Crop the picture

Crop the picture:

It had been a very long time since I’d seen my friend and was excited about getting together with her. She came down from Denver and I went up from Pueblo to meet for a meal in Colorado Springs.  Seemed like we couldn’t quit talking and as we waited for our food we got caught up on each other’s lives.

Needing a picture to capture our moment together for the FRIENDS frame I was giving her, and wanting a copy for my own album, I asked a server at the restaurant if he would take our picture with my phone. He graciously agreed. Thinking I needed a landscape view, since the outer writing on the frame I had bought my friend was for a landscape shot, I ask the server to hold my phone sideways in taking the picture.  Bless his independent heart, he took the picture his way, ignoring my specifications. It was a portrait shaped snapshot. O well, I got a picture, and I sent it to my email.

The picture came to me looking like it was on its side. It just needed to be turned 90 degrees and cropped and sized to fit the frame. But with the computer that really wasn’t a problem.

In the same manner, GOD takes what the devil throws at us- things meant for evil- and turns them around 90 degrees and crops them to use for our good to accomplish what HE wants done (Genesis 50:20, Romans 8:28).  Let me give you a personal example from when I was in my 30’s.

After a crazy, fun, non-stop weekend as a counselor with a cabin full of whacky, giggling middle school girls at a Christian snowball camp I was exhausted as I headed home down the mountain in a snowstorm.  My weariness along with the blackness of night as I rounded the curves on icy roads with very little visibility made driving slow and strenuous.  

To top it off I was none too excited about confronting what I would find once I was off the mountain. Arrows of negative thoughts bombarded me shoving the fun thoughts of the weekend with campers away and focusing me only on negative aspects of the situation I knew I was about to face.

I didn’t turn to the LORD with a cry for help (Hebrews 4:16), nor was I focusing on JESUS and what HE did (Hebrews 12:2), nor on GOD’s promise that all things were for my benefit (2 Corinthians 4:15), let alone calculating that HE was actively at work achieving wonderful things through that very situation I so dreaded (2 Corinthians 4:15-18, Romans 8:28).

Instead, feeling sorry for myself, I cried out for GOD to release me from the nightmare and take me home to heaven.

I know GOD heard me, for suddenly I lost all control of my car on the snowy icy roads. My car spun round, and around, and around in circles then stopped with a thud, heading in the right direction on the right-hand side of the road. Miraculously, there had not been any traffic. GOD had held me in HIS hands protecting me, and protecting others from me, during the whole episode.

Then within I heard HIS soft whisper, “Sharon, Do you really want to die?”

I realized that I didn’t.   GOD had shown me truth by putting me in a wild tailspin.  In those crazy moments I knew there was a reason to live. Our LORD had taken the twisted view I’d gotten from listening to the evil one’s sneering lying accusations and turned it around 90 degrees then cropped it so I could see things clearly.  HE had done with my thinking, just as I had done to that picture of my friend and me.

The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY had renewed my mind, showing me HIS glorious perspective. Only HE can do that!  That is why we are told to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5).

That experience sure taught me a lesson.  Now I know to arrest all my thoughts and examine them by talking them over with the LORD (Proverbs 3:5-7).  Aware of the deceptive power of the enemy’s taunting lies, I’ll often pray, standing the gap, for ones being mentally harassed by that liar, Satan. Regardless of their situation I pray that GOD bring them clarity in whatever way HE knows will work.  I ask that HE show them the purpose HE has for them for GOD does nothing without a cause (Ezekiel 14:23) and HE has made each of us for a reason.  HE is Sovereign and will only allow struggles that HE can use for our good and HIS purposes.

GOD alone knows what battles each of us are fighting, and the lies we are being fed. HE alone has the wisdom, power and ability to deliver us from the ones stronger than we are (Psalm 18:17) and show us the way we should choose. But HE never takes away our GOD given ability to choose.

So, if you are struggling, recognize the truth that we are not sufficient by ourselves to think we can handle things, but our sufficiency comes from the LORD (2 Corinthians 3:5).

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith (Hebrews 12:2).



Doing the homework

I really enjoy the research essential to write each chapter’s lesson. Nonetheless, it is when I sit down before the LORD and open HIS word to actually do the lesson the morning of class that the text really opens up and lives for me.  Maybe that is because before I begin I pray, “LORD let YOUR word live for me.”  For without the illumination of the HOLY SPIRIT the words are just words (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

Since there comes an emphasis to some of the concepts as I read the bible verses. It prompts me to ask what I call wild card questions.  Questions not in the written lesson but ones that have flooded into my mind as I did the lesson. This morning was no different.

