Wash the windows

LORD willing, I know what is on the top of my to do list when I get home from class!

I glanced up from writing and looked out my window, I was horrified.  The sunlight streaming accentuates how very dirty my windows are.  Though I wash them from time to time, somehow they keep getting dirty.

When a person calls on the name of the LORD JESUS to save him, he is forgiven and cleansed from all sin by the blood of JESUS and forever that one belongs to JESUS and is saved from the wrath of GOD (Hebrews 7:25, John 3:36). 

Even though we are saved we find ourselves turning around and sinning, for all men sin (2 Chronicles 6:36).  When that happens, we don’t need to be saved all over again for we are covered by the cleansing blood of JESUS have eternal life.  Yet to avoid GOD the FATHER taking us to the woodshed /being disciplined of the LORD (1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Hebrews 12:4-7, 10-11), we need to own up/ acknowledge we did wrong- that is confess our sin.  “If we confess our sin, GOD is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us (anew) from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

But we are like my windows, by just being in this world we completely unintentionally get some of the dirt and grime of this world system on us.  It just attaches itself to us, like smoke from a campfire or white cat hair to a black pair of slacks.  And it shows to everyone but us.

One of the pieces of furniture in the Old Testament tabernacle was the bronze laver and it was filled with water.  The priests would often stop at the laver and perform ritualistic cleansing.  Like much of the Old Testament, this laver is a picture for us Christians. 

“How can a young man (anyone) cleanse his way?  By taking heed to YOUR word” (Psalm 119:9).

“as CHRIST also loved the church and gave HIMSELF for it; That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26).

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of GOD is alive, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  

The Word of GOD shows us the things hiding in our heart that should not be there.  When we see them we can take them to GOD and HE will wash them just as I intend to wash my windows.



A water hose

A moment ago, I heard sirens and looked up to see a fire truck speeding down 29th Street.

To put out a fire you need water.  But water will do no good until it is connected to the fire hose. Only when water is directed to where it’s needed can it do any good.  That is a no brainer.

If you belong to JESUS, you and I are like that water hose, just a conduit.

The prophets in the Old Testament were men who had the HOLY SPIRIT come upon them to give GOD’s messages to the people. They were like a water hose connected to the water facet.  Through them GOD’s words flowed to ones who needed it.

But in the New Testament it is different.  JESUS promised that everyone who believed in HIM would have rivers of water springing up within him.  It is explained that is was the HOLY SPIRIT who is given to every believer (John 7:37-39).  The HOLY SPIRIT lives within believers (John 14:16-17) but more than that HE comes upon us with special power when HE gives special assignments.

Like a water hose, we believers are connected to the source of water (GOD).  When HE has something for us to do or say HE turns the water on, and it flows through us to others. 

HE is the source of the water, and the ONE who holds the hose, and directs the flow of HIS water where HE wants it to go. Since we are not the source there is no room for pride in ourselves.  HIS water (Word) will accomplish what HE wants done (Isaiah 55:10-11).

Any old water hose will do. It is the water from GOD that matters. Therefore, it is special when HE chooses to use you or me to instruct, comfort or encourage others.

It can be as simple as a smile or making a phone call.  It may take us out of our comfort zone. But don’t stop the flow of HIS living water, by refusing to do or say whatever HE urges you to do or say.  HE is our Master, let us listen for HIS instructions.  HE places them within us (Philippians 2:13) and we know what we should do. So, we need to work out what HE places within us (Philippians 2:12) by doing what we know we should do.  It will refresh others as much as water from a hose can put out a fire.



The sprinklers came on

A little incident can so change one’s perspective that time can seem to fade away.  Recently, when I was walking across our lawn with the sun beating down on me and the temperature soaring above 100 degrees all of a sudden, the sprinklers came on and I ran through them laughing and feeling just like a kid again.

The nature of water is soft, the nature of stone is hard; but if a bottle is hung above a stone, allowing the water to fall drop by drop, it wears away the stone. So, it is with the WORD of GOD on those reading it wanting to hear from GOD.

