Have you ever?

Have you ever done anything wrong?  I have.

I can remember sitting in the front row of the small balcony of a small church and quietly passing notes to my Junior High girlfriend when I distinctly heard the pastor say, “JESUS came to take your guilt away.”  The notes no longer meant anything.  All I could think of was how this and that was my fault and JESUS would take my guilt away.  I believed and called on the name of the LORD and was saved from GOD’s wrath (Romans 10:13, John 3:36).

Well, if you ever did anything wrong, I must tell you “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Yet as I learned so many years ago, there is great news!  The gift of GOD is eternal life for all who will accept it.  GOD so loved the (people of the) world that HE sent HIS only begotten SON (JESUS) that whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

If you believe (your choice) that JESUS died to pay for your sins and call on the name of the LORD JESUS (your choice) you are part of the called (1 Corinthians 1:2) and saved from the wrath of GOD on sin (Romans 10:13, John 3:36). 

We love HIM for HE 1st loved us (1 John 4:19).  Now the bible says that if we love HIM, we are called according to HIS purpose and predestined not to salvation, for that is a choice.  The destination of predestination is conformity to the image (divine nature) of CHRIST JESUS (Romans 8:28-30). 

That being conformed all happens through or according to the working of CHRIST JESUS in which HE is able to subdue all things to HIMSELF (Philippians 3:20-21).

We have the opportunity to co-labor with GOD (Mark 16:20) to speed up the process by listening to those inner nudges of our teacher (John 14:26) the HOLY SPIRIT and following HIS instructions in big and little things.  Those nudges are an inward knowing that is enhanced by reading the Word of GOD, prayer and progressively doing what you know you should do (Hebrews 5:12-14). If we do we save ourselves a lot of problems and discipline from GOD our FATHER (Hebrews 12:4-11).

Once we believe, “Now are we the sons of GOD (John 1:12), and it does not yet appear what we shall be (like): but we know that, when HE (JESUS) shall appear (2 Thessalonians 4:14-17), we shall be like HIM (JESUS); for we shall see HIM as HE is (1 John 3:2).

It is all so astoundingly amazing!

Have you believed? The way things are going it looks like what JESUS declared would occur just before HE comes get us who believe in HIM.  So don’t hesitate but look unto JESUS.



To learn

 “To learn you must want to be taught.  To refuse reproof is stupid” Proverbs 12:1 TLB

Well, reproof is exactly what I got when I got to Proverbs 12:6 “The wicked accuse.. the godly defend.” 

As I read that verse, immediately my thoughts flew to my granddaughter Chloe.  Even when she was small, if I grumbled at someone’s actions and Chloe was around to hear, she would defend that person.  She was and is always quick to focus on the good.

Humbled by a child.



Are you ready?

You also must be READY, because the Son of Man (JESUS) will come at an hour when you do not expect HIM  Luke 20:40

In today’s turbulent times of increasing instability, we who are saved through believing in JESUS (Romans 10:9-10, 13), being washed from our sins though HIS death on the cross (Revelation 1:5) should know JESUS’ peace (John 16:33) and yet always be alert, READY to hear GOD’s call. 

A Christian’s greatest need is a READINESS to face JESUS CHRIST at any given moment and at every turn.  Whether it is a READINESS to hear and quickly obey 1) HIS promptings when HE works in us to will and do what HE wants done (Philippians 2:13) or, 2) READINESS for that call to catch us up to meet JESUS CHRIST in the air and go to heaven with HIM before the Tribulation starts, or promoted to heaven via death.

By daily abiding in JESUS and HIS words we can be READY to be promoted to heaven (Hebrews 9:27) or be raptured (caught up into the sky to meet JESUS and go with HIM to heaven 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18) and the subsequent Bema seat of CHRIST to see if we get rewards for our time on earth.

Although the times we live in point to our being caught away soon- no one know the preset time schedule (Acts 17:26) but GOD (Mark 13:32), we must also be on the alert and READY to hear GOD’s call to co-labor with HIM via the promptings (Philippians 4:13, Hebrews 10:16) of the HOLY SPIRIT.  As JESUS said, “Occupy until I come!” (Luke 19:13).

