A clothesline

I love hanging out clothes and the way sheets feel and smell after drying outside. Until we moved to Pueblo, we always had a clothesline, or I’d rig one up myself.  If you look closely behind my two oldest girls and our blind dog sitting in the grass in front of the little picket fence of a ramshackle house we lived in 55 summers ago, you will see clothes I hung up on a makeshift clothesline.

Then in 2008 we moved to Pueblo and one day, I glanced out my dining room window into the back yard of my neighbor, and saw something I wanted, a clothesline.  As I looked at it, my thoughts took it even further and I said to myself, “they don’t even use it.”   Then the Holy SPIRIT nudged me, “you are lusting, Sharon.”

“Oh, LORD,” I cried out, “I’m sorry, Thank you for my dryer.” 

Then it hit, the realization, and I had to smile at the humor of GOD in answering my arrow prayer for a lead-in to the devotion on my heart to write.

After the waves of the Red Sea came crashing down over their enemies the Egyptian troops chasing them, (the Jews) believed HIS (GOD’s) words, they sang HIS praise. (but) They soon forgot HIS works, they waited not for HIS counsel, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness and tempted GOD in the desert.

What happened?  The Jews got to thinking about the different kinds of food they had back in Egypt. The more they thought about it, the more they focused on those delicious foods and forgot all about what GOD had done for them (Psalm 106:12-14).

Scientists have discovered a way to see thoughts and have learned that each thought is like a small branch growing on a tree.  If I understand correctly, the more you think of something the stronger the branch becomes.

Here in Pueblo, we have some pretty old trees with huge branches.  Well, if you think about wanting something over and over, it becomes a stronghold, like a huge branch (2 Corinthians 10:4) that keeps you captive and revisiting those thoughts.

That is why GOD speaks so much about changing our thoughts.

John 14:1 Let not your heart (thoughts) be troubled, Believe in GOD, believe also in ME.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding…

Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to GOD.

2 Corinthians 4:15 For all things are for your sakes 16. Therefore, we do not lose heart…17 for our momentary and light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison 18 while we look not at the things we seen (our situation with its struggles), but at what is not seen (that which GOD is achieving and producing for us through our situation with its struggles).  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

We lust when we focus on what we think we want- it makes us dissatisfied, and we lose our GOD focused perspective. That lust and our dissatisfaction will grow in intensity as we think on it.  

But, we have the power of GOD to run to JESUS for mercy and grace to help in our times of need (Hebrews 4:16). When my thoughts go where they should not, in anger or lust, I run to JESUS and HE enables me to control my thoughts, as HE redirects them by showing me how HE looks at things by bringing Bible verses to my mind (2 Corinthians 10:5, Proverbs 21:1).  I don’t know how HE does it, but it works.  It always works.

Looking unto JESUS,



It had escaped my notice

Something had escaped my notice and it took seeing a little blue car for the HOLY SPIRIT to teach me.  You may laugh at me, for it is quite simple yet very significant to me, so I am going to tell you about it.

As I passed the elementary school on my morning walk this morning, I saw a new little car painted the most beautiful blue.  It was a shade I don’t remember seeing before and in the split second I was admiring it, I was reminded of a piece of a bible verse and in a flash of insight, I suddenly understood more than I’d ever seen in that verse before. I will highlight the section that exploded like a firecracker as I lay the foundation and put this truth into Bible context.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD…14 and the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld HIS glory, the glory of the only begotten of the FATHER (GOD), full of grace and truth.

So, we see clearly that the WORD, spoken of here who is with GOD and is GOD is the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

John 1:3 All things were made by HIM and without HIM not anything (not a single thing) was made that was made.

Hebrews 1 verifies that JESUS is GOD and the Creator of all things.  Hebrews 1:3 (GOD) has in these last days spoken to us by HIS SON whom HE has appointed heir of all things, by whom (JESUS) also HE (GOD the FATHER) made the worlds. 8 to the SON (GOD the FATHER) said, O GOD YOUR throne is forever…10 O LORD in the beginning YOU laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the works of YOUR hands.

So how does John 1:3 without HIM not anything (not a single thing) was made that was made have to do with that beautiful blue color I was admiring? 

JESUS made all things that were made, The Greek construction of the words ‘were made’ are in the perfect tense meaning they were made and continue to be.  JESUS made all the elements that exist and those elements continue to be.  Those elements JESUS made were used in the making of that beautiful blue.  Therefore, that beautiful blue could not have been made without JESUS.

