Stop and get directions

Have you ever been like the little one in the picture and tried to take on more than you could handle?

Although with GOD all things are possible (Philippians 4:13), we must listen to know what GOD has assigned to each of us and prepared each to do.  For GOD knows the plans HE has for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11) and so does the HOLY SPIRIT (Romans 8:27) who prepares and equips us to be ready for the next assignment.

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are HIS (GOD’s) workmanship (poem), created in CHRIST JESUS to do good works which GOD has prepared in advance that we should walk in them.”

“but will confine our boasting to the sphere of service GOD HIMSELF has assigned to us,” (2 Corinthians 10:13).

It’s too easy to step over into someone else’s territory, because it looks good, or we are asked to do something, or we see a need. Unless it is our assignment, we could be blocking the path of another to do what GOD has assigned to her.

GOD just gives me grace, insight, and strength for what HE has assigned me personally to do. As JESUS said, I can do nothing of eternal value unless CHRIST is behind it and enables me (John 15:5).

Being a people pleaser, it’s been hard for me to say no. If I saw a need I’d rush ahead to take on responsibilities without 1st taking the time to ask the LORD if it was what HE wanted me to do.  Often, I would get overloaded and burdened.    

Through the years, GOD has taught me to stop and wait to hear the LORD’s clear direction (Isaiah 50:10-11).  It is amazing how HE will open doors and lead the way when I am discussing everything over with HIM (Proverbs 3:5-7). 

Life becomes an adventure as the LORD leads me through the nudges of the HOLY SPIRIT.  Truly, “They who wait on the LORD renew their strength, they can run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

My days now begin by asking GOD to lead the way to the things HE has for me and to stop me from taking on something HE wants someone else to do.  I also ask for HIM to keep me from deception, for we are in the days of deception.



Listen up

After praying about a deep concern and asking what part, if any, that I had to play.  The LORD spoke to me with a phrase as I read HIS word, but I had no clue the 2 were connected or that it was an answer to my prayer.

Then someone stopped by and as we talked, he asked, “How can we pray to control our minds from thoughts bombarding them, voices even”.  My response was simple, “Submit yourself to GOD and then resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7) and gave Isaiah 54:17 as a way to resist those unwelcome thoughts.

The phrase the LORD had given me came to mind and I shared it and how important it is for us to receive and comply with that still small voice of instruction we know are good. For if we reject the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT we reject the will/ purpose GOD has for us in that instance.

My visitor said in an accusing manner, “Why are you telling me to do thus and so”  Huh? I replied, ”I didn’t say that at all.  Gave you a part of a Bible verse and explained  that when they rejected to comply with what they knew (were convicted) they should do, then they rejected GOD’s will for them.”

“But the Pharisees and lawyers REJECTED the WILL of GOD for themselves, not having … (Luke 7:30 NKJV)

Apparently, the HOLY SPIRIT took my words and used them to convicted my visitor concerning a real issue he was dealing with.  Join me in praying my visitor will yield to GOD’s word convicting him.

And let’s be sure that we “listen up!” when GOD speaks to us.



GOD works

Have  you ever heard a speaker say something that doesn’t quite jive?  There in an inner check in your SPIRIT… or maybe just a bit of a “Huh?”

You hear of a lot about prophets nowadays, and we are told not to despise prophesying but to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:20-22).  That is because the Bible says in the ‘last days’  (Acts 2:17 last days began when JESUS was raised from the grave) lots of false prophets/teachers and doctrines of demons will deceive many. 

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of GOD: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

“Now the SPIRIT speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1).

Well, how do you test a prophet or what a speaker says?

If they listen to GOD and cause people to hear GOD’s Word they are real prophets (Jeremiah 23:22).

Well how can you know if that is so? GOD said if they don’t agree with MY Word then there is no light of truth in them (Isaiah 8:20).  (Compare what is said with the Bible and make sure it is in context or the principle spoken of applies).

Elijah was a true prophet of GOD: “Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that YOU are GOD in Israel, and that I am YOUR servant, and that I have done all these things at YOUR word” (1 Kings 18:36).