I know when the instructions have come from GOD because of their quiet persistence. /Oswald Chambers

“But sanctify the LORD GOD in your hearts (put GOD 1st): and be READY always to give an answer to every man that ask you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”(1 Peter 3:15)

Are you READY?



A great delight

My Grandson Sebastian connected my cochlear implant with an app on my phone and now one of the delights of my cochlear implant is how I can listen to videos.  Before to hear any teaching or music I would have to blast everyone else away and that was not acceptable.  But now I can connect with an app and understand what is said and no one else hears a sound.  It’s totally amazing!

Ever overhear something that triggers memory after memory?  That happened to me a few days ago when in my presence someone slipped and said something I knew nothing about.  The memories that flooded my mind were not good memories, they were painful ones of being left out and rejected.  They were all things I had thought I had forgiven many, many years ago.  

The memories bombarded me almost like a barrage of arrows and although there was irritation, there was no anger.  I figured the enemy was just trying to stir me up.  I said, “LORD, I forgive” and I let go of the irritation and continued with my day.  Throughout the day isolated memories came and I would have to let go of them and get back to work. That was that, until.

Until I was alone, driving to a night class I teach.  I turned on the beginning of the teaching video of Amir and listened and sang with that amazing chorus… “YOU are worthy of it all, YOU are worthy of it all for from YOU are all things and to YOU are all things, YOU deserve the glory!

It was if GOD was laughing and said, “Sharon listen up.  All the details of those memories were FROM ME.  When you were left out or mocked that is how YOU got to know ME.  It was those times you turned to ME and is the reason you can now hear ME.”

I was filled with such indescribable joy at the LORD’s love and amazing ways.

“you thought evil against me, but GOD meant it for good to bring about what is today” Genesis 50:20.

Selah/ pause, ponder that truth when hard things hit GOD is on your side working it for good for you if you love HIM. (Romans 8:28)


Thou art worthy, O LORD, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things Revelation 4:11

GOD confirms

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t try to be more holy than GOD”? Meaning, don’t go further than GOD does.

I think of that quip when I hear such things as “it is wrong to ask GOD for confirmation.”  This concept is probably taken out of context from when the Pharisees came to dispute with and test JESUS. It is written JESUS groaned in HIS spirit and said, “No sign will be given to this generation.”

Well, no sign was needed for that generation because JESUS was there performing miracles right and left.

However, GOD delights in confirming HIS words.  GOD worked with the Apostles as they went out and preached everywhere, confirming HIS words spoken through them with accompanying signs.  This was brand new theology and had to be confirmed to be believed.

Now we are told to walk in the SPIRIT and to do so we must be able to grasp what we are to do.  We know the absolutes from the Bible but in little things we are to stop and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT’s still small voice.

The fearful idol worshipping Gideon asked for 2 opposite signs to know that GOD was really speaking to him and GOD gave them to him.  But then notice although Gideon didn’t ask for more, GOD said to him if you are still fearful (because GOD knew Gideon’s heart, as HE knows ours, and the LORD knows what it will take for us to be strengthened) do this and it will convince you (see Judges 7:10-11).

GOD wants us to be strengthen and to know what HE wants us to say and do.  It is written that JESUS only said and did what GOD told HIM to say and do (John 8:28).  Should we not do the same?

There is one other aspect of JESUS giving signs I want to briefly touch on.

The disciples asked JESUS what to look for /what signs will indicate the end times.  JESUS didn’t rebuke them or hesitate but proceeded to lay out specifics concerning the end days as it pertains to the Jewish people and the world in general in Luke 21:7-28. 

Then JESUS gives 2 hints.  The 1st hint pertains to the timetable of the beginning 70th week of Daniel 9:24 when HE spoke a parable of the fig tree.  The fig tree is a symbol of Israel and from Luke 21:29-to 32 JESUS tells that when Israel is budding (comes back to life which it did in 1948) you know that the time is near.

The 2nd hint is found in Luke 21:32-33, 36.  The generation that sees Israel bloom will not all pass away before all the things HE spoke about came to pass.  Therefore, those who see and understand are to look up for their redemption (to escape the 7 years of Jacob’s terrible trouble) draws near.  In other words (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) the rapture when JESUS comes for HIS bride before HE breaks the seals of the wrath of GOD on the earth.

