
My son got 2 very young kittens a few weeks back. Knowing that after they ate they would have to do their business somewhere, we got two litter boxes.  We did not know what we know now. The kittens did not know what litter boxes were and became frightened when we would place them in one.  To cut down on the mess, I asked the LORD what to do. Then thought to put down cardboard with liter on it in the spots the kittens favored going (which is in my bedroom, under my bed). They are getting better on doing their business on the litter, but I still don’t know how to graduate them to the litter boxes.   

One of so many things I love about the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is that HE knows all things (John 16:30), not just things past and present but also future. That simple mind-boggling fact helps me accept so much I cannot grasp.

GOD in three persons makes up the GODHEAD (Matthew 28:19) and in the counsels of heaven HE chose to make mankind to fellowship with HIM.  HE chose to make them in HIS image (Genesis 1:26).  Part of that image is the ability to make choices. Yet GOD did not make man to be in control.

Many scripture texts show that GOD allows men to do wrong to show us what is in us and why we need a Savior. Each person is always responsible for their own choices and choices have consequences. Often the MOST HIGH allows wicked men to do wrong.  But as Genesis 50:20 (and many other texts) show when GOD allows men to do wrong with evil intent, GOD has pre-planned to use their actions for an end result of good to those who love HIM (Romans 8:28).  There is always a plan in place (see 2 Corinthians 4:15-18) and GOD is always in control (Ephesians 1:11).

In making man with the ability to choose that meant they could either accept and love HIM or reject HIM.  HE knew before creation which would do what.  Yet for GOD to give the ability to choose meant HE had to 1st choose to allow HIMSELF to selectively suffer certain things because of mankind’s choices while GOD HIMSELF maintained complete Sovereign control. GOD is never at man’s mercy.

GOD the HOLY SPIRIT is said to grieve at times because of our actions (Ephesians 4:30). HE is holy and anything unholy grieves HIM. GOD the SON, our LORD JESUS, consented and chose to suffer much on earth from humiliation to carrying all the punishment for the sins of mankind in torture on the cross of Calvary.  GOD the FATHER suffered as HE laid HIS wrath for sin on HIS beloved SON.  HE did it out of HIS love for mankind.  But our triune GOD chose to do that because HE wanted us. 

“GOD devised means, that HIS banished be not expelled from HIM” (2 Samuel 14:14).

Interestingly, we find that GOD preset (past tense) the times and places (Acts 17:26) thereby set the stage where we make our choices.  In HIS astounding foreknowledge HE knew what choices would be made and synchronized it all.  It’s beyond amazing, just blows my mind thinking of it.



HIS Purpose

Immutable is a big word we seldom use that means unchanging. Sometimes the word immutable is used by preachers to speak of GOD.   In connection with GOD, immutable does NOT mean that GOD is rigid for HE is far from that. GOD’s unchangeableness speaks of HIS faithfulness to HIS own nature/character and purposes.  For instance, the LORD cannot get better for HE is already the best.  HE cannot lie for HE is the truth.  HE cannot learn anything for HE knows all things.

When the bible speaks about GOD never changing it tells us that we can rely on HIM to do what HE says HE will do. HIS promises speak of HIS eternal purposes.  All of GOD’s ways spring from HIS character and purposes. 

One of GOD’s ways is to hate sin and to punish it, while HE loves it when people do right, and HE will reward that.

“With the pure, YOU (GOD) show YOURSELF pure. With the sinful YOU show YOURSELF to be against them” (Psalm 18:26 NLV).

Christians face discipline when they do wrong (1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Hebrews 12:4-7, 10-11) just as the Jews have and do to this day.

Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I do not change.  Therefore, you are not consumed O sons of Jacob.”

The context is the Jews have sinned, but since GOD made a promise HE does not wipe them out. For HE always keeps HIS word.  Instead, the LORD in HIS longsuffering disciplines them until they change their attitude and actions, just like HE does with a Christian. 

A few Jews are accepting JESUS now and are saved. But for the most part the Jews are blinded and will not come to believe in JESUS until the end of the 7-year Tribulation (Zechariah 13:8-9, 12:10, Daniel 9:24, and Hebrews 8:7-12).  Daniel 9:25-26 shows that the Messiah (JESUS CHRIST) must be cut off/ die and other things happen before the Jews come to believe in HIM.  The text in Hebrews 8:7-12 was written in future tense (something yet to occur) several years AFTER JESUS died, was resurrected and went to heaven. Both are yet future and Romans 11:25-27 states clearly that the Jews have been blinded but every one of those Jews (the 1/3 which are purified Zechariah 13:8-9) who are still alive at the end of the Tribulation will come to believe when they see JESUS at HIS return at the end of the 7-year tribulation.

