Come on

Do you ever wonder why the answer to one of your prayers is so slow in coming though GOD said HE would do it?

One day when teaching HIS disciples JESUS said to them, “the SPIRIT of truth, the world cannot accept HIM, because it neither sees HIM nor knows HIM. But you know HIM, for HE lives with you, and will be in you” (John 14:17).  Then in John 7:38-39 we are told that the HOLY SPIRIT would indwell (come in) believers but that would happen after JESUS was glorified.

On the day JESUS rose from the dead HE appeared to the disciples in a locked room when they saw HIM they believed in the resurrection of JESUS which proved that HE was GOD.

“And (JESUS was) declared to be the SON of GOD with power, according to the SPIRIT of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:4).  

Now that JESUS was glorified through the resurrection, and the disciples believed “And with that HE (JESUS) breathed on them and said, “Receive the HOLY SPIRIT” (John 20:22).  At that time the HOLY SPIRIT entered in them, sealing them until the day of redemption (of their bodies=rapture Ephesians 4:30).

Around 40 days later JESUS told the disciples (Luke 24:49 NIV) “I am going to send you what MY FATHER promised but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

Acts 1:8 NIV (JESUS said) “But you will receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

The HOLY SPIRIT had been with them for HE filled and led JESUS (Luke 4:1) and it is through the HOLY SPIRIT that JESUS taught (Acts1:2) and did miracles. After they believed and JESUS was glorified (John 7:38-39) JESUS imparted the HOLY SPIRIT to the disciples on the day HE rose from the grave, the HOLY SPIRIT took up residence in them to teach and lead and so much more. So, what is this coming on them all about and why did they have to wait for it?

The 1st question is what is this all about?  With the HOLY SPIRIT in them why did HE have to come on them?  Acts 1:8 says that it was to empower them (or give them power) when they witnessed.

We can proclaim the truth, but only the HOLY SPIRIT can interpret GOD’s message to an individual’s heart to convict or teach them (1 Corinthians 2:10-13, John 16:8).  HIS work empowers GOD’s message to do what needs to be done.  GOD has chosen the foolishness of preaching to bring salvation (1 Corinthians 1:21) so both our words and the HOLY SPIRIT’s interpretation are needed.

The 2nd question is why did they have to wait? GOD has preset the times and places that men (and women) would reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26-27).

JESUS spoke the promise of being clothed with power 40 days after HIS resurrection and moments before HE ascended into heaven to sit on the right hand of GOD the FATHER.  It was now 10 days later.  The disciples were gathered together and praying. They didn’t know why there were having to wait. The disciples needed special power for the day of Pentecost (a Jewish feast day where Jews from all of the world would be in Jerusalem.) At the appointed time the HOLY SPIRIT came upon them enduing them with power and they spoke of the wonders of GOD and preached JESUS.  3,000 believed in JESUS and were added to the church that day.

Another day the disciples had been threatened and beaten and had prayed to GOD the FATHER for boldness to witness.  GOD was faithful to HIS word (Luke 11:13) “how much more shall your heavenly FATHER give the HOLY SPIRIT to them that ask him?”  The HOLY SPIRIT came upon the disciples filling them with boldness to witness (Acts 4:29-31). 

Some like to call it an anointing with power and that really does a good job describing it.  The clothing of power from on high is from the FATHER, through the HOLY SPIRIT to a person.  The anointing comes so a person may do what GOD has assigned for him/her to do. 

The wait part is walking in the SPIRIT, letting HIM lead us ahead (nudge us to speak or go here or there).  Only GOD knows what needs to be said and when, we really don’t. Throughout scripture you will read over and over at the appointed time, or the time had not yet come.  Timing is set and is important, but it is not for us to know (Acts 1:7).  We are called to walk in faith (2 Corinthians 5:7), to walk in the SPIRIT letting HIM lead us (Galatians 5:16, 18).

2 Corinthians 3:5 ESV “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from GOD.”



Who did it?

There is a new year beginning today.  What lies ahead, only GOD knows for sure.

But GOD’s word promises Isaiah 26:3 GOD will keep in perfect peace the mind who is stayed (focused) on HIM, because he trusts in GOD.  4 trust in the LORD for ever and ever for in the LORD JEHOVAH (YHWH) is everlasting strength.

