Listen up

After praying about a deep concern and asking what part, if any, that I had to play.  The LORD spoke to me with a phrase as I read HIS word, but I had no clue the 2 were connected or that it was an answer to my prayer.

Then someone stopped by and as we talked, he asked, “How can we pray to control our minds from thoughts bombarding them, voices even”.  My response was simple, “Submit yourself to GOD and then resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7) and gave Isaiah 54:17 as a way to resist those unwelcome thoughts.

The phrase the LORD had given me came to mind and I shared it and how important it is for us to receive and comply with that still small voice of instruction we know are good. For if we reject the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT we reject the will/ purpose GOD has for us in that instance.

My visitor said in an accusing manner, “Why are you telling me to do thus and so”  Huh? I replied, ”I didn’t say that at all.  Gave you a part of a Bible verse and explained  that when they rejected to comply with what they knew (were convicted) they should do, then they rejected GOD’s will for them.”

“But the Pharisees and lawyers REJECTED the WILL of GOD for themselves, not having … (Luke 7:30 NKJV)

Apparently, the HOLY SPIRIT took my words and used them to convicted my visitor concerning a real issue he was dealing with.  Join me in praying my visitor will yield to GOD’s word convicting him.

And let’s be sure that we “listen up!” when GOD speaks to us.




Being I focused in with my phone, this snap-shot can only give you a small hint and tiny portion of the brilliance and panorama GOD set before me.  HE is so good to me!

GOD’s throne is describe as encircled with colors predominantly green (Revelation 4:3).  GOD set HIS bow (the rainbow which has all the colors of the spectrum in the clouds as a reminder of HIS promise to all living things on the earth (Genesis 9:8-17). 

Colors are amazing and have power. They can impact our moods, emotions, and behaviors.  They are a gift from GOD, a smidgeon of what it means to be made in the likeness of GOD (Genesis 1:26).

Warm colors (red, yellow and orange, and variations like pink) evoke warmth and even happiness due to their brightness.  They convey optimism, enthusiasm, and passion.

Cool colors (greens, blues, purples) have a calming effect with the power to relax us.  It is no wonder GOD’s throne is encircled in green (Revelation 4:3) and that HE made the sky and water blue and trees and grass green.  For the LORD who knows all things knew we would have struggles. When we look to GOD HE calms our fears (John 14:1) and gives us rest.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Neutral colors (brown, black and white, as well as variations like gray) can be powerful.

A moment ago, through colors, I was reminded of how much GOD loves me and how HE loves to give me good things.   “For no good thing will HE withhold from them that walk uprightly” ( Psalm 84:11).

You see I had foot surgery and one thing about foot surgery, you need to keep your foot elevated as it is healing and are therefore confined in one position and one place.  So here I am I stuck sitting with my foot propped up.  As I stopped to think about the wording, I glanced up from my writing of a lesson to view breathtaking beauty.

Just looking out my window I saw the spectacular Autumn colors of the trees in the park across the street from me and rejoiced in GOD’s detailed creation and love.  I thanked GOD for making me and you in HIS likeness (Genesis 1:26) in that we can see and enjoy colors.

A month ago, I had the delight of attending a retreat. Between meetings a train ride was scheduled to see the changing colors in the mountains north of Woodland Park.  But what I just saw out my very own east windows far surpassed the beauty I saw that day both in variety and vibrance.  Which just goes to show you that GOD can and will bless you no matter where you are.

  HE is so good to me!



Are you flowing?

Are you experiencing joy and peace from day to day?  That is something GOD promises if we will meet the conditions.

Peace I leave with you, MY peace I give to you: not as the world give, give I unto you. Let not (don’t allow) your heart be troubled, neither let (allow) it be afraid (John 14:27).

For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace…” (Isaiah 55:12)

This speaks of being led forth by GOD.  The Hebrew word there for “led forth” is Yabal. Yabal also means to flow.

Listen to how JESUS likened the HOLY SPIRIT.

