How did she endure?

How to endure

Let’s look at a little more about Mary.  She was a young teenager when the angel came to her. 1st he said, “Do not be afraid,” and told her that she was highly favored in GOD’s sight; that GOD had selected her to carry and bear HIS Son; and she was also promised that her boy would save HIS people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).  To encourage her she was told that nothing was impossible with GOD (Luke 1:37). Talk about blow you away! Mary must have been flabbergasted.

Though knowing the disgrace, it might bring, Mary willingly yielded her life to GOD. Then she went to see her cousin Elizabeth, whom the angel told her about. Elizabeth’s greeting was another mind-blowing experience as her relative told her that the fetus/John the Baptist had jumped in her womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. More promises were given Mary as Elizabeth prophesied (Luke 1:41-45). Then Mary found herself speaking wonderful things herself, they just sort of flowed out of her.  It was amazing.

How she dreaded telling Joseph, but he came to her and told her of an angel coming to him.  Then came the hard times, the mocking and rejection of her neighbors and friends when she started to show, the long trip to Bethlehem, and then her labor started but there was no room for them in the crowded inn, her mom wasn’t there…

What did Mary (or for that matter even Joseph) think and feel as her contractions began that night when they were so far away from home? Naturally, their initial reaction was fear. The fears must have been tremendous. For the liar- Satan loves to whisper accusations against GOD and cause us to fear.  Fear is one of the devil’s choice secret weapons.

What helped her to cope with her fears then and later when they were told to flee to Egypt? Yes, Joseph was there, but he too was facing the impossible and knew fears. Did she do it scared, as my precious pastor’s wife would say?

I believe what enabled Mary and Joseph to cope were the promises. When the angel appeared to each of them separately his 1st words had been, “Fear not.”  I can’t help but think those words came back to them that night. For it is written that the great and precious promises are given us that if we use them we will be able to overcome the struggles (2 Peter 1:4) if we acknowledge GOD and talk to HIM about what’s going on and thank HIM for being in control, HE will surround us with HIS peace to throw us beyond having to understand (Philippians 4:6-7).  We will have confidence and peace though it may not make a lot of sense to us.

This we know, GOD cannot lie (Numbers 23:19) and when HE says something it will happen, we can count on it. When all look dangerous she could remember what GOD had said would occur and would know that somehow GOD would get them through it all to the end.

Are you, am I in the Word of GOD (logos) so that the Holy SPIRIT can take it and give us a promise (rhema) meant for us in our present situation? Promises are there to claim and to enable us in our times of struggle.  Grab a hold of them and use them.

Consider these things and may the good LORD give you wisdom and understanding (James 1:5, 1 Corinthians 2:10) as HE guides you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthens you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10), and enables you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16). Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



2 thoughts on “How did she endure?

    • Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of GOD (Romans 10:17) I suggest that you turn to those verses in the Bible and ask GOD to explain them to you. As you accept what HE shows you, you become enabled to live it out in your own life.


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