A lady and a basket

I was sent this delightful story and just had to share it.

            The Lady And The Basket    by Loreen   

A funny story tells about an old lady who was living in the village. She had never owned nor even been in a car before.  One day, she was returning home from the market carrying a big heavy basket on her head, when a rich man riding his car passed by.  Kindly, he offered to drive the lady to her home.  She thanked him and got into the car with her basket.

On the way, the man glanced at the lady in the mirror, still holding her basket over her head.  

Astonished, he asked her to lay the basket down in the car and rest.

The old lady naively replied, “Oh my son, your car is carrying me; this is enough, I should not burden it carrying my basket too!”

What an innocently funny response!  We sometimes do the same with GOD.  Every day, GOD carries us during the day. Still, we insist on carrying our heavy baskets of worries and fear of
 the future, for family, kids, spouse, money, job, etc…

We are carried by Almighty Hands, watched over by Sleepless Eyes and GOD plans our future.  Let us then relax and lay down everything in GOD’s Hands.  The old lady, if she agreed to lay down the basket, would have to carry it again when she got back home. But the beautiful thing about GOD is that once we cast our heavy basket in HIS Hands, we do not need to worry about it anymore.

PS-Just a thought from Sharon, Though the burden is lifted, GOD at times will give us instructions for action on our part concerning the basket.  If HE does, follow HIS instructions exactly. “For it is GOD who works (places in us) in us both (the the knowledge and desire) to will (determination) and (enables us) to do of HIS good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). The burden must remain on GOD not us.  for “faithful is HE who calls us who will also do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24).



Faith comes by hearing

Like Precious Faith

Have you even woke up with a thought vibrating within you? This morning at 4 am I was wide awake with the KJ term like precious faith ringing in my thoughts.  I got up and proceeded to pray for specific ones who one by one came to mind.  I prayed simply that they would gain/ receive a precious faith like mine.

The NASB translates it: faith of the same kind / the NIV translates it faith as precious as ours

In other words, I was praying for the LORD to speak to them, for faith comes from hearing and hearing from the rhema (that inner spoken confirming word) of JESUS (Romans 10:17).

Since I was awakened and urged to pray, I had faith to pray. I have faith that this was the SPIRIT nudging me to join with HIM and stand the gap for them. 

So now as Colossians 1:12 AMPC says, I am, Giving thanks to the FATHER, Who qualifies and makes us fit to share (have a part) in the portion (the assignments) which is the inheritance of the saints (GOD’s holy people) in the Light.



Seek and you will find

Have you ever been in the place when you are sharing something important, something you are excited about and the person you are speaking with looks bored or turn to look at something, or someone else?  To me that says, “I don’t care about what you are saying”.

Body language has power and speaks loudly. For by how we hold our body we give clues as to what we are feeling and thinking.  When you like someone, you want to get closer to him/her, it’s just that simple.  When someone is telling you about something you think is valuable you want to catch every word.  The closer you get to the speaker, the more interest you show. Hence, leaning forward, especially when combined with nodding and smiling, is the most noticeable way to silently say, “ Yes, I care and I’m listening to you.”

The great I AM-YAHWEH is our GOD.  Isaiah 55:8-9 tells is that GOD is so high above us in position, and power, and knowledge that by ourselves it is impossible to know what HE is like.  HE is infinite/ unlimited and HIS thoughts and ways are said to be as high above ours as the heaven is above the earth.  Simple mathematics tells us if we started running at the moment we are born at the rate of 1 mile every 4 minutes (no breaks) we would be 700 years old before we reached our sun;  we would be 182 million years old before we reached the nearest star… and that is just the beginning of the heavens.  So, you see, understanding GOD is nigh on impossible to the human mind. 

Through HIS amazing creation (the stars, and flowers, and seasons of the year, through light and darkness, thunder and lightning, colors and sounds, mosquitos and bees and on and on) we can catch glimpses of things true about GOD (Romans 1:19-20).  Things like GOD’s power, imagination, wisdom, humor, organization and love of color and sounds… I could go on and on.  

Then to the ones who believe in JESUS CHRIST and call on the name of the LORD (Romans 10:13) is given a tremendous gift-GOD the HOLY SPIRIT is sent to live within us (John 7:38-39).  HE is our teacher, our helper, HE interprets GOD’s heart and mind to us, reminds us and explains how the WORD of GOD applies to us, convicts us when we do wrong, and nudges us to do what GOD wants us to do.  To help us to grasp things too wonderful for us to know/understand, The HOLY SPIRIT uses illustrations we can understand.