GOD gave Elijah instructions and when Elijah obeyed GOD, the LORD would tell him the next step.  For example, Elijah went and told King Ahab it would not rain until he said so -1 Kings 17:1 (for 3 ½ years it didn’t rain) then GOD told Elijah to go to a specific place by a creek and that HE (the LORD) had commanded ravens to feed him (and they did) 1 Kings 17: 2-4, then when the creek dried up GOD told Elijah to go to a specific country to a widow and that HE had commanded her to provide for Elijah (and she did) 1 Kings 17:7-9.

In the same way, GOD often only leads us one step at a time.

I am pretty sure Elijah got verbal orders from GOD but what about the ravens and the widow?  How did they know what GOD wanted them to do? 

Personally I am confident that they heard the LORD like you and I do.  Let me explain.

“For it is GOD who is at work in you, enabling you both to desire and to act according to HIS chosen purpose” (Philippians 2:13).

Philippians 2:12-13 you have to “work out” what GOD “works in” you— not work to accomplish or earn “your own salvation,” but work it out so you will exhibit the evidence of a life based on a determined, unshakable faith in complete (finished) and perfect work of the LORD /Oswald Chambers.

“the LORD says, ‘I will put MY laws into their hearts (so they desire what I desire), and in their minds will I write them (so that they think like I think)” (Hebrews 10:16).

Therefore, listen to that still small voice speaking a Bible verse or nudging to you make a phone call.  It is GOD working in you to do HIS good will.

Note: as children of GOD (John 1:12), we still can disobey GOD and if we do, we will suffer consequences.  For GOD is a good FATHER and will develop righteousness in us and HE will not hesitate to discipline us when necessary (Hebrews 12:11).  GOD has declared that HE will transform us into the image of HIS SON JESUS through what comes into our lives. (Romans 8:28-29).  And what GOD says HE will do.

The LORD said, “yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it” (Isaiah 46:11).



You must add…

My kids sometimes laugh at my cooking concoctions and often are surprised with how good something is. I like to add garlic and onions and spinach and a touch of sour cream to scrambled eggs.  What do you like to add to yours?

“For by grace (GOD’s Riches at CHRIST’s expense- JESUS death on the cross) are you saved through faith (believing in JESUS death and resurrection and return); and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of GOD: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).

It all begins with faith (Romans 10:17).  Then we are told…”add to your faith virtue” (2 Peter 1:5).

Add is a command showing that we have to do something.

We must not forget that we cannot do what GOD does, and that GOD will not do what HE enables us to do. We cannot save nor sanctify (purify) ourselves. GOD alone does that.

On the other hand, good habits come from choosing to use what GOD has given us (2 Peter 1:2-4).  “According as HIS divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of HIM” (2 Peter 1:3). 

Just as we put away groceries in the pantry or refrigerator, GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings has stored those blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3).  Therefore, just as we must go to the frig to get the eggs out for breakfast, so we must go to the throne to get the grace (GOD’s Riches At CHRIST’s Expense) that already belongs to us to help us in times of need (Hebrews 4:16).

In other words when we know we should do something- but our attitude is bad, we need to go to GOD and ask for whatever is necessary (perhaps patience or gentleness) for a better attitude. If we desire to please HIM, GOD will enable us but GOD will not force us to walk correctly before HIM. We have to choose to do that ourselves.

2 Timothy 2:20-22 tells how we choose to be either vessels of honor or dishonor.  Either way we are GOD’s but the vessels of honor will meet JESUS with confidence, while the vessels of dishonor will be ashamed (1 John 2:28).  The vessels of honor will receive a reward, while the vessels of dishonor will be saved as if coming out of a fire smelling like smoke (1 Corinthians 3:13-15).

Philippians 1:12-13 declares it is our job to “work out” our “own salvation” (not our eternal salvation JESUS paid for that, but to doing what is pleasing to GOD) which GOD has worked in us so we know what HE wants us to do and has given us the power to do it.

JESUS says, “And why call ME, LORD, LORD (Master), and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46).