This morning one thing that struck me so that I wanted the gals to consider was how they have experienced the truth that GOD has preset (Acts 17:26-27) their times and places for specific reasons.  Now that can be literally a change of town or state or merely what time you go to or who you meet at the grocery store.  

My mind flew back to when I had just turned 15 and stopped on the way home from high school for a few moments to meet my new girlfriend’s invalid mother.  I arrived home maybe 15 minutes late and my grandmother was in a tizzy.  She called on Dad to make me see the seriousness of my actions.  I thought it was totally unfair when Dad put me on restriction and reacted badly by saying (actually just to hurt him) “I want to go live with my mother.”

At the time I didn’t know where that spontaneous response came from or where it would take me. I was very happy living with my grandmother even though Dad had moved down from Sacramento and lived close by.

Those angry words totally changed my life, and I didn’t remember until years later that just a month before at the Christian summer camp I had promised GOD to witness to my mother who lived 600 miles away.  I can see now HE helped me keep my promise by allowing my misconduct and Dad’s reaction (although Dad had sworn I would never live with my mom).

Well, within days I was taken 600 miles up to the beautiful, mountain small town of Quincy, California and deposited with my mother.  It was there when having a coke in the Pinecone Café with a new acquaintance that I was introduced to my future husband who was from Missouri. 

Most of his family lived in Colorado and a couple years later we moved to Colorado also. Mac worked in construction, so it was just one of over 60 moves in our many years of marriage. 

There was a difficult period when I wanted to take off and change my life. But the LORD said, “If you do you, will be a cast away.”  I knew enough Greek and customs of Bible times to know that meant that although I still belonged to the LORD, I would be put on a shelf and could no longer be part of the LORD’s work. 

Nothing, absolutely nothing is worth that, so I stayed.

I knew that like every believer in JESUS CHRIST, I was GOD’s workmanship designed to walk with HIM through certain specific good works that HE had prepared in ahead for me (Ephesians 2:10).  If I walked away from HIS purpose and place for me, I would be the loser.

Now 40 plus years and several moves later, I am retired yet busier than ever in the LORD’s work.  I obeyed GOD’s instructions and GOD was faithful to lead me on the path HE had prepared in advance for me.

GOD is so good!  I love the truth that GOD has preset the exact times and places for me.  It keeps me from fretting and gives me a sense of security while allowing me the privilege and responsibility to choose how to act at those times and in those places.

How about you?  Does this truth keep you from fretting when you get delayed at a red light?



How do you know?

One of the things about GOD that blows my mind yet at the same time makes me feel so secure is GOD’s FOREKNOWLEDGE. GOD never learns anything for HE knows all things. Before HE made anything, HE knew every choice I would make and knew how to use it for my good and to fulfill HIS eternal purposes. A pastor used the life of Joseph to show how our individual choices day in and day out GOD works together for the end result of HIS purposes and our good (Romans 8:28-29). His words blessed me so much I want to share his insight with you.

Jacob had 12 sons. His favorite son was Joseph, and he gave Joseph a coat of many colors –a good thing, how do you know?

At 17 Joseph had 2 dreams that indicated his family would bow down to him…a good thing, how do you know?

Because he was the favorite and because of his dreams his 10 older brothers hated Joseph-a bad thing, how do you know?

One day Jacob asked Joseph to go find out how his brothers were doing. Joseph could not find them at Shechem …a bad thing, how do you know?

but a man found Joseph wandering in the field asked Joseph what he was looking for. When he told the man he was looking for his brothers, the man said, I heard them say they were going to Dothan. A good thing, how do you know?

Jacob found his brothers…a good thing, how do you know?

Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave to a caravan. a bad thing…how do you know?

A good and high official bought Joseph as his slave and seeing Joseph’s good work and attitude promoted him over all his goods…a good thing, how do you know?

His owners wife found Joseph attractive and tried to seduce Joseph. a bad thing

But when he continually refused her, she accused Joseph of trying to rape her and he was thrown into prison …a bad thing, how do you know?

In prison he was put in charge. 2 other prisoners (from the Pharoah’s house) looked sad, so Joseph asked them why are you sad? After he correctly interpreted their dreams Joseph thought the cup bearer would help him. The cupbearer forgot Joseph…a bad thing, how do you know?

