HE doesn’t disregard our cause

There is so many unbelievable hard things going on worldwide and in our personal lives so when I read the following verses they resounded in my ears.

Why do you complain…?  Why do you say,…“My way is hidden from the LORD; my cause is disregarded by my GOD”?

Do you not know?  Have you not heard?  The LORD is the everlasting GOD, the Creator of the ends of the earth. HE will not grow tired or weary, and HIS understanding no one can fathom. HE gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak” (Isaiah 40:27-29 NIV)

With everything else going on it is so easy to complain and think GOD isn’t concerned with my struggles.  If HE was these things wouldn’t be happening.

Well for sure we know that our mighty GOD loves us and cares about us for HE gave us HIS only begotten SON that whoever believes in HIM (JESUS) would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).  And JESUS showed HIS great love for us when HE died for our sins and so we would be reconciled to GOD through HIS blood (1 Corinthians 11:24-25, Romans 5:10).

GOD has not disregarded our cause! “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us? HE who did not spare HIS own SON, but gave HIM (JESUS) up for us all—how will HE not also, along with HIM, graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:31-32 NIV).

But our GOD made all things and HE is big enough to be one on one with everyone on earth at the same time and not a bit distracted. 

Nor is anything beyond HIM for HIS power and understanding is unlimited, But, our GOD who loves us and who ways and thoughts are far above ours (Isaiah 55:8-9)  and whose ways always work (Isaiah 55:10-11) has a reason for allowing whatever our cause is.

Besides that, HE promises to achieve wonderful eternal things that far exceed our pain through the temporary pain and troubles of today (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

HIS love and understanding no one can fathom (HE knows what HE is doing).

HE is amazing.



Ever want to scream WHY?

Ever wonder why?

On my walk this morning I found I had to hand troubling thoughts to GOD, thoughts that screamed “do something!” before I was able to sing praises to HIM.  If you are like me, many things going on in this world tear you up and grieve your spirit and would totally weigh you down were it not for GOD and HIS promises. 

I got home and opened my Bible and heard JESUS talking… 

But now I go MY way to HIM (GOD the FATHER) that sent ME; and none of you ask ME, “Where are you going?”But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient (beneficial, advantageous) for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the COMFORTER will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send HIM unto you” John 16:5-7.

JESUS said something hard had to come but it was necessary before something beautiful would happen.  That picture applies to today and us.

This is a beautiful picture of the Trinity working together but that is not what the HOLY SPIRIT spoke to me concerning.  HE said, “There is a purpose and these things MUST take place before the blessings come.”

“And when you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not troubled: for such things MUST NEEDS be (have to take place); but the end shall not be yet. For nation (ethnic/ tribe) shall rise against nation (ethnic/tribe), and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in numerous places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows” (Mark 13:7-8).

GOD who knows all things past, present and future, knows what is in the heart and thoughts of man and what they will do before they do it (Psalm 139:16). GOD in HIS infinite foreknowledge has SEEN all that man under the influence of the evil one (Ephesians 2:2-3) in his free will shall do.

This horrible evil and darkness we are seeing is what happens when GOD, who is the light is pushed away.  But the marvelous truth is GOD has plan that will counter all the evil and accomplish all HIS good.  Satan and his ways and his followers will be totally exposed and removed eternally to the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

But we, those of us who have received the love of the TRUTH and believed in JESUS calling on HIS name (Romans 10:9-10,13, John 3:16), will live in an unimaginable wonderful place in the presence of GOD forever basking in HIS glory and worshipping HIM joyously. Though we don’t have a lot of details, the last 2 chapters of the Bible tell us about it.

Oswald Chambers once said, “The point of prayer is not to get answers from GOD, but to have perfect and complete oneness with HIM. If we pray only because we want answers, we will become irritated and angry with GOD. We receive an answer every time we pray, but it does not always come in the way we expect (or like), and our spiritual irritation shows our refusal to identify ourselves truly with our LORD in prayer. 

Do you, do I come to GOD in prayer to maneuver HIM to do what we in our limited understanding think best, or do we come to worship HIM and find out how HE, our Master, wants us to co-labor with HIM?



How can I know how?

How can I know how to love JESUS as I should?

The word love can conjure up many things in our minds.  And we love differently, different things.  I definitely don’t love my cat like I love my daughters or son.

I have questioned how can I know if I love JESUS as I should?  HE died for me and saved me and has given me eternal life and HE still is praying for me.  How can I love HIM the way HE deserves?  As those questions came into my mind, HE answered them with scripture.