Well, I am part of that generation that saw Israel bloom in 1948 for I was born in 1945.  Many of my generation have already passed away, and today I was notified of 3 more of my generation getting their go to heaven pass.  But as scripture tells us they will come back for their new bodies and go up with the rest of us who believe in JESUS to meet HIM in the air before the wild ruckus explodes here on earth. 

So don’t hesitate to ask GOD to show you what to do, or say for we are told that we have not because we ask not.  But remember unless we are willing to stop and listen we will never hear/ get our instructions.



Ask, then listen

As we read the Old Testament accounts it is crystal clear that people went to the house of GOD to pray.  It is written: “for MINE house shall be called a house of prayer for all people (Isaiah 56:7).  That truth that is echoed several times in the New Testament.

So when Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 says, “when you go to the house of GOD (it is saying when you go to pray) … Be more ready to hear than give the sacrifice of fools…be not rash with your mouth and don’t let your heart by hasty to utter anything before GOD: for GOD is in heaven, and you are on the earth: therefore let your words be few.”

James picks up the thought in James 1:19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak..”.  James goes on to say in James 1:21 “…  receive with meekness (humble submission) the engrafted (implanted) word.”

“For it is GOD which works (places) in you both to will and to do of HIS good pleasure”. (Philippians 2:13).  “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD, I will put MY laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them” (Hebrews 10:16). 

To me that sure sounds like that engrafted or implanted word James is talking about.

Our instructions seem perfectly distinct that when we go to GOD in prayer our words are to be few.  We are not to be like the unbeliever who thinks they will be heard because of many words (Matthew 6:7). After we relate to our all-knowing GOD our concerns (not telling HIM what to do) we are to stop and listen.  Then go with what we hear.  If we hear nothing, then we are to wait until we do hear something.  In those cases our orders are wait.

The other night I felt nudged to go stand behind a woman I did not know who had come forward in church.  All I knew was I was to put my arms around her and hold her and she began to sob, and I sobbed with her.  I was not given direction to say anything.  I was just to hold her. After a time, she calmed and thank me and went back to her seat.

Other times with other people I am given specific things to pray, or words to say to the person. Often if it is a word, that one will say GOD had been telling her that.  In those cases, GOD is just confirming to that one what HE already told her.  And make no mistake GOD wants us to know what HE wants so is open to confirm HIS words that we might have confidence to step out in faith.

We can rush ahead and tell GOD what we think HE should do, or we can go to HIM trusting HIM and acknowledging HIS wisdom and hand the situation to HIM then stop and listen.  HE promises that if we acknowledge HIM (talk to HIM about something) that HE will direct our path but warns us not to lean on our own understanding or be wise in our own eyes (Proverbs 3:5-7).

Therefore, go to the throne of grace and receive grace to help and your marching orders (Hebrews 4:14-16).  For on our own we know not how to pray as we ought (Romans 8:26-27).



Hidden in the cleft of the Rock

Ever play hide and seek? Hiding keeps you from being found and provoked by the actions of the finder.

One day I went alone up to a special spot in the mountains and sat under the pines where there were several boulders scattered around.  I went there to pour out my heart to the LORD and find some answers.  As I was talking to the LORD the sky opened up and rain poured down in torrent.  I frantically looked all around searching for some kind of cover.  I spotted a rock that had a crack and a large opening large that maybe I could fit in not too far away.  Dashing over to it, I crawled into the crevice.   It was tight quarters but a refuge- a shield from the storm’s downpour.

While in the cleft of the Rock I realized that GOD had answered my question.  HE was not going to take me out of the storm I was facing, but HE would hide me until the storm passed.  All I had to do was run to HIM and trust HIM.

GOD is that Rock for me.  When crisis hits, and there have been a lot of them lately, I run to GOD my rock (Psalm 62:7). HE hides me in the cleft of the Rock. Sometimes it is a tight squeeze but I am safe, I can rest and through it all there is a gentle peace and assurance. 

Philippians 4:6-7 is really true. When I tell GOD of my concerns, ask HIM my questions, thank and praise HIM for who HE is (like HIS mercy) and what HE has and will do I am enveloped with HIS peace that throws me beyond having to understanding.  HE is so, so good to me.

 “taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man (woman and child) that trusts in HIM” Psalm 34:8. 



Ever want to say ‘hurry up’?

