
With the evil escalating these days we don’t know what might happen or when.  But it sure seems like we are in the last of the last days before that ominous 7-year Tribulation begins.  Yet some are like the little guy in the picture.

This little guy is holding on for dear life, are you, am I clinging to anything on this earth like that?

“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs” Jonah 2:8

KJV reads “They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy”

Another translation, “They who keep their focus on empty delights turn their backs on all the mercies waiting for them from the LORD”

What are you, what am I clinging to today? If our desires and delight is in the things of this world that is what we will think about. But if our desire and delight is in GOD, we will think of things GOD wants us to think about and we yield to those nudges and insight flowing from the HOLY SPIRIT.  Yes, we will be quick to obey the promptings HE gives. (Romans 8:5 and Philippians 3:13)

I’m not talking about being holier than thou but being practically led in even the little things like making a phone call, praying when someone comes to mind, or bringing JESUS into the conversation.

As that day approaches, I sure am glad I belong to JESUS, and wish everyone did.   JESUS promises to gather HIS own to HIMSELF and take us to where HE is in heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) before that great and terrible time begins.  JESUS has promised to deliver us from the wrath to come for GOD has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our LORD JESUS CHRIST (1 Thessalonians 5:9). 

GOD wrath, the means of pure justice, must fall since the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is the upholder of righteousness.  Unless recompense comes and sin is dealt will completely, sin will reign and continue to destroy.  It must be stopped.  GOD in HIS longsuffering has waited in order to give men more time to turn to HIM.  HE will not always strive with men.

GOD has made a way of escape. JESUS came from heaven to die to save us from our sins.  Not just to forgive and cleanse us, but also to change our hearts so we want what is right and good. 

Therefore, in these last days I am more than ever focused on telling others of JESUS so they too may escape the wrath of GOD on evil.  If it does come on them, it will because they chose it by refusing GOD and the deliverance HE offers.



GOD delivers

I couldn’t help but think of GOD’s watchful care when I read about and saw a photo of a little 4-month-old baby dug out of the rubble and alive more than a day after the destruction of the cyclone.  It was just a glimpse of GOD’s gentle love and goodness in delivering us from harm.

Have you ever felt or cried out, “It’s not fair!  It’s just not fair!”  I know that I have many times. 

Being we don’t see the whole picture of why things happen and what lies ahead, human standards cry out ‘life is not fair!’ 

Yet the bible tells us, “The swiftest person doesn’t always win the race or the strongest man the battle, and wise men are often poor and skillful men are not necessarily famous.” Ecclesiastes 9:11 

We could add to that list: the innocent suffer while the guilty get rich; you do right and get blamed for wrong (like Joseph the son of Jacob); you lovingly teach your child to do right and he goes deep into sin;  or you just work hard and everything falls apart.

Although life on earth is not fair, we must not despair but rather put GOD in the equation. Too often we forget to remember GOD’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways.  We are told they are as high as the heavens above (light years away from) our thought and ways.  In other words, we do not have the capacity, at this time, to understand. We are as a preschooler who knows her ABCs yet can in no way understand a Greek novel.  It is totally beyond the level of her comprehension.

In the Bible we are told there is Divine reason behind everything that happens.  Don’t ask me to explain that, but since GOD says it, I believe it as a matter of faith in the truth, power, love and wisdom of GOD who works all things after the counsel of HIS own will (Ephesians 1:11). 

Although I am unable to know or convey the ‘whys?’,  I can give an example that reminded me of GOD’s wisdom behind unfairness as I read again in the book of Daniel.

Now Daniel was taken captive as a young teenager. He chose to do things GOD’s way when doing what was expected of him would have been so much easier.  This story takes place after Daniel faithfully served several kings and he was a very old man.  Daniel was in a place of power because GOD put him there and gave him great wisdom. Daniel was faithful to serve his captives well.  His life was so devoted to GOD that his enemies (jealous because the new king planned to place Daniel over all the other rulers) could not find anything to criticize Daniel of. They knew the only way to get rid of him was trickery and it had to concern his GOD. 

