
To fill the hours of dragging days, start a project. The only projects I think will have any lasting effect is Bible study.

Use the spare time GOD has given you to learn about GOD in HIS word, ask HIM what does verse mean for me? For instance, Read Romans 2:1 think about what the verse is saying, then ask yourself “what does that say about me, am I willing to change?”  

Our old independent sin nature within us pushes with resentment against the demands of CHRIST. When the HOLY SPIRIT begins to show us what sanctification means, the struggle starts immediately.

JESUS said, “If anyone comes to ME and does not hate his own life (independence) he cannot be MY disciple” (Luke 14:26).  

A disciple is one who follows another’s actions. So, to be JESUS disciple we are to do what JESUS did.  

The mystery of being conformed to the image of JESUS (Romans 8:29) is that the perfect qualities of JESUS CHRIST are imparted as a gift to me, not gradually but instantly once I enter by faith into CHRIST JESUS.

Sanctification or being set apart to CHRIST means nothing less than the holiness of JESUS becoming mine and being exhibited in my life (1 Corinthians 1:30). In GOD’s eyes, it has happened, but living out what HE put in (Philippians 2:12-13) is a process one step at a time.  

Is JESUS going to help HIMSELF to your life, or are you taken up with your ideas of what you are going to do?

GOD is responsible for our lives, the only way to get direction is ask and then do what you know to do recklessly depending on GOD to do what HE says HE will do (Proverbs 3:5-7), that is direct your path.  

GOD has great plans and we have great potential but GOD gives us choices every day, do we stop and ask HIM the way?  

hugs Sharon L Manning