
Our nation and the world seems to be a swirl of confusion plus most of us have at least one thing touching our lives that we have no control over. Yes, there are major things to be concerned about. So, what do we do?  Many choose to worry, and anxiety is at an all-time high, paralyzing many.

JESUS clearly said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled, believe in GOD and believe in ME” John 14:1.

What does this one little verse say that we are doing when we are troubled?  Clearly it is saying we don’t believe GOD is going to handle it.

To worry insults GOD like a slap on the face. It is saying, “GOD, I don’t believe YOU are in control or doing things right.”

Yet because man looks on outward appearance it is easier to indulge in our emotions that cause worry and wallow in them rather than to release our concerns to GOD in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7) and choose in faith to trust the LORD even when we don’t see HIM at work and everything seems so wrong.

Most believers in JESUS that I know avoid sin with a passion.  But these same ones seem to think nothing about worrying or being anxious although its direct disobedience to GOD.  One gal recently said, “I don’t think of worry in that way.” (meaning as sin.)

Only if we see and confess worry as SIN, will we turn from it and learn to trust the eternal GOD and lean on HIM and not our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-7). 

Seeing how the LORD has worked throughout time as recorded in scripture and claiming GOD’s promises in HIS word is what enables me to trust the only wise LORD GOD ALMIGHTY when things look dark and I can’t see what’s ahead.

JESUS asked, “Why call ME LORD (Master), LORD (Master) and don’t do the things that I say?” (Luke 6:46).



Easier said than done

Searching in my files this past week for needed information I came across an old study with a one-month calendar having verses about trusting GOD for each day.  Then I received an old message by Charles Stanley in the mail on trusting GOD.  Plus, several verses speaking of trust came up in my daily reading.

GOD is faithful, HE knew the various situations that were to come to me and those I love, and HE was reminding me that HE was there for us all I needed to do was to trust HIM.

Isaiah 26:YOU will keep in perfect peace, the mind that’s stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee.

Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. (That is one of my favorite trust text because it has been put to music and I can sing it aloud against any of the accusations the enemy might bring back to my mind).

The LORD says to come to HIM about everything (Proverbs 3:5-7).  We are commanded not to be anxious and worried.  So, to be anxious and worried is SIN.  But seriously we can’t handle it on our own.

In order to get rid of our anxiety the LORD instructs us to pour out everything that concerns us to HIM (not everybody else), thanking HIM that HE is there for us and can and will work on our behalf in the situation.  Our GOD who cannot lie (Titus 1:2) promises us that if we give our requests to HIM with thanksgiving in exchange HE will cover us with HIS peace that will throw us beyond having to understand (Philippians 4:6-7).

Have you ever obeyed those instructions and had peace for a moment but then all of a sudden all the concerns rush back into your mind making you more upset than before?

That is because we didn’t read far enough so didn’t follow the instructions fully.  For in Philippians 4:8 we are instructed that in order to walk in (keep) that peace we must redirect our thoughts to that which is positive (Philippians 4:8).

Philippians 4:Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, present your requests to GOD with thanksgivingAnd the peace of GOD, which surpasses/transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

I know, I know our enemy will feed those fears and frustrations back to us.  He does to me, and I don’t think I am unique.  When that happens we are to use the sword of the SPIRIT, which is the word of GOD (Ephesians 6:17) and say aloud to our enemy (just as JESUS did) It is written…GOD told me to give HIM this problem and said HE would take care of it.  So, I don’t need to worry about it. In doing that I am handing the problems back to GOD.

Warning:  The HOLY SPIRIT moved James (2 Peter 1:21) to warn us in James 1 that if we come to GOD and ask HIM we must come willing to believe HE knows best in how to handle it.  If we come only to have HIM do things our way we are not to expect anything from HIM (James 1:6-7).

It is so good to hand over all these surmounting problems to HIM who loves me and sent HIS only SON to die for my sin that I might be forgiven and become HIS child (John 3:16, 1:12-13).  Knowing that HE gave the best for me (Romans 8:32) assures me that now HE is working through the struggles I’m facing to achieve an end result of good for us who love HIM because HE 1st loved us (2 Corinthians 4:15-18, Romans 8:28-29).

It is easier to say, “Trust GOD” than to do it.  Like any skill it takes practice but trusting GOD sure pays dividends and pleases GOD!



Do you fret?

Now tell the truth, it is just between you and GOD anyway, are you worried about anything?

GOD says, “Do not fret— it only causes harm” (Psalm 37:8).

Fretting causes harm!

Fretting is just another word for worry.  It means getting ourselves “out of joint” mentally or spiritually.  It’s easy to say, “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7) until our own little world is turned upside down and we are forced to live in confusion and agony and all sorts of accusing thoughts come into our minds.