Therefore, HE who hears prayers is a name assigned to our GOD (Psalm 65:2).  If you go to the Hebrew word for that verse you will find it means: one who in reality is continually leaning forward in order to intensely and attentively listen to what we have to say. So, when GOD calls HIMSELF, HE who hears prayers we can know HE cares about us and is interested in what we have to say.   

We know GOD the Father and our LORD JESUS CHRIST already know all things (John 6:30) but GOD desires for us come to HIM about EVERYTHING so HE can show us HIS perspective and get HIS directions (Proverbs 3:5-7, 2 Corinthians 10:5).  HIS attention to us opens us up to lean in and listen to HIS voice.  It also puts us in the place where HE can give us assignments so we can co-labor with HIM in achieving HIS purposes.

GOD intently listens to those who seek HIM in truth (Proverbs 8:17), do we follow HIS example and listen to those GOD places in our path?



GOD confirms

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Don’t try to be more holy than GOD”? Meaning, don’t go further than GOD does.

I think of that quip when I hear such things as “it is wrong to ask GOD for confirmation.”  This concept is probably taken out of context from when the Pharisees came to dispute with and test JESUS. It is written JESUS groaned in HIS spirit and said, “No sign will be given to this generation.”

Well, no sign was needed for that generation because JESUS was there performing miracles right and left.

However, GOD delights in confirming HIS words.  GOD worked with the Apostles as they went out and preached everywhere, confirming HIS words spoken through them with accompanying signs.  This was brand new theology and had to be confirmed to be believed.

Now we are told to walk in the SPIRIT and to do so we must be able to grasp what we are to do.  We know the absolutes from the Bible but in little things we are to stop and listen to the HOLY SPIRIT’s still small voice.

The fearful idol worshipping Gideon asked for 2 opposite signs to know that GOD was really speaking to him and GOD gave them to him.  But then notice although Gideon didn’t ask for more, GOD said to him if you are still fearful (because GOD knew Gideon’s heart, as HE knows ours, and the LORD knows what it will take for us to be strengthened) do this and it will convince you (see Judges 7:10-11).

GOD wants us to be strengthen and to know what HE wants us to say and do.  It is written that JESUS only said and did what GOD told HIM to say and do (John 8:28).  Should we not do the same?

There is one other aspect of JESUS giving signs I want to briefly touch on.

The disciples asked JESUS what to look for /what signs will indicate the end times.  JESUS didn’t rebuke them or hesitate but proceeded to lay out specifics concerning the end days as it pertains to the Jewish people and the world in general in Luke 21:7-28. 

Then JESUS gives 2 hints.  The 1st hint pertains to the timetable of the beginning 70th week of Daniel 9:24 when HE spoke a parable of the fig tree.  The fig tree is a symbol of Israel and from Luke 21:29-to 32 JESUS tells that when Israel is budding (comes back to life which it did in 1948) you know that the time is near.

The 2nd hint is found in Luke 21:32-33, 36.  The generation that sees Israel bloom will not all pass away before all the things HE spoke about came to pass.  Therefore, those who see and understand are to look up for their redemption (to escape the 7 years of Jacob’s terrible trouble) draws near.  In other words (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) the rapture when JESUS comes for HIS bride before HE breaks the seals of the wrath of GOD on the earth.

Well, I am part of that generation that saw Israel bloom in 1948 for I was born in 1945.  Many of my generation have already passed away, and today I was notified of 3 more of my generation getting their go to heaven pass.  But as scripture tells us they will come back for their new bodies and go up with the rest of us who believe in JESUS to meet HIM in the air before the wild ruckus explodes here on earth. 

So don’t hesitate to ask GOD to show you what to do, or say for we are told that we have not because we ask not.  But remember unless we are willing to stop and listen we will never hear/ get our instructions.



Am I paying attention?

Where there is no revelation [direction from GOD], the people cast off restraint… (Proverbs 29:18).

Without a purpose, when one does not have a GOD given direction to take there is a restlessness, an emptiness, a hopelessness that leads to irresponsible action.  Without GOD leading we can easily lose sight of GOD and begin to be reckless. We cast off certain restraints from activities we know are wrong. We set prayer aside as well and cease having GOD’s vision (direction) in the little things of life. We simply begin to act on our own initiative.