Long story short, his enemies tricked the king into signing an unchangable law stating, ‘no one could ask anything from anyone (god or man) but the king for thirty days.  If someone broke that law he would be thrown into the lion’s den. When Daniel knew the law had been signed, he continued his practice to kneel and pray to GOD three times a day before his open window. He was caught by his enemies who demanded that the king throw Daniel to the lions because of the law he had signed.  The king tried to get out of it, but could find no way out and so threw Daniel to the lions.  In anguish, the king told Daniel that Daniel’s GOD, whom he served day and night, would keep him safe and GOD did.

Now on the surface we must conclude that what happen to Daniel was totally unfair. Bearing in mind that in the Old Testament the Jews primary responsibility (outside of worshipping and obeying GOD) was the same as ours as believers in JESUS today.  That is: we are to be HIS witnesses and are to tell others about our GOD and Savior. 

After spending a sleepless night, come morning, King Darius, rushed to the lion’s den and cried out to Daniel.  “Daniel, was your GOD able to save you?”  Daniel was safe and called back, ‘Yes!’

What was the outcome of all the unfairness Daniel endured?  “Afterwards King Darius wrote this message addressed to everyone in his vast empire in their own languages: “Greetings! I decree that everyone shall tremble and fear before the GOD of Daniel in every part of my kingdom.  For his GOD is the living, unchanging GOD whose kingdom shall never be destroyed and whose power shall never end.  HE delivers HIS people, preserving them from harm; HE does great miracles in heaven and earth; it is HE who delivered Daniel from the power of the lions. Daniel 6:25-27 TLB

So we see that Daniel’s witness was not just with the words he said but by how he lived his life to honor the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  Daniel’s words went far beyond anything he could imagine. Because of his suffering to do right, many people from many countries got to hear about GOD. 

Could GOD be doing something through your and my problems and struggles? The bible tells us that GOD has a reason for initiation or allowing of everything that comes our way (Ezekiel 14:23). HE did with Joseph, HE did with Job; HE did with Daniel and with JESUS and sob HE does with what touches you and me.  Are you willing to be like Daniel and trust GOD with all your heart and not lean on your own understanding? (Proverbs 3:5-6).


Happy Mother’s Day

Being a mom has many blessings but is also a lot of work and can bring struggles. The pain of having your child seriously rebel brings a sense of helplessness, hopelessness and incredible pain that seems unbearable.  But GOD.

That is where one of the mighty wonders of GOD comes in.  It is a staggering truth, but one seen throughout the Word of GOD.  That phenomenon confounds our understanding for it is infinite, totally beyond our finite reach.

When the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY chose to make man in HIS image and included the right and responsibility of choice in the package, GOD in HIS total, unfathomable, foreknowledge knew that we would use that gift of choice to sin.

Amazingly, the Maker of Heaven and earth and all that is within them choose to use the frailty of man to reveal truth about HIMSELF both to us and to the angelic beings (Ephesians 3:10).  Not only that, but at the same time to use our weaknesses as an opportunity to teach us and develop HIS qualities in us.

GOD is able by presetting times and places (Acts 17:26-27) to take even our bad choices and the sin of man and work it for an end result of good for those who call out to HIM (1 Corinthians 1:2, Romans 8:28) with a step by step end result of transforming them back into the image of GOD the Son (Romans 8:29, Hebrews 12:11) that we may participate in the very nature of GOD (2 Peter 1:4).  NOT to become gods, but to grow in godly qualities such as love, joy, peace, forgiveness, long-suffering patience, gentleness, kindness, goodness, understanding  and the like.

