Release it to HIM

When my world seems to be falling apart I have learned since I believed in JESUS and called on the name of the LORD to save me (Romans 10:9-10, 13) to run to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and receive grace to help in my time of need (Hebrews 4:16).  Then I will open my Bible and begin to read. For faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD (Romans 10:17).  As I read HIS Word peace comes over me.. 

In GOD’s Word, we discover wonderful things about GOD. I’ve learned the LORD really knows what will work, and that HE acts on my behalf because HE loves me and wants what is best for me.  Sometimes GOD allows hard things in my life as discipline (Hebrews 12:10-11) to develop me into the likeness of JESUS (Romans 8:28-29) restoring me into HIS image.

Faith in GOD, HIS love, goodness, and power to perform is why I pray.  I don’t pray when we think we can handle things.  But even knowing I need GOD to work I sometimes foolishly try to instruct GOD (who knows all things) in how to handle what I do not know how to handle on my own. 

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY says HIS ways are not our ways but that they work (Isaiah 55:8-11).  Often we want GOD to do things our way, on our time schedule. 

One day when several situations, all out of my control struck the LORD led me to 2 Corinthians 4:15-18 it begins with “all things are for your benefit” (that means the hard things as well as the good Romans 8:28).  I thought, “Yeah sure!”

But I went on reading anyway and in verse 17 it said my problems were achieving for me and then in verse 18 it commanded me “don’t look at what you can see (your situation) but look at what you cannot see (what GOD is achieving for you through your situation) for what you see is temporary, but what you don’t see is eternal.”

I didn’t understand but I had no other option, so I chose to do what GOD said and released to HIM all those situations out of my control.   Guess what, HE worked them out little by little, but HE gave me peace the moment I released them to HIM.

Do you have a problem? Talk it over with our LORD and release it to HIM.  HE will show you anything you might need to do.



Key of knowledge

Which of us does not want to KNOW what to do next?

Luke 11:52 “Woe to you lawyers (scholars of the law) you have taken away the key of knowledge, you didn’t enter in and those who were entering you hindered.”

The law said do this and that, but just following rules won’t get you the knowledge you need to cope with life, especially in these days of deception.  We need the key of knowledge.

#1 What does a key do?  It unlocks something that is locked.

What is the key of knowledge?

Proverbs 1:7 “The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.”  Therefore, the key that unlocks knowledge is the FEAR the LORD.

What is the FEAR of the LORD? This Hebrew word for FEARthe key that unlocks knowledge incorporates the idea of fearfulness/ of being afraid and of a reverential awe from KNOWING/ BELIEVING in the HOLY LORD and HIS infinite power, authority and justice. Consequentially, by seeing HIM we see our own weaknesses and smallness.  What it comes down to is BELIEVING in GOD who loves us but to Whom we must give an account.

Proverbs 9:10 “The FEAR of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the HOLY (ONE) is understanding.”   

It is in growing in knowledge of GOD our FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST (2 Peter 11-4) which comes as we learn about HIM by spending time with HIM in HIS word that we grow in FEAR of the LORD. As we see HIM at work throughout scripture we become more aware HIS ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). We see HE is good and right and that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY means what HE says. HE always does what HE says HE will do, and it is always for the ultimate eternal good. But at times we don’t like HIS way of doing things.

As we grow in our knowledge of GOD, the FEAR of the LORD causes us to do right because we understand GOD knows best, that HE disciplines HIS children and will judge wrong.   I for one don’t like to be disciplined.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter FEAR GOD and keep HIS commandments for this is the whole duty of man. 14 For GOD shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.

Psalm 34:11 “Come listen and I will teach you the FEAR of the LORD…13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking guile (deceit) 14 depart from evil and go seek peace and pursue it.”

Psalm 111:10 the FEAR the LORD is the beginning… a good understanding have all who do HIS command (instructions).

Proverbs 8:3 The FEAR of the LORD is to hate evil, pride, arrogancy and the evil way and lying mouth.

