Put on hold

Ever made a business phone call and been put on hold? The wait gets so long you wonder if they know you are still on the line. Sometimes you have to call back a time or two. That happened to me recently as a scheduler had never called me concerning scheduling me for the procedure the doctor ordered. Finally after over 3 weeks I called again. This time I got a hold of my doctor’s nurse who was able to contact the scheduler and in a couple of hours I received a call, with an apology for the order had never gotten to the scheduler. My calls were needed.

Do you feel like you have been put on “hold” by GOD?  What I mean by that is the LORD has promised something but day after day, week follows week and even year after year goes by and you are still waiting.

Unlike my scheduling situation, delays with GOD are never that lines were crossed.  But it still feels like I’ve been put on hold.

One morning I woke up while it was yet dark, feeling greatly troubled and defeated but not sure why. Then I read, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12).

“Yes,” I agreed, “That’s it!  That is what I’m feeling, my heart feels sick.”

Circumstances looked so wrong, not a bit like my expectations concerning the Promise the LORD impressed on my heart years ago. Rather the situation seemed to mock the promise.

Then the LORD’s whisper came, “Didn’t I promise you?” and the word ‘deferred’ came to mind. 

I pondered that word. Looking it up I saw it has 2 meanings.  1st It can mean delayed, put off for a while, but not denied.

“The LORD is not slack (tardy) concerning HIS promise, as some men count slackness (being late); but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any (of us) should perish, but that all (of us) should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).

“Do you despise the riches of GOD’s goodness and long-suffering and forbearance (putting up with things?) Don’t you know that the goodness of GOD leads you to repentance?” (Romans 4:2).

The reminder that this time of waiting has a purpose, and its purpose will help people. This lingering delay is for me as much as the others for during the years of delay GOD has changed me and even now patience has not yet finished its perfecting work in me (James 1:3-4).

Then there is the 2nd meaning of ‘deferred’ to submit to and accept.

LORD, YOU are a faithful GOD who has synchronized the universes, so stars and planets never collide, and autumn follows summer therefore I choose to humbly submit to YOUR timing!  YOU know all things and do all things well, I defer to YOUR wisdom and understanding and completely trust that this delay will achieve things that far surpass anything I can imagine.  I bow before YOU my GOD and defer to YOU as I expectantly await the fulfillment of YOUR word to me, YOUR servant.  Thank YOU, LORD for loving me and sending JESUS to save all who will believe and reconcile us to YOURSELF.  My eyes are on YOU, and I am watching to see YOUR plan unfold.

Are facing a delay like me?  Turn your eyes to JESUS.  Look to GOD, HE has preset the exact times and places for a reason (Acts 17:26-27).  If you have asked the good LORD is neither ignoring the issue you are facing nor is HE late with the answer. HE will get there before the tardy bell rings IF you have asked and continue to remind HIM. 

Remember James 4:2 “You have not because you ask not”

Isaiah 62:6 “…never be silent day or night.  You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest 7and give HIM no rest till HE establishes”

It is not that GOD needs to be reminded but that by going to HIM continually HE continually assures your heart restores your confidence in HIM, HIS wisdom and that HE is at work behind the scenes.

Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! (Psalms 116:2 – NIV) 


Sharon L Manning

Looking for the glorious hope

When I saw this picture I thought of Simeon.  “Behold, there was an old man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel (the coming of the promised Messiah): and the HOLY SPIRIT was upon him’ (Luke 2:25). 

Now in the Old Testament days the HOLY SPIRIT would come upon certain people for specific reasons but did not indwell believers as HE does today.  Today the HOLY SPIRIT not only indwells believers but will also come up believers with a special anointing for specific work GOD has for them to do.  But that special anointing comes and goes, just as it did in the Old Testament, while the indwelling of believers today seals us to GOD until the day of Redemption (Ephesians 4:40).

Back to Simeon…

“The Holy SPIRIT revealed to Simeon, that he should not see death, before he had seen the LORD’s CHRIST /Messiah, anointed ONE” (Luke 2:26).

Simeon clung to that promise and one day, prompted by the Holy SPIRIT, Simeon went to the temple at the precise time Mary and Joseph came with the baby JESUS (Luke 2:27).

The moment the old man saw JESUS he recognized that the baby JESUS was the Messiah!

He took the baby JESUS into his arms and blessed HIM and his praise rose up to bless GOD in heaven saying, “Now YOU may release me in peace for according to YOUR word my eyes have seen YOUR salvation, which YOU have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for the revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to YOUR people Israel” (Luke 2:25-32).