He that believes on ME (JESUS), as the scripture says, out of his belly shall FLOW rivers of living water. (But this HE (JESUS) spoke of the SPIRIT, which they that believe on HIM (JESUS) should receive: for the HOLY SPIRIT was not yet given; because that JESUS was not yet glorified.)” (John 7:38-39).

When we do what we inwardly know we should do (Philippians 2:13) we are being led forth by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, and it is going to FLOW and we will have an inner peace.  For love flows, faith flows, mercy flows, kindness flows, joy flows.

That doesn’t mean there will not be problems, but the peace of GOD will FLOW directing you (Colossians 3:15) and throwing you beyond having to understand (Philippians 4:6-7). 

Are you feeling pressured, driven, angry, frustrated, jealous, fearful or depressed?  Those are  clear signals that you have taken the controls away from the HOLY SPIRIT and are leaning on your own understanding.  In other words, you have stopped letting the HOLY SPIRIT lead you. 

When that happens confess and ask for direction.  You may feel nudged to do this or that, a Bible verse may come to mind but by some means you will be told what you need to do.

When you’re led by the SPIRIT you shall go out with joy and be led forth (FLOW) with peace.



Can’t see the forest?

The menacing clouds of troubles loom over my head.  When I FOCUS on these serious situations (and there are several) I can’t see the forest (GOD at work) because of the trees blocking my view. 

Is there something in your life or world that is troubling you? Does it hang over you clouding your mind?  Do your thoughts keeps going back to it?  

The word GOD gave me this morning : JESUS said, “What I am doing now you do not know, but later you will know” (John 13:7 paraphrased).  In other words this doesn’t make sense now, but later it will.

In Ezekiel 14:23 paraphrased GOD declared it this way, “later you will be comforted, and you shall know that I have done (allowed) nothing (not one thing) without a cause (good reason).”

“If we are to gaze into the face of GOD, we must look beyond our present circumstances.” AW Tozer

2 Corinthians 4:15-18 tells us ALL things are for our benefit and our troubles are in reality achieving awesome eternal things for us.  It instructs us to look past what we can see and by faith in GOD’s word look to what HE is accomplishing for us through the struggles because what we see is temporary but what HE is achieving for us will last forever.

GOD reveals to us in HIS Word that HE uses all things, mixing good and bad, stirring them up together for an end result of good to us who love HIM and prove we are the called by calling upon the name of the LORD (Romans 8:28, 1 Corinthians 1:2).

As I often remind myself, GOD’s ways and thoughts are not like mine, but they are and will accomplish all that HE wants done (Isaiah 55:8-11).

For all of you who have believed in JESUS and have called on the name of the LORD to save you, whatever your struggle, remember our LORD is with you, HE loves you and is working on your behalf (Hebrews 7:25, 13:5).

For those of you who have not come to JESUS, I urge you in CHRIST’s stead believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST whom GOD the FATHER sent to die your sins that you might be forgiven and adopted into HIS family.  As JESUS was risen from the dead all who believe in HIM will also be raised and live forever with HIM.  “For the one who believes on the SON has everlasting life, but the one who believes not on the SON shall not see life; but the wrath of GOD abides on him” (John 3:36).



What is your attitude?

Are you ever confused because different teachers say different things?  Then check it out for yourself!

During our study in Judges 6 one gal was amazed at what was said about Gideon because she had been taught something different.  When I asked her if GOD indicated in HIS word what she had been taught she said no.  I feel I should explain more but before I do I want to lay a foundation, a springboard for understanding the Word of GOD.

When you first meet a person who comes from a different place with different background and different ways of saying things you may not fully get what he means when he talks because you will be judging according to your background.  But as you get to know him you understand more of what he means. That is the way with GOD for HIS ways and thoughts are not naturally ours they are much higher and more complex.  It has been said and I believe it is true that what we think about GOD is the most important things about us.