Do you like to wait? The word wait is used 154 times in GOD’s word, and through time I have found that the LORD is in no hurry but takes HIS time to prepare everything for an end result of good before HE brings something to be.  But I find that waiting can be so annoying.

One day when I was weary of waiting the LORD reminded me of Hebrews 10:35-36 “Cast not away your confidence, which has great recompence of reward.  For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of GOD, you might receive the promise.”

It is written that we are GOD’s workmanship created in CHRIST JESUS for good works that HE prepared in advance for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10).  Well, I was praying for the teams going on prayer journeys into the 10/40 Window when the LORD open the door for me to be on a team going to Albania in 1993.  I didn’t even ask the LORD to make a way for I saw no way, but HE thought different.  HE was about to teach me a lesson.

In 1944, at the end of World War II the allies turned over the country of Albania to Communist partisans. At that time Enver Hoxha, as the strict communist ruler closed Albania from any incoming or outgoing travel from the country.  All personal ownership was also snatched away from the people by the government and the people were forced to move to the cities into towering cement block apartment buildings. Religion was forbidden. Then in 1991, Albania was set free, ending 46 years of isolated communist rule.  But following nearly 50 years of not being allowed to own anything and not being taught absolute standards of right and wrong, the people had no sense of what ownership meant.  After the government changeover people felt as they did in the times of the Judges (Judges 21:25) when every man did what was right in his own eyes.

We saw an example of this in Albania when our tour guide’s bike was taken then found a left on the sidewalk a few blocks away.  You see if someone wanted something they just took it and used it then left it with no sense of guilt at all. 

Missionaries that had come into the country when it opened up said that Albanians could not make decisions for they had not been allowed to make decisions under Enver Hoxha’s iron grip rule.  They just did what they were told or else.

While in Albania in 1993 we walked the streets and prayed, climbed up to the high places where witchcraft had been practiced and prayed, and the Imams (prayer leaders of the mosques-they were folk Muslims) even invited us to come into the mosques that were being rebuilt and pray.  It was fun when several of us climbed up to the turret (where the call for prayer went out) of one large mosque and prayed from that location over the city. We asked GOD to bless the Albanians and open their eyes to truth so that they might get saved.  The day we were to leave we went to one hospital and prayed for the patients and one blind man received his sight. Some of the doctors, nurses and caretakers circled us asking us to pray for them as well.  We barely got back to the hotel where others of our team had loaded our belongings to get to the airport in time for our flight.

We flew home elated, but several months later the headlines of the newspapers screamed at us.  All hell had broken loose in Albania and even young preteen boys toted rifles and bullets flew everywhere.   It was pure chaos after the exposure of corruption in the new government.  Missionaries were forced out of the country.  Honestly, I was terribly shaken and often cried out to GOD on my knees confused and concerned about the value of prayer and trying to hide my confusion. 

After a year and a half or so, as the violence settled down, the missionaries were allowed back in and reports filtered back to us concerning the Albanian Christians.  Whereas before the crisis, the missionaries had to make all the decisions for the Albanians because they were childlike, now the Albanians made strong thought-out decisions and the missionaries no longer ran the churches but were just available for the Albanian leaders to consult with. 

What had been evil, GOD had used for good- to teach and develop the Albanian Christians.  Like mom used to say, “necessity is the best teacher.’ GOD does the same with us. HE will use the hard things that come into our lives to teach and change us into the image of JESUS (Romans 8:28-29, 2 Corinthians 4:17, Genesis 50:20).  James even says we are to count those times of trouble pure joy for they develop endurance and patience in us until we are able to cope in whatever comes our way (see James 1:2-4).

During the chaos in Albania, all we could see was the outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7), we couldn’t see GOD at work and had not yet learned just to trust GOD.

GOD’s ways are definitely not our ways, and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts, yet what HE designs or allows will accomplish what HE intends for them to do (Isaiah 55:8-9, 11).

We see the crisis in the Ukraine and the threats to Poland and the tornadoes in the on the East Coast and ongoing attacks and shortages throughout the middle east and Africa our hearts cry out for the people. That is right and good, but I think we need to ask GOD to lead us in how to pray according to what HE is doing and to enable us to trust HIS wisdom and control. GOD knows the plans HE has and HE will answer according to HIS will (1 John 5:14-15).