Many are experiencing that right now not only with personal struggles but also with chaos breaking loose worldwide as hatred of the Jews escalates as it did before World War II. 

Let’s face it, if we don’t obey the command “Do not fret” in the middle of a storm when we don’t know what is coming next, then we won’t obey it anywhere.

This “Do not fret” is applied by choosing to believe GOD is still in control even when it looks like HE isn’t.

All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without considering GOD is sovereign and actively at work behind the scene on our behalf working the good, bad and ugly together for an end result of good to us who love HIM (Romans 8:28). 

Those fretful thoughts come as lying whispers from our enemy to stir us up and feed our old nature’s desire to have its own way and be in control.

Our LORD JESUS never worried and was never anxious because HIS purpose was never to accomplish HIS own plans.  All HE wanted to do was to fulfill GOD’s perfect plan (Hebrews 10:7).

Fretting accomplishes nothing good, so it is foolish and a total waste of our time and energy.  But it’s not just foolish it is wickedness for a child of GOD because it is trying to take over GOD’s job and be in control.

To rest in the LORD is not dependent on our external circumstances at all, but on our relationship with GOD HIMSELF and our confident trust in HIM. 

So, say “no!” to those accusing lying whispers that can nag at you and take all your opinions and speculations to JESUS.  As I talk them over with HIM HE has a way of letting me see things from HIS point of view (2 Corinthians 10:5). 

When the taunts to fret or worry come, run as fast as you can to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).  It is only there we find release from our fears.

Do you fret?  It is better to tell yourself the truth, “I am not in control, but my GOD is, and HE loves me and promises that HE will fulfill HIS purpose for me” (Psalm 57:2 NIV).

When we do that GOD promises to direct our hearts and minds (Proverbs 3:5-7) and then our job is just to do what we know we should do.  It is that simple, the simplicity that is in CHRIST.



Talk it over with GOD

Well over 50 years ago I sat in my 1st women’s Bible study.  It was my turn to read so I began reading Philippians 4:6-7: “Be careful for (worried about) nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD and the peace of GOD, which passes all understanding, shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.”

As I read the verses I thought the words meant the peace of GOD would give me understanding.  You know- like “pass me the butter”.  When I expressed my thought, there were smiles and a few chuckles and I was quickly advised that isn’t what it meant at all. 

Although those awesome words, that have become life verses for me, hold amazing truth, today I’m just using that old story as an illustration to set the stage to show that words don’t always imply what we think they suggest.

Normally we think ungodliness and unrighteousness or wickedness are the same thing.  But In Romans 1:18, “The wrath of GOD is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness.”  Paul clearly distinguishes ungodliness from unrighteousness

But what’s the difference?

Jerry Bridges, in his bible study ‘Respectable Sins’, states “Ungodliness describes an attitude toward GOD, while unrighteousness refers to sinful actions in thought, word or deed.

Ungodliness is at best ignoring GOD and what HE says, but often it is flatly denying GOD’s concern or even HIS existence.  Ungodliness can be defined as living everyday life with little or no thought of what GOD wants or thinks or has done.  It’s leaving GOD out of the equation when considering problems or in making decisions. Yet GOD clearly instructs us to trust HIM and to acknowledge (talk to) HIM about everything.

Trusting GOD is an exercise, not a feeling. You learn to trust by choosing to trust. And the more you do it (trust GOD), the more you can do it (trust GOD), for your eyes become able to see GOD at work in everything.  Then GOD is in all your thoughts, and you become increasingly aware of GOD.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge HIM, and HE shall direct your paths.  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil.” (Proverbs 3:5-7).

“The wicked people are too proud. They do not look for GOD; there is no room for GOD in their thoughts.” (Psalm 10:4 NCV).

In Isaiah 30:1 GOD even calls believers rebellious children when we make decisions without 1st talking it over with HIM.

When we leave GOD out of our decision making, joys and struggles of our day it is a given that we will worry.  “Am I doing the right thing?” or “Should I have?”

To worry, is to disobey GOD’s direct instructions.  Worry is a direct result of not checking over our concerns with GOD. I began learning that truth and how to trust GOD over half a century ago in that woman’s Bible study when I read,

Philippians 4:6-7: “Be careful for (full of care/worried about) nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD and the peace of GOD, which passes all understanding, shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.”

Keep GOD in your thoughts, give HIM thanks even for the little things and talk everything over with HIM and you will be increasingly godly.

“But know that GOD has set apart the godly for HIMSELF..” (Psalm 4:3).



What should I do?

Ever wonder what is happening in the world?   Why are things so crazy and getting so violent? That takes us back to “GOD made man upright, but THEY sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). When we do what is right in our own eyes we run into troubles because “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his (own) steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).

If you think things are bad now, this is nothing compared to what we are told will occur around the time the Antichrist rises and his 7-year treaty with the Jews is signed and the 7-year Tribulation (called Jacob’s trouble -Jeremiah 30:7) begins (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6).