The WORD of GOD is soft, and our heart is hard, but the one who willing hears the WORD of GOD often, opens his heart to the fear of GOD. / Abba Poemen

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

The WORD of GOD is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, it is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

Take time regularly to read the WORD of GOD. Expect GOD to use it to speak to you personally where you are at as well as to teach, refresh and energize you as it redirects and encourages you. For even if you are not aware of the fact, GOD HIMSELF meets you in HIS WORD and you will be changed.

Have you read the WORD of GOD today?



In this heat

“I would seek GOD…WHO gives rain upon the earth and sends waters upon the fields” (Job 10:8, 10).

With this heat wave, no matter how one tries it is hard to get relief.  One of my girls traveling home in a jeep with no air conditioner stopped at a gas station.  Seeing stars before her eyes, she felt as though she would pass out, so her daughter handed her a bottle of water that she had just purchased. Jeri opened it and poured it over her head standing with people all around.  As the water ran down over her, drenching her from head to foot, she revived!  Praise the LORD Who always prepares ahead and provides what is needed! 

Now this boldly beaked Toucan is the toco toucan, is a great example of GOD preparing HIS creatures for where HE places them.  This bird lives in world’s largest area of tropical wetlands, the Pantanal, which stretches across a large swath of Brazil along with parts of Paraguay and Bolivia. The weather is warm and humid, and GOD, in HIS interesting and creative way enabled the Pantanal’s wildlife to cope in the sultry conditions.

The toco Toucan species has the largest beak, relative to its body, of any bird. While his big bright bill is terrific at plucking and peeling fruit, and defending against predators, its greatest use may be in regulating temperature.  The toco toucan’s lightweight keratin beak is underlain with blood vessels which help dissipate body heat. The jumbo beak serves as a kind of thermostat, cooling the toucan off in much the same way those oversize ears do for elephants.

Aren’t GOD’s colorful designs enthrallingly in amazing wise practicality as well as beauty?

Seeking GOD’s wisdom in HIS creation, when things overwhelm me seek I the LORD JESUS CHRIST who saved me by washing me from my sin with HIS very own blood (Revelation 1:5). HE now lives to pray for me (Hebrews 7:25) and changes and purifies me as I run to HIM.  When I seek HIM and open HIS word there is refreshment and cleansing with the washing of the water of the WORD of GOD (Ephesians 5:26).



The rain comes down

All that rain we have been having has given the grass the extra boost it needed and now the grass is really getting green! That makes me think of a facet of the work of the HOLY SPIRIT in a believer’s life. 

JESUS describes the HOLY SPIRIT outside or with us and beside a man (John 14:17), convicting a person of sin and his need of a Savior. It gives a person a chance to choose to reach out to GOD (John 16:8).  But it is man’s choice to make (John 3:16, 36).

JESUS goes on to describe the HOLY SPIRIT coming inside a man once a person believes in the death and resurrection of JESUS CHRIST (John 20:22). When the HOLY SPIRIT comes to dwell inside us it is like a well of living water gushing up from within once a person believes that JESUS died for his sin and was glorified when proved to be the SON of GOD with power at HIS resurrection for the dead (John 7:38-39, Romans 1:4). That water speaks of the cleansing work of the SPIRIT and is how the believer is being changed little by little into the image of JESUS (sanctified) (Romans 8:29). The water also pictures. the fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT flowing through us to meet the needs of others.

But there is still more, and our LORD JESUS told the disciples, who had the living HOLY SPIRIT within them (John 20:20) to wait in Jerusalem until the HOLY SPIRIT came upon them with power to witness and for specific service to others (Acts 1:4,8).

In Hosea 6:3 rain speaks of the ministry of the HOLY SPIRIT. “Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: HIS going forth is prepared as the morning; and HE shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.”

 As rain comes at different times for a purpose and then it stops until another need. The aspect of the HOLY SPIRIT’s coming upon us with power is for a specific assignments to others and then HIS special power leaves until our next assignment that needs special power (Acts 2, Acts 4:31).

We need to listen let the HOLY SPIRIT lead and direct us, for if we resist what HE shows us or turn away from HIS direction we grieve and quench HIM and thereby hamper ourselves.

Something to think about when you see the rain…



How salty are you?

How salty are you?

The Dead Sea is a salt-lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the west. The lake’s surface is 1,412 ft below sea level, making its shores the lowest land-based elevation on Earth. It is 34.2% (in 2011) salt- 9.6 times as salty as the ocean –making it the saltiest body of water in the world and which makes swimming like floating.

