Plead my cause

When we hear of some stranger, like one in a high position ACCUSED of wrongdoing, there is always the niggling question in the back of our minds, “Did he do it?”  Even when the accusation is nothing but lies, suspicion has been planted in minds by the accusation.

When one is falsely accused, they want vindication. That is, they want to be absolved or cleared from blame, criticism, or suspicion of wrongdoing. Just as the Psalmist cried out, “Plead my cause!” Psalm 119:154.

Have you ever been falsely accused of doing wrong?

I have. Several decades ago, there were 2 different times I was accused wrongfully. They happened around a dozen years apart. There was no truth in either accusation, yet in the minds of many there lingered questions. They assumed as the old saying goes, “where there is smoke, there must be fire.”

When I heard what was being spread about me, I was aghast. Both accusations totally baffled me for they seemed to come out of nowhere for what actually occurred, why I did what I did was reasonable and right.

Both charges crushed my spirit. Yet, as is GOD’s way, HE used them for good (Romans 8:28, Genesis 50:20). The LORD taught and directed me through both of episodes (2 Corinthians 4:15-17).

Like the Psalmist I cried out, “LORD, plead my cause” Psalm 119:154.

GOD gave me strength to trust HIM and the first one was openly exposed as a lie to cover up misconduct through further wrong actions of the accuser. Through that momentary trouble, I experienced GOD’s peace and learned to trust GOD to defend me.

The other false accusation really threw me for a loop for it was against who I was. I felt alone and struggled with it for a time, but then withdrew from people. After a period of isolation, one morning as I talked with the LORD, HE impressed in me that it was time to go forward on a new path.

That accusation completely changed the direction of my service for the LORD. But since I am GOD’s workmanship created in CHRIST JESUS for good works prepared in advance for me to walk in (Ephesians 2:10), I know GOD allowed and used that upheaval to redirect me to step into a new season. GOD had other things for me to do.

GOD declared that Job was a perfect and upright man who feared GOD and avoided evil (Job 1:8). The bible tells of the awful troubles Job endured and yet he never questioned GOD (see Job chapters 1 and 2). Then we read of many false accusations thrust at this innocent man. Listen to Job’s words:

Job 16:17TLB “Yet I am innocent, and my prayer is pure.                 19 “Yet even now the witness to my innocence is there in heaven; my Advocate is there on high. 20 My friends scoff at me, but I pour out my tears to GOD,

Job knew, as I learned, that GOD will defend HIS children and bring truth to light.

But it is not always in our timing. When I cannot understand what is happening, I personally cling to what I know is true. GOD ways and thoughts are higher than mine, but they always work (Isaiah 55:8-11) GOD is good (Mark 10:18), GOD is and acts in love (1 John 4:8), GOD is sovereign (Revelation 6:10 NIV) and GOD does/allows nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23). GOD who knows all things (John 16:30) knew what HE was doing when HE preset the times and places (Acts 17:26-27) and HE did it for a specific reason. Remembering that allows me to rest in peace and confidence even in the midst of a storm.

I am who I am because GOD puts me where HE wants me, determines my background including all that happens to me. The LORD places in me HIS desires (Philippians 2:13) and interests (Ephesians 2:10) for the work HE has for me to do. My all-knowing Creator even knows when I will refuse HIS leading to do my own thing and what discipline HE must take to turn me back around for I am HIS workmanship.

You also are GOD’s workmanship if you belong to JESUS (Ephesians 2:10).




Are you feeling down?

Imagine you just have moved and everything is in 2 boxes. You must live out of the boxes until you put everything away.

In one you threw in all the bad junk and in the other all the good things. You must live out of those boxes until JESUS comes and takes you to your new home with HIM.

Which box will you live out of?

If you live out of the box with the bad, by constantly looking at the negative you are going to be discouraged and miserable. But if you live out of the box of blessings you will be led by the SPIRIT and filled with peace and joy and expectancy (Romans 15:13).