So how can find hope and direction?

GOD the FATHER so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Begotten (unique/ not made but eternal) SON- JESUS that whosoever believes in HIM will have eternal life (John 3:16).  And to as many as received HIM (JESUS) to them HE gave the power to become the sons of GOD, even to them that believe on HIS name (John 1:12).

To those GOD foreknew (would believe in JESUS) GOD decreed (predestined) to be conformed to the image of HIS (only Begotten) SON, that HE (JESUS) might be the 1st of many brethren (Romans 8:29).

Notice that GOD sent HIS ONLY begotten SON so that HE might have MANY sons.  Amazing truth isn’t it? That does not mean we who believe in JESUS will be gods but that we are true children of GOD, sharing HIS image and HIS nature.

Hebrews 2:10 tells us that it was fitting for HIM (GOD the FATHER), for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons (us who believe in JESUS-1 John 3:1-2) unto glory, to make the captain (Leader/ JESUS) of their salvation perfect through sufferings.”

In other words, to lead us (who believe in JESUS and have become children of GOD-John 1:12) into maturity and conformed to HIS image, JESUS had to suffer. And did HE ever suffer! Though eternal Creator of the universes, JESUS voluntarily took on a human body (Philippians 2:5-8), suffered poverty, indignities, ridicule, humiliation and then shame (Hebrews 12:2) and indescribably awful pain as HE was whipped and then hung on the cross and bled so that we might be washed from our sins by HIS blood (Revelation 1:5), saved and reconciled to GOD (2 Corinthians 5:19-20) with the right to be called the children of GOD.

However, I’d like to pinpoint just one of the things I find absolutely, remarkably amazing.  As JESUS lived on earth in such a way as to LEAD us to know how to live (2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrews 12:2-3) we are told over and over all JESUS did and said was in compliance to what GOD the FATHER told HIM to do and say (John 8:28).  HE never did anything on HIS own.

That is what JESUS meant when HE said “man shall not live by bread alone (physical nourishment) but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4).

And what Solomon meant when the HOLY SPIRIT led him to pen, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN not on your own understanding.  In all your ways (in everything) acknowledge (talk to) HIM and HE will direct your path (you will know something you need to do).  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7).

In other words, we need to do what GOD says. And HE gave us the Bible to tell us what that is. “All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (1 Timothy 3:16). By using the great and precious promises found in HIS book we can escape the corruption that is in the world through lusts and actually participate in the divine nature/ the very nature of GOD (2 Peter 1:4).

Yesterday I was struck with GOD’s instructions in how we should live in this crazy world as I read Psalm 37. In it GOD tells us NOT TO FRET 3 times, to TRUST GOD 3 times and to WAIT FOR GOD 3 times.  Since repetition in the Bible always indicates emphasis, those 3 words sound like instructions to me.

DON’T FRET at all the evil prospering around the world (Philippians 4:6-7), you can only do that by TRUSTING GOD is in control, is with you (Hebrews 13:5) and leading you in how you should go (Psalm 25:12), in that way WAIT for JESUS to come catch you (who believe in JESUS) away before everything breaks loose when the 7-year Tribulation begins.

“What man is he that fears the Lord? him shall GOD teach in the way that he shall choose” (Psalm 25:12).



Joy to the world

Ever feel stressed or down? What can you do about it?

So many things are happening in the world that causes stress and fear because we are not in control.  But we don’t have to stay there. The night that JESUS was born the shepherds went from fear to joy and so can we if we do what they did.

The night JESUS was born, GOD the FATHER sent an angel to the lowest working class (the shepherds) to announce JOY to the world.  “And the angel said unto them, FEAR not: (no longer do we have to fear) for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOR, which is CHRIST the LORD.  And this shall be a sign unto you; You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising GOD, and saying, Glory to GOD in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:10-14). 

They believed the word of GOD that the angel brought to them and showed their faith by going to see JESUS in the manger.

JOY and PEACE go together and produce assurance (meaning of the word hope in the Bible).

Now the GOD of hope fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing, that you may abound (overflow) in hope, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 15:13).

Joy and peace come from GOD and we can pray for them.  Did you notice there is CONDITION that you must believe?  That is saying we must be trusting GOD’s Word/ promises HIS love and good will toward us, HIS wisdom and HIS Presence and control in any given situation before we will have joy and peace.

If we focus on a difficult situation, or one not of our liking, we can really get down. But if we REFOCUS when we are troubled by running to the throne of grace, GOD’s word declares HE cares and understands our situation and how we are feeling and HE will give us help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Joy and peace are fruit (outworking produced) by the HOLY SPIRIT when we choose to turn from focusing on what bothers us (the world/ our situation) or on how we feel (the flesh) and deliberately choose to focus on GOD and obey the nudges of the HOLY SPIRIT within us (Romans 8:1, Galatians 5:22).