How did Simeon recognize that JESUS was the Messiah? We are told: 1) he did right and was devoted to GOD 2) he looked for the promise of the Messiah. Simeon spent time with GOD and got to know GOD’s voice (that still small whisper). 3) the HOLY SPIRIT was on Simeon 4) Simeon’s attitude must have pleased the MOST HIGH for GOD gave him the promise that he would not die until he saw the Messiah come. 5) We also know he obeyed the nudges of the HOLY SPIRIT, evidenced by his entering the temple (by the SPIRIT) just when Mary and Joseph arrived to have JESUS presented unto the LORD according to the Law.

As we enter into this new year- I want to be like Simeon and 1) I cling to and look for the promise of the appearing of our LORD JESUS for HIS church (1 Thessalonians 4:16-18)  2) spend much time with GOD in HIS word and prayer for in HIS presence there is peace and the more time I spend with HIM the better I can recognize HIS voice.  3) HIS words always direct me and motivate me to do right.  4) I have learned to obey the HOLY SPIRIT’s leading for I have seen over and over there is always a good reason that HE prods me forward or holds me back.  

Yes, I want to please the LORD, but I also know those who walk by the SPIRIT recognize what others cannot see. For GOD reveals HIS secrets to those who obey HIM and seek HIM with all their hearts for they are the ones who love HIM and are HIS friends (Psalm 25:14, Proverbs 3:32, John 15:15).

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great GOD and our Savior JESUS CHRIST (Titus 2:13).  Will you join me?



Changes, changes, changes

The great and mighty GOD, who made all things is sovereign over all (2 Samuel 7:22). HE knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10) and everything in between and has shared enough with HIS children (John 1:12-13)/ us who believe in JESUS and HIS word that we can do all HE asks of us (Deuteronomy 29:29).  That is how JESUS could say, “Peace I leave with you…Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

In our troubling times we need to remember those verses so, I have those verses memorized.

Since I was teen in the late 50’s, the meanings of words have changed some, the values of the world and what is shown on TV and in movies have shifted in an unbelievable way, what is taught in public schools have changed as history and science is being rewritten to fit an agenda.  Things that are right and good are being called evil and wrong, while things bad and wrong are being called right and good just as JESUS said would happen. 

But the worst part to me are these lies, this false propaganda pushed and fed to youngsters are being believed by them and have blinded them to the truth.  Many Christian churches have followed suit and are buying into the lies as well as they turn away from the truths in GOD’s Word.

To hear some relate their views of life and values and see how closed they are to any thought other than their own shows that they are totally blind to truth and to the consequences of their beliefs. Their perspective comes from what they have been cleverly taught, programmed by teachers and the media, not so concerned with truth as with getting others to think as they do. It’s actually scary how indoctrinated the kids and even adults are with the world’s standards of self. The lust of the flesh (desires from food to sex. Whatever feels good), the lust of the eyes (wanting everything they see that they like) and the pride of life with everything about ‘me’ (How I think, how I feel, what I want, doing it my way). All are things of this world which lay under Satan’s influence (Ephesians 2:2-3,1 John 2:15-17, 5:19).

As I walked around the park talking to the LORD about these troubling things and how they are affecting some of my precious grand and great-grandchildren, a verse flooded my thoughts.

Malachi 3:6 “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore, you sons of Jacob are not consumed.”

This verse speaks of the LORD’s faithfulness to HIS word.  HE made promises to the Jew’s ancestors that can be read beginning in Genesis. The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY will keep everyone of HIS promises, fulfilling each detail, for HE does what HE says. HE fulfills HIS word whether to bless or discipline (Numbers 23:19).  Even when they act against HIM, HE cannot deny HIMSELF (2 Timothy 2:13).

GOD’s nature is WHO GOD is. GOD cannot deny HIS nature.  The LORD is truthful (HE  cannot lie Titus 1:2), HE is love (John 3:16), HE is power (Luke 1:37), HE is wisdom (Psalm 51:6), HE is understanding (Hebrews 4:14-15), HE is knowledge (John 16:30) HE is mercy (Lamentations 3:22-23), HE is eternity (Psalm 90:2), HE is righteousness (HE does what is right Genesis 18:25, Romans 3:21-22), HE is goodness (Mark 10:18) and HE has wrath (John 3:36) to mention just a few of the things true about GOD.

Since GOD cannot change, neither can HIS nature nor HIS standards change.  What HE has said in the past is true today.  If HE has said something is wrong in the past, it remains wrong today.