It went from a fresh-water lake to a salt-lake when GOD sent fire down upon it in judgment (Genesis 19:24).

When GOD says,  “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Colossians 4:6), the salt HE is talking about is the truth of the Word of GOD which is living and powerful, showing us our thoughts and the intents of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12) which teaches, corrects, and instruct us.

Too much salt is not good, nor is it good for us. Have you ever put too much salt on your food?

In an open wound salt can really burn, so we must always seek GOD’s wisdom before speaking. I find that it is helpful to send silent arrow prayers for direction (Proverbs 3:5-7) as Nehemiah did before he answered the king (Nehemiah 2:4-5). 

As salt purifies and preserves and enhances the flavor of foods, so the truth of GOD’s word can preserve and enhance lives.  We are seeing more Bible prophesies written centuries ago are being fulfilled one after another than at any time in history since the time of CHRIST JESUS. 

Therefore, even if it stings a bit, speaking the truth is a very good thing. It helps us know what is going on.  We live in a day of so much sickness, increasing natural disasters, and disasters. It is a time when all around the world people are going crazy with riots and looting because of food, gas and electric shortages and building coming down after earthquakes.  We hear of wars in the Mideast and threats of a war and ultimatums from Russia and North Korea, and even spy balloons invading our air space from China.

It is a time when we who know what GOD has said, need to be salty.  We must care enough about others to tell them GOD’s truth, the plan laid out clearly in HIS Word the Bible. Whether they listen or mock we must offer the Gospel to them. 

GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten Son JESUS to die for us to pay for our sin and reconcile us to GOD that we might have eternal life (John 3:16).  They need to know of HIS love and HIS plan to purify this world when HIS wrath against sin will be poured out.   

People need to know that all they must do to be saved from what is coming is to call upon the LORD.  (Romans 10:9-10, 13). “The one who believes on the SON (JESUS) has everlasting life: but the one that does not believe the SON shall not see life; but the wrath of GOD abides on him (John 3:36).

Are you ready? Are you salty?


Sharon L Manning

Washing up

Since I got my Cochlear implant, my brain is being taught to distinguish words in an entirely different way. I was told I needed to daily practice by listening to different speakers and it was suggested that I listen to audio books. But since I can now stream videos on my phone, I chose to do something I have never had an ability to do. I decided to listen to video preaching by men known to be sound in Bible doctrine. Praise the LORD my discernment of what sounds mean is growing!

Now I regularly listen to different Bible teachers when I do dishes the old fashion way, do laundry, fold clothes, soak in the tub, all those little things one must do but where you don’t have to concentrate. I even do exercises while I listen.

Well, one teacher I listen to frequently and usually agree with whatever he says. He is speaks simply, clearly, and I have found his teaching to be quite sound in doctrine in that it agrees with Scripture. But when he said, “It was what people decided and not GOD’s personal choice (putting whom GOD chose in positions (Daniel 4:17) that determined who would win the elections a red flag went up.

“The decision is announced by messengers, the holy ones declare the verdict, so that the living may know that the MOST HIGH is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone HE wishes and sets over them the lowliest of people (Daniel 4:17 NIV).

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which GOD has established. The authorities that exist have been established by GOD (Romans 13:1 NIV).

This preacher was urging people to vote. Which is good and I believe is our Christian duty. We do need to vote for those who stand for GOD’s values. But when he said man will determine who would take office, he inferred GOD is not really sovereign, nor does HE bring to pass HIS eternal purposes for individuals (Ephesians 2:10) or for nations on HIS precise preset time schedule of appointed times (Habakkuk 2:3).

I don’t understand the way our votes matter and yet GOD predetermined the outcome, nor can I explain how JESUS was delivered by the determined counsel and foreknowledge of GOD yet the Jews took HIM by wicked hands and slayed JESUS (Acts 2:23). GOD let man do what their wicked hearts determined to do and yet that accomplished what GOD determined. And as you see GOD’s perfect foreknowledge played a big part in it. The one who needs to be in office to do what GOD wants done, will be in office, just as JESUS needed to die to save us and GOD used the hands of others to do it.

