Even the details

Each and every artist, whatever his style (cartoon, abstract, impression) whether a doodler or sketcher, regardless of being a beginner or highly experienced, starts a new work in the same way- with a single line. Then line goes on line, here a little line- there a little line. That is the very way GOD teaches us. (Isaiah 28;9,10)  So as I reread a favorite Bible story… GOD put another line in place and deepened my appreciation of HIS work in my life. So, here is the story- Sharon style.

Now several young good looking, highly educated and quick to learn, socially adept teenage boys who had never known a moment of dire need or deprived of any valid joy (for all were children of Jewish royalty or leaders) were among those taken captive by the Babylonians. Can you even imagine their horror of being captured and forced to walk for miles and miles? They were in no way prepared for this situation.

Because these teenagers were already trained in many areas, the foundation was laid and therefore they were selected to live in the king’s palace and put under teachers to be taught for 3 years the learning and culture, writings, and language of the Chaldeans so they could stand as counselors to the king. The King also ordered that they be feed and given drink from the very best of his own table. What an opportunity, what an honor. Though the teens grieved the horrors they had seen in Jerusalem and the struggle to survive during the trudge of walking to Babylon, can you imagine the teens relief when they were selected and taken to the palace?

But one of the boys felt a check in his spirit… I image a check very like you or I feel when placed in a situation where we know we shouldn’t do something everyone else is doing. When in Rome should we not do as the Romans do?

But not Daniel. He knew the law of the LORD said that he was not to defile himself by eating meat of an unbled animal, or meat fried with its fats, or offered 1st to idols even when a captive in another land. (Leviticus 3:17 Hosea 9:3).

But what could he do about it? He had no options for he was a slave. Even though he didn’t know how yet, he purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s meat nor with the wine (Daniel 1:8). Since his heart was in the right place, I believe GOD placed a plan in his thoughts (Proverbs 21:1, Philippians 2:13). He share this idea with his 3 closest friends. They agreed to join him.

Bravely he ventured to the one in charge and requested to be allowed to eat only veggies and drink only water. (not that meat was wrong in itself but the kings meat had not been bled so was unclean, and it was roasted with its fat and all fat belongs to the LORD plus animal fat harms the human body and most important of all 1st it was offered to idols.)

The head guy was horrified at such a request for he felt such action would lead to the 4 boys to wither away and he knew without a doubt that if these 4 looked poorly to his master the king who had assigned the meat and wine for the boys, he would be killed. But the teen plead that his plan just be tested for 10 days. Now how much damage could happen in just 10 days? Since GOD had already given this teen favor in the head honchos eyes, (Daniel 1:9) he agreed to test Daniel’s plan.

And what happened? After the 10 days those 4 teens looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate and drank the royal food. So the one in charge allowed Daniel and his friend to continue on their diet of vegetables and water. Because of their desire to do what HE wanted GOD gave those 4 knowledge and understanding, skill in all learning and wisdom: and gave Daniel understanding in all visions and dreams (Daniel 1:17).

Why? Those 4 looked not on their own comfort, but on what GOD said was right.  GOD delights in obedience.

We’ve sees Daniel’s desire to do right, to act as prompted by GOD and we have seen his bravery to go to the one in charge and change the King’s command. Now let’s focus now on GOD’s part in this familiar story:
1. GOD created this teen in the womb of his mom and given him special abilities (Psalm 139:13).

2. Our Creator had a plan for Daniel (Jeremiah 29:11).
3. The LORD placed him in a family of royalty or nobility (Daniel 1:3-4).
4. The Almighty ONE nudged the king to make specific commands concerning the Jewish teens (Lamentations 3:37). 
5. The Holy SPIRIT nudged the teen by putting a check in his spirit, reminding Daniel that what the king expected was wrong. Perhaps HE did this by bringing a piece of Scripture to Daniel’s mind. I know that is often how HE speaks to me. 
6. The Designer of the universe placed within Daniel a plan and the desire to do what GOD wanted with the ability to do so (Philippians 2:13). Daniel didn’t have to think up his own plan.
7. GOD gave Daniel favor in the eyes of the one in charge (Daniel 1: 9). We see that so often in scripture how GOD opens doors through giving people favor with those in charge.
8. GOD blessed the choice and action to do right with physical health and vitality above the others (Daniel 1:15).
9. GOD gave Daniel and his friends more in intelligence, wisdom, understanding and skills plus special abilities because they used what they already had (Daniel 1:17).