So, I will obey the LORD’s instructions to not strive with those who are opposing themselves, but gently and with respect speak the truth in love and continue to pray that GOD grant them the ability to see the truth and turn to what is right, to recover themselves and escape from the snare/ trap that has held them captive (1 John 5:16, 2 Timothy 2:24-26).

Will you join me?



Go together

A line in the 1955 Frank Sinatra song ‘Love and marriage’ was Love and marriage, Love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, another line stated: this I tell you brother, you can’t have one without the other.

Psalm 37:5 shows two other things that must go together for a good result.

(1) Commit your way unto the LORD, (2) trust also in HIM and (then)HE will bring it to pass Psalm 37:5

Psalm 37 continues to say, “And HE shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. Psalm 37:6

Committing or rolling a problem, a goal, a situation to GOD without trusting that the LORD knows what HE is doing, and HE will oversee it to the best end, nullifies and cancels out your commitment. 

As in James 1:5-7, the only way you are going to get GOD to bring something to pass is to trust HIM and let HIM do it HIS way. We need to trust HIS wisdom in what to do, trust HIS knowledge of when to do it, and to trust HIS ability and faithfulness to do what HE says HE will do.

When you are willing to depend on GOD and roll the ball to GOD in trust HE promises not just to work what needs to be done but also HE promises that HE will bring forth your righteousness (by giving you the light to see how to do right) and your judgment will be clear (for there are no shadows at noon) Psalm 37:6.

What is holding us back? I think for me it happens when I feel it is all up to me so don’t claim what GOD is promises.  Therefore, I have memorized Psalm 37:5-6 to remind me to claim GOD’s promise.



Be encouraged

“Anyone who wants to hear, let him listen and understand” (Mark 4:23 NLT).

I am teaching in Hebrews 3-4.  We are at the section of the absolute importance of RESTING in GOD by believing GOD’s word and trusting HIM to do as HE says HE will do.  It is often said that when one teaches on a subject, GOD will test the teacher in that area.  Talking with the LORD this morning HE impressed me, that is exactly what HE is doing with me now.

Remember David and Goliath?  Well, Goliath the giant would step out and ridicule and confront the Israelites and mock GOD and all the Jews, even King Saul, trembled in fear.  But not David, for the teenager David who had kept the sheep of his father had experienced GOD’s deliverance when a lion and a bear attacked.  David learned to trust GOD (REST in GOD) through the things he had suffered.

Let it suffice to say there are several giants attacking my people, mocking my GOD, and tauntingly sneering at me as they attack my loved ones.  Often, they mock and attempt to provoke me with words like, “Did GOD really say?”/ or “You should take control and do this or that.” But the LORD has clearly said this is HIS battle and I am to stand back and see the deliverance of the LORD.

Another of continuing attacks came this morning and our gracious LORD just brought to mind a verse.  HE had originally impressed me years and years ago with this verse as an explanation and encouragement for some upcoming situations in my life.  One word stuck out.  After asking the LORD what HE meant by that word, I was compelled to go to the original Hebrew.  The word that fascinated me was “SIGN.” 

There are several Hebrew words translated SIGN.  The one used in my verse is owth.  It means an inducement to believe what is affirmed, professed, or promised.  It is something that brings to mind (reminds us of) shows or confirms a truth.  It is used of the rainbow (Genesis 9:13), of the scarlet rope Rahab left dangling through her window on the Jericho wall (Joshua 2:12-18), and although translated into the word mark, owth is the word used when speaking of what GOD did to Cain so that no one would kill him (Genesis 4:15).

It is like the word SIGN used in Mark 16:20 when the HOLY SPIRIT would confirm the message of the disciples going out witnessing of JESUS.

Now the context states that the SIGN is for others not me.  Which definitely goes along with 1 Corinthians 12:7 that tells us that we are given gifts to profit others not ourselves and 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 when GOD tells us we suffer and are comforted by the GOD of all comfort in order that we might be able to comfort others with the very same comfort GOD has given unto us.

In case you are interested, the verse GOD gave me decades ago was, Isaiah 8:18 Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are signs (to bring conviction and confirmation of the trustworthiness of GOD’s Word.  To enable others to keep hanging in there in terrible times for they can see GOD does fulfill HIS promises).  And that is why I write these things to you.

“…I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it, I will also do it” Isaiah 46:11

“GOD is not man, that HE should lie; neither the son of man, that HE should repent; has HE said, and will HE not do it? (of course not!) Or has HE spoken, and will HE not also bring it to pass? Numbers 23:19

Be encouraged, I am.

