
In the past couple of days there have been several severe crisis situations that have arisen.  Another one I learned of this morning and just as I went to bed tonight a text told me of a family member being rushed to the ER.  I stopped to pray and as I did the LORD reminded me of yesterday and the 2 crisis situations that had me in tears and sent me rushing to the throne with for mercy and grace.

Yesterday after laying them at the LORD’s feet, I picked up my Bible and read. Words in Acts 10 jumped out at me…the setting was FATHER GOD had ‘chosen beforehand’ who would see JESUS when HE was raised from the dead.

After reading those words ‘chosen beforehand’ peace enveloped me.  The thought “there is no happenstance” came to mind.  It was just a reminder of something that I knew well namely that GOD has determined/preset the exact times and places where things happen before they occur (Acts 17:26).

Tonight, GOD reminded me what HE had said yesterday and peace settled over me but I also felt a nudge to get up and share with you the awesome truth that for us who are HIS children through believing in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and have called on the name of the LORD (Romans 10:13) that GOD has definite plans for us.  It speaks of GOD our FATHER’s infinite control and power to keep us and provide for us just as HE promises (though not always in ways that we understand).

If that truth doesn’t bring you peace nothing will.

What a mighty GOD we serve!