I must never lose sight of the fact that I have nothing that has not 1st been given to me so have no reason to boast (1 Corinthians 4:7).  I need to remember that I am GOD’s workmanship (Greek=poem) (Ephesians 2:10) and never have to fear for HE has prepared the way ahead for me to fulfill the assignments HE gives me.

GOD is the artist and has a plan for you and also has given you the HOLY SPIRIT to lead and empower you.


Eyes drops

Several years ago, I walked into a room but things seemed blurred and I couldn’t make out who was standing across the room. It was scary! Was I going to lose my vision too? A trip to the eye doctor revealed that I had a severe case of dry eye syndrome. If treated, no big deal. If left untended, it could lead to blindness. There were many contributing factors, but there was a major one that startled the doctor. I wasn’t blinking

When GOD designed the eye, HE built in a reflex-blinking- purposed to lubricate and keep the eye clean of debris. Blinking is the rapid closing and opening of the eyelid. It is an essential function of the eye that helps keep the eye clean and lubricated by spreading tears across and removing irritants from the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva.

My doctor’s theory was- that since I am severely hearing impaired and depend on lip reading and the reading of facial expressions to understand so I can communicate, I subconsciously taught myself not to blink, in order that I not miss the clues that help me understand what is going on around me. So my eyes were not getting the continual cleansing through blinking needed to stay healthy. That resulted in painful dry eyes and blurred vision.

HE had me put artificial tears in my eyes, via drops, every hour at first. It was amazing how a little drop of liquid helped.

When irritants and problems come, and they do for all of us, it can be like my not blinking. We try so hard to see everything our vision gets blurry- we don’t think clearly.

JESUS says to go to HIM for eye salve so that we might see (Revelations 3:18).

Just as I needed the cooling eye drops- drops that washed away irritants blocking my vision, so when problems are all we can see, we need to turn away from looking at them; direct our eyes to JESUS.

Somehow when we talk to HIM about the irritations and problems- just acknowledging HIM in the situation helps. HE will show us HIS perspective; leading us in the way we should go (though often just one step at a time); or at least give us peace as we wait. Over and over I have found that as I turn to JESUS, the blurring and burning of confusion goes away and I have peace and direction (see Proverbs 3:5-7).

So take those struggles, that confusion and those niggling doubts to the LORD (Hebrews 4:16). Open GOD’s word and let HIM wash the eyes of your understanding with the water of the word (Ephesians 4:26)

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith,




There is power in a word spoken, in a prayer. The words we choose to speak, the prayers we choose pray make a difference and will determine the way we go. Sometimes when we realize where are our words have taken us we are shocked but we can’t undo the past. Just go on.  

I lived with my grandmother for 3 years during the middle school years. They were the best, most secure years of my childhood. When my dad came down things changed. There was a disagreement and Dad grounded me as a Sophomore in High School I thought it totally unreasonable for I considered my action completely innocent. Feeling like a helpless victim I became angry and I chose to lash out and to hurt my Dad I said. “I want to go live with my mother.”  

Those ugly words spat out were meant merely to gain an advantage for I knew Dad would never let me go live with Mom, hadn’t he told me so over and over?   But there were a lot of factors in play in Dad’s life I didn’t know anything about, and my choice of words radically changed my life and direction forever.

I was stunned when I realized what I had done. Even though I had no clue of what it really was going to mean. Within a week I was driven up several hundred miles from the security and protective love of my grandmother and my friends and church family to a tiny mountain town never again able to go back to the security of life with my godly grandmother.  