Proverbs 15:32 He that refuses instruction despises his own soul but he that hears reproof gets understanding 33 the FEAR of the LORD is instruction.

Proverbs 16:6 by the FEAR of the LORD men depart from evil.

Abraham used this word when he answered a king, “Because I thought surely the FEAR of GOD is not in this place, and they will slay me for my wife’s sake.”

Grow in your knowledge of GOD and you will grow in the FEAR of the LORD for you will see more of HIS holiness and the fruit of HIS divine nature will flow through you (2 Peter 1:1-4) as you are being changed (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Some might ask, isn’t that legalism? NO! Legalism is doing something to get a right standing with GOD.  The only way to GOD is through JESUS who died for our sin (John 14:6).  But as we grow in our knowledge of GOD we are changed by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT who is given to everyone who believes in JESUS as Savior and LORD (Ephesians 1:13, 4:30).  As we change inwardly our actions change outwardly to match those of our heavenly FATHER and the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

I am saved eternally ( 1 Corinthians 3:15), but I FEAR meeting my GOD ashamed because I chose not to let HIM change and use me while in time and on this earth (1 John 2:28).

I also FEAR for those who do not know JESUS for the wrath of GOD is on them. That is because their sin is still on them (John 3:36).  It is only when one receives JESUS that he receives the payment for his sins, and his name is in the book of life.  The wages of sin is eternal death (Romans 6:23) in the lake of fire for all whose names are not in the book of life (Revelation 20:15).



Why does GOD allow it?

When I was a girl there was a term we used if someone took back something they had given another as a gift.  It was colorful but not very nice and definitely not politically correct for me to use so let me just say GOD who choose to give man the ability to choose when HE made man in HIS image, declared that HE does NOT take back that which HE has once given (Romans 11:29). In other words, HE does not infringe on our ability to choose.

A gal recently said to me “When “thus and so happened” I stopped going to church- for how could GOD allow that to happen?”

Why do terrible things happen? Some things happen as a consequence of our actions; some things we consider terrible are things GOD is using to mature/discipling HIS children (James 1:2-4, 2 Corinthians 4:15-18, Hebrews 12:5-7, 10-11) while placing us when we need to be to do HIS will (Genesis 50:20). 

When GOD warned man not to do something HE told man some of what would occur if man acted in that way. Man was told enough to do what was right but was not given the whole picture (Deuteronomy 29:29).

Was GOD just making an impulsive rule when HE set the prohibition? Was HE just being whimsical when HE gave us the instructions within HIS Word the Bible?  Let’s just look at scripture little deeper for I believe GOD was acting in HIS great wisdom and doing great deal more than what we might suppose.

When in the counsel of heaven of GOD the FATHER, GOD the Word (Son/ JESUS John 1:1-4, 14)) and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT (Genesis 1:2) it was decided to make mankind in “OUR (GOD’s)” image it was also decided that mankind would be given authority/ dominion over the fish of the sea and the fowl of the air and over all the earth and everything that walks and creeps on the earth (Genesis 1:26).

GOD who choose to give man the ability to choose when HE made man in HIS image, declared that HE does NOT take back what HE has once given (Romans 11:29). In other words, HE does not infringe on our ability to choose or take that gift away.

But from being ruler over his world something happened when man chose to listen to the snake (devil Revelation 20:2) instead of his Maker the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? (Romans 6:16 NLT).

When man chose to obey the devil, man went from being ruler to being a slave to the devil and turned over his authority/ dominion of the earth to the devil and his followers (evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 NLT).

“You used to live in sin, just like the rest of the world, obeying the devilthe commander of the powers in the unseen world. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey GOD. All of us used to live that way, following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature. By our very nature we were subject to GOD’s anger, just like everyone else. (Ephesians 2:2-3 NLT).

We know that we are children of GOD and that the world around us is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19 NLT).

Prior to HIS public ministry JESUS was severely tempted by the devil/ Satan for 40 days. At one point the devil took him to the peak of a very high mountain, showed to JESUS all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.  “And the devil said unto JESUS, All this power will I give YOU, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.  If YOU therefore wilt worship me, all shall be YOURS’ (Luke 4:5-6).