When Pharoah had 2 dreams that no one could interpret, the cupbearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharoah about him. When Joseph interpreted Pharoah’s dreams giving GOD the glory, GOD showed Joseph the solution for the problem and Pharoah placed Joseph over all the country when he was 30 years old. A good thing

Years later his brothers came to Egypt and after playing a few games on them, Joseph let them know who he was. Joseph told them, “Do not be afraid although you sold me as a slave, GOD sent me to Egypt to save many alive (Genesis 50:19-20).

GOD had given Joseph a word through 2 dreams and although during those long years as a slave and in prison that word from GOD tested him.

Psalm 105:19 AMP   Until the time that his word [of prophecy regarding his brothers] came true, The word of the Lord tested and refined him.

But Joseph was determined to trust the LORD and do right.

Throughout the story you can see GOD using people’s choices to place Joseph where he needed to be for the next episode of his life.

Acts 17:26-27 …(GOD) preset the exact times and places for the purpose that men should reach out to HIM…

Notice, If that man had not asked young Joseph why he was wandering in the field how would Joseph have gotten to Egypt? If that brazen woman had not lusted after Joseph and then spitefully lied, or if the cupbearer had remembered Joseph when he first got out of jail, how could Pharoah had found Joseph to interpret his dreams and save Egypt.

This all was according to GOD’s eternal purpose and how HE set Jacob’s family in a safe place to begin forming HIS people, the nation of Israel?

Therefore, our daily choices big or small definitely do matter. That is why GOD advises us:  Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path. Be not wise in your own understanding, fear the LORD and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:5-7).



Words are important

Have you ever spoken words you regretted?

There is power in a word spoken.  In a prayer. “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). The words we choose to speak, the prayers we choose pray make a difference and will determine the way we go and help or harm ourselves and others. Sometimes when we realize where are our words have taken us, we are shocked, but we can’t undo the past so must just go on.

I lived with my grandmother for 3 years during the middle school years.  They were the best, most secure years of my childhood.  But when my dad moved down things changed.  There was a disagreement with my grandma and Dad grounded me. As a Sophomore in High School, I thought grounding me was totally unreasonable for stopping by a girlfriend’s house for 10 minutes on the way home from school. I considered my action completely reasonable. Feeling like a helpless victim I became angry, I stupidly chose to lash out and in order to hurt my Dad I said. “I want to go live with my mother.”

Those words were meant merely to gain an advantage for I knew Dad would never let me go live with Mom, hadn’t he told me so over and over?

But there were a lot of factors in play in Dad’s life I didn’t know anything about, and my choice of words radically changed my life and direction forever. I was stunned when I realized what I had done. I had no clue of what it really was going to mean. Within a week I was driven up several hundred miles from the security and protective love of my grandmother and my friends and church family to a tiny mountain town never again able to go back to the security of life with my godly grandmother.

All, but my mother, were strangers and I faced a totally different lifestyle with no supervision. My one unthinking choice led me to a series of some really stupid choices, one right after another and choices have power and consequences.

But praise the LORD, HE who knows all things (past, present and future) knew I would blunder in this way and since I was HIS, HE’d planned to use this to get me where HE wanted me (Ephesians 2:10).  For GOD works all things together for the end result of good to those who love HIM and are the called according to HIS purposes which will result in them being conformed to the image of HIS dear SON (our LORD JESUS CHRIST) (Romans 8:28-29).

Lamentations 3:22-23 It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because HIS compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is THY faithfulness.

I am learning to pray before I speak, are you?



Did GOD do it?

Did GOD cause this war?

GOD’s ways and thoughts are as far above ours as the furthest star is from the earth (Isaiah 55:8-9).  Consequently, we can only know things about HIM that HE chooses to reveal to us through HIS HOLY SPIRIT.  These truths are often impressed on us as we read or hear HIS written word or see HIM at work in the lives of people or are amazed by HIS creation (1 Corinthians 2:10). 

I have found a key to being sensitive to hearing GOD’s voice and being open to be taught by HIM as I study HIS word is to take note of the details that GOD reveals about HIMSELF and ponder them.  The more you know things true concerning GOD, the more you will be able to trust and obey HIM. As one put it, the most important thing about you is what you think about when you think of GOD.

Today in Bible study, one of the gals said she believed that GOD had moved men to do something that would be harming innocent people.  She went on the basis that GOD is in control.  In believing that GOD is Sovereignly in control, she was right.  She felt that since GOD could have stopped the fighting, that the fighting was HIS fault. 

