
I love the ocean and to be on the beach as wave after wave comes in and splashes over me. Sometimes the waves get bigger than I expect, and I get wetter than planned and I run back on the beach to catch my breath.

I knew the wave was coming but it still takes my breath away. The same breath-taking wonder can occur when I catch special glimpses of things I know are true of my GOD. For GOD is like the ocean compared to me. HE is so BIG and there is so much about HIM I do not know. But I love to get splashed with glimpses of HIM. Like this morning, the tenderness of GOD’s heart and the greatness of HIS forgiveness overwhelmed me as if a large wave caught me unaware as I read in Judges.

The Jews were at it again and went and served other gods (just as we sometimes do). Other nations came up against them and the Jews cried out to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, who was and is and is to come. HIS response was: “You have forsaken ME, so go to the gods you have chosen and let them save you”.

But the Jews knew none could save them but the LORD GOD HIMSELF and cried out to HIM, “We have sinned, do what you want to us, but save us.”

Then comes the line that reveals GOD’s heart and filled me with awe. “HE could bear Israel’s misery no longer.” (see Judges 10:11-16)

Our GOD doesn’t just know about our pain and misery, HE feels it, HE carries it.

And so it is with JESUS -who is the radiance of GOD’s glory and the exact representation of HIS being (Hebrews 1:3). HE understands our weaknesses and feels our pain for HE was in all ways tested as we are (but HE never sinned). (Hebrews 4:14-15) HE feels our pain and really cares.

So run to the throne of grace for mercy and grace to help in times of need (Hebrew 4:16).

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith,


After committing my day and work to the LORD and asking HIM for understanding of a portion of scripture that was not clear to me, I opened the Word and the LORD in HIS amazing faithfulness spoke.

“I thank GOD… for the grace of GOD given you by JESUS CHRIST for in everything you are enriched by HIM, in all utterance(writing) and in all knowledge” (1 Corinthians 1:4-5).

Wow, that was quick! GOD was promising me that as I wrote HE would show me what I needed to know.

As my eyes reread those words they lit on “grace” and an old song came to mind and I sang to the LORD.

I love YOUR grace, I love YOUR mercy.
I love the way YOU answer when I call.
I love YOUR truth, I love the power of YOUR name.
But YOU know I love YOUR PRESENCE most of all.

“GOD is faithful” (I Corinthians 1:9) and will keep that promise so I better get to work. I’m excited to learn what HE will show me as I write that lesson.

Sharon L Manning