Now JESUS who knew all things did not deny that that were the devil’s to give. But JESUS refused the devil’s offer by saying, “Get behind me Satan for it is written you shall worship the LORD your GOD, and HIM only shalt you serve” (Luke 4:7).

Now the devil didn’t make man do anything.  What he did and does is snidely whisper lies and get man to believe him instead of GOD.  Therefore, it is evident that by listening and obey the voice of the devil mankind became a slave to the devil and by default turned the dominion GOD had given him over to the devil.

The same is true today, believing the snide lies of the evil one over GOD’s injunctions leads us into sin/disobedience and blindness and we lose our freedom.  That does not mean a believer loses her salvation for she when she believed was sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT of promise (Ephesians 1:13-14) until the day of redemption/ rapture (Ephesians 4:30) when all believers in JESUS will go through the roaring fire of the judgment seat of CHRIST (Bema seat-Greek// Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10). This is NOT the white throne judgment of Revelation 20 which occurs 1,007 years later.  As we are told only those dead (Revelation 20:12) in sin and trespasses- those not cleansed by blood of JESUS will be there.

Some believers in JESUS come out of the fire of the Bema seat of CHRIST and enter into heaven with rewards. Other believers in JESUS (cleansed by the blood of CHRIST) will enter heaven as out of a roaring fire smelling like smoke (1 Corinthians 3:10-15) and GOD will have to wipe their tears away (Isaiah 25:8). But that will be the natural consequence of their own choices.

So why do bad things happen?  GOD is not behind the evil that is being forcefully pushed and propagated in our world today., The devil is behind it.  GOD intends to stop not just the evil but the devil and teach angels as well. (Colossians 2:15, Ephesians 3:10).

That is why GOD sent HIS only begotten SON what whosoever believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life…HE that believes on the SON has everlasting life but he that believes not the SON shall not see life; but the wrath of GOD abides (stays) on him (John 3:16, 36).

GOD who was, and is, and is to come is still good, wise and the powerful Sovereign over HIS creation. Remember HIS ways are not our ways and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9) HIS purposes will come to be and HE shall accomplish all that HE has determined to get rid of all wrong and evil will NOT arise again (Nahum 1:9).  Praise HIS name.



Both speak of a truth

This evening, I stopped by a friend’s to drop off some papers she had requested. I rang the doorbell so when no one answered the door I left the papers in her screen door and sent a text telling her what I had done.  A couple hours later but just minutes ago, she text me and asked why I hadn’t rung the bell.  She was perplexed when I told her I had.

55 years ago, today the good LORD took my little infant son to be with HIM in heaven. As much as losing Little Mac hurt it is what brought me back to GOD and I’ve never been the same.

My LORD took him to benefit me/ to achieve for me (2 Cor 4:15-18 and Hebrews 12:10-11) and if you’ve heard how the LORD showed me a cloud shaped like a lion with a baby on HIS back holding on to HIS mane and laughing and how I heard the words  “don’t weep  for him, he is having the time of his life,” then you will understand why I know GOD took him to bless my 1st little boy as well.

What does NOT hearing the doorbell this evening have to do with our LORD taking my son to heaven? Both scenarios declare a Biblical truth.  “We know GOD works all things together for good to those who love HIM” (Romans 8:28). JESUS explained this divine principle as, “you do not understand now what I am doing but later you will understand” (John 13:7).

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is good and loves us (John 3:16).  HE works all things according to HIS own counsel (Ephesians 1:11) and we would spare ourselves much anguish if we would just remember that GOD is in control, but “HIS ways are not our ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9).



All things

Because of the mesmerizing Friday study on GOD’s nature, I have really gotten behind on preparing lessons for Tuesday and new homework is needed to be handed out Tuesday.  So, I was determined and after working for hours writing lessons I hit print. Strange sounds came to my ears. The printer would not feed the paper and was growling as it tried repeatedly to do so.  My printed had died.  Nothing I tried would bring it back to life.