Let’s look at one thing true about GOD.  “Let no man say when he is tempted (to do wrong), I am tempted of (by) GOD: for GOD cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts HE any man. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. (James 1:13-4).

In other words, GOD cannot be enticed (lured or encouraged) to do anything wrong, nor will HE ever entice (lure or encourage) anyone to do wrong.

But since GOD gave mankind the ability to choose, men often choose to do wrong.  Now GOD knew us so completely before we were even born that HE saw how we would react in every situation we would encounter.  And yet HE still gave us the ability to choose for it was through our choices that we would see our own sins and either choose them or choose the LORD by going to HIM for help.

In Ephesians 3:10 and 1 Peter 1:2 we are given hints concerning the why GOD allows evil for a time and season. And our struggles show that GOD is just and the justifier of all who believe on the name (character and sacrificial work of JESUS on the cross) of JESUS.

Wars, like we are seeing between Russia and the Ukraine, and in Syria are caused by the lusts of men (James 4:1-2) not GOD moving us as chess pieces. Yet, what man means for evil, GOD uses for good to fulfill HIS purposes (Genesis 50:20). That is an amazing, mind-boggling concept.  HIS power, as well as HIS knowing all things beforehand, explains in part the wisdom of GOD’s eternal plans.

We are encouraged if we hold onto two truths when wrong seems to flourish,

1) every single trouble that comes upon a believer GOD is actively using to achieve eternal good for us that far surpasses the pain of today (2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

2)“Vengeance is MINE says the LORD, I will repay” (Romans 12:19).  Every wrong will be made right and that truth is why there must be a 7-year Tribulation for the unbelieving Jews and the Gentiles who have rejected JESUS as their LORD. It also explains the everlasting lake of fire.

But we who are in CHRIST JESUS by believing in HIM (John 3:16, 36, 1 Corinthians 12:13, 27) are also in the love of GOD which is found in CHRIST JESUS our LORD (Romans 8:39). Through faith we have become the children of GOD (John 1:12) and are guaranteed an inheritance and are protected by GOD HIMSELF.  Praise the LORD!

Remember that old saying, “The devil made me do it?”  Well, that old devil may persuade and deceive us, but he doesn’t have the power to make us do anything. Although GOD does have the power to do anything, HE does not use it as a puppeteer.  For HE has freely given man choice.  They (the devil and GOD) both make their suggestions clear but, in every case, we choose what we do.

The choice is yours.




Have you ever been misunderstood?  GOD promises that in the new heaven and earth we will all be able to understand one another for there will be just 1 language (Zephaniah 3:9). Won’t that be awesome, no more misunderstandings!

Now at the time when all the people of the world spoke the same language and clearly understood one another what is now referred to as the tower of Babel was conceived and building began because the people were afraid to go off to fill the earth as GOD had instructed (Genesis 9:1). Instead they decided to stick together, fortify each another and to make a name for themselves (Genesis 11:1-3).

That was their choice, but it was a costly one for when GOD has decided something, HE makes sure it happens (Jeremiah 4:28c). Therefore, after allowing men to make their choice, HE urged them to rethink their choice. That is one of GOD’s ways. GOD motivated them to separate and go fill the earth by confusing their language so they could not understand each other. That is why there are so many languages and dialects on earth today. I think that it is also why people who speak the same language often misunderstand one another.

And such a misunderstanding has occurred with some I know. I felt the results of it last week and again last night but it wasn’t until I was in the tub a bit ago, soaking out the sore muscles from overdoing and talking to the LORD that I felt the nudge to explain and clarify.

There is nothing GOD can learn for HE already knows all things past, present and future. Before I speak a word, GOD knows what I am going to say (Psalm 139:4). But HIS knowing something doesn’t mean HE caused it. I believe GOD is in absolute control and works all things after the counsel of HIS own will (Ephesians 1:11). When the LORD made us, HE wanted a loving relationship so did not make us puppets. Scripture and experience show that we make our own choices. GOD determines the times, the places, the circumstances (Acts 17:26) but we choose how to act in each situation.

Now how the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY stays in control while allowing us our own choices is way beyond my ability to comprehend but that’s OK with me for HE is GOD.  HIS ways are not my ways and HIS thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9) HE knows all things, while I know in part (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Let me give you an example from an old story of how HE uses HIS knowledge of our future choices together with HIS purposes for an end result of good Romans 8:28 for a people who choose to call on HIM and are the called (1 Corinthians 1:2) to those who want a relationship with HIM.