One pastor once said, “If you view everything as coming from the hand of our loving wise GOD, life will be filled with peace. HE tells us that if trust HIM and talk to HIM about everything, HE HIMSELF will direct our steps. But we must not be wise in our own eyes to demand which we think is best (Proverbs 3:5-7).

But sometimes what GOD does/allows doesn’t makes a bit of sense to us.  Which just proves GOD’s own word is true.

Isaiah 55:For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways, and MY thoughts than your thoughts.

When we don’t understand the whys(?) behind what GOD is allowing or doing in our lives or around the world we need to depend on what we do know about GOD. 

1-HE is Sovereign (in control and works all things after the counsel of HIS own will (Ephesians 1:11, Lamentations 3:37).

2-GOD is love (1 John 4:8) (That’s agape’ love which always works for the benefit of the one loved (see 1 Corinthians 13)

3-GOD is compassionate and faithful.  Because of HIS mercies endure forever we are not consumed (Lamentations 3:22-23).

4-The LORD has all power (HE is able to do whatever HE says HE will do Romans 4:20-21)

5-Everything the LORD decides to do is right and true (Psalm 19:9)

6-The ALMIGHTY does nothing without a good reason (Ezekiel 14:23).

7-HE has preset the exact times and places for the purpose that people would reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26-27)

8-GOD works all things (good and bad) together for an end result of good to them who love HIM and that changes them to be conformed to the image of JESUS (Romans 8:28-29).

9-Everything allowed or sent benefits the believer in JESUS for temporary troubles achieve for us eternal wonders that far surpass the pain of today.  Our troubles are temporary but what they achieve are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

10-Struggles develop and prepare us for the work GOD has for us to do (James 1:2-4)

Just 2 examples of these truths.

In Genesis 50:20 Joseph tells his brothers that when they sold him as a slave they meant it for evil against him but that GOD intended to use that for good. GOD used the 20 years of slavery and prison to prepare and place Joseph in a position where he could be called into leadership in Egypt and save many through 7 years of famine as well as forward GOD plan to build a nation out of Jacob/Israel from whom the Messiah JESUS would come.

In Acts 2:23 shows us that wicked men had JESUS crucified by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of GOD.  What did it achieve?  Forgiveness and eternal life for all who will believe in JESUS, and it disarmed the demons and destroyed the authority of the devil (Colossians 2:13-15).

The wicked are responsible and will be judged for their actions, yet GOD will use all things the wicked do to benefit those who love HIM and to further HIS eternal plan.  That blows my mind.  Our GOD is a mighty GOD!

See, we really can’t say what is bad for we do not know what the all wise, powerful, compassionate GOD is doing through what we see is happening.  1 Corinthians 4:5 Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the LORD come, Who will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the heart…

Remember Psalm 3:3 “YOU O LORD are a shield about me, YOU are my glory and the lifter of my head.”

If you sing that verse or state it when you see trouble coming your head will lift up and focus on GOD and your fears will flee.



Doing the homework

I really enjoy the research essential to write each chapter’s lesson. Nonetheless, it is when I sit down before the LORD and open HIS word to actually do the lesson the morning of class that the text really opens up and lives for me.  Maybe that is because before I begin I pray, “LORD let YOUR word live for me.”  For without the illumination of the HOLY SPIRIT the words are just words (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

Since there comes an emphasis to some of the concepts as I read the bible verses. It prompts me to ask what I call wild card questions.  Questions not in the written lesson but ones that have flooded into my mind as I did the lesson. This morning was no different.

This morning one thing that struck me so that I wanted the gals to consider was how they have experienced the truth that GOD has preset (Acts 17:26-27) their times and places for specific reasons.  Now that can be literally a change of town or state or merely what time you go to or who you meet at the grocery store.  

My mind flew back to when I had just turned 15 and stopped on the way home from high school for a few moments to meet my new girlfriend’s invalid mother.  I arrived home maybe 15 minutes late and my grandmother was in a tizzy.  She called on Dad to make me see the seriousness of my actions.  I thought it was totally unfair when Dad put me on restriction and reacted badly by saying (actually just to hurt him) “I want to go live with my mother.”

At the time I didn’t know where that spontaneous response came from or where it would take me. I was very happy living with my grandmother even though Dad had moved down from Sacramento and lived close by.