The LORD, our Creator is good. HE is not the author of evil, neither does HE tempt us to do bad (James 1:13). But HE is able according to the working whereby HE is able even to subdue all things to HIMSELF (Philippians 3:21) to take us or our children right where we are at and step by step transform us IF we call out to HIM (Acts 2:21).  It is written that HIS name was to be called JESUS for HE will save HIS people (those who believe on HIM) from their sins (Matthew 1:21).

Too often we leave the LORD out of the equation as we deal with challenges in our lives.  Yet, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wants to be an active part of any and every situation of our life and all HE is waiting for is an invitation (Proverbs 3:5-7).

“And call upon ME in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you will glorify ME (Psalm 50:15).



What can I do?

Have you ever made a foolish choice that keeps affecting you?

Although I came to Christ when I was 12, when I left the safety of my grandmother’s home at 15, I began making foolish choices. It began with little sins like smoking and skipping out of church after singing in the choir with my friends to drive fast over the joy bumps just out of town.  Slowly my sensitivity to right and wrong dulled. It took a lot for the LORD to finally show me that I was going the wrong way.  But GOD in HIS time and unchanging faithfulness did what was necessary to show me/ to bring me to the place of repentance so I could escape the snare of the evil one who had taken me captive by lies (2 Timothy 2:25-26). 

Once I cried out to GOD and bowed before HIM in submission, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY broke off the chains of my past.  I praise HIM and rejoice that GOD’s amazing unceasing love and mercy are new every morning (Lamentation 3:22-23) not just for me but for anyone who will admit their need and call out to the LORD in submission (James 4:7). 

I have a friend who made some foolish choices concerning drug use and has come into the snare of the evil one.  When he tries to break loose the voices (that is how he describes them) badger him mercilessly.  Although he has not had drugs for a couple months the voices attack him and he hits himself trying to get them to stop. His face is badly bruised.

I often cry out to GOD for my friend and GOD impressed on me that my friend would have to submit to HIM before GOD could deliver him from the voices/demonic attacks he had opened himself up to through sin. 

Recently, I have seen my friend fighting the voices and it tears me up.  I felt a need to sing to him songs of GOD, he calmed down and sang with me.  That made me think of King Saul.  He was being attacked by evil spirits and a boy was summoned to play music for him.  When the music was played the evil spirit would leave (1 Samuel 16:23).

It kills me to see my friend fighting the voices.  So, I asked the LORD what, if anything, I could do for my friend for I had no direction and reminded GOD that HE promised to direct me if I asked (Proverbs 3:5-7).  Then I remembered something (John 14:26).  An army was coming against Israel, so the king of Israel went to the prophet Elisha and asked him for a word of direction from the LORD. 

Do you know what that prophet did? He said, “bring me a minstrel.” Doesn’t that seem like a strange thing for a man of GOD to do?  Well, it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha and he was given precise details in what should be done (read all about it in 2 Samuel 3).

I took that memory as direction so I turned on some instrumental gospel music.  Tears came as I sang with the music and knew without a doubt my part was to pray for my friend to be open to GOD and submit to HIM and also to tell my friend about the role of music in both of these Bible stories, then leave the rest to GOD.

Godly music both drove away evil spirits and opened up a good person’s ears to hear what GOD was saying.  That says to me that I should have more gospel music in my life.  What part does gospel music play in your life?



What GOD can do

We received word yesterday that was like a punch in the stomach that took our breath away.  It is serious and affects many plus has hard repercussions.  But as I went before the LORD HIS amazing peace, peace that throws you beyond having to understand and keeps your heart and mind (Philippians 4:7) flooded over me.

This morning as I was comforting another concerning the issue the following verses came to mind and they are so beautiful I must share them.

Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on GOD, who raises the dead (2 Corinthians 1:9).

          In other words there is a purpose for this coming into our lives.  

HE has (in the past) delivered us from such a deadly peril, and HE is presently at work delivering and HE will deliver us again. On HIM we have set our hope that HE will continue to deliver us (2 Corinthians 1:10),  

          GOD has delivered us in the past, is now going to deliver us and will continue to .   . . .         deliver us.

as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many (2 Corinthians 1:11).