Without JESUS nothing could or can be made and that highlights another aspect of JESUS who died for the sins of the world that any who believe in HIM might not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

In the same way that nothing can be made without JESUS, so also no one can come to GOD without JESUS.

John 14:6 JESUS said unto him, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to (GOD) the FATHER but by ME.

Do you have access to GOD the FATHER?



Where do I find it?

I read a quote I want to share with you. “In a time where the world seems to have collectively lost its mind, our hearts and minds are protected with a peace that surpasses all understanding” / Amir Tsarfati.

The Word of GOD tell us to: “Be careful for (worry about) nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto GOD.  And the peace of GOD, which passes (throws you beyond) all understanding, shall keep (guard) your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS” (Philippians 4:6-7).

It is nothing new and may seem insignificant to many, but beginning with the awareness that the word begotten means comes from (John 1:14, 3:16), over and over this morning I began seeing everything good comes from GOD our FATHER (James 1:17) including all insight, all understanding, even all opposition.

Then someone asked what I meant that all opposition came from GOD.  Bible verses flooded my mind to answer her.  I am not saying that GOD devises bad for us, but rather everything must be allowed by GOD so must come through HIM to get to us.  HIS (GOD’s) intent is always for good.

Just look at Job chapters 1, 2, 42 and notice GOD sets boundaries of what can come our way.

Then there is the truth, “What you meant for evil, GOD meant for good to accomplish” (Genesis 50:20).  That truth is also seen in 2 Corinthians 4:15-17.

“GOD works all things for the end result of good to those who love HIM and are the called according to HIS purpose … (for) them HE also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of HIS SON that HE (JESUS) would be the 1st among many brethren” (Romans 8:28-29).

Pressure applied to a person exposes problems that need to be dealt with, reveals character and gives opportunity for growth and/ or service.

The tremendous opposition the Apostle Paul endured even got him thrown into jail. Which opened opportunities to witness to kings and guards and write scriptures that are still teaching us today.  Plus, Paul’s physical ailment kept him from becoming too proud (2 Corinthians 12:7).

As we are told, GOD’s ways and thoughts are not like ours but vastly higher and better and always accomplish what HE wants done (Isaiah 55:8-9, 11).

Knowing nothing can touch me without GOD’s permission helps me accept hard things that come, because I know GOD loves me and has good, wise plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11).  Knowing that GOD does nothing without a good reason (Ezekiel 14:23) also enables me to walk in peace during the storms and struggles we are told we will face for GOD promises never to leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

Where can I get knowledge?  The Bible tells me so.



What do you think about?

What do you think about?

The wicked, through the PRIDE of his countenance (arrogance), will not seek after GOD: GOD is not in all his thoughts (Psalm 10:4).  Pride, thinking that we know better or can handle it on our own, keeps us from seeking GOD in whom is all wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:2-3).

But we who have come to GOD through believing in JESUS CHRIST (Hebrews 7:25), are told to stir up our minds by remembering GOD and are to be mindful of the Word of GOD (2 Peter 3:1-2). 

That says that our minds are to be FULL of the Word of GOD.  That we should meditate on it/ THINK about the Word of GOD (OT and NT) day in, day out.  We are commanded to do what GOD told Joshua: “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth (talk about it); but you shalt meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shalt make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success. (Joshua 1:8).

Well, today I found myself in the longest chapter in the Bible- Psalm 119.  Every verse speaks about GOD’s word.  Out of its 176 verses two struck me forcefully today for they emphasized the need to be mindful (think about the Word of GOD. 

 Before, I was AFFLICTED I went astray: but now have I kept YOUR word… It is good for me that I have been AFFLICTED (HUH?); that I might learn thy statutes” (Psalm 119:67, 71).

That perfect man Job who suffered so greatly said something similar. “(before my affliction) I have heard of YOU by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seen YOU” (Job 42:5).

I think those verses hit me with force because so many I know have problems upon problems. 

The practicality of meditating (thinking) on Bible verses is seen here.  For knowing that AFFLICTION teaches me enables me to endure with anticipation of something good coming from it and I know I can go to the throne of grace to get help in my times of need (Hebrews 4:16).

