and delight to know MY ways, as if they did right, and forsook not the ways of their GOD: they ask of ME how to do justice; they take delight in approaching to GOD (Isaiah 58:1-2).

From there on are words of correction and promise.  I want to talk about just one of the verses for it speaks of something too easy to fall into while it explains why some of our prayers go unanswered.

The verse I want to mention contains that little word IF. That word IF shows that the promise to answer prayer has conditions connected to it.  Conditions that must be met before GOD will hear prayer. Isaiah 59:2, puts it this way: “But your iniquities have separated you from your GOD, and your sins have hidden HIS face from you, that HE will not hear.

Isaiah 58 is talking about people who gathered to worship GOD, they daily sought to hear and understand GOD’s word and they prayed.  Therefore, it is safe to conclude that the things mentioned in this chapter are things they don’t consider sin, but things GOD hates.

Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you shalt cry, and HE shall say, ‘Here I am.’ IF you take away … the yoke (nonbiblical rules and expectations), the pointing of the finger (she did thus and so) and speaking vanity (I’d never do anything like that!)” (Isaiah 58:9).

That verse makes me stop and examine myself by asking some questions.

1-Are the standards I demand of others really found in the Bible or are they just my person preferences?

2-Do I have a right to point the finger of blame to others?  Am I making judgments without all the facts? Even if it is obvious, public sin, do I have the right to speak of it to ones who cannot help them do right?

3-By focusing on another’s sin, do I say/ or think I am guiltless?

GOD says, “You are inexcusable o man, whoever you are who judges another, for when you judge another you condemn yourself for you who judges do the same things yourselves (Romans 2:1).

Since I learned Romans 2:1, when I find myself judging another’s actions, I ask GOD to forgive me and show me where even a speck of the problem is within me.

That is just one verse, but doesn’t it says a lot?  Since I want my prayers answered I am going to reread the whole chapter and see if there is something I have overlooked.



The cat got out

This morning Jeri’s cat snuck out behind me when I went out back for a quiet time in the cool of early morning.

He was just rolling on the cement, like usual so I left him out and opened my bible.  Later when I looked up from reading, he was nowhere in sight.  I called his name and I hunted and hunted but no cat. Moley is like a child to my daughter Jeri so I cried out to the LORD asking, “What I should do?”  Suddenly, I knew without a doubt that had no choice but to wake Jeri.  I went into her room.  She jumped when I called out her name, but once she heard why I was there within seconds she was up and outside calling her cat. Moley appeared. They went inside and I began crying, thanking the LORD for hearing my prayer and showing me what to do.

Proverbs 21:1-a verse came to mind: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…” (Luke 16:10 NIV) and I knew deep down within that GOD was referring to specific ongoing situations out of my control that have sent me to prayer often and given me much sadness.

As Romans 10:17 says, So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of GOD.”  That verse in Luke stirred up faith within me and comforted me, assuring me that GOD is actively conspiring to bring the big situations to resolution (Philippians 1:6), in HIS time and way (Acts 17:26) even though I can’t see HIM working right not (Hebrews 11:1, 6).

Isn’t GOD good!  HE allowed a small upsetting incident to show me HIS amazing faithfulness in big issues and to give me peace and joy as I trust in HIM to do what HE does.



Assurance comes from understanding

When we listen to GOD by obeying HIS directions, HE’ll help us navigate even life’s most troubled waters.

Another crisis hit today quite out of the blue and yet understanding GOD is still in control kept me in control!  Scriptures came to mind and I knew how to pray.  There is peace but there will be a lot more praying until the situation is over.  The peace and assurance came from knowing GOD and understanding some of HIS ways and trusting HIS control.  

Come to think of it reminds me of last week’s lesson in Friday’s life group.  In our lesson last week in Colossians 2:2 one of the 4 things Paul desires for the Colossians is that they attain to the full assurance/confidence, deep conviction that comes from understanding/when all the dots connect.    You may not know all the facts but understand GOD does.  That is faith.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 KJ)

“Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends/ understands as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses] (Hebrews 11:1 AMP).

Hearing from HOLY SPIRIT is the only way we can have that kind of faith with the assurance and deep conviction that knowing something is what GOD wills so is something HE will do.

And this is the confidence that we have in HIM, that, if we ask any thing according to HIS will, HE hears us (1 John 5:14).

That kind of faith only comes when GOD HIMSELF, through the HOLY SPIRIT, speaks to us (through confirmation within us often when reading HIS written Word the Bible).  It may come by just knowing what GOD wants or as a nudge telling us to do something.  The more time we spend with GOD in HIS word and prayer the quicker we recognize HIS still small voice when HE tells us to turn to the right hand or the left (Isaiah 30:21).

You see HE writes what HE wants in our minds-so we know, and places them in our hearts-so we can trust HIM for it (Philippians 2:13, Hebrews 10:16).  You can be certain that HE will never tell us to go against HIS written word.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word (Rhema=spoken word for a specific situation) of CHRIST (Romans 10:17).