          Your prayers for us help and also when GOD answers you all will praise GOD for it!

Remember GOD is with us and ready to hear our prayers.  I appreciate any of the prayers you lift on our behalf, may they redound to the praise and glory of GOD.




If GOD is for us who can stand against us? (Romans 8:31)

Creation reveals things about our Creator.  The changing seasons show order, the planets show synchronization and even angry grizzly bears show us something.  70% of the killings by grizzly bears are by mother bears defending their cubs. Believe it or not, is a picture of something JESUS tells us to pray for.

I like to read Scripture aloud and as I read the LORD’s prayer (“Our FATHER who art in heaven” Matthew 6:9-13) phrase by phrase slowly so I could mull over what was being said. When I got to the phrase “deliver us from the evil one”, I felt a need to know what the original meaning of the word deliver was in this verse. So, going to the Greek text, and several Greek lexicons (Greek dictionaries) I searched out the word ‘deliver’. In the Matthew text ‘deliver’, rhuomia, means drag out of danger, rescue, save. It comes from the root word rhuo- to draw to oneself-hence to rescue.

The tense and mood of the word in Greek, show it is an urgent cry to GOD for help, to snatch us away from the clutches of the evil one; much like a she bear will come running to protect her young at the sound of their cry. This picture caused me to love my GOD even more as I see HIM running to me when I cry out to HIM for help.

HE rescues me (from my enemy, my fears, my pain, my disappointments), drawing me to HIMSELF. Such times I literally feel HIS arms around me.

So in times of need cry out to HIM and HE will deliver you.

Looking unto JESUS



From the rising of the sun

“when they cried out to the LORD for help, HE raised up a deliverer” Judges 3:9

Sun ☀️ moon 🌙 and stars ✨

I awoke with the words and music of  “The moon and the stars declare WHO YOU are…” (from Phil Wickham’s Cannons) running through my mind.  Though I couldn’t remember all the words, my heart lifted in singing praise to GOD.  Then as I talked with HIS Majesty, I overwhelmed with my blessings and overflowed thanking the LORD for one thing after another, including recent deliverances for me and loved ones.

Then I opened the Word, and I read, “when they cried out to the LORD for help, HE raised up a deliverer” three times (Judges 3:9,15, 4:3).  In each case their troubles came because of disobedience, shows that regardless of reason we are in a bad place GOD is ready to hear and answer our cries for help if we will only turn to HIM.

What a marvelous loving GOD we serve!

May our LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2).



Eye has not seen

Struck by the amazing beauty of the flowering cactus beside me, I began thinking of the infinity of GOD as seen in HIS Creation. There is such a vast variety in what HE made, from the comical praying mantis, to the lumbering elephant, a tiny brilliantly colored flower to the grass or an eagle. GOD must have designed each thing in HIS creation individually for they are so different in design, color, shape, size and purpose.  The intricate details of a tiny wildflower that is here today and gone tomorrow declares our Creator is a GOD of details.  No wonder it is written, “The heavens declare the glory of GOD; and the firmament (earth) shows HIS handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).


The cryptic wording in Genesis 1 seems to imply that the individual creating of the vast varieties of each order of things (everything after its kind) such as birds were done simultaneously -much like HE listens to each of the millions of concerns continually brought to HIM through prayers all at the same time yet giving each HIS total undivided attention without distraction. Talk about muti-tasking!


As I think about the minute thought out details of HIS creation, the seasons, the water cycle, the sometimes funny qualities and hidden secrets (like the star in center of each apple and rose) I can’t help but wonder what hidden surprises await me in the plans HE has for me.


“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD has prepared for them that love HIM. But GOD is revealing them unto us (one by one) by HIS SPIRIT” (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)


As the Psalmist would say—Selah or STOP and just think about that!


Sharon Continue reading