Rivers of water

On a hot day it really feels good to jump into a river and cool off. We can bring that refreshment to others.

Some picture heaven as boring, with little activity. They view it as floating on clouds with just some harp music; and singing.  They forget to put the glorious Presence of GOD the FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST in the equation plus all believers from every generation not to mention countless angels.  Endless conversations and activity.  Don’t know about you but when my kids come over with their families, when we gather it is anything but boring!

Besides that aspect, heaven really has to be a place of action. Why? Because a river of life flows through it (Revelation 22:1). A flowing river is filled with action. This river brings life wherever it flows.

JESUS spoke of water as a symbol of the GOD the HOLY SPIRIT and the SPIRIT is active and on the move.  We praise the LORD that when we came to believe in JESUS we were sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise (Ephesians 1:13-14) and that HE would become in us like stream of living water flowing through us bringing refreshment and life to those we come in contact with.

That life giving river that flows through heaven illustrates how we, as believers in JESUS should live now.  Let the live giving SPIRIT (Ephesians 2:1) move through you in peace and joy bringing hope to others (Romans 15:13). As HE nudges you let HIS love move you and flow from you. Allow HIS mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness, patience, longsuffering, self-control not just to fill you and guide you but let it flow through you to bless others.

One has stated that pride doesn’t flow, cause it’s puffed up, selfishness is stuck up, and anger is riled up. But love, now love flows, as do mercy, grace, joy and peace.  Look to JESUS (Hebrews 12:2-3) trust in the LORD with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding but in all your ways talk to HIM and GOD’s wisdom will guide you (Proverbs 3:5-7) and HIS peace will flow like a river and not just calm you but bring calm to others even in times of storms. 

Yield to the HOLY SPIRIT’s nudges (what you know you should do Philippians 2:13) and from within you will flow streams of living water to meet the thirst of those around you (John 7:38-39). And as a bonus, if we let the HOLY SPIRIT lead us, we won’t fulfill the desires of the flesh! (Galatians 5:16).



Pour out your hearts to the LORD

As you can deduce by looking at the expression and what our 1st son was doing in the picture, the few short months we had Little Mac was an adventure.

After having two daughters, you’d figure I’d know all about babies. But, number three was a boy. We left the hospital for home going the long way around (about 150 miles out of our way) to show off our little guy to Mac’s family (cousin and aunt) in Susanville.

As we got settled in the car, suddenly there was a spray on the windshield that baffled both of us and we wondered what was wrong with the car. Then I saw a second spray, and so did Mac and our prayerful concern turned to laughter when we noticed where spray originated at.

That moment we knew we were in for a new adventure. You see I had been changing my son’s diaper. Having had only girls, I didn’t realize the need to cover the front of my little guy when changing him.

Not all the adventures with our 1st son were fun but GOD proved HIS love and control through them all.

Often things will come our way knocking us off guard, but we are told “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27) but “Trust in him (GOD) at all times, you people; pour out your hearts (like water) to him, for GOD is our refuge” (Psalm 62:8).

