Figure out who is talking

My son John really didn’t like to play football but for me he did play one season when in Jr. High. 

In the park across the street kids of various ages from preschoolers to high school meet to practice football.  These different teams have many exercises and practices that are the same and they go over and over them until it becomes 2nd nature.  In the same way we are to read the Bible and put in to practice the things GOD shows us.

Professional football teams also study videos of the team they are going to play against to learn about the other team. They begin to recognize certain plays so that they can anticipate and outmaneuver their opponent.

 “Lest Satan get an advantage over us, we are not ignorant of his the devil’s schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11.

Just like a football team we Christians need to know things about our opponent.   For if we don’t recognize him/ if we are ignorant of his schemes, he can and will take advantage of us.  That word advantage in this verse means to step beyond the boundary.   So you see that it is even more important for us to know our enemy’s tactics than for a football team to know their opponents  plays.  They are just playing a game, but we are in a war.

I remember a time, when I was 1st learning about spiritual warfare, when I was tempted to do something wrong.  Now I thought the temptation came from myself and so I wasn’t fighting against it much because I figured I couldn’t fight myself.  But, GOD took pity on me and I heard in my spirit the words, “It’s the battle, Sharon!”  Only then did I recognize that the temptation came from the devil not me.  When I saw that I fought against it and won. 

I was losing the battle until I knew I was dealing besides myself.  Laugh if you will but that is what happened.  After that I came to realize how very important it is to recognize the enemy.

Here are some our enemy’s ways: 

1-Satan pretends to be us so his suggestions sound like our thoughts.

2-The devil tempts us as he did JESUS and twists GOD’s word. Luke 4:1-13

3-He calls GOD a liar and says GOD is unfair, not caring or trying to keep good things back from us. Genesis 3:4,5

4-He tempt our old sin nature to love this world for the whole world lies in his arms. I John 5:19 

 a-He entices with the desires of our flesh.. food, sex, pleasures, drugs and so on suggesting that we need to live for the moment.

 b-He dangles the desire for things we see like a new car, a fancy this or that… anything that looks good to us.

 c-He stirs up our pride… or me 1st, my way, power, position and the like   

I John 2:15-16

5-He lies, actually, he is the father of lies. John 8:44

6-He whispers doubts and accusations about others and even ourselves, (and remember his words sound just like us) for he is the accuser. Revelation 12:10

7-He tries to cause division and stir up anger.

8-If we refuse to obey GOD and forgive others he takes advantage and gets a foothold in our lives.  2 Corinthians 2:10,11 Ephesians 4:26,27.

9-But the scheme of the devil I want most want to bring to light today is found in  2 Corinthians 11:3. 

“But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, so your minds (thoughts) may be corrupted (seduced/led astray) from the simplicity and purity that is in Christ” 2 Corinthians 11:3. 

We know that JESUS is pure and holy and our focus should be on HIM.  Hebrews 12:1-3  The enemy attempts to distract us and get us to focus on other things rather than JESUS.  He tries to corrupt our thinking from the simplicity that is in Christ we find happiness and strength for whatever comes our way.

For instance he gets people to feel that believing in JESUS isn’t able/strong enough to keep them saved.  He points out that there is a whole bunch of other things they must do.

But GOD’s word clearly states, “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.”

What our triune GOD does is change us into the like of JESUS.  HE changes our thoughts and desires.  But it is a process often like a baby learning to walk.  And we know at first they fall more than they walk.  But they learn not only to walk but to run.

So look to JESUS for the direction and strength to do what you should.

In a practical way the simplicity of going to JESUS helps me.  Since our battle begins in the mind, we must battle wrong thoughts given us by the devil.  And then the devil mocks us for having the thoughts he placed there to begin with.  They can seem overpowering  but I have found that to win that battle and shut up the devil I don’t do the fighting.  I simply go to JESUS and say here are my thoughts.  As I take every thought to JESUS and talk to HIM about it as I am instructed (Proverbs 3:5-7; 2 Corinthians 10:5 ; Hebrews 4:16)   JESUS takes them captive and my whole perspective changes.   That battle is won.   Now the devil may give another sneak attack but all I have to do is go to JESUS.     

Don’t let the devil catch you in his snare.  Take every thought to JESUS.     



In the Battle

“Greater is HE that is in you, than he (the devil) that is in the world” 1 John 4:4

As a young Christian I was eager to learn all I could. One evening I had come home from a week of meetings on spiritual warfare and lay down on the couch and fell asleep. I felt something was pushing me down and suffocating me. I clearly remember thinking I can’t, I can’t (and meaning that I couldn’t fight it off). But from deep within me came the words, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Immediately, the pressure was gone and I was awake.

The HOLY SPIRIT within me fought the battle with the word of GOD.

When you accepted JESUS as your Savior, you may not have realized it but you stepped onto a battlefield. GOD’s enemy Satan doesn’t like anyone joining with GOD so when someone believes in JESUS and is born into GOD’s family (John 1:12), the devil attacks. Ours is a spiritual war, but it’s every bit as real as one carried on with guns and grenades. Yet GOD promises to equip us for everything HE has for us to do and that includes the battle. Ephesians 6:10-18 tells of the armor GOD has given us so the enemy cannot take advantage over us and tells of our two offensive weapons, the Word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17) and prayer (Ephesians 6:18). Then in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 GOD explains that the battle is for the mind where Satan feeds us lies and gets us to doubt GOD’s truth just as he did with Eve in the garden in the beginning of time.