We do know without a doubt that HIS desire is to give eternal life through believing in JESUS CHRIST the only begotten Son of GOD who died for the sins of the world.  Sometimes it takes a crisis or loss before we see our need and reach out to GOD. Some consistently refuse GOD’s offer regardless of the opportunities GOD gives them.  Yet GOD says that the times and places things happen have been preset for the specific purpose of causing men to reach out to HIM (Acts 17:26-27).  HE does allow people to refuse HIS offer of forgiveness for HE is not a puppeteer, but the consequence of that choice means they must suffer the death penalty for their own sins (Romans 6:23).

Reports are filtering back that in Ukraine and other areas being affected by the war over in Ukraine and in attacks in Syria that people are calling on the name of the LORD JESUS to be saved (Romans 10:13) and are being gloriously eternally saved.  

Unless the Rapture comes 1st, each of us will die physically.  Only those who come to GOD through believing in JESUS (Hebrews 7:25) and calling on the name of the LORD (JESUS) will have everlasting life with GOD and enjoy all the wonders HE has prepared for them starting at the Rapture. 

Those who choose to refuse the love of the truth, refuse JESUS’ offer to forgive them face 1st the 7-year Tribulation period, judgment and then everlasting destruction and will be shut out from the Presence of GOD and all good things GOD’s power has prepared for those who love HIM (2 Thessalonians 1:9).  We are told the unbeliever will be tortured forever in the everlasting lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).

I sure hope you will join with me as I go up to meet JESUS in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17).  All it takes is to believe on the name of the only begotten Son of GOD (JESUS) John 3:16 and know that GOD (the FATHER) has raised HIM from the dead (Romans 10:9-10).

Now, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in HIS Word do I hope (Psalm 130:5).




Driving home after a big disappointment I turned on 17th and GOD directed my eyes to a door that got me laughing.  Isn’t that just like GOD delighting in cheering us up?  I went back by so I could take this picture.

Doors are important for each of us.  Car doors can keep us safe when we are barreling down the highway at 75 miles an hour or turning a corner a bit too sharply because we didn’t brake enough. House doors can allow us entry and exit or be shut and locked against unwanted intruders.  Today I came across a verse about doors and my thoughts were directed (Proverbs 21:1) to a few Bible passages concerning doors and what each represent or mean to you and me.

“For a day in Thy (GOD’s) courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my GOD, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” Psalm 84:10 

Gathering with other believers in JESUS to worship the LORD is can be so special and greeting others coming in makes it even more special.

“To HIM (the Good Shepherd/ JESUS) the porter (doorkeeper) opens (the door); and the sheep hear HIS (GOD’s) voice:” John 10:3

In this verse, you and I or perhaps a preacher is the doorkeeper.  We open the door for the HOLY SPIRIT to speak to the hearts of the ones we talk to when we treat others with kindness and respect as we tell them about JESUS. Our attitude can open or shut their hearts to hearing GOD’s voice. But if you notice they hear GOD’s voice not ours.  That is because a conviction of the HOLY SPIRIT is needed for people to understand GOD’s message (1 Corinthians 2:10-11).

Behold, I (JESUS) stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears MY voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with ME” Revelation 3:20

          Notice where JESUS is.  HE is outside the door and since when a person believes in JESUS the SPIRIT of JESUS indwells him (Ephesians 1:13), this means this person has not called on the name of the LORD and been saved (Romans 10:9-10, 13) by believing in JESUS (John 3:16).  Therefore, opening the door to JESUS means believing in HIM and receiving the love of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

Then there is the parable of ten virgins found in Matthew 25:1-12 who are waiting for JESUS to come.  We are told 5 are wise and had oil (a symbol of the HOLY SPIRIT whom we receive when we believe in JESUS John 7:38-39) and 5 were foolish and had no oil / did not have the HOLY SPIRIT for they were not saved. The time was long and all 10 virgins slept but when the cry that JESUS was coming came, the wise virgins lit their lamps… the foolish had no oil so went to get some. while they went to buy, the bridegroom (JESUS) came; and they that were ready went in with HIM to the marriage: and the door was shut.  Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, LORD, LORD, open to us.  But HE answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I don’t know you”

          Today because of the times, with troubles and wars there is much talk and many books of the end days and of the coming Rapture followed by a 7-year tribulation. Although they don’t really believe in JESUS many think being in church will save them (maybe by osmosis although being in a garage won’t make you a car).  JESUS verified this in Matthew 13 when HE said that in HIS field (the Church) there are thorns (unbelievers) along with the wheat (believers) and HE tells us to let them grow together with believers and perhaps some will be ultimately saved by believing what is being said. 