GOD’s word, “Your momentary troubles are achieving for you eternal glory that far exceeds the pain of today so don’t look at what you can see (your situation) for it is temporary,  but look at what is unseen (what GOD is achieving for you through your situation) for it is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:17). 

Like my little illustration states: Meditating on the Word of GOD helps us get past the clutter in our minds.



What should I do?

Ever wonder what is happening in the world?   Why are things so crazy and getting so violent? That takes us back to “GOD made man upright, but THEY sought out many schemes” (Ecclesiastes 7:29). When we do what is right in our own eyes we run into troubles because “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his (own) steps” (Jeremiah 10:23).

If you think things are bad now, this is nothing compared to what we are told will occur around the time the Antichrist rises and his 7-year treaty with the Jews is signed and the 7-year Tribulation (called Jacob’s trouble -Jeremiah 30:7) begins (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 6).

So how can find hope and direction?

GOD the FATHER so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Begotten (unique/ not made but eternal) SON- JESUS that whosoever believes in HIM will have eternal life (John 3:16).  And to as many as received HIM (JESUS) to them HE gave the power to become the sons of GOD, even to them that believe on HIS name (John 1:12).

To those GOD foreknew (would believe in JESUS) GOD decreed (predestined) to be conformed to the image of HIS (only Begotten) SON, that HE (JESUS) might be the 1st of many brethren (Romans 8:29).

Notice that GOD sent HIS ONLY begotten SON so that HE might have MANY sons.  Amazing truth isn’t it? That does not mean we who believe in JESUS will be gods but that we are true children of GOD, sharing HIS image and HIS nature.

Hebrews 2:10 tells us that it was fitting for HIM (GOD the FATHER), for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons (us who believe in JESUS-1 John 3:1-2) unto glory, to make the captain (Leader/ JESUS) of their salvation perfect through sufferings.”

In other words, to lead us (who believe in JESUS and have become children of GOD-John 1:12) into maturity and conformed to HIS image, JESUS had to suffer. And did HE ever suffer! Though eternal Creator of the universes, JESUS voluntarily took on a human body (Philippians 2:5-8), suffered poverty, indignities, ridicule, humiliation and then shame (Hebrews 12:2) and indescribably awful pain as HE was whipped and then hung on the cross and bled so that we might be washed from our sins by HIS blood (Revelation 1:5), saved and reconciled to GOD (2 Corinthians 5:19-20) with the right to be called the children of GOD.

However, I’d like to pinpoint just one of the things I find absolutely, remarkably amazing.  As JESUS lived on earth in such a way as to LEAD us to know how to live (2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrews 12:2-3) we are told over and over all JESUS did and said was in compliance to what GOD the FATHER told HIM to do and say (John 8:28).  HE never did anything on HIS own.

That is what JESUS meant when HE said “man shall not live by bread alone (physical nourishment) but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4).

And what Solomon meant when the HOLY SPIRIT led him to pen, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN not on your own understanding.  In all your ways (in everything) acknowledge (talk to) HIM and HE will direct your path (you will know something you need to do).  Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the LORD and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7).

In other words, we need to do what GOD says. And HE gave us the Bible to tell us what that is. “All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (1 Timothy 3:16). By using the great and precious promises found in HIS book we can escape the corruption that is in the world through lusts and actually participate in the divine nature/ the very nature of GOD (2 Peter 1:4).

Yesterday I was struck with GOD’s instructions in how we should live in this crazy world as I read Psalm 37. In it GOD tells us NOT TO FRET 3 times, to TRUST GOD 3 times and to WAIT FOR GOD 3 times.  Since repetition in the Bible always indicates emphasis, those 3 words sound like instructions to me.

DON’T FRET at all the evil prospering around the world (Philippians 4:6-7), you can only do that by TRUSTING GOD is in control, is with you (Hebrews 13:5) and leading you in how you should go (Psalm 25:12), in that way WAIT for JESUS to come catch you (who believe in JESUS) away before everything breaks loose when the 7-year Tribulation begins.

“What man is he that fears the Lord? him shall GOD teach in the way that he shall choose” (Psalm 25:12).



Have you read the instructions?

Why don’t things come with instructions anymore? 

I can follow instructions but am at a loss in areas that I have not learned.  Being in my mid-70s I am not technologically savvy like my grand or even great grandchildren. When I needed a new phone with enough space for my cochlear app it took my grandchildren to set it up for me.  And when I run into a problem on my computer or phone who do I run to? my grandchildren, of course.

