Just a touch

The HOLY SPIRIT often speaks to us by planting a thought in our mind and placing a desire in our heart (Philippians 2:13). The SPIRIT did that for woman who had lost all hope. You see she had an issue of blood and had spent all her money- her last penny on doctors trying to get well.  But as a crowd with JESUS in the center came near and past her the SPIRIT placed the thought within her that “If I touch the holy man JESUS’ robe I will be healed.”  It made no sense, but she was sure of it for faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of CHRIST (Romans 10:17).

So, she pushed herself through the crowd who were jostling JESUS and merely touched the edge of HIS robe and instantly she was healed.

Now there were many bumping up against HIM as JESUS walked along yet power didn’t leave JESUS with each touch.  But the instant the woman touched JESUS garment JESUS felt the power go out from HIM to heal her.  How was it different from all the rest?

That woman had more than a hope, for when the HOLY SPIRIT whispers a word to us, plants a desire within us, nudging us to act it is both an invitation and a command from GOD.  When she received GOD’s word, faith was born.  When she acted on GOD’s word to her, GOD accomplished all HE sent out HIS word to do (Isaiah 55:10-11).

Are you acting on HIS nudges, HIS WORDs to you, or are you missing HIS power?

Looking unto JESUS,

