Ready for a change?

Do you feel it is time for a change?  I want to tell you about what changed me.

I was 24 and a young mother with 2 small daughters.  It wasn’t long after the death of my baby boy that brought me back to the LORD that we moved back to California.  I knew very little about the word of GOD and was just beginning Bible study to learn about the GOD I’d met when I was 12.  It was a terrible time for many reasons and one gal, I didn’t even know, saw my pain and suggested I obey GOD (Ephesians 5:20, I Thessalonians 5:18)  and give thanks to the LORD for and in everything that upset me for 30 days and just see what would happen. 

So, taking up her challenge. I began saying thank you for whatever bugged me.  At 1st it was maybe even 30 times a day and each time it was said between clenched teeth.  But as the days rolled by, I had to say it less and less for I wasn’t getting upset as often. 

Later I understood that each time I went to GOD and said , “I thank you for ___________” I was entering into GOD’s presence and was talking to the eternal GOD of the universe.  Just being in GOD’s Presence made Moses’ face glow.

I know now that as I went to the LORD and gave thanks to GOD in almost defiant obedience (Ephesians 5:20 give thanks for all things and 1 Thessalonians 5:18 give thanks in all things) it changed me.  For spending time with GOD in obedience (talk to ME about everything-Proverbs 3:5-7), even though I was unloading my frustrations made me different for HIS very presence calmed me and I learned to enjoy that calm of HIS presence and began to trust HIM.  When a few months later we moved back to Colorado one woman said, “Wow, Sharon, you have changed, you are not the same person!”  And I wasn’t.

Is it a time for a change?



Truth from a butterfly

Butterflies are not just beautiful and free, they cross pollinate the flowers they touch-causing fruit to be produced.  Besides that, their life cycle explains spiritual truth

Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of GOD’s mercy, to offer up your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to GOD- this is your spiritual act of worship (reasonable service KJ). Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed (Greek=metamorphosed) by the renewing of the mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD’s will is- HIS good, pleasing and perfect (lacking nothing) will (Romans 12:1-2 NIV explanation added).

The Old Testament is full of sacrifices, but only one is strongly urged upon the believer in JESUS CHRIST in the New Testament. Notice the wording: Urged, not commanded, for it is not the basis of salvation. Our right standing with GOD comes only from faith in JESUS from beginning to end (Romans 3:20-24). This sacrifice is for another reason.

If offering our entire being to GOD as a living sacrifice is not to gain favor with GOD, what is this sacrifice for? I know it pleases GOD but what we are told it that it will change the way we think so we can know GOD’s will, and therefore know how to cope in each situation we encounter.

The key to knowing what it means to offer up your body as a living sacrifice is seen in the word translated transformed. That word in the Greek is metamorphosed, you know that process of being changed from a larva (worm) into a beautiful and gloriously free butterfly.

The larva is a crawling insect that eats constantly. To accommodate its growth the larva will shed its skin three to ten times. A monarch butterfly larva increases its weight 3,000 times from when it hatches. To put it mildly it is totally self-centered on it quest to be satisfied.

The natural man is much like the larva: on a self-centered quest to be satisfied. He is focused on the lust of the flesh (appetites), the lust of the eyes (things he wants), and the pride of life (what others think) (I John 2:15-16).

Then the larva spins a cocoon- a protective case that surrounds it and enters into its resting stage. No longer is it eating or walking around. NOTE: unless the larva dies by entering into the cocoon, it will never become a butterfly. While inside the cocoon, the insect will excrete digestive juices, to destroy much of the larva’s body, leaving a few cells intact. The remaining cells will begin the growth of the adult, using the nutrients from the broken down larva. During this stage the insect is resting yet experiences a considerable amount of activity as its body tissues reorganize to form wing, legs, new mouth parts. It undergoes a complete transformation.

Examples of changes that modern science is unable to explain:

1-How a lowly crawler (worm) with biting mouthparts can be transformed into a graceful winged insect with built in straw for sipping nectar from flowers.

2-While the caterpillar has six sets (total of twelve) of simple eyes; the emerging adult butterfly has one pair (two) of eyes composed of 1,000s of hexagonal (six sided) lenses.

To enter our cocoon, the believer enters into GOD’s rest through faith and rests from his own works. His work is to believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST who died for our sins and was raised again for our justification (John 6:28-29, Hebrews 4:3a,10). GOD uses pieces of our past to form us and like science can’t explain changes in the cocoon neither can we explain how GOD changes us.

Then as a totally different creature emerges from the cocoon, there is great struggle and pressure. If however the tiny cocoon opening is enlarged to aid the butterfly’s exit the butterfly will emerge deformed for by GOD’s design- the tremendous pressure of squeezing through the small opening is what forces the butterfly’s body fluids to move into the proper place, for the fore and hind wings are attached and held in place by the veins at the base of the wings. Just as the fire of problems are needed for our growth and strengthening which develops our character. (James 1:2-4).

So when you find yourself having problems, you should be encouraged for you are now on the path to become a beautiful, life-giving butterfly. Those difficult ongoing struggles and pressures are necessary for your development. Without the struggles and pressures, you will not be able to function for what GOD has intended and designed you for.

Don’t be discouraged or envious of those who do not seem to struggle, for we are told that in hell the worm (appetites) dies not. They are forever desiring what they cannot have (Mark 9:48).

Isn’t it marvelous how our Magnificent GOD has placed in HIS material creation, hidden spiritual truths that help us understand what HE is doing in us who believe in JESUS?