All but my mother were total strangers and I faced a totally different lifestyle with no supervision. My one unthinking choice led me to a series of some really stupid choices, one right after another and choices have power and consequences.  

But praise the LORD, I was HIS and HE used even this to get me where HE wanted me. For with GOD there is always a 2nd chance.  

Lamentations 3:22-23 It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because HIS compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is THY faithfulness.   I have learned to think before I speak, have you?  



Caught in a trap

As explained more fully in the video below, things in the news, like killing the leader of ISIS and the USA pulling out of Syria then Russia joining with Turkey in Syria is fulfilling specific prophesies spoken of in Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38.  It also is showing us that events prophesied in the Old testament are in fast-forward mode in being fulfilled.  Like never before we need to share our faith for we may not be here much longer to warn others.

Below is a simple bible study on witnessing that I want to share with you.

2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife (arguments) . 24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive (argue); but be gentle unto all men… patient, 25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

Our part in witnessing to the lost or backslidden

1-What are we to avoid? 2 Timothy 2:23

2-What are some things GOD instructs us to do to reach the lost and hurting? 2 Timothy 2:24-25

Gently instruct—be patient, humble, teach the Word and correct so they will be open to the witness of the HOLY SPIRIT in their hearts. Pray with expectant Hope that GOD will speak to them through our words.

3-By rejecting GOD’s way and words who do they really oppose? 2 Timothy 2:25

4- What must GOD do before a change can come? 2 Timothy 2:25

Let them see HIS side of the situation (turn their eyes to the truth- repentance means to turn around 180 degrees and have a change in the way you see something).

5- What does question 4 produce in the one who opposes? 2 Timothy 2:25

An awareness/a knowing of the truth
6-Is that the same as accepting the truth?

No, you can know and turn away from the light of the truth, or you can seek to walk in that light. An example of this Felix the Roman ruler over Palestine trembled as he heard the truth. He understood all too well what it meant, but he flatly refused to walk in the light and stopped Paul’s preaching Acts 24:25, Romans 1:18-20.

7- What does the term ‘come to your senses’ mean?

It is when one accepts the truth that GOD’s way is right.

8- Now is a time for choice, what is that choice and who must initiate it? 2 Timothy 2:26

A person must want out of the snare of the lies he has believed and desire to draw near to GOD. To escape one must be willing to give up the lies he believed and the actions that got him trapped.

9-If the choice is to leave the snare of the sin that has entangled him, can anyone stop him?

no, but it may be hard, very hard. It means holding on to and verbally speaking aloud the truth over and over when he is tempted.  It may take some time to feel fully free from the temptations.




Get up

Here on this sunny Saturday before the threatening storms projected as hitting us one after another is a perfect time to walk around the park one more time.

There have been times when deep in thought, gazing on the beauty of the yellows, gold and red leaves of autumn trees, examining the design and beauty of a single leaf, or totally engrossed in talking to the LORD about some problem, I have stumbled, and even fallen to the ground and scrapped up my knees and hands. My bad. By not paying attention to the ground I walked on, I didn’t see the above the ground roots of the tree, or the sunken pavement that tripped me until it was too late.

That happens in day to day life as well. We don’t intend to stumble or fall, yet something, a glance around us, a critical thought- an angry word- a tidbit of gossip stumbles us.  For as AW Tozer said, “If I look at the world, I will conform to ways of the world. If I look at the Word, I will conform to the will of God” AW Tozer.

It is as James tells us, that we all stumble and fall (James 3:2). But when we fall, we must get back up and keep going. Daniel tells us that when we believers stumble and fall, GOD uses it to refine us and purge us from evil (Daniel 11:35), and that many will be refined, purified and cleansed by their trials.

It is nothing new, yet continually amazes and blesses me that our GOD in HIS magnificent wisdom can even use our falls for an end result of good for us who love HIM, and HE also will use them to fulfill HIS purposes, as HE conforms us into the image of JESUS CHRIST (Romans 8:28-29).