But praise the LORD! Unlike man, GOD has given us an instruction book-HIS word, the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All scripture is given by inspiration of GOD (is GOD breathed), and is profitable for doctrine (to teach us), for reproof (show us right from wrong), for correction, for instruction in righteousness (in how to do what is right.)”  But instructions are only good if you follow them.  JESUS said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD” Matthew 4:4.

A group of us gals heard of a deep need and in obedience to GOD’s instructions we were going to pray concerning it (Luke 18:1).  One gal had a thought flash through her mind and shared it with us.  It sounded reasonable, even attractive but… there was a bit of hesitancy.  As we learned in Genesis, not every thought that comes into our minds is from GOD.  That the old serpent (the Devil) loves to transform himself into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and whisper in our ears.  That is why the Bible tells us to take every thought captive to JESUS (2 Corinthians 10:5). Talk it over with HIM.

Hebrews 1:1 tells us we are in the last days, that they began with JESUS coming to earth.  1 Timothy 4:1 says that in the latter times some are tricked and depart from truth paying attention to deceiving spirits and suggestions/ teachings of devils. So especially now we must be careful to do things according to GOD’s instructions. How do you get them those instructions? Read the bible and pray.

JESUS said: that the one who had HIS commands/instructions (which are available to all of us) and follows them that one loves JESUS  (John 14:21) and HE said, “If you love ME do what I say” (John 14:15) and furthermore “Why call me LORD, LORD and do not do the things I say?” (Luke 6:46)

We are told not to quench the SPIRIT’s instructions or despise prophesy (that flash of insight could have very well been a word straight from GOD for the situation) but then we are instructed to test all things (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22).  So how do you test them?  Isaiah 8:20 tells us to check what the Bible says on the issue and if the words don’t agree with HIS word then there is no truth in it.

Following GOD’s written instructions, one asked the LORD to show her what to pray. An actual Bible episode came to mind exposing that flash of light suggestion was not of GOD.  Then promises of GOD from the word of GOD flooded her mind directing  her in how to pray (that was the HOLY SPIRIT leading the way as HE always does (Philippians 2:13, Hebrews 10:16).  Isn’t GOD good to us?

I am so grateful that not only has GOD given us instructions but has also given to every believer in JESUS HIS HOLY SPIRIT (John 7:38-39) to teach us how to apply and live out what the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY wants done!

Have you read the instruction book? Are you following what it says?



JESUS said

How long would you live if you did not eat or drink?  Now bread will nourish our physical body but what about our spirit (that part of us that fellowships with GOD)?

I had never quite grasped what JESUS meant about eating HIS flesh and drinking HIS blood until I pondered the surrounding verses this morning.

But HE (JESUS) answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD” (Matthew 4:4).

Notice JESUS is equating GOD’s word as nourishing and necessary for people, as bread is for our bodies to live.

“It is the SPIRIT that gives life; the flesh (body) does not profit (isn’t nourished): the words that I (JESUS) speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are life” (John 6:63).

JESUS’ words=the SPIRIT who gives life.

When JESUS spoke, HE spoke truth/ words given HIM by GOD the FATHER (John 8:28).  The HOLY SPIRIT takes that Word and convicts men that those Words of GOD are truth (John 16:8, 1 Corinthians 2:10)   If one receives (believes and accepts) the Word of GOD spoken by JESUS, he receives the HOLY SPIRIT for JESUS words are SPIRIT and HE gives life (John 6:63, Ephesians 1:13, 2:1, 5).

“So, then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of GOD” (Romans 10:17).

Now in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD.  The same was in the beginning with GOD (John 1:1-2) And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among men (and we beheld HIS glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the FATHER,) full of grace and truth (John 1:14).

From Genesis to Revelation we find GOD revealing HIMSELF and HIS plan through prophecy and “the testimony of JESUS is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).

We see in John 1:14 that the Word of GOD is JESUS.  In John 6:50-51 JESUS declares HE was the true bread from heaven.  Now remember (John 6:63). What JESUS says/ HIS Words are SPIRIT and give us life but the flesh/ our bodies profit nothing. When we eat that bread/ the Word of GOD/JESUS (by receiving the Word of GOD by faith) it gives us an outflow of the HOLY SPIRIT and HE gives us life and nourishment for our spiritual life.

