Is it just exercise?

Most of us realize that exercise of some form, whether merely walking, stretching or going to the gym, is necessary to ease pain, control disease and help keep our weight down.  Many videos and gym class exercises incorporate Yoga positions.

Yoga, Sanskrit for “yoking”/ “union” /”joining”, is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines that originated in ancient India. Yoga is an orthodox philosophical school of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Let’s connect some dots:

The premise of Eastern religion is that we are all GOD, but we have come under the illusion that we are not GOD. Therefore, we have to join ourselves back. The problem: how can we be joined back to GOD if we are GOD in the first place?

The practice of Yoga is to extinguish the self in order to merge with GOD. But, if you are GOD, then to extinguish yourself is to extinguish GOD.

If we’re under an illusion and lost, and at the same time we’re GOD, then GOD is also lost, which leaves no hope.

So, who can be saved? It’s ultimately hopeless and miserable; one only has to go to India to see it.

There’s only one true joining; that was initiated by the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY the source of all.  HE/ GOD the FATHER whose plan is to join all who would believe in JESUS to HIMSELF through sending GOD the SON/ giving HIM a human body/ having JESUS live, teach and heal and then die for man’s sin which had separated men from GOD. Then in raising JESUS/ the Messiah from the dead GOD the FATHER guaranteed eternal life to all who receive JESUS and call upon HIS name (John 3:16, 36, Romans 10:9-10, 13).

GOD the FATHER sent JESUS so that you and could be saved and upon believing in JESUS become HIS own (GOD’s) child (John 1:12) fully accepted in the Beloved/ JESUS (Ephesians 1:6) who is the only mediator or way to GOD.

“For there is one GOD, and one MEDIATOR between GOD and men, the man CHRIST JESUS” (1 Timothy 2:5).

JESUS said unto him, I am the WAY, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the FATHER (GOD), but by ME (GOD the SON). (John 14:6).

Forget ‘the yoga way’ and trying to join yourself to GOD. Receive instead JESUS, call upon HIS name.  “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).  

There is no true yoga, or joining to GOD except the Gospel (good news) of JESUS CHRIST. For the love of GOD and life eternal is found in JESUS alone (Romans 8:39, John 3:36).

