Are you?

Have you ever wondered why JESUS told the disciples that they were to be HIS witnesses but that they had to wait until they got the HOLY SPIRIT before they could witness? (Acts 1:8).

We who believe in JESUS CHRIST as LORD and have called upon HIS name are saved (Romans 10:13) and commissioned to be witnesses (Acts 1:8).  As we witness in a kind and gentle way (2 Timothy 2:24-26) we open up people to listen to GOD the HOLY SPIRIT.

To HIM the porter (that’s us) opens; and the sheep hear HIS voice: and HE calleth HIS own sheep by name and leads them out (John 10:3).

It is like Oswald Chambers once said: “When the truth is preached, the SPIRIT of GOD brings each person face to face with GOD HIMSELF.”

We do not have to convince anyone of anything.  We just gently share what we know is true and the HOLY SPIRIT takes over.   After that each person himself must either accept the truth or refuse it.

Are you giving others an opportunity to hear GOD’s call to them?