Irritating yes, but nothing compared to one of my students being in bed with extreme pain, or another dear sister quite out of the blue having a seemingly impossible scenario dumped on her, or another friend’s mother is in the hospital and her stepfather left the world last week, or a new acquaintance telling of physical problems causing friction in the home and on new requests.

When troubles big or small come to me or to my attention, the gracious HOLY SPIRIT is faithful to remind me (John 14:26) by pouring phrases into my mind.  Phrases like:

“MY ways are not your ways, and MY thoughts are not like your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9),

“Give thanks in all things for this is the will of GOD concerning you” (I Thessalonians 5:18, Ephesians 4:20)

“all things are for your benefit” (2 Corinthians 4:15),

“works all things after the counsel of HIS own will” (Ephesians 1:11),

“I do nothing without a cause” (Ezekiel 14:23),  

“you meant it for evil, but GOD meant it for good to save many alive” (Genesis 50:20),

all things work together for good to those who love GOD” (Romans 8:28),

“the lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD” (Proverbs 16:33),

“HE has preset the times and places’ (Acts 17:26). 

As these Bible truths tumbled into my mind they stirred me up to look to GOD to know how to pray, 1 Timothy 1:17 came to mind and began singing it: “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible the only WISE GOD be glory and honor for ever and ever AMEN, AMEN, be glory and honor for ever and ever AMEN. 

As I acknowledged and honored GOD in the midst of all the concerns, HIS peace through me beyond having to understand enveloped me (Philippians 4:6-7).  I began praying for each of these situations and others by lifting them up to my all-WISE GOD being ever so grateful that JESUS opened the way for me to go directly to GOD the FATHER from whom all blessing flow (Hebrews 7:25, James 1:17) and that the HOLY SPIRIT will edit my prayers according to the will of GOD when I am off base in what I ask (Romans 8:26-27) being confident of this very thing that the LORD GOD AMIGHTY, the entire Trinity is at work on our behalf.

Amazing peace comes with awareness that my LORD is the only WISE GOD who loves those who love HIM (John 14:23, 16:27) and HE knows what is best!

Do you or someone you know/ love have a struggle?  I recommend that you hand the situation to the only WISE GOD.  But remember, you must come in the name of JESUS, (John 16:23-24) for there is no other way to get to the Majesty on High where is the throne of Grace (John 14:6, Hebrews 7:25, Hebrews 4:16).



Crop the picture

Crop the picture:

It had been a very long time since I’d seen my friend and was excited about getting together with her. She came down from Denver and I went up from Pueblo to meet for a meal in Colorado Springs.  Seemed like we couldn’t quit talking and as we waited for our food we got caught up on each other’s lives.

Needing a picture to capture our moment together for the FRIENDS frame I was giving her, and wanting a copy for my own album, I asked a server at the restaurant if he would take our picture with my phone. He graciously agreed. Thinking I needed a landscape view, since the outer writing on the frame I had bought my friend was for a landscape shot, I ask the server to hold my phone sideways in taking the picture.  Bless his independent heart, he took the picture his way, ignoring my specifications. It was a portrait shaped snapshot. O well, I got a picture, and I sent it to my email.

The picture came to me looking like it was on its side. It just needed to be turned 90 degrees and cropped and sized to fit the frame. But with the computer that really wasn’t a problem.

In the same manner, GOD takes what the devil throws at us- things meant for evil- and turns them around 90 degrees and crops them to use for our good to accomplish what HE wants done (Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28).  Let me give you a personal example from when I was in my 30’s.

After a crazy, fun, non-stop weekend as a counselor with a cabin full of whacky, giggling middle school girls at a Christian snowball camp I was exhausted as I headed home down the mountain in a snowstorm.  My weariness along with the blackness of night as I rounded the curves on icy roads with very little visibility made driving slow and strenuous.  