But you may wonder at the few times the Bible says, GOD repented/ was sorry that HE did something (Genesis 6:5-6).  What is that talking about?  It means that for GOD to be faithful to HIS nature and purposes/ for HIM to act in character which is to punish sin and reward doing right, certain things had to be done. (see Ezekiel 33:17-20).

When GOD made mankind in HIS image HE gave us the ability to choose.  GOD does not change that and even though HE does not like many of our choices, HE does not make us robots that must obey HIM. 

GOD does not take back our ability to choose.  Yet the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY is Sovereign for HE always sets the stage (determines the times and places with specific intent -Acts 17:26-27) and has complete foreknowledge of what we will do ( Acts 2:23, 1 Peter 1:2).  We in turn determine how to act in those times and places.

Now it is written that GOD is love (1 John 4:7) and that GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON (JESUS) that whoever would believe in JESUS would have eternal life (John 3:16).  Then John 3:36 says, He who believes in the SON has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the SON shall not see life, but the wrath of GOD (continues) to abide on him.

You see GOD is love (1 John 4:7) and in HIS love HE sent HIS SON JESUS to offer forgiveness and life (John 3:16).  But GOD’s love is in HIS SON (JESUS) (Romans 8:39).  If you receive the SON you receive GOD’s love and the forgiveness JESUS earned for us on the cross.  But if you reject the SON you reject GOD’s love, and your sins remain on you and must be punished for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

Sinclair Lewis said that GOD’s throwing those who reject JESUS into the lake of fire was GOD’s last act of respect/ for HE ratifies their rejection of HIM. 

In other words, GOD honors the unbelievers right to choose.  GOD acts at that time according to HIS nature to rejects those who already have rejected HIM. 

As it is written: “For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:2).

Eternal life means being with GOD (John 17:3) and they want no part of GOD. Therefore, GOD turns them over and gives them what they have chosen (Revelation 20:10, 15).



Do you

Do you Qualify?   Anybody out there got troubles? 

Just an annual check up with my cardiologist found me in the hospital to get a stent.  Well, once in 3 doctors not only placed 2 new stents one on the left and one on the right of my heart but they found something else that called for radiation to stop disease that was beginning in another area. My doc didn’t know, I sure didn’t know but GOD knew and set us up. (as is HIS way lol).  A few complications but I’m trusting they are for a reason.  

We can trust GOD even when all goes wrong since it is GOD who has preset our times and locations (Acts 17:26-27) and always has a good reason (Ezekiel 14:23).

I’m not being super spiritual, it’s just life is so much easier when I choose (and at times it is a definite, deliberate choice) to believe GOD’s Words and see GOD’s hand in otherwise hard things (Ephesians 1:11). Just as we see GOD the FATHER’s hand in JESUS being on the cross (Acts 2:23, Isaiah 53:6) so that whosoever chooses may believe in JESUS and have everlasting life. 

GOD proclaims, and shows us in HIS word, that HE works all things together for an end (and eternal) result of good for those who love HIM (Romans 8:28).  We are told not to keep our eyes focused on our situation but on what GOD is achieving for us through our troubles, for our troubles are temporary but what GOD is achieving (things we can’t yet see) are eternal (see 2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

Do you Qualify?

LORD, we are grabbing on to YOUR word that YOU are never late (2 Peter 3:9).  Thank You for reminding me of Joseph. He didn’t know what YOU were doing from the time his brothers sold him as a slave, was lied about when he did the right thing, and put in prison. YOUR promising word to him that YOU gave him through those dreams tried and tested him as he sat in prison until YOU brought him out and made him 2nd over the land of Egypt (Psalm 105:19).

LORD so many, me included, are being sorely tested but like Joseph we trust in You. Please encourage them as YOU do me I ask in JESUS name.

Trusting and applying GOD’s word is what keeps me sane is this topsy turvy world.



I will enter HIS gates

Singing to and of the LORD is something that always lifts up my heart with joy and refocuses me off of struggles and onto what GOD promises ” for what is seen (our situation) is temporary, but what is not seen (that which GOD is achieving for us through our situation) is eternal(2 Corinthians 4:17-18),. 

Here is part of a chorus I learned at Camp Elim based on Psalm 100:4 that I still love to sing.

I will enter HIS gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter HIS courts with praise, I will say this is the day that the LORD has made I will rejoice for HE has made me glad.