GOD’s ways and thoughts are not mine they are as far as the heavens are above the earth higher than mine (Isaiah 55:8-9), therefore my lack of understanding doesn’t negate what GOD says is true. “What man says and it comes to be if the LORD has commanded it not?” (Lamentations 3:37).

“Do not quench the SPIRIT. Do not treat prophecies (speaking forth the Word of GOD) with contempt but test them all;(what is said) hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 NIV). That tells me I am to test what that man said.

“Let no man deceive you by any means…” (2 Thessalonians 2:3) How can I avoid being deceived?

“To the law and to the testimony (scripture): if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them (Isaiah 8:20). Reject whatever does not agree with GOD’s word.

GOD works (places within) us both to want what HE wants and to be enabled to do it (Philippians 2:13). HE urges us to pray in a certain way so we can co-labor with HIM and HE can reward us. For HE delights to give rewards to HIS children. But we are not puppets, we can reject what HE tells us and refuse to do it but since HE knows all things past, present and future our reactions were all figured in when HE scheduled the days of our lives before we began to breathe (Psalm 139:16).

I cannot take the credit for catching the error, in fact I did not really want to see it. The HOLY SPIRIT made me uneasy by putting a check in my spirit when I heard the speakers words. “GOD won’t override man’s choice.”

Then HE reminded me (John 14:26) of verses which declared our sovereign LORD GOD ALMIGHTY’s eternal purposes, power and preset timing. Since GOD’s thoughts and ways are not my thoughts and ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) I am dependent on the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT and that is why GOD poured our HIS SPIRIT on believers in JESUS and the Bible tells me to walk in the SPIRIT (Galatians 5:16) and be led by HIM (Galatians 5:18).

“That HE (JESUS) might sanctify and cleanse it (the Church-believers in JESUS) with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26). See how the word of GOD was used by the HOLY SPIRIT to expose error and wash it from my mind with water of the word?

The washing of the water of the word, cleanses us so that we will not be conformed to this world but be transformed (metamorphosis — you know from a caterpillar to a butterfly) by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2)

So jump in and read your Bible, the water is great!



O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in HIM” (Psalm 34:9).

Now a car cannot run without gas or electricity and people cannot live and be active without the nourishment of food or supplements for their body.  But JESUS said something more is needed. JESUS said, “It is written (Deuteronomy 8:3), ‘Man must not live only on bread. He must also live by every word that comes from the mouth of GOD’ (Matthew 4:4 NIRV). 

WHY? JESUS was saying that our minds and spirits needed fed for us to know how to think and do. Romans12:2 explains the only way we can keep from being conformed to this world is to daily have our minds renewed so we know GOD’s ways and what HE wants us to do.

JESUS said the tool for preparing and nourishing us to live each day, that which will renew of our minds, is the Word of GOD. “ For the Word of GOD is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). 

It amazes me what the LORD says about HIS Word in Isaiah 55:11 where GOD clarifies what the Word of GOD will do.  “so shall MY Word be that goes out from MY mouth; it shall not return to ME empty, but it shall accomplish that which I send it to do, and shall succeed (prosper) in the thing for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:10 illustrates what happens when we read the Word of GOD. “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and returns not thither, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater.” 

Notice since the Word of GOD is alive it can meets individual needs.  The Word gives each person what they need at the moment.  It gives the farmer seed, so each one is supplied with what we need to do what we should do.  But to the those who are hungry, those who have problems, fears or need direction, the Word gives nourishment and energizes them, giving them strength, comfort, motivation and direction.  The Word gives whatever it is that that one needs.  GOD and HIS Word is astounding.

Do you read it?  I do!



Help from the heat

With this heat wave, no matter how one tries it is hard to get relief.  Yesterday, one of my girls traveling home in a jeep with no air conditioner stopped at a gas station.  Seeing stars before her eyes, she felt as though she would pass out so her daughter handed her a bottle of water that she had just purchased and Jeri opened it and poured over her head standing right there with people all around.  As the water ran down over her, drenching her from head to foot, she revived!  Praise the LORD Who always prepares in advance and provides what is needed!  All we need to do is look to HIM.