JESUS said “PEACE I leave with you, MY PEACE I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled (Greek text don’t let your heart be stirred up by an outside source), neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).

If we look at problems and sickness and even the world events, especially in the Mideast we know that things in this world are getting worse fast. In some respects, it seems people have lost their minds. Everyday rumors of wars are increasing. The world’s peace is definitely not here. 

But JESUS spoke of HIS PEACE.  It is defined in Philippians 4:6-7 “Be careful (stress out, anxious/ worry) about nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD. And the PEACE of GOD, which surpasses all (throws you beyond having to have) understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.”

Did you note the two conditions to getting peace?  Talk EVERYTHING over with GOD and give GOD THANKS for what HE is doing through them.  Remember, not one thing will touch us without HIS permission (see Job 1 and 2) and GOD will use ALL things (the bad as well as the good) for our good if we belong to HIM (Romans 8:28).

In Matthew 1:21 it says, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for HE shall save HIS people from their sins.

Who will be saved?  “If you declare with your mouth, ‘JESUS (Savior) is LORD (Ruler)’, and believe in your heart that GOD raised HIM from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified (just as if I’d never sinned), and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in HIM will never be put to shame. ”For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same LORD (Ruler) is LORD (Ruler) of ALL and richly blesses ALL who call on HIM,for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD (JESUS) will be saved (from the wrath of GOD John 3:36).”

Then in Matthew 1:23 “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call HIS name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD with us.”

From the moment JESUS came into the world as a baby GOD has been with us.  JESUS remains in each and everyone who calls on HIS name (Hebrews 13:5) to be saved through GOD the HOLY SPIRIT/ the SPIRIT of JESUS (Philippians 1:19). HE is the same SPIRIT who indwelt the LORD HIMSELF when JESUS lived on the earth (Luke 4:14). Another name for that SPIRIT is the SPIRIT of GOD (Matthew 3:16).

We really can have PEACE and JOY in every situation but only if we meet the conditions? IF we will FOCUS on our loving GOD who knows what HE is doing and thank HIM that HE is LORD/ the ONE in control and HE is WITH us (Hebrews 13:5) we will have deep PEACE and JOY regardless of what is going on around us

Choose to believe GOD’s Word and trust, for “the JOY of the LORD is your strength Nehemiah 8:10

Hugs Sharon

Which way?

It is election time in the USA and what we hear and see is so sad ☹and so useless. There is fighting and name calling and so, so many fears.

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The LORD is near.  Do not be anxious (worried and fearful) about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving (Knowing GOD is in control), present your requests to GOD.  And the peace of GOD, which transcends all (throws you beyond having to) understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in CHRIST JESUS (Philippians 4:5-7).

Don’t you know? Daniel 4:25 …  know that the most High rules over the kingdoms of men, and gives (rulership over them) to whomsoever HE will.

But in GOD’s eternal plan HE has given us a part.  It is NOT to worry or argue and name call but to pray.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;  For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and acceptable in the sight of GOD our Saviour; Who would that all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

Let’s not follow the ways of the world who are under the direction of the Prince of the power of the air (Satan) (Ephesians 2:2) but look unto our Mighty GOD and HIS great wisdom and power that can do exceedingly abundantly above all we think or can even imagine (Ephesians 3:20).



Do not Fret

GOD says à   Do not fret— it only causes harm.  PSALM 37:8

Fretting is just another word for worry.  It means getting ourselves “out of joint” mentally or spiritually.  It’s easy to say, “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7) until our own little world is turned upside down and we are forced to live in confusion and agony and all those accusing thoughts come to mind.

If you won’t obey the command “Do not fret” in the middle of a storm, then you won’t obey it anywhere. This “Do not” must be applied during our days of difficulty and uncertainty, as well as our peaceful days.  It is a choice to believe GOD is in control when it looks like HE isn’t.

All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without GOD.  Those fretful thoughts come as whispers from our enemy to stir us up and feed our old nature’s desire to have its own way. Our LORD JESUS never worried and was never anxious, because HIS purpose was never to accomplish HIS own plans but to fulfill GOD’s plans.

Fretting accomplishes nothing so it is foolish and a total waste of time and energy.  But it’s not just foolish it is wickedness for a child of GOD because it is trying to be in control.

Resting in the LORD is not dependent on our external circumstances at all, but on our relationship with GOD HIMSELF and our confidence in HIM.  So say “no!” to those accusing whispers and set all your opinions and speculations aside run as fast as you can to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).  It is only then and there I can hand the situation to GOD and deliberately choose to ask GOD to help me not fret about whatever is stirring me up.

Do you fret?  It is a great thing to tell yourself the truth and then do what you know is right.