Do you fret?

Now tell the truth, it is just between you and GOD anyway, are you worried about anything?

GOD says, “Do not fret— it only causes harm” (Psalm 37:8).

Fretting causes harm!

Fretting is just another word for worry.  It means getting ourselves “out of joint” mentally or spiritually.  It’s easy to say, “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” (Psalm 37:7) until our own little world is turned upside down and we are forced to live in confusion and agony and all sorts of accusing thoughts come into our minds.

Many are experiencing that right now not only with personal struggles but also with chaos breaking loose worldwide as hatred of the Jews escalates as it did before World War II. 

Let’s face it, if we don’t obey the command “Do not fret” in the middle of a storm when we don’t know what is coming next, then we won’t obey it anywhere.

This “Do not fret” is applied by choosing to believe GOD is still in control even when it looks like HE isn’t.

All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without considering GOD is sovereign and actively at work behind the scene on our behalf working the good, bad and ugly together for an end result of good to us who love HIM (Romans 8:28). 

Those fretful thoughts come as lying whispers from our enemy to stir us up and feed our old nature’s desire to have its own way and be in control.

Our LORD JESUS never worried and was never anxious because HIS purpose was never to accomplish HIS own plans.  All HE wanted to do was to fulfill GOD’s perfect plan (Hebrews 10:7).

Fretting accomplishes nothing good, so it is foolish and a total waste of our time and energy.  But it’s not just foolish it is wickedness for a child of GOD because it is trying to take over GOD’s job and be in control.

To rest in the LORD is not dependent on our external circumstances at all, but on our relationship with GOD HIMSELF and our confident trust in HIM. 

So, say “no!” to those accusing lying whispers that can nag at you and take all your opinions and speculations to JESUS.  As I talk them over with HIM HE has a way of letting me see things from HIS point of view (2 Corinthians 10:5). 

When the taunts to fret or worry come, run as fast as you can to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16) and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).  It is only there we find release from our fears.

Do you fret?  It is better to tell yourself the truth, “I am not in control, but my GOD is, and HE loves me and promises that HE will fulfill HIS purpose for me” (Psalm 57:2 NIV).

When we do that GOD promises to direct our hearts and minds (Proverbs 3:5-7) and then our job is just to do what we know we should do.  It is that simple, the simplicity that is in CHRIST.



How do you know?

One of the things about GOD that blows my mind yet at the same time makes me feel so secure is GOD’s FOREKNOWLEDGE. GOD never learns anything for HE knows all things. Before HE made anything, HE knew every choice I would make and knew how to use it for my good and to fulfill HIS eternal purposes. A pastor used the life of Joseph to show how our individual choices day in and day out GOD works together for the end result of HIS purposes and our good (Romans 8:28-29). His words blessed me so much I want to share his insight with you.

Jacob had 12 sons. His favorite son was Joseph, and he gave Joseph a coat of many colors –a good thing, how do you know?

At 17 Joseph had 2 dreams that indicated his family would bow down to him…a good thing, how do you know?

Because he was the favorite and because of his dreams his 10 older brothers hated Joseph-a bad thing, how do you know?

One day Jacob asked Joseph to go find out how his brothers were doing. Joseph could not find them at Shechem …a bad thing, how do you know?

but a man found Joseph wandering in the field asked Joseph what he was looking for. When he told the man he was looking for his brothers, the man said, I heard them say they were going to Dothan. A good thing, how do you know?

Jacob found his brothers…a good thing, how do you know?

Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave to a caravan. a bad thing…how do you know?

A good and high official bought Joseph as his slave and seeing Joseph’s good work and attitude promoted him over all his goods…a good thing, how do you know?

His owners wife found Joseph attractive and tried to seduce Joseph. a bad thing

But when he continually refused her, she accused Joseph of trying to rape her and he was thrown into prison …a bad thing, how do you know?

In prison he was put in charge. 2 other prisoners (from the Pharoah’s house) looked sad, so Joseph asked them why are you sad? After he correctly interpreted their dreams Joseph thought the cup bearer would help him. The cupbearer forgot Joseph…a bad thing, how do you know?

When Pharoah had 2 dreams that no one could interpret, the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharoah about him. When Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s dreams giving GOD the glory, GOD showed Joseph the solution for the problem and Pharoah placed Joseph over all the country when he was 30 years old. A good thing

Years later his brothers came to Egypt and after playing a few games on them, Joseph let them know who he was. Joseph told them, “Do not be afraid although you sold me as a slave, GOD sent me to Egypt to save many alive (Genesis 50:19-20).