A graphic illustration that believing/ receiving for oneself the Word of GOD/JESUS gives life is found when JESUS spoke the Word, “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM (JESUS) should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Spiritual life comes through believing in JESUS birth, death, resurrection and that HE is coming back for us which produces a calling on the name of the LORD to save us (Romans 10:9-10, 13).  Now we grow and are nourished spiritually as we read/ hear, meditate on and receive GOD’s Word as truth (Matthew 4:4, John 7:17).  That is called eating JESUS flesh (John 6:54-55). We are told in 1 Peter 2:2 to be like a baby drinking his bottle, we are to eagerly desire and drink in the Word of GOD so that we might grow spiritually.

Now drinking JESUS blood is to accept the finished work of JESUS accomplished on the cross for the remission/ full payment of our sins. Blood is necessary for the remission and forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 9:22, 10:14) On the cross when JESUS said it is finished (John 19:30), HE was stating that HE had paid off the death penalty for all sin and had disarmed the devil and demons (Colossians 2:13-14).

We not only have been given the opportunity to believe and accept our Maker and Savior’s gift of life and forgiveness of sin by believing in JESUS, but also we are told to remember JESUS, HIS suffering and death on our behalf through the eating of bread (symbolic of HIS body) and drinking a sip of wine/grape juice (a symbol of HIS blood) and in this way show the LORD’s death until HE comes (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

JESUS said, If you abide in ME (walk with ME, following ME) and MY words remain in you (you are to think about them and act in accordance with JESUS’ HOLY SPIRIT filled words) then you may ask what you wish and it will be given to you (John 15:7).

Wow! That is an amazing promise.  How can that be?  GOD doesn’t always answer the way we ask.

If you believe in JESUS (eat HIS flesh), you have the HOLY SPIRIT living in you and Philippians 2:13 and Hebrews 10:16 says the HOLY SPIRIT places GOD’s desires in our heart (so we want what GOD wants) and HE writes GOD’s thoughts in our mind so we know what GOD wants us to do.  If we listen to HIS still small voice and obey those GOD given nudges we will only want and ask for GOD’s will. Of course GOD can always give us that which is HIS will (1 John 5:14-15).



What people see

When I was 11 my parents divorced and began new lives with different people.  A few months later right after I turned 12 my grandpa died I went to live with my grandmother who was a semi-invalid to help her like little Orphan Annie to wash the cups and saucers.  But it was the best move in my young life though at 1st I feared  Momo because I didn’t knew her.  She was a Christian and full of love although very strict.  She taught me about values and skills such as cleaning and although she could not go she arranged and insisted I go to church every Sunday.  It was there I came to JESUS. 

My grandmother, Momo, had taped a poem right over the kitchen sink where I did the dishes every night.  A verse of it read:

I am my neighbor’s Bible, he reads me when we meet

It may be in my home, it may be on the street.

He may be a relative, or maybe a friend

He may not even know my name but yet he’s reading me. /anonymous

Seeing that poem each day, got me to thinking about it. My sister Rose and I did dishes together. To make the time go faster we put a tune to the poem and would often sing it. And the words settled down into my heart.

If she had done nothing more than taped that poem up where I would see it every day, my grandmother would still have had a tremendous and lasting influence on me. For that concept that my attitude and actions as well as my words are evangelizing what I believe to all who see or hear me  sunk deep down deep into my soul.

In the bible we are told of a woman, the mother of a king, who was his counselor to do wickedly.  Can you even imagine a mom doing that? She actively counseled her son to do wrong (2 Chronicles 22:3). It is horrifying to think that some action of mine, let alone some advice of mine, would encourage my children (or someone else) to do wrong.

What are people reading when they see you, when they see me?

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith



It makes no sense.

It doesn’t make any sense!

When unbelievers say the Bible makes no sense that is right on. For we are told that only through the HOLY SPIRIT’s interpretation to men can they understand the things of GOD.

The HOLY SPIRIT comes to us as a teacher and seals us when we believe in JESUS and call on HIS name -Ephesians 1:13-14, I Corinthians 2:10-12, Romans 10:13).  From that point on we have the Mind of GOD living in us to explain things to us (1 Corinthians 2:16).

Though it is clear that grasping the truths of GOD and HIS word is progressive- here a little, there a little, line upon line (2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 1:1-4).  Yet many believers struggle with making any sense of what they read in the Bible, so have quit reading.