Add means that its our responsibility to get into the habit of choosing to do whatever GOD nudges us to do.  In the initial stages that can be difficult. After taking the initiative over and over even when we don’t feel like it, we teach ourselves to walk in the SPIRIT.  “This I say then, Walk in the SPIRIT, and you shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).

Beware of the tendency to ask GOD what you should do when you know perfectly well what you should do. Just take the initiative, stop hesitating and take that first step. Be determined to act immediately in faith (believing that although GOD’s ways don’t always make sense to us HE really does know what is best) when GOD speaks (lays something on your heart).

When I hesitate or put off what GOD has impressed on me to do, HE becomes silent.  It is not until I do whatever it is HE told me that HIS peace returns.

I can’t just tell HIM, “I will write that blog,” or “I will send that text”; but I must stop whatever I’m doing and do it!

Develop the habit of carefully listening to GOD when HE nudges you, and also talking over everything with HIM.  GOD told us how to walk in the SPIRIT when HE said, “trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM (talk things over with GOD) and HE will direct your path.  Be not wise in your own eyes…(Proverbs 3:5-7a). For the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE who explains to us what GOD is saying (1 Corinthians 2:10).

If we automatically turn to GOD when a struggle or crisis hits, we know that HE is our LORD and believe HE has the answers.



Am I paying attention?

Where there is no revelation [direction from GOD], the people cast off restraint… (Proverbs 29:18).

Without a purpose, when one does not have a GOD given direction to take there is a restlessness, an emptiness, a hopelessness that leads to irresponsible action.  Without GOD leading we can easily lose sight of GOD and begin to be reckless. We cast off certain restraints from activities we know are wrong. We set prayer aside as well and cease having GOD’s vision (direction) in the little things of life. We simply begin to act on our own initiative.

On the other hand direction from GOD gives moral incentive to be part of GOD’s plan.  That is why we need to start our days asking the LORD what HE wants us to do.  A word from HIM to our heart can produce an excitement, freshness and purpose.

“For it is GOD who works (places) in you both to will (to see a need and know you can make a difference) and to do (are enabled /equipped to do it) with GOD’s good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).

Most often for me the revelation (vision/ direction) comes in what I term “a nudge from GOD”. There are many ways the nudge can come: when I read the Bible, or hear a report, or see a need. The vision is often just an awareness that I need to do a specific thing.  Let me say it is a given that a nudge from GOD never contradicts the nature of GOD for GOD will never tell me to do something wrong.  HIS directives cover even seemingly small activities like doing dishes or making a phone call.  We have no clue what effect our actions will have on others.

Once I am nudged, it is in my court.  I know what GOD wants me to do and know my responsibility is to do it.  But like Jonah (Jonah 4:2) I can refuse to comply and make excuses. For me that only happens when I am tunnel-vision focused on what I want or think and thereby lose sight of the greatness of GOD, HIS wisdom, and HIS perfect love. 

The sad thing is once I turn from a command (GOD given direction/ nudge- big or small), I have turned my back on GOD and there is a disconnect. If I don’t judge my actions and thoughts and confess (1 John 1:9) when the HOLY SPIRIT convicts me, I end up justifying myself. When that happens GOD will step in with discipline (ouch) like any good FATHER (1 Corinthians 11:31-32).

GOD only disciplines those HE loves and has accepted, those who are HIS children (Hebrews 12:6-8). There is an awesome promise that goes with GOD’s discipline. No matter how hard the discipline may seem GOD guarantees that it will accomplish HIS purpose and produce righteousness and right action in us (Hebrews 12:11, 2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

Remember, GOD is changing us so we participate in JESUS’ divine nature (Romans 8:29, 2 Peter 1:4).

I have learned through the years that by quickly obeying GOD’s nudges doesn’t just keep me from discipline, it brings me quiet joy and satisfaction as I enter into the things GOD has designed me to do (Ephesians 2:10).



Walk in the SPIRIT

JESUS said, “He who believes in ME…out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. (But this HE spoke of the SPIRIT, which they that believe on HIM should receive: for the HOLY GHOST was not yet given; because that JESUS was not yet glorified.)  JOHN 7:38-39

We have nothing to do with the outflow of the rivers of living water except to follow the inner leading we are given. For we are GOD’s workmanship created in CHRIST JESUS unto good works that GOD has prepared ahead for us to WALK in (not do)-Ephesians 2:10.  That is why is so important to pay attention to those nudges we get and in that way WALK in the SPIRIT (following those nudges GOD places within us Philippians 2:13).