Those angry words totally changed my life, and I didn’t remember until years later that just a month before at the Christian summer camp I had promised GOD to witness to my mother who lived 600 miles away.  I can see now HE helped me keep my promise by allowing my misconduct and Dad’s reaction (although Dad had sworn I would never live with my mom).

Well, within days I was taken 600 miles up to the beautiful, mountain small town of Quincy, California and deposited with my mother.  It was there when having a coke in the Pinecone Café with a new acquaintance that I was introduced to my future husband who was from Missouri. 

Most of his family lived in Colorado and a couple years later we moved to Colorado also. Mac worked in construction, so it was just one of over 60 moves in our many years of marriage. 

There was a difficult period when I wanted to take off and change my life. But the LORD said, “If you do you, will be a cast away.”  I knew enough Greek and customs of Bible times to know that meant that although I still belonged to the LORD, I would be put on a shelf and could no longer be part of the LORD’s work. 

Nothing, absolutely nothing is worth that, so I stayed.

I knew that like every believer in JESUS CHRIST, I was GOD’s workmanship designed to walk with HIM through certain specific good works that HE had prepared in ahead for me (Ephesians 2:10).  If I walked away from HIS purpose and place for me, I would be the loser.

Now 40 plus years and several moves later, I am retired yet busier than ever in the LORD’s work.  I obeyed GOD’s instructions and GOD was faithful to lead me on the path HE had prepared in advance for me.

GOD is so good!  I love the truth that GOD has preset the exact times and places for me.  It keeps me from fretting and gives me a sense of security while allowing me the privilege and responsibility to choose how to act at those times and in those places.

How about you?  Does this truth keep you from fretting when you get delayed at a red light?



How much longer?

How much longer?

Waiting can seem hard when we focus on getting something or getting some place.  But when we get busy doing something, time goes so much faster.

On long road trips, young children often repeatedly ask, “Are we almost there?” or “How much longer?” When they repeated ask over and over, It can be frustrating.  Therefore, it is handy to divert their attention to something they can do. Starting an alphabet word game with signs or license plates can help.

Like those little ones, JESUS disciples were focused on getting ‘there’. ‘There’ being when JESUS would assume HIS power and become political ruler over the entire world as Scripture declares HE will. They had tunnel vision and focused solely on that time JESUS would rule and when they would be ruling with HIM. Therefore, they asked JESUS when that would happen.  Instead of answering their question, JESUS, (like a good parent whose child is asking question, whose answer they could understand), redirected their focus from when HE would do something to themselves and to what their present assignment and responsibility was.

JESUS answered, “It is not for you to know the times and the seasons, which the Father has placed in HIS own power. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be witnesses to ME both in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:7-8)

Today, many are focused on when JESUS will come for HIS own (believers in JESUS) to deliver them from earth before the onset of the 7-year-Tribulation.  I believe that JESUS would redirect our focus just as HE did the disciples around 2,000 years ago.

We are commissioned to witness of JESUS wherever we find ourselves. Are you, am I doing what has been assigned for us to do?

2 Peter 3:12 says we can hasten that day when JESUS will return by how we live and what we say.  If we really want JESUS to come, then we need to do our part.

In Acts 1:7 we are clearly told, “It is not for you to know the times and the seasons, which the FATHER has placed in HIS own power.”

1- GOD is in control of when things happen. (Acts 1:7, 17:26)

2- GOD knows when things will happen for they have an appointed time (Daniel 8:19)

3- GOD keeps secrets (Duet. 29:29)

4- GOD determines who knows what (Daniel 1:17)

5- GOD distributes or grants power/ or authority with whom HE chooses (Daniel 4:17)

Instead fuming about today’s problems or of trying to figure out when JESUS will come for us, let ‘s focus on what GOD has asked us to do and call more people into the kingdom?



The bear

This morning talking to the LORD and thanking HIM for HIS love and goodness to me, suddenly my thoughts flew to the bear.  Now bears didn’t mean anything particularly special to me until one day when I was already a great-grandma. Then on a later date, when my grandson Zachary saw me admiring his stuffed bear, he gave it to me and I told him my story of the bear and GOD.