On the other hand direction from GOD gives moral incentive to be part of GOD’s plan.  That is why we need to start our days asking the LORD what HE wants us to do.  A word from HIM to our heart can produce an excitement, freshness and purpose.

“For it is GOD who works (places) in you both to will (to see a need and know you can make a difference) and to do (are enabled /equipped to do it) with GOD’s good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).

Most often for me the revelation (vision/ direction) comes in what I term “a nudge from GOD”. There are many ways the nudge can come: when I read the Bible, or hear a report, or see a need. The vision is often just an awareness that I need to do a specific thing.  Let me say it is a given that a nudge from GOD never contradicts the nature of GOD for GOD will never tell me to do something wrong.  HIS directives cover even seemingly small activities like doing dishes or making a phone call.  We have no clue what effect our actions will have on others.

Once I am nudged, it is in my court.  I know what GOD wants me to do and know my responsibility is to do it.  But like Jonah (Jonah 4:2) I can refuse to comply and make excuses. For me that only happens when I am tunnel-vision focused on what I want or think and thereby lose sight of the greatness of GOD, HIS wisdom, and HIS perfect love. 

The sad thing is once I turn from a command (GOD given direction/ nudge- big or small), I have turned my back on GOD and there is a disconnect. If I don’t judge my actions and thoughts and confess (1 John 1:9) when the HOLY SPIRIT convicts me, I end up justifying myself. When that happens GOD will step in with discipline (ouch) like any good FATHER (1 Corinthians 11:31-32).

GOD only disciplines those HE loves and has accepted, those who are HIS children (Hebrews 12:6-8). There is an awesome promise that goes with GOD’s discipline. No matter how hard the discipline may seem GOD guarantees that it will accomplish HIS purpose and produce righteousness and right action in us (Hebrews 12:11, 2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

Remember, GOD is changing us so we participate in JESUS’ divine nature (Romans 8:29, 2 Peter 1:4).

I have learned through the years that by quickly obeying GOD’s nudges doesn’t just keep me from discipline, it brings me quiet joy and satisfaction as I enter into the things GOD has designed me to do (Ephesians 2:10).



Know that I AM GOD

People want power to rule over others, but the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has absolute power but uses it to help and raise people up.

GOD wants the world to know that HE is the LORD not to put them down but to lift them up.  One of the ways HE shows the world HE is over all (LORD), historically, is through delivering HIS people from difficulty.  Just look at what happened when Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den (Daniel 6), or when Shadrach, Meschech,  and Abed-Nego were thrown into the fiery furnace heated 7 times hotter than before (Daniel 3) or when Joseph cast in a pit by his brothers and sold as a slave became 2nd in command over Egypt.  In each case GOD was recognized as the power behind it all.

Exodus 7:5  And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.

For it is HIS infinite power that shows HE is LORD (Master over all).

It wasn’t just the Egyptians HE showed HIS power to, people far and wide heard what GOD did when HE brought the Jews out of Egypt and when HE parted the Red Sea and then 40  years later parted the Jordan River.  They heard and saw it was of GOD and knew of HIS power, and recognized HIS was LORD (Joshua 2:9-11).

Today GOD is still in the rescue business in big things and in little.  When HE delivers us, the world sees HIM and HIS power.  So let’s look at our problems as ways to co-labor with GOD, where GOD may be seen and glorified and open the hearts of unbeliever.

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of CHRIST’s sufferings, that when HIS glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy (1 Peter 4:12-13).

Peter makes the point that fiery trials are not some strange occurrences, but they are opportunities for GOD’s glory to be revealed.

Grab a hold of that truth and be blessed.



How can we know?

I was raised with the concept of individuality.  Any thought of checking out with another what I should say before I said it was totally foreign.  Therefore, the truth that JESUS spoke only what GOD the FATHER told HIM to say shocked me.  It went totally cross-grain to my way of thinking.

Yet over and over JESUS said HE spoke only what GOD the FATHER told HIM to say (here are a few examples- John 3:34, 7:17, 8:26, 28, 38, 12:49-50, 14:10, 24, 17:8, 14). 

For I have not spoken of MYSELF; but the FATHER which sent ME, HE gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that HIS commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the FATHER said unto ME, so I speak. (John 12:49-50).

Because of reading the Bible over and over I knew and accept this truth but this morning the emphasis that JESUS only spoke what GOD the FATHER told HIM exploded anew as I read in Isaiah 50:4-5. That was the text the LORD used to commission me to share the things HE would show me from HIS word.