GOD had given Joseph a word through 2 dreams and although during those long years as a slave and in prison that word from GOD tested him.

Psalm 105:19 AMP   Until the time that his word [of prophecy regarding his brothers] came true, The word of the Lord tested and refined him.

But Joseph was determined to trust the LORD and do right.

Throughout the story you can see GOD using people’s choices to place Joseph where he needed to be for the next episode of his life.

Acts 17:26-27 …(GOD) preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men should reach out to HIM…

Notice, If that man had not asked young Joseph why he was wandering in the field how would Joseph have gotten to Egypt? If that brazen woman had not lusted after Joseph and then spitefully lied, or if the cupbearer had remembered Joseph when he first got out of jail, how could Pharoah had found Joseph to interpret his dreams and save Egypt.

This all was according to GOD’s eternal purpose and how HE set Jacob’s family in a safe place to begin forming HIS people, the nation of Israel?

Therefore, our daily choices big or small definitely do matter. That is why GOD advises us:  Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path. Be not wise in your own understanding, fear the LORD and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:5-7).



A tree or an angel?

Living with my grandma I accepted JESUS as my LORD and Savior in Junior High. But after moving 600 miles away from my godly grandmother and church, as a teenager without supervision, I drifted away from the LORD and church and was doing my own thing.  Perhaps due to the prayers of my godly grandmother and her praying friends, and the faithful goodness of GOD to discipline HIS child (Hebrews 12:11) to turn me back around and lead me to repentance (Romans 2:4) GOD definitely protected me and my children on a snowy day.  

It is written: “For HE will command HIS angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

(Psalm 91:11) and, “Are the angels not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14). I believe they are and that is what happened that day.

Living in a tiny rural community 8 miles from Quincy, a small town in northeastern California. I was 22, had 3 small children, 5, 2 and 5 months plus a big fluffy, blind dog with a huge black fluffy mane.

My husband had left with his older brother, looking for work and had ended up back in Colorado.  The propane ran out in the cabin we were in, and I had no money for more.  It was snowing and it was getting colder and colder.  So, I called around but couldn’t get a hold of mom (this was in the days before cell phones). But I managed to get a hold of a friend.  She couldn’t come because she had to get to work but said she would try to reach her husband.

I waited and waited, and it got colder and colder, so I bundled up the 3 little ones and loaded them and our blind dog into the car and took off.  I was terrified since I had never driven in snow before.  Never had needed to with Mac around and when he gone there was no vehicle to drive being we were a one car family.  I drove slowly, very slowly and there was no traffic on the twisting narrow mountain road with the blinding snow.  I went to turn on a curve the car didn’t turn.  We went straight off the road heading over a cliff and would have plunged down the mountain side and into the creek far below had not a tiny pine tree stopped us. 

The front wheels were off the road and the car teetered back and forth.  Talk about being petrified.  Being in the days before seat belts or air bags the kids often rode in the front seat.  As calmly as I could I told the girls to get in the back seat, then handed the baby back to my 5-year-old.  As carefully as I could I maneuvered over the seat myself, grabbed my baby then cautiously opened the back door, the dog bounded out and I gently shoved the girls out 1st, following quickly behind them clutching the baby to my side.

What a relief it was to get on solid ground!  We were safe!  But what now?

I wasn’t sure just how far I had come so began walking with the girls back toward Meadow Valley.  It was cold, the snow was hitting us in our faces and the girls started crying and I didn’t know what to do. Then a jeep approached.  After a few questions his wife helped the kids crawl in and went to where my car was teetering.  Praise the LORD the man had a wench, hooked it to my car and easily pulled the car back onto the road. 

I thanked him, but sure didn’t want to get back into that car and drive with the kids in it.  Amazingly just then Butch, Mona’s husband, got there.  He loaded the kids into his car and had me drive my car slowly ahead of him the rest of the way to town.

After the storm, I headed back out to Meadow Valley to get some clothes and stuff.   On my way out to Meadow Valley I looked for the tree that had kept the car from dropping off the mountain side and plunging down, down into the little creek below. But there were no trees around that curve, not one.  I wonder to this day if it was not an angel sent from my heavenly father to protect and woo back his rebellious daughter to HIMSELF.

Without a doubt, I knew we had been protected but I was still too stubborn to look to GOD.  As a good FATHER, GOD was faithful and what HE allowed next turned me back around just a few months later. But oh, what the cost!

GOD says, I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go, I will counsel you and watch over you (Psalm 32:8 NIV).