HE that has MY words, and keeps them, he it is that loves ME: and he that loves ME shall be loved of MY FATHER , and I will love him, and will manifest (reveal) MYSELF to him” (John 14:21).

Two things show that I love JESUSàhaving HIS word and keeping it.  So then 1st we have to know what HE wants and 2nd we have to do what we know we should do.

Read the Bible to know what GOD wants…“YOUR word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against YOU” Psalm 119:11

Ask GOD what HE wants you to do and say…“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and don’t lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge (ask) HIM, and HE shall direct your paths. Don’t be wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil” Proverbs 3:5-7.

GOD says:

That HIS word directing us not hidden from us but that that word is very near to us, in our mouths, and in our heart, so we may do it Deuteronomy 30:11-14 (in other words we will know what we should do).

For it is GOD which works (places) in you both (the desire) to will (know what to do) and to be able to do that which HE wants done. Philippians 2:13.

In other words, seek to know what you should do by reading your Bible and asking HIM and then simply do what you know you should do.  When you do that you show JESUS that you love HIM and HE will manifest /reveal to you more about HIMSELF.

Isn’t that wild?



Does she pass sin on?

A gal asked a question: “Are our sins passed down from us to our children?”

I know of 3 aspects to that question, but the most pertinent/ relevant one is the last so read to the end.

1-The sin nature is passed down through the man for he was not deceived but fully aware that he sinned.  Adam was not created with a sin nature but chose to sin and from that point on not only had a sin nature but passed it on to his children (1 Timothy 2:14, 1 Corinthians 15:22, Genesis 5:3). This is an important point for having no human father it shows that our LORD JESUS did not have a sin nature and furthermore although tempted in all ways HE never sinned (Hebrews 4:15).

2-We humans generally (for there are a few exceptions) can only see things visible.  Yet the Bible tells of a spirit realm where angels and demons are around us.  Angels are for our protection and act on the orders of GOD.  But demons generally interact with us as whispers just as their boss did with Eve in the garden of Eden.  They come to destroy  They lie (John 8:44). They suggest actions to us (tempt us), they accuse others and us to us and they know us very well. Some even believe that since every child has a guardian angel assigned to them by GOD, so each of us has a demon assigned to us by the devil.

The term “familiar spirits” is used nine times in the King James Version of the New Testament in reference to demons. The idea literally refers to demons that are close or familiar to a person.  Now if a parent or ancestor has allowed an evil spirit to lead or control him, after the death of the ancestor, that familiar spirit may go after an offspring to attach themselves to harass or tempt him/her.

That is one of the reasons why in Nehemiah the people confessed not only their sins but the sins of their parents (Nehemiah 9:2).  For if you are a believer and you confess your sins GOD is faithful to forgive sin because JESUS paid for them (1 John 1:9).  Where there is not sin, the demons are disarmed (have no power).

“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, GOD made you alive with CHRIST. HE forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; HE has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.  And having disarmed the powers and authorities (demons), HE made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Colossians 2:13-15 NIV).

3-The most practical or apropos reason children follow in the steps of their parents is that children learn by observation.  What a child sees they try to duplicate.  That is how they learn to walk and talk and why even little children have similar mannerisms of their parents.  Even when they don’t like something they see, later on in life it may show up in their lives.  So, since a woman must suffer pain in childbirth she does not pass down her sin nature in her genes, but she can pass it down through her actions (1 Timothy 2:15).



Look up!

Haiti earthquake 2021

We are told in Revelation 6-19 many things that will happen during the Tribulation.  JESUS told us that when we see these things happening we are to look up for our redemption is drawing near (Luke21:28 NIV).

So much is happening worldwide that point to the coming Tribulation that many wonder if the Great Tribulation spoken of in Revelation 6-19 has already begun.  Yet one thing has to occur before the Great Tribulation. 

The restrainer (the HOLY SPIRIT within each believer of JESUS) must be taken away/caught up before the Antichrist can be revealed and come to power (2 Thessalonians 2:3,6-7).  Then the lawless one makes a 7-year covenant with the Jews (that last week of Daniel called Jacob’s trouble).  That covenant isn’t made cause we (those belonging to JESUS and indwelt by the HOLY SPIRIT) are still here restraining complete lawlessness.

We have been told that GOD’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9).  I for one have found that all too true.

The following 2 verses is an example of one of GOD’s ways. In the Bible GOD will prophesy an event; then there is at least one temporary fulfillment that POINTS to the final fulfillment of that prophesy.  Just as we are now feeling some of the similar things that will come in much greater intensity during the Great Tribulation.