To top it off I was none too excited about confronting what I would find once I was off the mountain. Arrows of negative thoughts bombarded me shoving the fun thoughts of the weekend with campers away and focusing me only on negative aspects of the situation I knew I was about to face.

I didn’t turn to the LORD with a cry for help (Hebrews 4:16), nor was I focusing on JESUS and what HE did (Hebrews 12:2), nor on GOD’s promise that all things were for my benefit (2 Corinthians 4:15), let alone calculating that HE was actively at work achieving wonderful things through that very situation I so dreaded (2 Corinthians 4:15-18, Romans 8:28).

Instead, feeling sorry for myself, I cried out for GOD to release me from the nightmare and take me home to heaven.

I know GOD heard me, for suddenly I lost all control of my car on the snowy icy roads. My car spun round, and around, and around in circles then stopped with a thud, heading in the right direction on the right-hand side of the road. Miraculously, there had not been any traffic. GOD had held me in HIS hands protecting me, and protecting others from me, during the whole episode.

Then within I heard HIS soft whisper, “Sharon, Do you really want to die?”

I realized that I didn’t.   GOD had shown me truth by putting me in a wild tailspin.  In those crazy moments I knew there was a reason to live. Our LORD had taken the twisted view I’d gotten from listening to the evil one’s sneering lying accusations and turned it around 90 degrees then cropped it so I could see things clearly.  HE had done with my thinking, just as I had done to that picture of my friend and me.

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY had renewed my mind, showing me HIS glorious perspective. Only HE can do that!  That is why we are told to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5).

That experience sure taught me a lesson.  Now I know to arrest all my thoughts and examine them by talking them over with the LORD (Proverbs 3:5-7).  Aware of the deceptive power of the enemy’s taunting lies, I’ll often pray, standing the gap, for ones being mentally harassed by that liar, Satan. Regardless of their situation I pray that GOD bring them clarity in whatever way HE knows will work.  I ask that HE show them the purpose HE has for them for GOD does nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23) and HE has made each of us for a reason.  HE is Sovereign and will only allow struggles that HE can use for our good and HIS purposes.

GOD alone knows what battles each of us are fighting, and the lies we are being fed. HE alone has the wisdom, power and ability to deliver us from the ones stronger than we are (Psalm 18:17) and show us the way we should choose. But HE never takes away our GOD given ability to choose.

So, if you are struggling, recognize the truth that we are not sufficient by ourselves to think we can handle things, but our sufficiency comes from the LORD (2 Corinthians 3:5).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2).



Where do your thoughts go?

What is the 1st thing you think about when you think about GOD?  Or do you think about GOD?

What comes into our minds when we think about GOD is the most important thing about us.  There is not a wrong path taken, an error of doctrine, nor a sin committed that cannot be traced back to imperfect/ limited and low thoughts of GOD.

While wickedness speaks of doing wrong, ungodliness speaks of leaving GOD out of the equation/ not thinking about HIM or considering the LORD of Creation who made all things and the only one who understands the entire scope of all things.  When one is ungodly he does not think about GOD during his day nor check with HIM before making choices. 

As the Psalmist puts it, “GOD is not in ALL their thoughts” (Psalm 10:14), rather they walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts/ imaginations (Isaiah 65:2).

We are beginning the 2nd week of the new year already and the choices we are making will determine our future.  So right choices are really important.  Who do you consult when making a choice? Do you go on what you think, ask friends, or search the internet?

GOD, HIMSELF commands us: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN not on your own understanding.  In ALL your ways acknowledge (consult) HIM and HE will direct your path.  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7).

If we spend time with GOD in HIS word and in prayer we learn to distinguish HIS voice from all others.  If we are willing to do what HE says, we will be able to distinguish the truth from a lie (John 7:17). 

Remember GOD is not a man that HE should lie, if HE says something HE will do it (Numbers 23:19). The devil can only do what GOD allows (see Job chapters 1 and 2) so he cannot block our hearing GOD’s words. 

Therefore, since GOD says HE will direct us if we ask,(James 1:3-8) its a done deal.  So, ask GOD and go with how HE leads.