Sometimes we misunderstand and assume wrong things as we read the Bible because we do not have the full picture, have not studied the full counsel of GOD’s word yielding to the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT so do not understand GOD’s ways and thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).  One of the reasons GOD the SON clothed HIMSELF with a human body and came to earth was to die for man’s sin but that wasn’t the only reason.  Another reason JESUS came was to show us what GOD is like.  JESUS was the exact representation of GOD the FATHER (Hebrews 1:1-3) and anyone who sees JESUS sees the FATHER (John 14:9).

We are told that by growing in our knowledge of GOD the FATHER and the LORD JESUS CHRIST we gain many things and will get everything we need to cope day by day (2 Peter 1:1-4).  JESUS said that man can not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4). Getting in the Word of GOD and drinking in HIS word as baby drinks his bottle (1 Peter 2:2) seeking to hear HIM speak through HIS Word as the HOLY SPIRIT our teacher explains things to us enables us to know what GOD is really like and what HE likes.  That is why JESUS said to take things from the old and from the new -in other words the full counsel of GOD (Matthew 13:52).

GOD does not treat everyone alike because GOD knows the intents of the hearts and does not see as man look at the appearance of a thing but on the heart of the matter.

In Luke 11:14-16 we see JESUS had just cast out a demon and there are 3 groups of people. 1) the multitudes marveled at the miracle 2) some said HE cast out demons by Beelzebub the ruler of demons (Satan). And 3) others testing JESUS (although they had seen JESUS do miracles) who asked for a sign from heaven.

After answering  #2’s accusation, JESUS spoke to #3 those asking for a sign from heaven.  Luke 11:29 “This is an EVIL generation. It seeks a sign and no sign will be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet.” JESUS knew their hearts a what they were trying to do. Here JESUS spoke to the intent of the men who were evil and trying to discredit HIM.

Some carry this over to Gideon, which is an entirely different story altogether.  This was a young man living in fear and hiding from raiders as he thrashed grain so the enemy wouldn’t steal it and so his family could eat.

Though raised as an idol worshipper GOD asked him to tear down the altar and idol of his dad. When GOD told Gideon that HE would be with Gideon, he believed GOD and did what GOD asked and then on the stone built an altar to GOD and used the wooden idol for a burnt offering to GOD and call the altar GOD is peace.  Gideon did that because when GOD spoke to him and he believed, GOD covered him with peace.

But then GOD asked him to fight the enemy and deliver the people.  Gideon said if it is really YOU and YOU really want me to do this then over night put water in the fleece  but make the ground dry and GOD did.  Then Gideon said, don’t be mad but show me again but this time make the fleece dry and the ground wet and it was so.

Notice God did not get angry at Gideon or say anything negative to him concerning his need to be assured it was GOD speaking to him.  You know why?  GOD knew the constant fear Gideon had lived under with the marauding enemies and yet was most pleased that Gideon would do what GOD asked if he was sure it was GOD speaking.

How can I be so sure? Well after a few more things GOD initiated still another miracle that Gideon didn’t ask for. GOD said, if you are still afraid (and GOD who knows all things, GOD knew Gideon was afraid) go down into the camp of the Midianites and hear what they say.”  When Gideon heard what was said, he worshiped GOD and said to the men “GOD has delivered them to us” (See Judges chapters 6 and 7 for the full story.)


GOD wants us to believe HIM and walk in faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of GOD (Romans 10:17).  HE understands our fears (Psalm 103:14) and is willing to encourage us however is necessary if in our hearts we are willing to do whatever HE wants.  That’s the kicker. 

JESUS refused a sign to those who were evil and trying to discredit HIM, but GOD gave several signs to one who was willing to believe and do what GOD wanted done (John 7:17).  Seek the LORD and HE will strengthen your heart.



How do you choose the fear of the LORD?

What should I do?

Do you really want direction, to know what GOD wants for you to do?

“Repent (turn around) at MY rebuke!  Then I will pour out MY thoughts to you, I will make known to you MY teachings” (Proverbs 1:23).

Why don’t we know what to do?