“And HE (JESUS) answered and told them, Elias (Elijah) really must come (FUTURE event) first (before JESUS returns to earth a 2nd time and sets up a kingdom on earth), and restoreth all things” (Mark 9:12).

This speaks of Elijah coming in the FUTURE as 1 of the 2 witnesses (Revelation 11) once the church is raptured and her witness is gone.  At that time Elijah will be preparing the way for JESUS’ 2nd coming to earth as a ruling King (Malachi 4, Revelation 20).

“and how it is written of the Son of man, that HE (JESUS) must suffer many things, and be set at naught (at HIS 1st coming). But I say unto you, That Elias (Elijah) indeed has (already) come, and they have done unto him whatsoever they chose, as it is written of him” (Mark 9:12-13).

This speaks of John the Baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah (Luke 1:13-17) and prepared the way for JESUS 1st coming as the Lamb of GOD who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

There are many times we do not understand why GOD gives previews like HE does.  But knowing HIS promises and that “HE knows all HIS works from the foundation of the world” (Acts 15:18) helps me accept what I cannot understand.  Hope it is a comfort to you as well.



Let it dwell in you

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…” Colossians 3:16

Walking early this morning, the sky was so magnificently painted with rich colors of pinks and purples, pale yellow and oranges with grey and white for an effect of a masterpiece.  Unable to help myself, I burst into a song of praise to HIS MAJESTY to thank my LORD for HIS “good morning” to me. (Good thing no one was around LoL.)

How mercurial I can be for a little while later some troublesome reflections about a personal irritation assaulted my thinking and I grumbled, then suddenly the Word of GOD rose up in me.

The LORD “…preset the exact times and places to the intent…” Acts 17:26b-27a

GOD sets the stage with an end in view, but we choose how to act in that setting.  Although HE sets the stage, we “ad lib”, yet in GOD’s magnificent all-knowing power HE Sovereignly controls the outcome (Romans 8:28).

Knowing there is an unseen element, a reason behind the upsetting situation, I confessed my selfish grumbling and let go of my irritation, asking GOD to guide and empower me to do what HE wanted (Philippians 2:13). 

In answer a verse popped into my mind, and it made me smile for GOD had just handed me an illustration for in a session of a life group I wrote last night and will facilitate in the book of Colossians.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly…” Colossians 3:16.

GOD is so kind.



Flung the stars in the sky

Living across the street from a park I often see kids throwing balls as they practice for football or baseball and watch others throwing Frisbees.  It gets me thinking of my kids, grandson and great grandsons (two are picture) and how they tried so hard as they played baseball or football to do it perfectly. But no matter how far or how accurate they threw a ball, their power and skill was nothing compared to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who flung the stars into space and keeps them there.

My mind flew to several of the impossible situations that so many I know or know about are facing today. I want so much to help but there is nothing I am able to do except pray and even then I don’t know how to pray as I ought for unless the LORD leads me I don’t know HIS will in the situation.  So I look to HIM to show me.

“…your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of GOD” 1 Corinthians 2:5.

“As for GOD, HIS way is perfect; the Word of The LORD is proven; HE is a shield to all who trust in HIM” 2 Samuel 22:31.

So, as I go to pray for those in Afghanistan, or India, for ones with Covid, facing the aftermath of floods or earthquakes, or ones on drugs or are struggling in any situation (and I know a bunch), “I will cry out to GOD Most High, to GOD who performs all things for me” Psalm 57:2.

Then I will stand the gap for them asking GOD for that which GOD HIMSELF places in my heart to ask. Philippians 2:13.




I did a silly thing as I pondered what time to set for a special appointment.  I inadvertently made the appointment (that cannot be changed) for the same time as my favorite time of the week.  When I realized what I had done, I asked myself why?  But the Holy Spirit answered me by bringing scriptures to mind.

… From one man HE (GOD) made every nation of the human race to inhabit the entire earth, determining their set times and the fixed limits of their places to the intent that men should reach out to HIM…Acts 17:26-27

… according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Ephesians 1:11

If man’s going are of the LORD; how then can you understand everything you do?  Proverbs 20:24

You may plan your way but the LORD directs your steps.  Proverb 16:9

Since GOD does nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23), GOD has a reason for me to miss that activity this week.  And you know its OK for I do know GOD knows best.




Pictures or illustrations placed with instructions really help us grasp what is meant. An allegory is a picture or illustration and right now we have been given an allegory depicting what is to come.

As the US troops left Afghanistan the Taliban took over, chaos ensued. Reports have it that Taliban soldiers are going door to door and seizing young gals (12 years old and up) to be sex slaves to the Taliban troops and those who collaborated with the US are being slaughtered.