What a mighty GOD we serve, a GOD with infinite wisdom and power who loves us passionately!  HE is so amazing.

Dear God, remind me  not to lean on my own strength or understanding but to lean on YOU in all I do, because it is only with YOUR help that I can find the way I need to take to be all that YOU made me to be.




Do you ever kneel to pray?

Did you know the word praise is from a Hebrew word meaning to kneel as an act of worship?  I didn’t.

Daniel was taken captive as a young teen and dragged to Babylon as a slave.  He was chosen and educated to serve the king.  Even as a teen Daniel refused to follow his peers or do anything connected with idol worship in that foreign land.   From the start Daniel prayed to GOD expecting answers when there was a problem (Daniel 2:18-19).  It became his habit from childhood to kneel 3 times a day before an open window and pray and praise the LORD GOD, Maker of heaven and earth (Daniel 6:10).  This went on all his life and even when he grew old he still knelt before the window and prayed and praised the LORD GOD. 

In his 80’s Daniel’s faithfulness to praise GOD got him thrown into the lions den when Daniel’s enemies tricked the king. But it didn’t harm Daniel, for GOD sent HIS angel to shut the mouths of the lions and they didn’t hurt him (Daniel 6:22).

Other times when GOD sent an angel to Daniel to give him verbal answers to his questions and the angel addressed Daniel as “one greatly beloved” (Daniel 9:23, 10:11, 19).

Daniel was faithful to GOD and GOD was faithful to Daniel.  GOD delights in those who praise HIM.

Praise the LORD Oh my soul and all that is within me praise HIS holy name. For HE is good and does great things Praise HIS holy name.

Looking unto JESUS,



Helps us overcome

the HOLY SPIRIT helps us overcome our weaknesses

“Well, I’m not going to curse anyone!” defiantly declared a gal in our Friday Bible study.

But that wasn’t what those words in 1 Corinthians 16:22 were saying at all.  What it was saying was all who do not know JESUS are already under a curse and our LORD cometh (to execute judgment).

To help us understand what is meant let’s go to Galatians.  Galatians 3 begins with the startling words, “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes JESUS CHRIST hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the SPIRIT by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the SPIRIT, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?”

****Notice here obeying the truth is believing in JESUS’s work keeps and makes us perfect, not our actions.

Galatians 3:10 for as many as are of (depending on doing right) the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of GOD, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.12 And the law is not of (depending on) faith: but, The man that does them shall live in them.

13CHRIST has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree:

Now the Law had its purpose:

23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster (showing us right and wrong) to bring us unto CHRIST (it showed us our sin and our need of JESUS), that we might be justified by faith (Romans 3:22, 24).25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster (the law).

We no longer need a schoolteacher for when we believe in JESUS we are set free from the curse of the law and the HOLY SPIRIT of promise comes in us. HE leads us and enables us in the way we should go.  No longer do we need to look to rules.  Now the HOLY SPIRIT doesn’t just tell us what GOD wants us to do and directs our path by placing within us HIS desires (Philippians 2:13 and Hebrews 10:16-17), HE is the power that motivates/ enables us to do it for the SPIRIT helps us overcome our weaknesses (Romans 8:26-27).

People who do not believe in JESUS’ finished work are still under the curse and will be judged when JESUS comes.  But we who trust in JESUS have been justified by CHRIST who took our judgment on HIMSELF on the cross.

See how all three of the trinity work together for us?  what a mighty GOD we serve!



Me wrong?

Have you ever tried to explain something to someone but they just don’t get it? 

At times like that I take a breath, release it to GOD and rejoice in GOD’s promise of Philippians 3:15-16. Those who are seeking to grow in our knowledge of GOD are encouraged that if something is wrong in how we think (a misconception) that GOD HIMSELF will reveal the truth to us. But in the meantime, we are told to walk according to what we already know.