Happy New Year

Stay reading the Word of GOD for it is a light to our path (Psalm 119:105) and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT’s small voice where you know what you should do and you will always knows the next step (Philippians 2:13).

Now that next step may be wait till you know what you should do. (Isaiah 50:10-11). But know for sure GOD has a plan for you and you can trust HIM to show you what you should do and when.



Do you fret?

Now tell the truth, it is just between you and GOD anyway, are you worried about anything?

GOD says, “Do not fret— it only causes harm” (Psalm 37:8).

Fretting causes harm!

Fretting is just another word for worry.  It means getting ourselves “out of joint” mentally or spiritually.  It’s easy to say, “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7) until our own little world is turned upside down and we are forced to live in confusion and agony and all sorts of accusing thoughts come into our minds.

Many are experiencing that right now not only with personal struggles but also with chaos breaking loose worldwide as hatred of the Jews escalates as it did before World War II. 

Let’s face it, if we don’t obey the command “Do not fret” in the middle of a storm when we don’t know what is coming next, then we won’t obey it anywhere.

This “Do not fret” is applied by choosing to believe GOD is still in control even when it looks like HE isn’t.

All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without considering GOD is sovereign and actively at work behind the scene on our behalf working the good, bad and ugly together for an end result of good to us who love HIM (Romans 8:28). 

Those fretful thoughts come as lying whispers from our enemy to stir us up and feed our old nature’s desire to have its own way and be in control.

Our LORD JESUS never worried and was never anxious because HIS purpose was never to accomplish HIS own plans.  All HE wanted to do was to fulfill GOD’s perfect plan (Hebrews 10:7).

Fretting accomplishes nothing good, so it is foolish and a total waste of our time and energy.  But it’s not just foolish it is wickedness for a child of GOD because it is trying to take over GOD’s job and be in control.

To rest in the LORD is not dependent on our external circumstances at all, but on our relationship with GOD HIMSELF and our confident trust in HIM. 

So, say “no!” to those accusing lying whispers that can nag at you and take all your opinions and speculations to JESUS.  As I talk them over with HIM HE has a way of letting me see things from HIS point of view (2 Corinthians 10:5). 

When the taunts to fret or worry come, run as fast as you can to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).  It is only there we find release from our fears.

Do you fret?  It is better to tell yourself the truth, “I am not in control, but my GOD is, and HE loves me and promises that HE will fulfill HIS purpose for me” (Psalm 57:2 NIV).

When we do that GOD promises to direct our hearts and minds (Proverbs 3:5-7) and then our job is just to do what we know we should do.  It is that simple, the simplicity that is in CHRIST.



Are you listening?

Do you, do I, listen to hear GOD speak and direct us?

JESUS said “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4). 

It is recorded that GOD said, “I change not” (Malachi 3:6). Therefore, if the LORD ever did speak to people (and we know HE did), then HE still does.

HE can speak to us in any fashion that He desires: from a whisper in our innermost being where we know what we need to know, do, or say.  The LORD speaks often through a verse that stands out as we read the Bible, or a piece of a verse coming to mind that shows us what we need to do or know. Perhaps GOD will move on another (a preacher or a friend) to speak an audible word that resounds within you.

Remember, GOD even had a donkey speak once (Numbers 22:28).

So, the question isn’t, “Does GOD speak to us or not?” The question should be, “Are we listening and obeying when GOD speaks?”

And my friends, today in our world full of deception and increasing chaos this is the time we really need to study GOD’s word and listen for GOD’s voice as never before.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path.  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7)

But beware, GOD is not the only one who speaks to us.  Therefore, if the message seems strange, ask GOD about it (Proverbs 3:5-7) for if you are willing to do what GOD says you will know if something is from GOD or not (John 7:17).

Now if a word contradicts scripture, toss it out altogether (Isaiah 8:20).

But don’t write off that inner awareness, check it out with GOD for HE may very well be directing your steps not just to lead you in the way you should choose but also to protect you from harm.

