Does it matter?

Does What We Do Matter?  Will it matter in 50 years?

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Do you or have you ever played cards?  My earliest memories of Mom is of her playing cards. Although Dad was a teacher, it was Mom who taught me to count before entering school, by having me play canasta with her. After she retired, Mom kept busy with volunteer work. But, when she had a break, she would unwind by playing solitaire, so she usually had a deck of cards nearby. She said it was to keep her mind active. I laughed at her delightful affair with solitaire.

I laughed that is, until one day I began playing solitaire on my computer.  As the Word says, “Judge not lest you be judged for you do the very same things” (Romans 2:1). I was doing what my mom had done and I truly enjoyed doing those 5 daily games and quickly became addicted and could spend hours playing cards. Then one day the LORD said, “Enough, I have other things for you to do.”

I quit because GOD said to, but there were times I was really tempted to go back to the relaxing game.  Whenever that happened, GOD gave me another assignment.  LOL!  HE also reminded me of the old saying, “In 50 years how much will that matter?”

Yesterday morning my kids wanted me to play crazy 8s with them.  I stopped what I was going to do and enjoyed a hand of cards and banter with 2 of my children.  The difference between me playing solitaire alone and my playing crazy 8’s with my kids is my input into my children as we played cards. The subjects that we talked about may very well matter in their lives 50 years from now should our LORD tarry that long.