How can you toss everything you can think of bad about your situation now or things in your past into a box? (one way to do that is write down whatever bad comes to mind go right then and talk to GOD about it, then hand it over to GOD and cross it off the paper. When you can’t think of any more throw the paper in the trash and in that way burn the bad box).

In the second box toss in everything good in your life right now.

I’ve given you a head start by listing some of what I know you have been given. Why not write down the verses that tell of each blessing. But keep this list and add too it as you see more blessings. Then when our enemy Satan whispers accusation and flaunts the bad, do as JESUS did and say no and turn to your box of blessings and pull out one of the verses and read it aloud.

Ist in this box, you have been given a place selected by GOD (Acts 17:26) where HE desires to teach and use you. The Apostle Paul was sent to Arabia to be taught by GOD (Galatians 1:17-18), John the Baptist was sent to the wilderness to be prepared for his assignment (Luke 3:2), with me it was Ellicott. I don’t know why GOD picked your specific place for you but you can know for sure there is a special reason for good (Ezekiel 14:23).

GOD our FATHER in heaven loves you so much HE sent HIS only Begotten SON to die for you so you could be forgiven and have eternal life (John 3:16).

GOD has a plan for your life for good not bad, HE has preset the exact times and places for you according to HIS wisdom and purpose (Ezekiel 14:23).

GOD has prepared a future for you (Jeremiah 29:11-13, Ephesians 2:10)

GOD promises to direct your steps (not necessarily you mind) when you stop and ask HIM (Proverbs 3:5-7).

Nothing is impossible with GOD (Luke 1:37)

What GOD says HE will do (Numbers 23:19)

JESUS, GOD the SON made everything in heaven and earth (Hebrews 1:1-3) made you in HIS image (Genesis 1:26-27).

JESUS loved you so much HE gave up HIS rights as GOD, took on the form of a servant and was make in the likeness of man so that HE could die in your place (Philippians 2:5-8) and save you from your sins (Matthew 1:21).

Now start on your personal list… As an old song says:..count your blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what GOD has done, count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the LORD has done.

With that invitation I will close for now,



Not being in the Word of GOD is like not eating, it will make us weak  

Matthew 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD.

In the Bible we learn history, and teaches us what GOD wants and how GOD deals with people (Romans 15:4). But it doesn’t stop there the Word shows us things we are not aware of concerning ourselves, revealing our motives and where we don’t measure up (Hebrews 4:12).

It also explains things we need to know, giving us directions in the way we should go (Jeremiah 33:3).

As I was in the Word and talking to the LORD one morning I came to a sentence and I knew it was for me personally. It said, “don’t fight against it, this thing is from ME”.  Now historically it concerned a king and what he was not to do but I knew it was meant for me that very day though I had no clue what I would be tempted to fight against. 

A little later, I got a phone call and knew what GOD was talking about.  But praise the LORD, HE had prepared me not to fight.

Another time I cried out to GOD concerning a problem and GOD told me through scripture something had to happen before the answer would come but that it would come.  Well, at first, I thought that the something would happen right away, I shared what I believed GOD said to me with a couple dear friends.  They didn’t believe it, one even indicated wrong on my part.  So, I questioned myself before GOD concerning it.  In another place the LORD confirmed in another place what HE had spoken into my heart while I read HIS word.

Well, it didn’t happen and didn’t happen I questioned HIM and through scripture HE spoke that it had its appointed time and I was to wait for it for it was sure to come.  And through the years I struggled with this for it was a hard thing that had to happen before the good could come.  Another time I questioned GOD if I had misunderstood HIM and HE spoke a verse to me.

(Sharon), you have need of patience that after you have done the will of GOD you will receive the promise (Hebrews 10:36).

So I can glimpse what is meant in Psalm 105:19 where it says that GOD’s word to Joseph (the prophetic dreams GOD gave Joseph as a boy) tried and tested him over and over through the struggles of being sold as a slave, lied about and tossed in jail and then forgot about.

The enemy used the message this week to have me examine myself again before the LORD on this promise nearly 30 years old. When I spoke to the LORD concerning the accusations immediately verses came to mind that countered the accusationsà those fiery darts of the evil one.  But I also felt the need to share all this with you. 

