Back in the day

Back in the day when my nearly 60-year-old and 56-year-old daughters where only 6 and 3, I had over slept and I awoke to loud giggles.  From the sound it was clear that my two little red-haired girls were up and into mischief.  I knew I had to get up pronto!  What I saw made me want to cry. It was a mess, one big mess!

They must have woken up hungry and found the little free single serving samples of the new cereal LIFE that I had picked up at the grocery.  They tasted so good, and I had purposefully hidden them.  Now all of it was gone.  Much wasted, smashed, crushed all over the carpet.  Praise the LORD, they ate it dry!

I didn’t own a vacuum back then and with the long shag carpet it was going to mean some heavy duty sweeping with the broom. I’d just done that the day before.

Our world today is filled with loud noise and is a big mess.  Wars, hatred, earthquakes, natural disasters, Covid, inflation and food shortages just to mention a few.  How did it get this way?

The Bible says it’s because people wanted to do what they wanted to do.  So suppressed the truth and refused to retain the knowledge of GOD HE had shown them (Romans 1:18-21,28). From there things just kept getting worse because without GOD’s leading, they listen to the one disguised as an ‘angel of light’ (2 Corinthians 11:14) Satan/ the prince of the power of the air/ the devil who now works in the children who disobedience who refuse JESUS (Ephesians 2:2-3). And that is why our world is such a mess because although the devil promises great and wonderful things, that thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Now I was able to clean up the mess with a bit of hard sweeping and if anyone turns to the LORD, GOD promises to help them clean up their messes.  GOD will forgive us when we acknowledge we’ve sinned (1 John 1:9) and will renew our thinking with the washing of the water of the Word of GOD (Ephesians 5:26).

That is so important, “for as a man thinks in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

But cleaning up the mess of this world is something else. We can pray against the wrongs of this world, but if people don’t turn to JESUS they continue in the kingdom of darkness under Satan’s ways. And things won’t change.

There is no question we are living in the last days and only those who believe in JESUS will be spared the horrors of the 7-year tribulation, called Jacob’s trouble that is coming on this CHRIST rejecting world. 

Who will tell your friends and family about JESUS if you don’t?