John 16:13 shows that the HOLY SPIRIT WHO seals, baptizes and teaches each and every believer in JESUS CHRIST follows the same pattern of only speaking what HE is told to say.

We are to follow JESUS’ example.  Remember the bracelets and bumper stickers that read WWJD (what would JESUS do?)

That takes me back to what I shared a few days ago about asking GOD what HE was doing and how to pray for others.  For unless one gets GOD’s word on what HE is doing we cannot co-labor with HIM properly.  It’s like Ezekiel 36:36 last clause and 37 1st clause (remember no punctuation in original text).

In 36b GOD says I will do it for them… 37a yet they must ask (literally for this I will be sought unto by them).   (HE will do things but HE wants us to ask!)

Prayer is important and we are told by GOD to pray at all times (Ephesians 6:18).  And are also told – “You have not because you ask not” (James 4:2). and “if you ask anything according to GOD’s will it will be done for you” (Jn 5:14).

The principle is clear, we are to pray.  Throughout scripture we are shown that we have no right to demand from GOD what we want done.  We are to pray HiIS will.

Since GOD’s ways are not our ways and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts but they always work (Isaiah 55:8-11), how in the world can we pray HIS will? So, glad you asked.  Scripture tells us if we need wisdom to ask and GOD will answer (James 1:5).

But when we go and ask GOD what HE wants us to pray we must go with the attitude of being willing to hear whatever HE wants.  We must accept HIS direction for HE is able to direct our thoughts where HE wants them to go (Proverbs 21:1). 

Even when we do not like the direction HE gives, we do not have the right to question GOD’s wisdom, goodness, and ways (James 1:6-7).

The neat thing is GOD knows what HE is doing, knows all the contingencies hidden from us and wants what’s best. I have found such peace since I learned to trust and obey even when I do not understand, or at times I do not like the direction HE gives me.

“And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Luke 11:9).



What is your life saying?

When you look through your glasses or out of a window and they are smudged or dirty, you can see what is beyond.  But isn’t everything clearer and more in focus when you have cleaned your glasses or washed the windows?  That is how I would describe what happened for me this morning.

The LORD made me get up and send this to you.  I’d just been asking the LORD to show me things about HIMSELF. Been under the weather and so probably that prompted the topic of JESUS suffering. You know JESUS came to earth for far more than to bear our sins on the cross (1 Corinthians 15:3) so we could be forgiven (Hebrews 9:22) and be reconciled to GOD (2 Corinthians 5:18), HE came also to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:5) and ultimately the devil himself (Hebrews 2:14) and more, like coming to show people what GOD was really like (John 14:9, Hebrews 1:1-3) and how HE does things.

As GOD was designating how HE develops HIS (JESUS) character in us (2 Peter 1:4, Romans 8:29, James 1:2-4) HE brought my friend Donna to my mind as a vivid illustration.  For HE know a picture is worth a 1,000 words to me.

1st she had Lupus then GOD healed her. Next came COPD and for the past 13 or so years she’s been on oxygen 24×7, and that is not even mentioning her arthritis.  She claims that if it were not for that oxygen tank she carries around she’s wouldn’t be in Bible study for she would be at the stables with the horses that were her life.

2 Peter 1:1-4 speaks of how awesome things happen as we grow in our knowledge of GOD and our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says that as the HOLY SPIRIT shows us more of JESUS HE also changes us into that likeness (of JESUS) a step at a time. 

As GOD the HOLY SPIRIT shows Donna how GOD cares for others, HE pours GOD’s love into her heart (Romans 5:5) more and more. She constantly is aware of the people around her (the people on the streets, the ones in the cars passing by, the ones on Facebook.  She feels sorrow for their struggles and their hurts and is concerned about the details of their lives and their needs.  Donna is GOD’s workmanship, HIS Poem, showing others how GOD cares for them and the details of their lives.

GOD says we who believe in JESUS and have become GOD’s children (John 1:12) and sealed with HIS HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 1:13-14) are HIS ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:18-21).  In the Greek when it says we are GOD’s Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) it is saying we are GOD’s poem.  Through each of us the LORD is saying something specific to the world for we are our neighbor’s Bible, they read us when we meet.  They may not even know our names but yet, they’re reading you and me.

Now another girlfriend of mind, Barb, is GOD’s poem about HIS exceedingly abundant generosity in giving gifts (James 1:17) and how HE knows our likes (Psalm 84:10) and in wisdom provides for our needs (Matthew 6:25-33). She declares God nudges her to do what she does.  I believe her.