Each of us knows in part (I Corinthians 13:9,12).  As much as I hate it, that means that some of what I think I know is not so. Although I love the light and rejoice when GOD shows me something, still it hurts a bit when I finally realize something I had believed was not so.

The word of GOD says that GOD HIMSELF teaches us and that we must learn, line on line, precept on precept, here a little and there a little- (Isaiah 28:9,10)  Therefore, what we have learned helps us understand what GOD is teaching us today in HIS Word…

Time after time GOD reminds me of another verse when I have asked HIM about what a passage in the Word of GOD is actually saying.  The verse that comes to mind enables me to more clearly see the answer to my question.

JESUS confirms this when HE said we are to take treasures out from the old (testament) and new (testament) in order to function.  (Matthew 13:52) In other words the Bible explains itself and is its own best interpreter.

The Bible says, “Ask and it shall be given to you.” 

Does that tell us all about prayer?

Do we get everything we ask for? Absolutely not! 

Verses stating that if we ask according to GOD’s will we will get it or If we regard (cling) to sin in our hearts GOD will not hear our prayers are just a couple of many that speak and define boundaries of prayer.  Again, we go to the given, we know in part.

But praise the LORD with me, for HE tells us that even since we don’t know all there is to know about prayer or even what to pray for that GOD the HOLY SPIRIT our comforter and teacher (Romans 8:26) and JESUS CHRIST our LORD and Savior (Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34) are praying for us according to the Will of GOD (Romans 8:29).

We don’t have to know everything to belong to GOD or even to be used by GOD.  But if we use what you have learned GOD will teach us more.




If GOD is for us who can stand against us? (Romans 8:31)

Creation reveals things about our Creator.  The changing seasons show order, the planets show synchronization and even angry grizzly bears show us something.  70% of the killings by grizzly bears are by mother bears defending their cubs. Believe it or not, is a picture of something JESUS tells us to pray for.

I like to read Scripture aloud and as I read the LORD’s prayer (“Our FATHER who art in heaven” Matthew 6:9-13) phrase by phrase slowly so I could mull over what was being said. When I got to the phrase “deliver us from the evil one”, I felt a need to know what the original meaning of the word deliver was in this verse. So, going to the Greek text, and several Greek lexicons (Greek dictionaries) I searched out the word ‘deliver’. In the Matthew text ‘deliver’, rhuomia, means drag out of danger, rescue, save. It comes from the root word rhuo- to draw to oneself-hence to rescue.

The tense and mood of the word in Greek, show it is an urgent cry to GOD for help, to snatch us away from the clutches of the evil one; much like a she bear will come running to protect her young at the sound of their cry. This picture caused me to love my GOD even more as I see HIM running to me when I cry out to HIM for help.

HE rescues me (from my enemy, my fears, my pain, my disappointments), drawing me to HIMSELF. Such times I literally feel HIS arms around me.

So in times of need cry out to HIM and HE will deliver you.

Looking unto JESUS



It is spreading fast

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:21). To think that a way we talk can be like that killing gangrene, or like cancer, is downright scary and that truth makes me watch the words I use and what I teach. 

Today I saw again the spreading effect of the gangrene/ cancer of spoken deception, as one of my loved one spouted that there is no GOD. the reason given was that the one we proclaim- the GOD of the Bible- does things that are ungodly. This worldview of the unbeliever is so distorted by Satan’s influence of twisted deceptive innuendos that call good bad and bad good (Isaiah 5:20) it spreads like wildfire from person to person who want to do their own thing.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

2 Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

But the fact remains that it is as the Word of GOD declares.  JESUS said, “I am the way, the truth and the life no man comes unto the FATHER but by ME (John 14:6).

How can we know if something is true? Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Will you join me as I pray that the HOLY SPIRIT convict the world of sin (John 16:8) and that GOD will let them feel HIS great sorrow and grief over sin by bringing them to repentance?  I know that they must then choose for themselves but HE can expose the lies and faith comes through hearing and hearing by the rhema (spoken by GOD) Word of Christ  (Romans 10:17).

Looking unto JESUS