While talking with the LORD this morning about some who say they know JESUS but don’t read the Bible because it doesn’t make any sense to them, 2 Corinthians 3:16.  Then I heard a still small whisper, “Sharon, what about the times you sit down with your Bible and it makes no sense?”

That is a good point.

“Nevertheless, when someone shall turn to the LORD, the veil (that keeps them from understanding the Scriptures) is taken away (see 2 Corinthians 3:14,16).

This was speaking about why Jews don’t understand the Old Testament.  But since the Bible says things happened to the Jews for our learning, those truths apply to us too.

1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Romans 15:4  For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

Therefore, when an unbeliever accepts the LORD they get the HOLY SPIRIT who opens up their understanding of the Scriptures and the ways of GOD.

Now that whisper I got about times reading the Bible is like looking at a book in a foreign language I have not learned… I take certain steps.  At those times if I turn in prayer to the LORD and ask HIM what is blocking me from understanding (for I know I can grieve or quench the HOLY SPIRIT). GOD will show me.

The believers who struggles with getting anything from their reading of the Bible perhaps would be helped if they turned to the LORD and simply asked “Why LORD?” If they are willing to do whatever the LORD brings to their minds GOD promises to show them (John 7:17). 

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of GOD, that gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not (doesn’t bring up the past); and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers (I’ll do it if it sounds good, I won’t if it doesn’t) is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.  For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the LORD.  A double minded man (one only willing to do what agrees with his thinking) is unstable in all his ways” (James 1:5-8).



What is your life saying?

When you look through your glasses or out of a window and they are smudged or dirty, you can see what is beyond.  But isn’t everything clearer and more in focus when you have cleaned your glasses or washed the windows?  That is how I would describe what happened for me this morning.

The LORD made me get up and send this to you.  I’d just been asking the LORD to show me things about HIMSELF. Been under the weather and so probably that prompted the topic of JESUS suffering. You know JESUS came to earth for far more than to bear our sins on the cross (1 Corinthians 15:3) so we could be forgiven (Hebrews 9:22) and be reconciled to GOD (2 Corinthians 5:18), HE came also to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:5) and ultimately the devil himself (Hebrews 2:14) and more, like coming to show people what GOD was really like (John 14:9, Hebrews 1:1-3) and how HE does things.

As GOD was designating how HE develops HIS (JESUS) character in us (2 Peter 1:4, Romans 8:29, James 1:2-4) HE brought my friend Donna to my mind as a vivid illustration.  For HE know a picture is worth a 1,000 words to me.

1st she had Lupus then GOD healed her. Next came COPD and for the past 13 or so years she’s been on oxygen 24×7, and that is not even mentioning her arthritis.  She claims that if it were not for that oxygen tank she carries around she’s wouldn’t be in Bible study for she would be at the stables with the horses that were her life.

2 Peter 1:1-4 speaks of how awesome things happen as we grow in our knowledge of GOD and our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that as the HOLY SPIRIT shows us more of JESUS HE also changes us into that likeness (of JESUS) a step at a time. 

As GOD the HOLY SPIRIT shows Donna how GOD cares for others, HE pours GOD’s love into her heart (Romans 5:5) more and more. She constantly is aware of the people around her (the people on the streets, the ones in the cars passing by, the ones on Facebook.  She feels sorrow for their struggles and their hurts and is concerned about the details of their lives and their needs.  Donna is GOD’s workmanship, HIS Poem, showing others how GOD cares for them and the details of their lives.

GOD says we who believe in JESUS and have become GOD’s children (John 1:12) and sealed with HIS HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 1:13-14) are HIS ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:18-21).  In the Greek when it says we are GOD’s Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) it is saying we are GOD’s poem.  Through each of us the LORD is saying something specific to the world for we are our neighbor’s Bible, they read us when we meet.  They may not even know our names but yet, they’re reading you and me.

Now another girlfriend of mind, Barb, is GOD’s poem about HIS exceedingly abundant generosity in giving gifts (James 1:17) and how HE knows our likes (Psalm 84:10) and in wisdom provides for our needs (Matthew 6:25-33). She declares God nudges her to do what she does.  I believe her.

Each of us who have called on the name of the LORD and been saved (Romans 10:9,10, 13), we who stay in HIS Word and do what the Word and HIS nudges prompt us to do reveal something specific about GOD to those around us.

Totally amazing and yet humbling isn’t it?

Hugs, Sharon