Each of us who have called on the name of the LORD and been saved (Romans 10:9,10, 13), we who stay in HIS Word and do what the Word and HIS nudges prompt us to do reveal something specific about GOD to those around us.

Totally amazing and yet humbling isn’t it?

Hugs, Sharon

It’s your choice

Did you ever consider that your attitude can be a weapon in the spiritual war we are in?

Forasmuch then as CHRIST hath suffered for us in the flesh, ARM yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; 1 Peter 4:1.

Notice the context is suffering.  Not a pleasant matter for sure but GOD in HIS infinite wisdom has chosen troubles and suffering to achieve for us, (see 2 Corinthians 4:15-18, James 1:2-4 and Hebrews 2:10) and to teach us (see Hebrews 5:8).  As you found in the Hebrew texts that even JESUS was not exempt.

As I read 1 Peter 4:1 the word ARM jumped out at me… pick up a weapon.  What weapon are we supposed to ARM ourselves with?  The same mind/ attitude/ intention/ resolve/ determination of JESUS CHRIST.

What was that mindset that enabled JESUS to endure suffering and avoid sinning?

It is recorded three times in scripture/ twice in Hebrews that JESUS said, “Lo, I come to do THY will, O GOD” (Hebrews 10:7, 9).  JESUS was determined to do the will of GOD.

We are told to ARM ourselves with (pick up the weapon of) the mindset of JESUS that we will do GOD’s will regardless of what comes our way.  If we have chosen to do that we will be enabled to endure hard times and evening suffering.

 By seeing HIS creation we know GOD is wise, by knowing how GOD planned our salvation we know GOD loves us and wants the best for us, but how do we know what GOD’s will is for us?  When in doubt always check out GOD Word (Isaiah 8:20). 

Speaking about what will come into our lives we are told it is all “according to the purpose of HIM who worketh ALL things after the counsel of HIS own will” (Ephesians 1:11).  GOD ALMIGHTY even preset the exact times and places when things will happen and each one has a purpose. (Acts 17:26-27, Ezekiel 14:22-23). 

Yes, GOD sets the stage, but we are far from mere puppets for we have been given the gift/responsibility to CHOOSE how to act in each scenario we are placed in.

Since GOD allows us choose, how can GOD work all things after the counsel of HIS own will?  The simple truth lies in GOD’s  infinite (unlimited) knowledge. GOD has known ALL things from the beginning.  Psalm 139 gives us an example and tells us HE knows the words we will say before we have even collected our thoughts let alone opened our mouths to speak.

When we choose to do GOD’s will, we ask for direction and go with HIS leading (Philippians 2:13- nudges).  But isn’t that works?

Although we choose to RECEIVE the free gift of GOD’s salvation and the forgiveness of sins by believing that GOD sent HIS only begotten SON who died on the cross for our sin and was raised from the dead for our justification (John 3:15, Romans 4:25) there is no merit in taking the gift.

But when we choose to co-labor with the LORD by doing what HE shows us to do with the strength HE gives (Philippians 2:13) we are not doing it to live eternally with GOD the FATHER and our LORD JESUS CHRIST- that was settled when we called upon the name of the LORD (Romans 10:9-10, 13) to receive the gift of salvation.  When we choose to do GOD’s will we do it to please our GOD and Savior who has done so much for us and we get peace and joy and hope during the darkest times.

Do you go with HIS nudges?  Hope so.




No one likes troubles and struggles can get us down unless we can look behind the scene at what GOD is doing.  HE gives us a glimpse in 2 Corinthians 1:3-8

CHRIST”S suffering flows into a believer’s life (verse 5) so the GOD of all comfort (verse 3) comforts the believer (verse 4) in order to prepare the believer so GOD’s comfort can overflow through us to strengthen and comfort another (verses 5-6) and thereby if we share in suffering we will co-labor with GOD as HIS love and comfort flows to us and overflows through us to meet the needs of others (verses 6-7).

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that its all-surpassing power is of GOD and not from us.”       2 Corinthians 4:7

I am an earthen vessel, just a little pot of clay. Without contents I’m worthless, unused, inane I lay. Til the tender master Potter fills HIS vessel from above with the living flowing water of HIS great eternal love. No longer am I worthless, nor inane, unused do lie now there’s water for the thirsty their needs HE does supply.

So next time you seem to be thrown a curve, seek GOD’s amazing comfort and you not just receive comfort but will get prepared to help another.