“I would seek GOD…WHO gives rain upon the earth and sends waters upon the fields” (Job 10:8, 10). And seek the LORD JESUS CHRIST who saved me by washing me from my sin with HIS very own blood (Revelation 1:5) and changes and purifies me with the washing of the water of the WORD of GOD (Ephesians 5:26).

Now this boldly beaked Toucan is the toco toucan, is a great example of GOD preparing HIS creatures for where HE places them.  This bird lives in world’s largest area of tropical wetlands, the Pantanal, which stretches across a large swath of Brazil along with parts of Paraguay and Bolivia. The weather is warm and humid, and GOD, in HIS interesting and creative way enabled the Pantanal’s wildlife to handle the sultry conditions.

The toco Toucan species has the largest beak, relative to its body, of any bird. While his big bright bill is terrific at plucking and peeling fruit, and defending against predators, its greatest use may be in regulating temperature.  The toco toucan’s lightweight keratin beak is underlain with blood vessels which help dissipate body heat. The jumbo beak serves as a kind of thermostat, cooling the toucan off in much the same way those oversize ears do for elephants.

Aren’t GOD’s colorful designs enthrallingly amazing in wise practicality as well as beauty?



Know ME

GOD says, “I don’t want your sacrifices—I want your love; I don’t want your offerings—I want you to know ME!” (Hosea 6:6 TLB).

What comes into our minds when we think about GOD is the most important thing about us for it affects how we think and act.  There is scarcely an error in doctrine, or a failure in applying Christian ethics that cannot be traced back to imperfect and ignoble thoughts of GOD. 

Throughout nature we can look around us and learn many things about GOD (Romans 1:19-20, Psalm 19:1-3).

In 2nd Peter 1:1-4 GOD tells us that through our knowledge of GOD the FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST (who is the exact representation/ likeness of GOD the FATHER- Hebrews 1:1-3) we obtain faith, grace, peace, all things that pertain to living life and being godly, and great and precious promises that if we use transforms us so that we may participate in the very nature of our LORD JESUS (Romans 8:29) that is the divine nature. 

No, we don’t become gods, but we start thinking and acting like GOD our FATHER and JESUS our LORD and Savior.

We find that knowledge of GOD not just in nature but also in HIS word the Bible.  JESUS said that man can not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD.

 But we need an interpreter to understand GOD’s words (1 Corinthians 2:10-11) for man on his own cannot understand GOD for HIS ways and thoughts are way, way above ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).  So GOD, provided a way for us to know HIM.

For GOD so loved the world that HE sent HIS only begotten so that whosoever believed on HIM would not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16. When we believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST we become the children of GOD ( John 1:12) and we are given the HOLY SPIRIT as our teacher and interpreter and so much more (John 7:38-39).  The HOLY SPIRIT leads and convicts us so we can grow in our knowledge of GOD and personal holiness.

In GOD’s word HE reveals things about HIMSELF through HIS names.  Let’s just look at a couple truths about GOD revealed in that manner.

GOD is the GOD of all comfort who comforts us in all of our affliction, so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction ( 2 Corinthians 1:3-4).  This name shows us HE will meet us in our affliction and give us answers.  Answers that work, and that enable us to help others that are afflicted.  So as HE comforts us, HE prepares us to help others and become more like HIM.

GOD is the GOD of all hope who will fill us with all joy and peace as we believe in HIM, so that we can overflow and abound with hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 15:13). 

In dealing with rebellious children there has been time after time when I have felt helpless and hopeless. But, GOD the HOLY SPIRIT reminds me of Nebuchadnezzar.  He was the king of Babylon who, due to his pride, went crazy and had the mind of an animal, and for 7 years lived with the beasts of the field and ate grass.  Then one day GOD brought him back to his senses, gave him back the mind of a man, then when Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged GOD was in control, GOD nudged his counselors to come and place him back in authority as king of Babylon.  He became more powerful than before (see Daniel 4 for more of the story). 

Now if GOD can take an insane king and bring him to a place of wisdom to reign, then HE surely knows how to bring my loved ones to their senses so that they escape the snare of the evil one (2 Timothy 2:25-26).  Nothing is impossible with GOD.  HE is the GOD of all hope.

Tell GOD you want to hear HIM speak and open HIS word and you may be surprised.

