new beginnings

Sometimes we see people ensnared by the lies of the enemy and it breaks our hearts.  But the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, HIS mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  And there are new beginnings.

To reach the struggling and the lost we enter into front-line battle with the devil for he wants to defeat us and keep them enslaved.

Since we are fighting a battle we cannot see, spiritual warfare against spirits, what must we do personally to prepare?

Galatians 5:16 walk in the SPIRIT and go with HIS nudges

Ephesians 6:10-18 and putting on the armor of GOD

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (What seems to be the key here?) The battle is in our mind for our thoughts (for thoughts lead to action) and strongholds are lies against GOD, stating HIS way is wrong.  I find the best way to fight is to take every thought to JESUS!

2 Timothy 2:25-26 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that GOD will grant them the repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do HIS will.

What are the 2 things GOD instructs us to do to reach the lost and hurting?

Gently instruct—be patient, humble, teach and correct.   Pray with expectant Hope that GOD is working in their hearts

Step 1: What must GOD do before a change can come?

Let them see HIS side of the situation (turn their eyes to the truth- repentance means to turn around 180 degrees and have a change in the way you see something)

Step 2: What does step 1 produce in the one who opposes?

An awareness/a knowing of the truth

Is that the same as accepting the truth?

No, you can know and turn away from the light of the truth, or you can seek to walk in that light.

An example of this Felix the Roman ruler over Palestine trembled as he heard the truth.  He understood all to well what it meant, but he flatly refused to walk in the light and stopped Paul’s preaching Acts 24:25

Step 3: What does that term come to your senses mean?

It is when one accepts the truth that GOD’s way is right

Step 4: Now is a time for choice, what is that choice and who must initiate it? A person must want out of the snare of the lies he has believed and be willing to give up what the lies gave him.

If the choice is to leave the snare of the sin that has entangled him, can anyone stop him?

no, but it may be hard, very hare. It means holding on to and verbally speaking the truth aloud over and over at first.

What can we pray for those we know who have left the truth, or never came to know it?

Romans 8:26 that the HOLY SPIRIT pray for that one according to GOD’s design for their life.

Acts 16:14 That GOD open his heart to the truth.

Philippians 3:15 that GOD reveal the truth to that one.

2 Timothy 2:25-26 that GOD give him repentance (a clear seeing of the truth), a knowing the truth (understanding how that works in his life), a coming to his senses (a reaching out for that truth for himself) and a deliberate determination to leave the trap and the lies of the enemy.

Do you have someone you know who needs to escape the snare of the evil one.  There are several I know and last night prayed those verses above for them.  This morning before dawn one of them was at my door and was open to hear and even asked me to write down some verses that she could take and study and use.  Isn’t GOD faithful to hear and act on our cries!

There are new beginnings and like desert after supper, GOD often saves the best until last.

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith.(Hebrews 12:2)



If HE be for us

If our GOD be for us who can stand against us? Romans 8:31

I am going to confess.  My daughters, Jeri and Kari, love to embellish the telling this true story on me with animated facial expressions and gestures, amidst giggles and snickers concerning my actions that totally shocked them.  The deep lasting impression has not faded from their minds, nor mine.

They weren’t the only ones shocked by my actions, so was I.  My actions that day was totally out of character for me. I was a mild, meek Christian, devoted to the LORD. Many marveled at my calm during crisis after crisis.  The calm wasn’t a mask I put on, but through struggles I had come to know the LORD was there for me, in control, and could handle whatever came my way for. I had learned problems were to teach us something, so when someone commented on my not being upset in a midst of a crisis, I’d often say, “This problem must not be for me, or a lot of people must be praying, cause GOD’s peace is surrounding me.”  And it really was.

But one day, the problem was for me. That day, when injustice loomed over my kids, I lost sight of GOD and seemed to forget everything I knew.  Instead of turning to GOD, I charged, attacking like a she bear, when her cubs are in danger. I pounced forward, snatched a paper away from the culprit, who was using it to hurt my kids, and tore it to smithereens. Not that it did any good, it didn’t.

However, it definitely taught me a lesson and it still humbles me to think back to my uncontrolled actions that day. What happened to me is what happens when we take our eyes off GOD and trusting HIM, and focus on a difficult situation with the attitude “it up to me to fix it!”

But, that is not the reason I am exposing my actions to you. 70% of the killings by grizzly bears are by mother bears defending their cubs. My attacking like a she bear protecting her cubs, believe it or not, is a picture of something JESUS tells us to pray for.

I like to read Scripture aloud and as I read the LORD’s prayer (“Our FATHER who art in heaven”) phrase by phrase slowly so I could mull over what was being said. When I got to the phrase “deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13), I felt a need to know what the original meaning of the word deliver was in this verse. So, going to the Greek text, and several Greek lexicons (Greek dictionaries) I searched out the word ‘deliver’. In the Matthew text ‘deliver’, rhuomia, means drag out of danger, rescue, save. It comes from the root word rhuo- to draw to oneself-hence to rescue.

The tense and mood of the word in Greek, show it is an urgent cry to GOD for help, to snatch us away from the clutches of the evil one; much like a she bear will come running to protect her young at the sound of their cry.  This picture caused me to love my GOD even more as I see HIM running to me when I cry out to HIM for help.

HE rescues me, drawing me to HIMSELF.  Such times I literally feel HIS arms around me.

“Therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and receive grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

A Song to sing when trouble comes

Our GOD, our GOD / by Chris Tomlin
Into the darkness, You shine Out of the ashes, we rise

There’s no one like You   None like You

Our GOD is greater Our GOD is stronger
GOD, You are higher than any other
Our GOD is healer  Awesome in power  Our GOD, our GOD (2x)

And if our GOD is for us, then who could ever stop us?   And if our GOD is with us, then what can stand against us? (2x)

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)