Perhaps one reading this is being bombarded with the devil’s sneers, like Joseph and I have been.  Tried and tested as we wait.  May I remind you that GOD is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:25), what HE says HE will do but HIS ways and time schedules are often quite different than ours.  But I have come to see great wisdom in the delays both in Joseph’s life and in mine



What about?

What do you do when the accuser whispers something to you? Such whispers are often accusing negative thoughts that generally come out of nowhere, though they can be enticing thoughts with some provocation. Either way, how do you handle them?

This morning I had such a thought, quite out of the blue as I was preparing to pray.

So, I took that thought to JESUS, because that is the only way I know how to take a thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) as we are commanded. If I don’t take such thoughts to HIM, they can go wild.

“…YOUR face LORD will I seek” (Psalm 27:8).

This’s morning’s accusation was, “What about the starving babies in Africa?” So, I said. “LORD, what about the starving babies in Africa?” And verse after verse came (that is generally how GOD talks to me) to help me see a mere glimpse of GOD’s perspective on this issue. HIS perspective (ways and thoughts) is not ours by a long shot, as high as the heavens are above the earth so much higher are HIS ways and thoughts from ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Our sun is a close object in the vastness of the heavens, and it is 90 million miles away.

Let me lay a foundation so we are on the same page.

From forever GOD ALMIGHTY eternal all-encompassing knowledge included foreknowledge (knowing what would happen in any given situation by any and all HE chose to create. In other words, HE knew what our choices would be if HE chose to make us and give us the ability to choose. It is recorded in Genesis 1:26 that in the counsels of the GODHEAD it was determined, “Let US make man in our image.” The pronoun US shows plurality of persons-and GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON-the Word, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT are all three seen in Genesis 1 if you look.

Now to be in the image of GOD means many things and it takes in HIS glorious character. Since GOD can choose so GOD gave man the ability to choose, fully aware, for HE knows all things, of how each of us would choose. Doesn’t that just boggle your mind?

The Bible records that Adam and Eve were the 1st people and from them came all nations of men to dwell on the earth (Acts 17:26). In the beginning they were in Paradise and walked and talked with GOD, but then they chose to listen to the Accuser’s suggestions (Revelation 20:2, 12:10) that GOD was trying to keep something good from them- the ability to act independent from HIM- so they acted in independence and lost everything.

Now GOD knew this would happen and it is recorded that before time HE preset the exact times and places setting the stage while allowing man to choose what he would do within those boundaries.

It is NOT that GOD is a micro-manager but that HE desires fulfillment and joy for HIS creation. HE created man in HIS image with the need for fellowship with HIM, just as GOD the FATHER fellowships with GOD the SON. Without that fellowship man is empty and chasing after the empty things of this life empties him out even more (2 Kings 17:15).

It is declared that the purpose for presetting the times and places things happen to us (the good, bad, and ugly in our lives) was so that we would reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26b-27);

In 2 Corinthian 4:15 GOD tells us what comes into our lives is to benefit us;

2 Corinthians 4:16 says that though our physical bodies are sick, or hurt, or decaying with age, our inner man is being renewed day by day;

2 Corinthians 4:17 claims that our temporary troubles are actively achieving for us eternal things that far surpass the pain of today;

Romans 8:28-29 declares that GOD uses all that comes into the lives of those who love HIM for good to transform them into the image of JESUS (who by the way is the image of GOD the FATHER Hebrews 1:2-3). Mind blowing though it seems,

Hebrews 2:9-10 declares that JESUS/ GOD the SON’s suffering in HIS human body was for the purpose of preparing HIM to accomplish HIS mission on earth.

So, what has all that to do with the starving babies or any tragedy on earth for that matter?

When we hurt it is an invitation from GOD to reach out to HIM, and when we reach out to GOD, HE meets us and that prepares us for eternity.

I know that doesn’t answer all the questions, but it is enough for me.

I hope you will consider these things and talk them over with our FATHER who is in heaven for HIS SPIRIT can explain it far better than I.