Before my mom and sister went to be with the LORD, we would yearly travel the 1,100 miles out to my teenage stomping grounds, the beautiful mountains in Quincy, California. We’d see Mom and Rose but while there we always met up with our life-long friend, Alan.  One year he took us for a day of four-wheeling up dirt roads in Plumas National Forest. It is beautiful country, and we saw many interesting things. We went up to a rickety lookout shack. The steps up to it, were crumbling, and I slipped once going up. Therefore, I didn’t go into the actual outlook station, feeling it a bit too risky. Before World War II, there were five or six of those lookouts on various mountain tops. They were manned, 24 x 7 to watch for forest fires. With communication between the outlooks, any forest fire would be spotted, the location could be calculated, and given to the fire fighters.

Mac and Al had stayed behind to talk and were waiting for me, as I climbed down from what was left of that old outlook station.

Since only Alan knew where he was taking us, Alan led in his four-wheeler for with the maze of logging roads on the mountain side, one sure could get lost easily. Since Alan’s four-wheeler had room for two, I rode with him. Mac brought up the rear, and he hung back, as not to eat as much dust.

Not long after leaving the base of the outlook station, Mac slowed a bit because of the rocks, and gullies in the road, from water runoff. He felt more than saw some movement off to his left but since unfamiliar with the vehicle he was concentrating on maneuvering the four wheeler on the rough dirt road full of holes. Suddenly a bear dashed swiftly cater-corner across his path, not ten feet in front of him. It really shook Mac up.

Mac later described the bear as having all four legs stretched out as he lunged quickly past Mac, seemingly running lickety-split from something, for the bear was running for all he was worth, apparently not aware of Mac at all. It happened so fast, in a split second the bear was gone, Mac was terrified, gunned the four-wheeler, and flew to catch up with us.

Since we couldn’t see Mac behind us, Alan had stopped at a fork in the road, to wait for Mac to catch up. That was the only way that Mac would know which road to take. It wasn’t long before Mac came flying around the bend.

His near tangle with the bear had left him breathless! As the words tumbled out of his mouth, I heard my husband excitedly relate his adventure with the bear. I was silently green with envy. I whispered to the LORD, “I know its childish LORD, but I wish I could have seen the bear.”

Alan took off again, and not ten minutes later, he and I spotted, what Alan said, was the biggest bear he’d ever seen. It was causally ambling down the middle of the dirt road, maybe thirty feet in front of us. He was a beautiful creature, cinnamon brown, with cream colored fur across his neck and upper back, almost like a mane. The moment he spotted us, that fat bundle of fur, turned and was gone up the bank. It was almost straight up on that side of the road, but there was no trace of him as we passed by.

I was so excited! GOD had given me my desire to see a real live bear in the wild.  To do that GOD had to preset the exact time and place (Acts 17:26) and must have spoken to the bear just as HE spoke to the ravens and told them to feed Elijah.

“I (GOD) have commanded the ravens to feed you there” (1 Kings 17:4).

Alan laughed at my animation. But when GOD gives you a desire of your heart, it is absolutely amazing!  And it gave me an opportunity to witness of GOD’s goodness to Alan and later to his daughter and her boyfriend which shows again GOD keeping HIS word that by setting the times and places HE is giving people opportunities to reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26b-27).

Once more, I found GOD’s word is true.  When it is a good thing and the time is right, “No good thing will GOD withhold from them who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11).

So, my friends, “Delight yourself also in the LORD, and HE shall give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.

Are you ever surprised?

Do things ever surprise you? They do me, but GOD is never surprised for HE knows all things before they even occur, from the before time began.

GOD’s ways are not our ways, HE doesn’t think like we do (Isaiah 55:8-9). I know that, yet I still find the evidence of it amazing.  GOD truth never changes (Psalm 100:5) and a recent event most are aware of reveals that fact.

“GOD that made the world and all things therein, seeing that HE is LORD of heaven and earth… (Acts 17:24)… HE gives to all life, and breath, and all things…(Acts 17:25)… HE made of one blood (Adam) all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has PRESET the EXACT TIMES and PLACES…” (Acts 17:26)


“That they should seek the LORD (their choice), that they might feel after HIM, and find HIM, though HE be not far from every one of us:  For in HIM we live, and move, and have our being…” (Acts 17:27-28).