For as we KEEP STEP with the SPIRIT (Galatians 5:25 NIV)- GOD works through us as the HOLY SPIRIT flows  living water through us to meet the needs of others.

A river reaches places which its source never knows. And JESUS said that, if we have received HIM, “rivers of living water” will flow out of us, reaching others in blessing regardless of how small the visible effect we see that we have.

Today a text came to affirm that a nudge I had to pray for a person I met once 25 years ago was from the HOLY SPIRIT.  It is such an encouragement and a joy to get confirmation and helps me walk in the blind (by faith) boldly following the HOLY SPIRIT’s still small voice

So be sure to follow those nudges and in that way keep in step with the SPIRIT.



How come I’m different than you?

Where do we get our instinctive knowing and flashes of insight?

Why do salmon leave the cool fast-flowing fresh-water streams where they are born and make their way out to the salty sea when they are about two years old? After spending years in the ocean, growing considerably in size, what drives them on to battle against the powerful current, to swim up freshwater streams. Who taught them to climb water falls much higher than they can jump, by swimming and leaping upward, propelling themselves by using their powerful tails against the current? They do not feed on their journey upstream. This journey may be only a few hundred yards or over two thousand miles depending on the species and the stream. (The longest know journey is 2,400 miles).

Who designed them so that they could get energy from stored fat? When they arrive to where they were born, who instructed them to dig nests (known as ‘redds’), then spawn (lay eggs). Thus, continuing the salmon cycle.’ Who placed within them the drive to go back to where they were born? With no GPS, what guides them to their birthplace? It is their Creator, the only wise GOD.

We are all familiar with flocks of birds flying south, but what prompts birds to fly south for the winter, and then return come spring to where they hatched? Men have speculated this and that, but I know it is their Creator who has motivated and taught them what to do.

In the same way it is GOD who places within us desires to do one thing or another? (Philippians 2:13).

We are told that it is GOD who gives intelligence, instinct (understanding), and inspiration -HE is behind every good discovery and helpful invention (Job 32:8, 38:36 NLT).

It is stated specifically that GOD chose the man Bezalel for a special job, then filled him with the HOLY SPIRIT and gave him ability, understanding and intelligence to do what needed to be done, plus HE gave him the understanding needed to teach others how to do their jobs (Exodus 31:1,35:30-35).

Before people could read, and the subsequent ‘know how’ books were written, how did the farmer know just what to do? The Bible says that “GOD has given him understanding” (Isaiah 28:26).

“The LORD ALMIGHTY is a wonderful teacher, and HE gives the farmer great wisdom (understanding)” (Isaiah 28:29).

Though GOD gave the Ostrich great speed and so she can outrun a horse, and has quite a punch, able to kill a lion with a single kick, why does she not know to bury her eggs? Scripture says that GOD did not give her understanding in that area (Job 39:13-18). That is right, GOD did not teach her that.

One of my daughters was told, by a special ed educator, that her oldest son who, was in kindergarten at the time, could never learn. My daughter took him out of public school, and home schooled him. Bit by bit, he learned as she went over and over the basics. Still, he struggled in some areas, such as with reading, and reading comprehension. Meanwhile, he fell in love with computers. At age seven, he could connect and disconnect computer systems to do amazing things. But he wanted to know more and that desire placed within him to know more (Philippians 2:13) drove him to teach himself how to read so he could find out more. He went back for awhile to public high school and he helped some of his teachers with computer problems.

It is GOD who made my grandson, like the ostrich, with strengths and with weaknesses. HE gave the boy great understanding in some areas, while withholding from him the understanding of other things. I don’t know why, but it is all according to GOD purposes, for GOD works all things according to HIS purposes (Ephesians 1:11).

The same is true of you and me.  GOD made each of us with both strengths, and weaknesses according to the specific plan HE has for each of us (Ephesians 2:10).