“After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will show you things which must be hereafter” Revelation 4:1

          Many believe, and I am one of them, that Revelation 4:1 is a picture of the Rapture of the Church at the end of the Church age just before the 7-year Tribulation also called Jacob’s trouble.  Notice in Revelation 4:1 there is a door into heaven.  As we saw when JESUS comes for HIS bride and goes the door is shut. Those statements sure makes me want to tell people to believe in JESUS and call on HIS name to be saved. 

But while we await JESUS to call us to come up we are told to occupy until HE returns (Luke 19:13).  “These things says HE (JESUS) that is holy, HE that is true, HE that has the key of David, HE that opens, and no man shuts; and shuts, and no man opens;I know you works: behold, I have set before you an open door (opportunity), and no man can shut it: for (although) you have little strength, and have kept MY word, and have not denied MY name” Revelation 3:7-8

These verses don’t just tell us awesome things about JESUS, but also say that for the ones who do what JESUS says and tell others about HIM, that as we await HIM JESUS will open doors (opportunities) for us that no one can shut no matter how weak we may think we are.

Isn’t that amazing?




Under the New covenant (1 Corinthians 11:25) GOD has given the believer a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26) but we must renew our minds every day in the Word (Romans 12:1-2, Ephesians 4:23). 

Concerned about some of my extended family who are struggling, I cast my cares on the LORD and started to do my homework. For I always do a fresh copy of the lesson I am about to teach. As I looked up verses GOD reminded me of HIS amazing promise. “But the LORD is faithful, and HE will strengthen and protect you from the evil one” 2 Thessalonians 3:3.

Yes, the LORD is faithful and HE will strengthen and protect them from the evil one. Joy hit for it is so freeing to rest on the promises of GOD!

Continuing to do my homework, I came to the word sanctify. That word sanctify is used in many ways throughout scripture and can at times seem daunting, just too much to attain to. But GOD promises that HE is the ONE calling us, and HE will do it 1 Thessalonians 5:24.

“And the very GOD of peace sanctify (set apart for special use) you wholly; and I pray GOD your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Faithful is HE who calls you Who will also do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the GOD of all grace (GOD’s riches at CHRIST’s expense), who has called us unto his eternal glory (GOD’s divine nature 2 Peter 1:4, Exodus 33:18-19, 19:5-7) by CHRIST JESUS, after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you” 1 Peter 5:8-10.

Look what GOD promises: HE will:

1)Make you perfect: restore, adjust thoroughly, to qualify and fully equip, complete

How is one perfected? James 1:2-4 Ouch, through trials and temptations.

2)Confirm: set you firm like clotheslines set in cement so they will stand straight under weight.

3)Strengthen: Acts 3 tells a story of a cripple from birth who sat begging by the temple. When Peter and John saw him he put out his hand asking for money. But they said to the man, Silver and gold we have none, but rise up and walk. Acts 3:7 says his ankles were strengthened and he jumped up and walk and leaped and praised the LORD.

4)Settle: establish or give a firm foundation. JESUS tells that the house built on the sand (no foundation/ one who has heard the truth but does not live it out) collapses when storms come. But the house built on the Rock (one who hears and does what JESUS says) will stand firm when storms come (see Matthew 7:24-27).

1 Peter 5:8-10 tells us that GOD HIMSELF promises to sanctify- set us apart to HIMSELF and after a while of suffering like boot camp training GOD HIMSELF will make us ready to cope and completely equip us for any work HE assigns to us. We will not totter but have strength to do what needs to be done and will be established in the faith even during the storms of life. And storms will come.

Meanwhile we have a job. We are warned that we have an enemy who wants to topple us. So, we are to be on watch against him and resist him- 1 Peter 5:8-9. James tells us that if we submit ourselves 1st to GOD, then and only then can we successfully resist the devil and he will flee from us -James 4:7.

We have an amazing GOD, don’t we?


Sharon L Manning