The world we live in is facing many problems and because of them many are seeking GOD and finding HIM.  But as a whole people are trying to find answers on their own and ignore and even deny GOD’s existence.

Most of us are aware that one man (a football player) had a heart attack after a play on the football field. Millions upon millions who previously mocked GOD began to pray, even over the media which is strictly taboo in our secular world.

GOD knows what HE is doing.  HE set the time and the place according to HIS love and burning desire to save people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).  GOD gives opportunities so that people can turn from their own ways to HIM and be saved (Ezekiel 18:23, 32 33:11).  Sometimes it takes a lot for us to see our need of HIM. 

I praise the LORD the prayers for that football player are being answered.  I pray that many will find the ONE to whom they reached out to on behalf of that football player! (Romans 6:23, 3:23, 10:9-10, 13).



Making plans

The snapshot is of Marcus, the team leader’s son, and I after climbing to the ruins of Skanderberg Castle, Albania on a windy day along with our team of prayer warriors.

As I thought over the message on pride, including us making our own plans without consulting our maker (Proverbs 3:5-7), memories of our Albanian prayer journey flooded over me.

I think the leaders of our Prayer Team to Albania in 93 spent much time on their knees seeking GOD’s direction, as they planned the itinerary and made arrangements for our trip.  But once we got there, things changed (James 4:13-14).  The hotel booked for the 31 of us, had no reservation on record for us.  Another hotel had to be found, and quickly.

On our way from the hotel in Tirana to pray at a strategic high place, our bus broke down.  Since we were going to have to wait for another bus to come, we got off the bus and walked down to the beach of the Adriatic Sea not far from the road.  I believe it was a GOD appointment.

50 years earlier, at the end of World War II, the Allies (USA included) turned over the country of Albania to the Communist due to their help during the war.  Hoxfa became the leader, and closed the country for anyone going out, or coming in.  One of the horrendous actions he took against the Albanian people was taking all Christians who refused to recant their faith, seal them in oil drums while they were still alive, roll them from the beach out to sea. 

It struck several of us that perhaps, that atrocious scene took place from that very stretch of beach where we stood.  Although not on the itinerary, with the opportunity given us, we joined together in prayer.  First, we confessed our part, as Americans, in turning Albania over to the Communists (Nehemiah 9:2).  Then we asked that the seeds of faith, sown by those Christians who refused to renounce their faith, would bear fruit in a great harvest for the LORD in Albania (John 12:24).

Another appalling assault on the Albanian people was to confiscate their lands and make them all go into the cities into cinderblock apartment buildings.

We walked the streets in many Albanian towns, praying for the people.  We were allowed inside the mosques that were being rebuilt (for of course no religion was allowed by Hoxfa). In one mosque several of us climbed up to the turret (where the call to pray goes out from).  Then carefully walked around the outside if the turret, looking down over the town, we extended our hands to the town and prayed for the light of the glorious gospel of JESUS CHRIST to come to them.  We prayed over ruins, the people and even ran in the rain to go get ice cream once we got back to Tirana.

On the last evening before leaving Albania, one felt nudged to get up very early, like the people of Albania did, and take the city buses to a hospital.  Having made friends with an Albanian who spoke a little English, he had learned only one transfer was necessary to get to the hospital. Then he opened the opportunity up to whosoever would join with him.  He insisted that we would have to pack up that night, for there would be a close time schedule.  No one wanted to miss our plane to Rome. 

A few of us went with him.  It was, for me, one of several highlights of the entire trip.  The hospital was ill equipped, and so very dirty, but the people- both patients with their families, and the staff warmly welcomed us to come and asked us to pray for them.  Which we did.  We have no idea all that those prayers did.  But we do know, one man received his sight. When he shouted, “I can see, I can see” we were embraced by all around.

Detailed plans for our trip had been made, yet they had to be tossed aside, when things unaccounted for happened (James 4:13-14).  Now, GOD knew all along what was going to happen, and HE used the lack of reservations, to put us exactly where HE wanted us.  It was there I got to meet an Albanian lady, a gypsy street sweeper.  I offered her the necklace that was around my neck which had John 3:16 in Albanian, engraved on it.  She received it with joy so it didn’t matter that we didn’t speak the same language.