Please pray with me that truth come to light and expose all the lies.

Thank you and hugs


Alive forever more

Today is Resurrection Sunday and it brings back memories from when I was young.  Yes there were frilly dresses and Easter hats but my memories are full of the songs of Resurrection.  They live in my mind although they are not sung today.  One that comes to mind is….

Alive, alive, alive forever more, my JESUS is alive, alive forever more.  Alive, alive, alive forever more, my JESUS is alive, alive forever more.  Sing Hallelujah, sing Hallelujah, my JESUS is alive forever more. .  Sing Hallelujah, sing Hallelujah, my JESUS is alive.

JESUS being alive means many things… for one it guarantees believers in HIM too will be resurrected.  But lets look at another aspect.

“Wherefore HE (JESUS) is able also to save them to the uttermost (completely and forever) that come unto GOD by HIM, seeing HE (JESUS) ever liveth (lives forever) to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).

“For by one offering HE hath perfected forever them that are (being) sanctified (changed into JESUS likeness)” (Hebrews 10:14).

Being JESUS is alive, raised from the dead, if we have come to GOD by HIM (confessed that JESUS is LORD and that GOD raised HIM from the dead and called on the name of the LORD-Romans 10:9-10,13) we can be sure we will live forever with HIM because HE is interceding on our behalf and we are thus being changed into HIS likeness (Romans 8:29). 

It is the most amazing thing!



Just see what will happen

Many have been adversely affected, shook up and distressed during these months of Covid-19 restrictions. Last week I was contacted by one who due to lost a job, bills piling up, family problems, and at times even hunger was feeling overwhelmed.  This one cried out to me that he was having suicide thoughts and the only thing stopping him was having his family find him.    

Of course, I prayed for him on the spot in his hearing. Continuing to pray, I shared the request anonymously with a few I knew to be prayers.

When I saw my friend I asked how he was doing.  As we talked he related that the night the suicide thoughts hit so strongly and he cried out for help,  he had a dream. In the dream he saw himself praying and asking GOD to take on all the problems for he couldn’t carry them any more. The burdens lifted and he was filled up and surrounded with peace.  Then he told me that now when overwhelming thoughts come, he does what he did in his dream and with a smile he said, “It’s working for I get peace! Plus, money has come in to cover the rent and we were given some food.” 

We who prayed asked for the LORD to help his and take the problems. My friend’s dream emphasizes the effectiveness of our prayers and the ability of our magnificent GOD to speak to HIS children in such a way they can grasp it.  What a mighty GOD we serve!  Nothing is too hard for HIM.

So, when you think of another pray, when you have a pain, a problem or a need don’t just pray for yourself pray for every other believer with that particular situation (Ephesians 6:18) and just see what will what GOD will do.

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18).



Illustrations help!

Does seeing how GOD dealt with situations in the Bible help you trust HIM today?

Some of the stories in the Bible, although actual historic accounts (that can be documented), seem pretty wild and take great faith to believe.  We are told the HOLY SPIRIT moved men to write those events down for our learning and our comfort (Romans 15:4). 

It’s like the account of King Nebuchadnezzar who seemed to be a fair and good pagan king.  He had learned about the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY from a young Jewish teen who interpreted accurately a dream for him.  Because of the power and wealth he possessed the king became very proud.  GOD sent Daniel to him to interpret another dream for the king which was a warning of what would happen because of his pride.  Although he listened to Daniel, within a year the king was in his palace and looked around and said, “is this not great Babylon that I have built by the might of my power and for the honor of my glory…” no sooner were the words out of his mouth than a voice came from heaven and that which he’d been warned concerning hit.

King Nebuchadnezzar’s mind was turned into the mind of an animal and for seven years he lived among the wild animals and ate grass.  But then one day he looked up into heaven and his understanding returned to  him and he blessed the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and praised and honored HIM who lives forever and rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomsoever HE wills. And believe it or not the officials sought after him and placed him back as king and he became greater than before. (Read all about this amazing true account in Daniel 4).

GOD gave us this history lesson not to entertain us but to teach us about GOD’s baffling ways. For GOD’s ways are not our ways and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts.  But they work (Isaiah 55:8-11). 

When we read such things in scripture we are wowed but when we see GOD act in a similar way as HE deals with the sins of a loved one it can be so overwhelming.  Yet, as HE brings the applicable scriptures to mind, we must choose either to believe that GOD works all things after the counsel of HIS own will (Ephesians 1:11) or fear man and demons. I must look not at what is seen but at what GOD promises to achieve through the trouble of today (2 Corinthians 4:15-18) or believe it is all happenstance.

Last night I had to make that choice and all I can say is I praise the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY creator of heaven and earth who has given us HIS word and HIS word says that HE disciplines those HE loves and corrects those HE has ACCEPTED as a son (Hebrews 12:6). GOD’s discipline will produce righteousness in the one exercised by it (Hebrews 12:11).

GOD’s word brings me great comfort.  Does it encourage you?