You may agree that it is horrible but wonder what I mean that it is an allegory/ illustration of?

For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until HE (the HOLY SPIRIT) who now restrains it is taken out of the way (2 Thessalonians 2:7 AMP).

As the Taliban and ISIS are very real, but their activity to take over power was restrained by the US troops in Afghanistan.  But in horror we are watching the Taliban’s atrocities as they began the take over of Afghanistan as the US troops were getting ready to leave the country.

So, although evil is already everywhere and increasing there is a Restrainer who holds back complete lawlessness.  That Restrainer is the HOLY SPIRIT who indwells every believer in JESUS CHRIST.  When HE, along with everyone HE seals (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30) is taken out of the way (the catching away often referred to as the Rapture à 1 Thessalonians 4:17), then and only then will the lawless one come to power. As is spoken of in Daniel and Revelation.

As with the allegory we can see worldwide lawlessness is already increasing.  Are you ready to be swept up into the clouds to meet the LORD in the air and to always be with the LORD?

Only those who believe JESUS died for their sins and was raised from death for our justification and have called on the name of the LORD JESUS (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10, 13) are sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT.  They are the ones who will caught away (raptured-Latin for caught away) to meet the LORD in the air and saved from the 7 years of Jacob’s trouble/ Tribulation that comes to test all those on the earth.



Prophecy and prayer

We hear a lot about prophesy these days. Yet the Bible tells us that in there is a lot of false prophets in the world stating what they think or want to happen.  They dare to conjure up things themselves then say,  “GOD said”.  It seems as though they think by proclaiming something they think, GOD will have to make it happen.

GOD HIMSELF said, “they dream up their own prophesies” (Jeremiah 23:25-26, 28-32) and “tell lies to the people.”

How can we tell true prophecy from false prophecy? Isaiah 8:20   Go check it against the Word of GOD.  True prophecy is when GOD says something will happen.  If you go to GOD’s word you will find many prophecies… many have already been fulfilled to the letter and others are waiting to be fulfilled.

Prophecy is the telling the future before it happens.  But is prophesy more than GOD making things happen?

GOD knows all things past, present and future (the things that have not yet happened.)  I love how Psalm 139 AMP states HE knows what we will say before the thoughts are formed in our minds and how HE has scheduled every day of our lives before we began to breathe.

A king sent a messenger to a man of GOD (Elisha) to ask him a question.  While speaking to the messenger, Elisha looked intently at him and began to weep. The messenger asked why Elisha was weeping.  Elisha replied, “Because I know the evil that you will do…” The messenger then asked how could I do such awful things? Elisha said, “The Lord has shown me” (for more details read 2 Kings 8:7-14).

Just as Elisha saw what the messenger would do, so GOD sees what we will do before we do it.  Now Elisha did nothing to make that messenger later do those awful things, he just saw them before they happened.  In the same way, although GOD presets the exact times and places, HE does not make people act (like puppets). 

GOD does set the stage up (Acts 17:26) but people themselves decide what they choose to do in the place they find themselves in. 

As Elisha could not be blamed for what the messenger would later do, neither can GOD be blamed for that which HE foresees will occur.

However, GOD’s ability to see ahead/ foreknowledge is that characteristic of our all powerful, knowing GOD whereby HE can devise a plan where all things work together to achieve HIS end purpose (Ephesians 1:11) and still allow people their choices.

GOD is not limited by time as we are.  Being above time, HE knows and sees all things past, present, and future.  Prophesy is GOD telling us what HE has seen will occur before it takes place.  HE relates what will occur in the future in great detail in the books of Revelation and Daniel for HE has a plan and is setting the stage and has already seen how it will play out.

Man is not going to change that even through prayer. 

The point/ purpose of prayer is not to conform GOD’s actions to our will.  We pray and seek GOD’s face to ask for help and direction.  When HE meets with us and directs us, our prayers join with HIM to do HIS will.

If we pray only to get the answers we want, we will become irritated and angry with GOD.  And that is dangerous. 

A dear friend had a medical emergency, and a group of believers circled her declaring in prayer “believing” that the problem did not exist.  Well, when the problem escalated, she said to me, “GOD let me down.”

NO! I said, GOD did not let you down!, HE just has other plans for HIS loving thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9) and they will accomplish what HE wants done (Isaiah 55:11).  It took awhile but she came to see GOD knows best.

Do we demand what we want from GOD or are we seeking HIM and HIS kingdom?  Do we check out prophesies with HIS Word or do we just embrace things we want to hear?