GOD used the delay of the bus breaking down, at just that inlet near the ocean, to have us do something HE wanted done.  It was all for HIS glory. Then, that nudge HE gave David, and those of us who went to the hospital, was greatly rewarded.  Even though we had to laughingly run to get into the van once we got back to the hotel.  The rest of the team had been there counting the minutes, hoping and praying they wouldn’t have to leave without us.  Boy, were we glad the ones staying at the hotel had loaded up our luggage for us. 

But, the fact remains, throughout the trip, walking and praying, handing out Albanian Bibles and singing in these things and many, many others, we were not in control of place or timing.  GOD was.

Acts 17:26-27 GOD had preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men would reach out to HIM and find HIM.

“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  For what is your life?  It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.  You ought to say, If the LORD will, we shall live and do this or that” (James 4:14-15).

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge HIM (talk everything over with HIM). and HE promises to direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.


Sharon L Manning

Are you ready?

When I carried my babies, I got incredibly large. Way, way before the time for the births of my babies, I was more than ready to have them. Many, many times throughout the last days of my pregnancies I would think. “This is the day!” But, it wasn’t.

In each case, somehow there was a lull, I gave up, or other things caught my attention. Crazy as it sounds, after all that false labor, each time I went into real labor (with my five children), it came on so suddenly it surprised everyone.

Doctors tried to induce my 2nd daughter-Kari, over and over but nothing happened. But, when the appointed time came, she was ready. It even surprised me. She came so quickly, the doctor barely got into position after pulling on his gloves when Kari landed in his hands.

I think that is what the Scripture means when it says, the day will come as a thief in the night (Revelation 16:15).

We know the signs of CHRIST’s coming, as recorded in the Bible are seen everywhere. They have been around for awhile. But boy are they intensifying as we see war in the Ukraine but now Israel is getting shelled.

Just like when I went into the hospital with signs of labor, time and time again, many have “thought this is the day!”.. But it wasn’t.

As the LORD JESUS said, “It is not for us to know the time” (Acts 1:7). “Watch for you don’t know the hour when your LORD will come” (Matthew 24:42).

The thing is, one day JESUS is coming back to take those who believe in HIM to be with HIM forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).

Unless you believe in JESUS (John 3:16-18), you will be left behind. JESUS said, when HE comes, we will be busy with our everyday life (Matthew 24:33-39). So, we need to make sure NOW, that we are ready.

All have sinned and the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through JESUS Christ.  Believe John 3:16 and 36. Romans 10:9-10 and call on the Lord Jesus Christ Romans 10:13 and you will be saved.

One day when we don’t expect Him Jesus will come

Are you, am I, ready? What about our kids, the neighbors, the people we work with, are they ready? Have you told them about JESUS? If you don’t tell them, who will?

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.



Look up!

Wow! If you are following the world news like I am, you saw today the reaction of the world’s leaders to the Russian President Putin actions and the Supreme Ruler of Iran’s statement which indicate something big has changed.  It’s not just about the Ukraine and may lead to World War 3 or for a lift off of believers in JESUS (called the Rapture see 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2 as pictured in Revelation 4:1) just prior to the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation. 

I say may because we just don’t know the timing of all of this.  These things must happen because GOD said they would, but we don’t know when it will all take place.  What we do know without a doubt is we are in GOD’s hands. Our LORD JESUS has instructed, encouraged, and promised us awesome things.

And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet (Matthew 24:6).

Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in GOD, believe also in ME (JESUS).  In my FATHER’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto MYSELF; that where I am (in heaven), there you may be also John 14:1-3.

So, fear not but look up for your redemption draws near (Luke 21:28), and tell someone about JESUS today!



In the year

As a young woman one morning my husband handed me our youngest child, our little baby boy and said, “Momma, the baby is dead.”  After my baby died, I found myself thinking irrationally and knew that the only thing that could keep me sane to raise my 2 little girls was to seek out the GOD I met when I was 12.  I ran down to a church, but no one was there!  Then I felt a splash of a raindrop on my cheek and looked up and saw a cloud shaped as a mighty lion with a baby on his back hanging on to the lion’s mane and laughing and I heard the words, “Don’t weep for him, he is having the time of his life.”  That turned me back to GOD and changed me and how I thought completely.

Just as Isaiah was changed, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD on HIS throne high and lifted up” (Isaiah 6:1).

