
This time of year, those annoying flies can be so irritating, that is why this comical picture and statement made me laugh.

Sitting out on my porch swing reading the Word and talking to GOD 2 pesky flies kept landing on my arm.  I’d shoo them away, but over and over they came back.  They were determined!  All of a sudden, I remembered.

The LORD of hosts (armies) is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (Psalm 24:10) but the evil one/ the prince over the devils (Matthew 12:24) is called Beelzebub which means “lord of flies”.  This was the name used for devil worship by the Philistines.

So, do you know what I did?  I asked the LORD of hosts to rebuke the flies since they weren’t listening to me.

Thinking of flies and how dirty and germ carrying they are, and how determined they are to pester us, refusing to leave us alone, and how distracting they can be, I couldn’t help but think that really shows the nature of demons.

But the demons pester us with whispered deceptive suggestions over and over. What they say are lies from the devil they make their voice sound just like ours and unless we examine what is suggested in light of the Word of GOD we can really get in trouble.

Dead flies make perfumed oil stink, just as a little stupidity outweighs wisdom and honor” (Ecclesiastes 10:1)

But test all things carefully. Hold firmly to that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).



Made me stop and think

We are living in crazy times aren’t we? Times that have many cowering in fear for much is happening that we never imagined seeing here in the USA.  But these times are told about in GOD’s word.  Reading in Luke this morning a well-known section I was struck by some facts concerning, of all things- demons (evil spirits of various ranks). It is not a popular subject, not one even believable to many.  Yet the word of GOD speaks clearly of it.

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons (1 Timothy 4:1).

Demons are real. There are things being taught in some “Christian” churches that do not match up with the Word of GOD.  It is very important to check what is taught with the Word of GOD.  We are told if something does not line up with the Word of GOD it is because there is no light in them (Isaiah 8:20) they are in darkness. 

Setting the context or the stage of where we are today: The last days began when the HOLY SPIRIT was given on the Day of Pentecost (John 7:38-39, Acts 2:16-17), after that JESUS was crucified dead on the cross for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:3) was buried and raised to life by GOD the FATHER (Romans 10:9), seen by over 500 (1 Corinthians 15:6) and after giving commands to HIS disciples HE ascended into heaven (Acts 1:7-9) to a position of great honor and glory seated at the right hand of the Power- the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3,13). 

The last days are marked by actions that are demonic in nature (James 3:15-16, Ephesians 2:2) and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4:1).

There is a power of darkness- when we believe in JESUS GOD delivers us out of that power of darkness and places us into JESUS kingdom (Colossians 1:13).  JESUS called the power of darkness a kingdom where Satan/ the devil is ruler (Luke 11:18).  The devil is sometimes called the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) and the evil one persuades even believers with his lies if they are not abiding in JESUS and HIS word (John 15:7).  That old serpent (Revelation 20:2) is the father of lies (John 8:44).  Within Satan’s kingdom there are various ranks of evil spirits (Ephesians 6:12, Luke 8:29) comparable with ranks within the army-from foot soldiers to generals.

Having laid that groundwork, let’s proceed to what struck me this morning.

The demons were afraid of being tormented when Jesus told them to leave the possessed man (Luke 8:28).  That rose questions.  Does that mean that type of demon needs a body? or does it connect with their plea a few verses down not to be sent to the Abyss? 

“When the unclean spirit comes out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it then says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came. (Luke 11:24). That demon who couldn’t find a place to rest went back to the man he’d left. Finding the man clean but empty ( the man wasn’t filled with HOLY SPIRIT) went and got 7 more demons worse than himself and they all went to live in the man (Luke 11:26) making the man worse off than before.

Wow! Knowing that helps me understand why at least 2000 demons were in that poor fellow in Luke 7.  Maybe he had tried to get rid of the demon but without the coming and filling of the HOLY SPIRIT by faith in JESUS CHRIST and turning from his sins he was open game.

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; (Ephesians 5:18).

Demons that possess people seem to need a body.  Ones that harass and tempt people (as JESUS was tempted in the wilderness Matthew 4:1) apparently do not.

The demons begged JESUS not to send them into Abyss but to allow them to enter a herd of pigs (Luke 7:31).

That means they had to do what JESUS commanded them to do. They had to have permission before they could go into pigs.

Hmmm that raises a question.  If demons have to have permission to enter a living thing, who was it that gave them permission to enter the man? Was it the man himself who gave demons permission to enter him perhaps by giving the demons a place (KJ)/ opportunity (NASB)/ foothold (NIV) (Ephesians 4:27) and was caught in the snare of the devil to do his will (2 Timothy 2:25-26)? 

If so, how?

Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves (yield to their suggestions), you are slaves of the one you obey— (Romans 6:16)…?

Makes me think, how about you?



Pesky flies

Flies can be so annoying so I really appreciate this comical picture and statement.

Sitting out in the back yard reading the Word and talking to GOD 2 pesky flies kept landing on my leg.  I’d shoo them away, but over and over they came back.  They were determined!   All of a sudden I remembered.

We know that the LORD of hosts (armies) is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (Psalm 24:10) but the evil one/ the prince over the devils (Matthew 12:24) is called Beelzebub which means “lord of flies”.  This was the name used for devil worship by the Philistines.

Thinking of flies and how dirty they are, and how determined they are, and how distracting they can be, I couldn’t help but think that really shows the nature of demons.

But the demons pester us with whispered suggestions that sound like just us and unless we examine what is suggested in light of the Word of GOD we can really get in trouble.

But test all things carefully [so you can recognize what is good]. Hold firmly to that which is good. Abstain from every form of evil [withdraw and keep away from it]. (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 AMP).