But since you 1) refuse to listen when I call, 2) don’t pay attention when I stretch out MY hand, 3) disregard all MY advice and 4) do not accept MY rebuke, since you 5)hate knowledge and 6) do not choose to fear the LORD, and 7) will not accept MY advice, and spurn (reject) MY rebuke you will eat the way of your own doings…(Proverbs 1:24-25, 29-31).

It is really very simple.  To choose the fear of the LORD means to listen to HIM and pay attention to and obey those nudges that say “don’t go there” or “advise us to turn to the right or left.”

“As for GOD, HIS way is perfect; the Word of The LORD is proven…  GOD is my strength and power, and HE makes my way perfect” (2 Samuel 22:31, 33).

So if you really want to know what to do start listening to the LORD. Do what you know you should do for as you consult HIM and trust HIM an inward knowing that comes as a result (Proverbs 3:5-7).



Washing of the water

I know what is on the top of my to do list this morning! For when I glanced up and looked out my window  I was horrified.  The sunlight streaming in accentuated how dirty my windows were.  I have washed them from time to time but somehow they keep getting dirty.

When a person calls on the name of the LORD JESUS to save him, he is forgiven and cleansed from all sin by the blood of JESUS and forever they belong to JESUS (Hebrews 7:25, John 3:36).  Even though we are saved we turn around and sin for all men sin (2 Chronicles 6:36).  We don’t need to be saved all over for we have eternal life but to avoid discipline of the LORD (1 Corinthians 11:31-32) we need own up/ acknowledge we did wrong- that is confess our sin.  When we do that GOD is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us (anew) from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

But we are like my windows, by just  being in this world completely unintentional on our part some of the dirt and grime of this world system attaches itself to us like smoke from a campfire or white cat hair to a black pair of slacks.  And is it ever noticeable to everyone but us.

One of the pieces of furniture in the Old Testament tabernacle was the bronze laver and it was filled with water.  The priests would often stop at the laver and perform ritualistic cleansing.  Like much of the Old Testament, this laver is a picture for us Christians. 

“How can a young man (anyone) cleanse his way?  By taking heed to YOUR word” (Psalm 119:9).

“as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26).

Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of GOD is alive, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  

The Word of GOD shows us the things hiding in our heart that should not be there.  When we see them we can take them to GOD and HE will wash them just as I intend to wash my windows.



It’s a game changer

There are so many awesome truths tucked away, hidden in the word of GOD and although I have read through the Bible time and time again I keep getting sweet surprises as I open GOD’s word and read.  Take for instance the well-known story of Gideon.  His dad had a pagan altar to Baal and an idol (Asherah pole) so it is very likely Gideon himself bow down to these.  But when the LORD spoke a word to Gideon it was a game changer and changed Gideon’s entire worldview.

Then the LORD said to Gideon, who was hiding in fear from the Midianites, “Peace be with you; do not fear…” (Judges 6:23).  Then the Gideon built an altar to the LORD and called it “the LORD is peace.”

Why would Gideon do that?  Let me ask you a question, Have you ever been faced with trouble and you went to the LORD in prayer and dove into HIS word and the stress left and peace settled over you?  The Word of the LORD brings understanding and peace and instantly as the LORD spoke to Gideon he was washed in the peace of GOD and believed.

“Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of GOD.” (Romans 10:17).

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). 

“But YOU, O LORD, are a shield about me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head.” (Psalm 3:3)

Are you in a deep valley facing something that is troubling?  Go to GOD and open HIS word.  It will be a game changer.



A bit of instruction

The video has some very practical advice or should I say clear instructions. 1) Follow Bible examples and 2) don’t be distracted from your real assignment.

As I watched the video below, I see strong Biblical instruction, and want to share it with you.   There is some great Biblical understanding in looking to why we Christians are still on the earth and how we should meet these struggles of our unsettled times.  

I especially enjoyed the encouragement of looking to the examples of prophet Daniel and his 3 friends when they had to deal with unfairness.  

Hope you watch this video and are encouraged


Sharon L Manning

Are you ready?