I love my time with GOD and the way HE talks to me.  To direct me, encourage me or in leading me in how to pray GOD generally brings scripture to mind and often confirms HIS ways by making me aware of how it is working in others lives.

Anyone who has read Job knows that no one and nothing can touch us without GOD’s permission.  Job went from the mightiest man of the East, he had children, health, riches and honor then lost everything. We know that GOD rewarded Job greatly for every single thing he had to suffer, just as HE promises to achieve amazing things for us that far surpass the pain of today for every trouble that comes our way (Job 42, 2 Corinthians 4:16-17). After the struggles there was a new long-lasting season of blessing for Job.

We must lay the foundation of right thoughts of GOD if we are to cope in this life.  The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is beyond anything we can imagine, for GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only (uniquely) begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Creation shows the LORD’s power and wisdom that boggle our minds. Little by little the HOLY SPIRIT is revealing GOD’s ways to the ones who believe in JESUS (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Right now, since there are crisis issues (yes plural) in my world that seem impossible GOD has gently reminded me that with HIM nothing is impossible and that HE has a plan that HE is working out.

In praying for these issues and many other prayer requests that come my way where I am unsure in what GOD’s good plan for them is, I am lead to pray for the very best the LORD has for them (Jeremiah 29:11-13) and that they not lack any blessing they could have if only asked for (James 4:2).

Then there are times when I am talking to the LORD concerning a situation or problem that HE will show me how specifically to pray.

An adult child of mine and I had sweet fellowship, we would sing Christian songs together and talk of the wonders of GOD.  But life happened and foolish choices were made. At this time my child has been taken from me, not by death but by access to.

As I cried out to the LORD for him,  GOD turned my mind to Isaiah 6:1, “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD on HIS throne high and lifted up” and I was impressed that I (the one my child looked to for answers and direction) must be taken from his life before he could be see clearly, set free and go on to a new and better season of his life.

It brought me sweet peace to see the why behind the turn of events that look so horrific.

Years back a dear friend and I met once a week for Bible Study and prayer for over a year and a half.  The time was so special, I believe we grew to know GOD better and we shared our hearts with each other, so our bond became quite strong.  But then came a day when I could no longer meet with her. GOD had other plans.  It was hard and I missed her greatly. But it was all according to GOD’s magnificent plan for her.  When I could no longer meet with her for Bible study, her husband started studying the Word of GOD with her and their relationship grew even greater as it lifted to a higher level.  As for me, GOD had other plans as well. HE opened a new season for me in sharing HIS Word.

That makes me think of Isaiah 6:1  “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD sitting on HIS throne high and lifted up.”  As long as King Uzziah lived, Isaiah looked to the king for direction.  It was only after the king died that Isaiah look up and saw the LORD.  It changed his whole life.

As long as I was studying with my friend, we looked to each other, it blocked her husband from studying with her.  When I was out of the picture, the door opened and the next season in their marriage began .

Another dear friend, a mother I know has always been there for her daughter and grandchildren.  Though states apart during the many times of crisis the mom stopped what she was doing, delegated her work responsibilities and would fly out to help her daughter and grandchildren through sickness and struggles. But due to Covid this was stopped and now they are separated.  The mother aches to go see her daughter and misses her grandchildren terribly but she also is needed by others.  The stopping of one season of the mother’s life opened up the next season for now she is available, willing and able to go where she is needed. 

While the daughter, who always depended so on her mother, is in the place Isaiah found himself when King Uzziah died.  She can no longer look to her mother to fill her needs and give her direction. So we are praying that she will look up and see GOD high and lifted up and be drawn to walk with HIM.  HE would quickly become her strength.

… for GOD has preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men would reach out to HIM, though HE is not far from anyone… (Acts 17:26-27).

Many I know are in the place of looking to someone to show them the way.  They need something to wake them up.  Perhaps they need as Isaiah did “in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the LORD sitting on HIS throne high and lifted up”

You can find as I have that if you face any and all situations (big and small) as coming from GOD and thank HIM for HIS actions in your behalf, you will find a peace that throws you beyond having to understand and guards and keeps your heart and mind (Philippians 4:6-7). 

Remember GOD is always with us if we believe in JESUS and nothing, absolutely nothing can touch us without GOD’s permission (see Job 1 and 2).

