HE will do it

Talking to the LORD about one who is broken but filled with pride, I asked concerning him and how I might stand in the gap and pray on his behalf (Isaiah 45:11). In HIS tender love and mercy, the LORD spoke a verse to me as a rhema word for the situation.

“… he kept on in his willful ways. I have seen his ways, but I will heal him. I will lead him also and I will restore comfort to him and those who mourn for him” (Isaiah 57:17-18 ESV).

GOD said HE was going to manage it.

How can GOD promise that being righteous and having set the standard and the way, yet having given man choices? The LORD can only promise what will be done, because HE knows all things past, present, and future. Included in HIS amazing knowledge is how my rebel will respond in each situation he faces.

In Job 36:8 one is described as bound and held in the cords of his own sins. GOD promises in Job 36:9 that HE will show such a one his sins and how he has gone beyond the boundaries GOD HIMSELF has set. Then GOD declares that HE will open the rebel’s ears through problems and through discipline and tell that one what he needs to do. Then comes that person’s choice (Job 36-10-12). If one chooses to believe GOD, he will do what GOD directs. But If he chooses not to believe that which GOD has shown him, he will lose that which he was told, and he will die without knowledge.

So, for GOD to speak of healing one as HE did in Isaiah 57, we can be sure HE sees a whole lot more than we can. HE sees the choices that one will make before he makes them.

The truth related in Psalm 139 about how well GOD knows each person that has or will live blows my mind. And to think included in all that knowledge is what it will take to get my loved ones to see clearly and receive truth. It makes seeing the discipline and affliction they must endure so much more bearable for me to watch.

I find myself paraphrasing 2 Corinthians 4:15, 17 “All things are for their benefit…their light and momentary troubles are achieving for them great and eternal things that far surpass the pain of today.”

In Isaiah 57 GOD was saying that HE- the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY would heal my rebel and lead him and will restore comfort to him. I was reminded (Proverbs 21:1, John 14:26), of Jonah who was tossed into the depths of the freezing cold ocean. Yet GOD had provided a fish to swallow him, to protect and keep him safe until the time when GOD commanded the fish to spit Jonah out on dry land.

My loved ones present troubles are no more an issue to GOD, than that deep ocean.

I praised the LORD, HE knows what HE is doing. The LORD’s word that jumped off the page into my heart (the rhema word) concerning what the LORD HIMSELF was doing, assures me and gives me peace and joy, filling my heart with thanksgiving and telling me how to pray (Proverbs 3:5-7).

When GOD speaks, and you receive HIS word into your heart, choosing to believe it (Romans 10:10), it creates faith whether in JESUS, or what HE is doing in an individual or situation. For faith come from hearing (paying attention to what is being said) and hearing (in your heart) from the (rhema) word of CHRIST. (Romans 10:17).

Faith the is assurance of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction of the reality) of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).

Has GOD, who cannot lie, given you a (rhema) promise? Hold on to it. If it seems long in coming, wait for it. For it is for an appointed time (Acts 17:26). It will surely come, and that not second late (Habakkuk 2:3).



that lie

My old peach tree was heavy laden, and it literally had over 300 small peaches. It’s branches were breaking due to the weight so I had to pick most of the peaches before they got big and ripe or lose my tree. As they ripened, I skinned and froze and even made jam (a 1st for me). Well, one heard about my jam and came to get a jar and that’s how I learned the predicament he is in. Trying to keep out of trouble he told a lie and that lie begat another and another.

It made me think of what my daddy used to say: “What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.” Spiders weave webs to catch their prey. But when we lie the web we weave catches us. As another put it, “Every lie will come back to bite you.”

Do you know why that is? Every lie is from that old serpent the devil (John 8:44). Through snide whispers that seem to come from us, Satan convinces us that telling that lie will help fix things or make things better. But I guarantee that the devil comes only to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10) and every lie will end up biting you with its deadly poison.

When JESUS, who is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6) said the devil was a liar from the beginning and the father of lies (John 8:44) HE was sketching a word picture for us. You or I am the mother and when we turn from the truth (JESUS’ way) and believe the father of lies (the devil) a baby is conceived, and a lie is born.

That sweet talking devil makes telling a lie sound so good and one thing that helps me say no to him is to realize it’s the devil hitting me with fiery darts not handing me candy. So, if you have been tricked by that liar, and we all have at one time or another, run back to JESUS who is the truth and promises to heal that snake bite by giving you forgiveness (1 John 1:9) and life in abundance. The truth will set you free (John 8:32). Trust HIM and do things HIS way.

Sharon L Manning