In these unsettling days, days of troubles, days of deception, it is more important than ever that we are Bereans.  What are Bereans? “These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11).

Why go to the Bible?  Because GOD tells us to. “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20) and “All YOUR words (GOD) are true…” (Psalm 119:160) and “For the Word of GOD is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12) and ““But HE (JESUS) answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of GOD (Matthew 4:4).

In other words, we go to the Bible because GOD tells us to, because it is true and it gives us understanding and direction.

But although nearly 1/3 of the Bible is prophetic in nature (speaking specifically telling what will occur at a future time), many, if not most Christians who say they believe the Bible, let alone unbelievers hedge those portions of scriptures or even refuse to believe that those things foretold really will come to pass.

The very 1st prophesy is found in Genesis 3:15 when GOD said that the seed of the woman would crush the head of that old serpent (the devil Revelation 12:9). Note it says the seed of the woman, not the seed of man for JESUS had no human dad because HE is GOD the eternal WORD (John 1:1,14) who clothed HIMSELF with humanity within the womb of Mary).

While beyond the scope of our ability to understand/grasp or comprehend, most Christians do accept this prophesy but scoff at others.  They ask How can GOD tell us what is going to happen or what a man will do since “GOD has made man upright but they have sought out many schemes? (Ecclesiastes 7:20). Since GOD gave men choices how can GOD know?

How did JESUS know that Peter would deny HIM 3 times before the rooster crowed 2 times? (Mark 14:30).

(GOD) Declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, (Isaiah 46:10).

In Isaiah 44-45 GOD lists specifically what a king, whom HE called by name- Cyrus, would do 200 hundred years before Cyrus was even born and before the empires spoken of existed.

Our GOD the Great I AM is the source of all.  HE is Eternal, HE had no beginning and has no end in fact HE calls HIMSELF the Beginning and the End. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the LORD, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (Revelation 1:8).

GOD is not just eternal HE is infinite and lives outside of time and boundaries therefore HE knows what men will do and has actually seen it happen.  When the Word of GOD says, “it must take place” you can be sure HE already saw it happen.

The reason many have such a problem with prophesy and often even refuse to believe it although it is clearly stated in the Word of GOD is because they attempt to understand our infinite GOD with their finite minds so fail to grasp GOD’s limitlessness, HIS unsearchable wisdom and amazing power and glorious nature. HE tells us “MY ways are not your ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

The secret things belong to GOD but the things revealed belong to us belong to us and our children so we can do what we need to do (Deuteronomy 29:29).  The reason for prophesy/ GOD revealing beforehand what is going to happen is so that we will be prepared to do what we are supposed to do (John 14:29).  Doesn’t that make it important?

In other words GOD is saying “If I (GOD) tell you something you must believe that what I say is true.  If I declare something will happen you can be sure it must happen because I already saw it happen.  You cannot understand this and many other things I say and do for your ways are not MY ways nor your thoughts MY thoughts for I am eternal and infinite.  I am not limited by time or space or anything else.  You on the other hand are finite and limited in many ways.  So why not just trust what I your Creator and Sustainer tell you?

In order to enable you, I have given everyone who believes that JESUS died for their sins and that I raised HIM back to life (Romans 10:9-10) and have called on the name of the LORD (Romans 10:13) the HOLY SPIRIT who will be their teacher and interpreter (1 Corinthians 2:10) of what I say to them. That way they will understand what I want them to know and do and be empowered to do it (Philippians 2:13).

The Revelation of JESUS CHRIST, which GOD (the FATHER) gave unto HIM, to shew unto HIS (JESUS’) servants the things which must shortly come to pass (Revelation 1:1).  GOD wants you and me to know what is about to take place. Heads up- Prophesy is important. Do not despise it but test it according to the Word of GOD (I Thessalonians 5:20-21) and ask for the insight you need (Hebrews 4:16).  If you are willing to listen, you will understand.

The LORD is near, even so come LORD JESUS.