“Who makes you differ from another? What do you have that you have not received? So if you have received it, why do you boast as though you were not given it?” (1 Corinthians 4:7).

Be like my grandson who went with (worked out Philippians 2:12) the desire to know more placed within him by the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (Philippians 2:13). Go with the nudges GOD places within you, and use what you have been given, then you will be given more (Mark 4:23-24).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2).


Ever spontaneously, seemingly out of nowhere, you know you need to call someone?  And when you did you learned they really needed someone to talk to?  Once we come to JESUS, GOD puts ideas in our heads and hearts according to what HE wants us to do (Philippians 2:13) that is all part of how the New Covenant works (Hebrews 10:16, 2 Corinthians 3:6).

The blatant  refusal of the Jews to trust GOD or HIS servant Moses, as GOD delivered them from their bondage in Egypt and led them toward the Promise land set the stage for the introduction of the law, which set up clear religious and moral standards that if followed would shape Israel into a just and holy people, who reflected the character of their GOD.

One basic difference between the law and the New Covenant is NOT what is right and wrong. For GOD’s glory (all that is true about HIM) remains absolutely the same and it is the standard (Romans 3:23).   

The Law demands RIGID ADHERANCE to divine standards by self-effort, which is totally impossible due to the weakness of the flesh (sin nature Romans 8:3).  The very reason the law was given was to show men their need of CHRIST (Romans 3:19-20).

In the New Covenant (which is entered into when believing in JESUS and given the HOLY SPIRIT) is SPONTANEOUS action as the HOLY SPIRIT leads and nudges us along to meet the needs of others.  HE flows through us to others the glorious qualities of the divine nature as living water flows from an artesian well (John 7:38-39, Philippians 2:13, 1 Thessalonians 5:24).

As we walk with GOD, learning more and more about HIM in HIS word and complying as GOD enables with the nudges and checks of the HOLY SPIRIT we are changed and reflect the likeness of our GOD (2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 1:4).

Note: After coming to CHRIST JESUS and being gloriously saved, when we refuse to listen and obey the SPIRIT’s leading, GOD must discipline us, just as a parent disciplines an erring child (1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Hebrews 12:4-11).  The discipline is purposeful and will develop righteousness in the ones exercised by it.

It amazes me that GOD has called us to a relationship with HIM where HE spontaneously leads us, nudging us into action to meet the needs around us.



Out of the blue

Whether getting directions in doing something new, or driving a car, especially in snow or in heavy traffic, it is essential that we give it our utmost attention.

Take heed is just one of several words used throughout the Bible telling us to pay attention.  We are told to pay attention to what we hear, so we can do what GOD prescribes (Mark :23-24) and to pay attention that we are not deceived.  But there is more than one way to hear.  We hear with our ears and eyes, but we also get impressions within, something I like to call whispers or nudges. 

Whispers or nudges (impressions) can come from GOD or the evil one.  But it is easy to discern the source if you just ask GOD.  HE promises to show us if we just stop and ask HIM. But we must be willing to accept what GOD tells us and go with it if we expect HIM to answer.  If we ask and are willing to follow through none can trick us for no one is stronger that GOD and HE, who cannot lie (Titus 1:2), promises to direct our steps, though not necessarily explain it all to us (James 1:5-7, Proverbs 3:5-7).

Like the prophets and the apostles of old were moved by the HOLY SPIRIT, to go and to do to speak or to write so each of us who belong to JESUS have heard that still small voice of the HOLY SPIRIT nudging us to do something. Sadly, we have often brushed away that awareness that we needed to do something and ignored it only to realize later that if we had acted on that nudge it was exactly what was needed. 

Out of the blue do you ever feel the need to call someone? Check it out it may be GOD’s instructions to you.

We need to pay attention, to slow down and listen when we feel a nudge from GOD.  It only takes a second to ask. “LORD is this really from YOU?” If the nudge persists no matter how silly or hard it may seem– do it! Remember we are warned against leaning/ depending on our own understanding and being wise in our own eyes and instructed to trust the LORD with all our hearts for HE knows what HE is doing (Proverbs 3:5-7).

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace(Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).