Just as a soldier has to learn how to handle his gun and practice hitting the target, so we need to get to know our Bibles and talk often with our GOD in prayer. As we are in the Word of GOD the HOLY SPIRIT teaches us to recognize truth so that when the enemy hits us with lies we can know something just isn’t right. And as a soldier gets orders according to the planned strategy of his commander, so the commander of the LORD’s armies tells us how to counter the enemy’s attacks.

I believe GOD desires HIS people to wake up and be alert for the enemy is on the prowl, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Our major weapons are GOD Word and prayer and those same two items (the Word of GOD and prayer) are also the means GOD usually uses to give us our assignments along with the nudges HE gives by placing within us the desire to do what HE wants done (Philippians 2:13).

So, you can see how very important it is to study the Word of GOD and talk to our LORD every day.

One warning: Being the devil specializes in lies, for he is the father of lies (John 8:44) we need to carefully obey the truth. When we go against what we know is right it is like turning our back on the light and find ourselves in darkness and unable to see things clearly. When that happens the devil has a real advantage over us.

Back in 1993, I was in a large church, one involved in the beginnings of worldwide prayer movement of the 10/40 Window. Several of us, about to embark on a prayer journey to Albania, gathered during the morning service to pray. There seemed like there was a great deal of opposition one morning, and one lady proceeded, in prayer, to called bad things down on the ones causing problems. But, to call curses, or declare something bad to happen to someone is witchcraft/ using the devil’s methods and we told her so. She left in a huff.

You may think we were out of line, but let’s see what GOD says about it.GOD tells us to bless our enemies, not to curse them (Matthew 5:43-45). When HIS disciples were going to call fire down on a village, JESUS turned and rebuked them saying, “You don’t know what manner of spirit you are of” (Luke 9:54-55 KJ).

In another place JESUS explains what HE meant. In John 8:42-44 JESUS said that our actions show who is controlling us (or who is our father). If we have the fruit of the SPIRIT flowing from us, others can see we belong to GOD, and the Spirit of GOD is leading us. But, if we use the enemy’s tactics, if we do what the world does, the origin is demonic (James 3:15), and as C.S. Lewis alluded to, we are listening to a demon’s advice.

JESUS said that if we use HIS name, GOD would give us what we ask for (John 16:33). When we pray we are to use JESUS name, but not as a magic incantation to get what we want, or think is needed. The word name is used both in the Old and New Testaments to speak of the character of a person. So, when we pray, we are to pray according to JESUS’ character (Matthew 5:44-45, Philippians 2:5-8) the things HE wants, the plans of the FATHER. That is why we follow JESUS’ example, and say, “Thy will be done” (Luke 22:42).

Every time you see the words the name of the LORD, think of the nature and character of our eternal loving GOD. When scripture says the name of the LORD is a high tower that we can run into, it speaks of GOD’s power that is faithful to protect HIS children. Using the name of the LORD, is not an incantation, or an invoking of a magic formula, but rather it’s depending on the very nature and character of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, who was and is and is to come. So, ask, but ask according to HIS nature and according to HIS plans and be quick to do what HE nudges you to do.

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.

Satan’s device

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:11

Quite out of the blue, catching me by surprise, the LORD spoke to me tonight how the devil was taking an advantage of us.

Yesterday the LORD gave me a message to encourage and strength HIS children to endure the many troubles the enemy was bombarding them with. GOD had me remind them HE was using those very troubles to achieve good for them as HE prepared them (2 Corinthians 4:15-18). But one of his children was distracted from GOD’s words of instruction by an unrelated secular problem. She brought up a cry concerning that problem which distracted the readers from GOD’s words of instruction sent to strengthen them.

I asked the LORD what Biblical example HE wanted me to use to expose this device of the devil. The example HE brought to my mind is so intense I believe GOD feels very strongly about the device of distraction from spiritual truth to secular focus.

JESUS began to teach them that HE must suffer many things and be rejected of the elders and the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after 3 days rise again. Now this was part the work GOD the FATHER had sent for JESUS to do and was necessary to accomplish the goal of bearing the sins of mankind so that any who believe in JESUS would be not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

But Peter rebuked the LORD and said, not so, it will not happen to YOU. Do you remember how the LORD answered Peter? JESUS said, “Get thee behind me Satan: for thou savorest (delight in/ choose) not the things that be of GOD, but the things that be of men.” (See Mark 8:31-33)

Peter was not listening to what GOD was saying, but was diverted/ distracted with secular thoughts. That distraction JESUS said was from Satan.

What I think GOD wants us to consider and learn is to listen wanting to hear what GOD is saying. Do you have ears to hear what the SPIRIT is saying? Do you desire to hear GOD’s messages. What HE says is important. The messenger may not be anyone special, but the HOLY SPIRIT will take GOD’s message and cause it to be lifechanging for the ones who have ears to hear (2 Corinthians 3:18, 1 Corinthians 2:10).

Secular concerns, even over matters of health, have their place but they are secondary to the spiritual and should be addressed at other times.

“Therefore, consider carefully how you listen. Whosoever has will be given more; whosoever does not have even what they think they have will be taken from them.” (Luke 8:18 NIV).

Look unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)