Two Seas

That snow and then all the rain we got was so needed!  But it brought the cold so I’ve been wearing my fuzzy pajamas around the house to keep warm so I don’t have to have Melba’s area heater on all the time and run up the electricity bill.  With this inflation everything is super HIGH.  But GOD is good, and GOD provides!

Preparing lessons to teach on 1 Samuel I prepared maps to help us get a feel of the setting. Pondered the difference between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.  Mount Hermon is located at the northeastern boundary of Israel, on the border between Syria and Lebanon. Along with melting snow and the abundant rainfall on Mount Hermon, large springs at the base of the mountain form the main headwaters of the Jordan River which flows into the Sea of Galilee where fish live in abundance. Then the lifegiving water flows out of the Sea of Galilee into the south flowing Jordan River giving lush vegetation life throughout it’s journey UNTIL it empties out into the Dead Sea where it stops and evaporates.

That water makes me think of what JESUS said in John 7:38-39 that everyone who believes in HIM will have water flowing out of his heart to meet the needs of others.  This HE spoke of getting the HOLY SPIRIT whom we get when we believe.  As we allow the HOLY SPIRIT to lead and fill us lifegiving water flows through us to brings life to those we have contact with.

The sea full of life with abundance of fishes is the Kinneret, better known as the Sea of Galilee. The dead sea is, you guessed it, the Dead Sea.

Now the Sea of Galilee is constantly being filled and emptying and it’s water is flowing through the lush Jordan River valley into the Dead Sea.

But the Dead Sea does NOT empty its water at all for there is no outlet. Yet the Dead Sea is continually shrinking, because the intense heat at this lowest place on Earth actually evaporates more water than is flowing into it.

The sea that is alive is the one that gives. The more of yourself, of your life, of your love, that you pour out, the more alive, filled up, and refreshed you will become.

JESUS laid aside all HIS rights when HE clothed HIMSELF with a human body to come to earth and interact with us. JESUS, while on earth, gave all of HIMSELF constantly to meet the needs around HIM and then HE allowed HIMSELF to be crucified for all sin, even the sin of those who hated HIM and were HIS bitter enemies.

All that love that HE poured out was returned to HIM by HIS FATHER throughout life and revealed for all to see in the resurrection.  It also was returned to HIM by all the people who believe in HIM throughout all ages and into eternity. 

Those people believe in HIS taking their punishment on the cross because HE loved them.  HE carried the sins of the whole world throughout all ages but the only thing is that the LOVE of GOD is just found in JESUS (Romans 8:39, John 3:36). So only those who believe in JESUS are cleansed from their sin and come to GOD through JESUS (Hebrews 7:25) thereby becoming children GOD (John 1:12) and will live forever (John 3:16).

As GOD’s children, if we willingly pour ourselves out to those around us.  If we obey JESUS command to witness of HIM and love, instead of always thinking what is in it for me, GOD’s love will continually flow to us, refilling us. Of course, if we hold back, keeping all we know to ourselves, we will be like the Dead Sea and begin to evaporate and die inside.

Which sea are you?

By this we know the love of GOD, because HE laid down HIS life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.  1 John 3:16

He that believeth on ME (JESUS), as the scripture has said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  But this spoke HE(JESUS) of the HOLY SPIRIT, which they that believe on HIM (JESUS) should receive John 7:38-39