Don’t be like I was,

“Don’t be like the horse and the mule (stubborn) which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you.”  (Psalm 32:9). 



Dropping things

Usually, dropping things is accidental and frustrating. But I want to tell you about two who believe in dropping things, good things on purpose and why they did and do. 

Boaz was a rich owner of some fields that were being harvested. Now a young woman named Ruth needed food so went behind the harvesters in the field as the law allowed. She was picking up whatever she could find in order to gather enough grain for her mother-in-law and herself to eat and stay alive. Now Boaz took notice of her and was pleased with her so 1st her told her to stay in his field and follow his harvesters. Then he told his harvesters to drop hands full of grain on purpose so that could gather much grain (Ruth 2:15-16).

We learn from the word of GOD that the infinite LORD GOD ALMIGHTY’s thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways but are far above ours and that they always achieve what GOD wants done (Isaiah 55:8-9, 11).  So, it stands to reason HIS paths often go in a different direction than our limited understanding can perceive. 

Once HE made a way through the sea, and a path in the mighty waters (Isaiah 23:16) a path no one could see or ever would have known was there unless they followed the directions of the LORD. But because they followed the LORD’s instructions, they found HIS path and escaped their enemies (Exodus 14:15-30).

It is written that GOD’s paths drop fatness (Psalm 65:11).

The word fatness speaks of fruitfulness, of blessings, it speaks of good things.

So we see a picture here much like that which we saw in Ruth.  For we see our Lord walking down a path, and dropping good things as HE goes. If we are traveling down the same path behind HIM- by letting the Holy SPIRIT lead us and directed by HIS nudges (impressions on our heart and mind), then as we follow behind HIM, we will find good things along the path. Things meant to blessing us, things GOD has intentionally dropped specifically for us. 

Awesome thought, isn’t it?  What a mighty GOD we serve! 


Give thanks

“Giving thanks always for all things unto GOD and the Father in the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST” (Ephesians 5:20)

When our nation began we looked to GOD for help and provision and gave HIM thanks for all HE has done and provided for us for the LORD GOD is HE who enabled us and won our battles.

Our leaders led the way in recognizing GOD’s provision. But that was history and this is now. Sadly a large part of our nation and its leadership has turned from GOD and HIS values and sin is rampant.

Since we know it is from GOD that all blessings flow, let’s give thanks GOD the FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the FATHER of Lights (the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY) with whom is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17)

Below are links of 3 great presidents of the USA. They show hearts of thanksgiving and desire to lead our nation into prayers of thanksgiving.

President George Washington 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation…/proclamation-day…

President Abraham Lincoln 1863 Thanksgiving Proclamation…/proclamation-106…

President Ronald Reagan 1986 Thanksgiving Proclamation…/proclamation-5551…


Sharon L Manning


Who doesn’t want opportunities?

Before JESUS ascended into heaven, he told the disciples that they were to be witnesses for HIM and would have the power to do it.  That was their and our main job until HE comes back for us (Acts 1:8).

When there are struggles and problems coming at us like flaming arrows (Ephesians 6:16), “It will result in (lead to) an opportunity to witness” (Luke 21:13). “For I will give you words and wisdom…” (Luke 21:15).

Just yesterday, I had an email conversation with a gal I have never met.  She is struggling with fears.  Since, I have been there and done that, through many troubles, and have experienced the deliverance of GOD each time, I was equipped to witness to, comfort, and instruct her with the very comfort and instruction I had received from the LORD HIMSELF (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Problems result in having something to share, and Luke 21:13, 15 promises you will have that audience (opportunity) to witness and be given to what to say.

But the Comforter, which is the HOLY SPIRIT, whom the FATHER will send in MY name, HE (the HOLY SPIRIT) shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26).

JESUS also said, “He that believeth on ME, as the scripture says, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (the fruit of the SPIRIT).(But this HE spoke of the SPIRIT, which they that believe on HIM (JESUS) should receive: (John 7:38-39).

The needed words will issue forth, like a baby thrust forth out of the womb.  The struggles, the problems, and even the temptations, will give birth to a testimony.  Now, just think of newborn who makes a lot of noise at first!  Did you ever think, she is just giving her testimony concerning what just happened?

The next time you have a problem, remember this is GOD setting the stage for you to pass a message from HIM to others.  Praise the LORD in all things, we are more than conquerors through HIM who loved us and gave HIMSELF for us! (Romans 8:37).

Looking unto JESUS, the author and perfecter of my faith.