GOD created the heaven and the earth and all things in them. At last HE made man in HIS image. Now the LORD had planted a garden full of fruit trees and in the middle of the garden GOD placed two trees: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then GOD put man in the garden and told him that he could eat from any of the trees with fruit on them except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. GOD warned him if he ate from that tree he would die.

Adam was happy, GOD gave him a job to name all of the animals HE brought to Adam and that kept him busy, but he found none like himself, no suitable helper for him. I sense when that awareness hit, he felt left out, and a loneliness came over him… a desire to have someone like himself just as the animals had. So, what do you think? Did GOD wait to give him a wife so he saw a need for one and appreciated her. Hmmm I imagine he rejoiced greatly when they were introduced. Their life was great… they had no problems, nor any reason to fear.

One day, Adam’s wife listened to a beautiful serpent… who really was the devil (Revelations 20:2) and chose to believe the serpent rather than GOD so ate of the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then gave it to her husband and he took a bite. Something drastic happened when they ate… what had been beautiful before was now something to hide and all of a sudden, they discovered two new things: fear and shame. They realized that GOD’s warning was true, HE meant what HE said… and they had for the 1st time the fear of the LORD.

But since the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, it is imperative we have a fear of the LORD. Before they sinned, Adam and Eve did not have the fear of the LORD. GOD’s purposes to conformed believers into HIS image Romans 8:29 with Hebrews 1: 3 involve their having the fear of the LORD (Isaiah 11:2,3). It is required.

Do you think that knowing what Adam and Eve’s choice was going to be, played a part in how GOD planted the garden?

I do.

I honestly think I make choices and that my choices make a difference in this world. At the same time, I believe, GOD nudges me to pray and to do (Philippians 2:13) then I choose whether I comply or not. I don’t understand it, but my choices are real and do somehow make a difference for the BIBLE says so (James 5:16)à yet GOD’s purposes can never ever be thwarted by me. To me this illustrates how man’s ability to choose shows GOD’s great Sovereign wisdom and power that would otherwise be left unseen. And it is written that GOD is teaching the angels concerning HIS awesomeness through how believers in JESUS) act (Ephesians 3:10).


PS Some call my choices free will-I don’t because GOD has set boundaries and predetermines the exact times and places according to HIS knowledge of what someone will do (foreknowledge) (Acts 17:26).

The ability to choose

What was the last choice you made?

When GOD made people HE chose to make us in HIS image with the ability to choose like HE has (Genesis 1:26). Then by setting the times and places (Acts 17:26) HE engineers situations where we have the choice and opportunity to reach out and seek HIM (Acts 17:27).

Nana (my mom’s mom) had a ‘lead foot’, but then Mom did too. I guess it was passed down, for I’ve always had to watch my speed, as well. It was back in the days before seat belts, when my mom was about five so that put it at 1928, she and her little brother, a year younger, piled into the car with Nana and went zooming down the dirt road leaving a trail of dust behind them. But when they hit a big bump, the passenger door jerked open, and my mom was flung out. She landed on her back and a sharp rock cut into the base of her head on impact. As farmer happened to be on his tractor working his field he saw my mom fly out of the car and he jumped off his tractor, and rushed over.

Mom was so tiny and blood was everywhere so the farmer gently picked up Mom then cradling the little 5-year-old tightly against himself with one arm, he stood perched on the running board, clutching the side of the car through the window with his free hand and told Nana to go! She floor boarded the gas and sped to the hospital as fast as that old car could go.

Now the doctor did all he could but recommended that they just let Mom die. He predicted that if she lived, she would be a mere vegetable anyway. Meanwhile, someone had gone for mom’s dad, and he arrived about the time of the doctor’s verdict.

But Grandpa said, “NO way! We are not letting go of Gerry so fast. We’ve only had her five short years. Let’s give it a week.” Then, although not a man of GOD, he’d heard Christians had an in with GOD, so he notified every church in town and the praying began.

GOD, who says, “ask and it will be given unto you” (Luke 11:9) was good to HIS word. GOD in HIS great love and mercy, reached down and healed my mom. That’s how Grandpa, Nana and Mom and maybe even my Uncle Gene (I’m not sure about him) came to believe in JESUS and gained life eternal.

There are lots of people out there who like my grandpa was, and don’t know GOD personally. So we who do need to let them know what GOD can do. The world seems to be getting worse and we are not guaranteed tomorrow, so, don’t miss your opportunity today. Choose to tell someone about JESUS!

Tick tock goes the clock A second, a minute, an hour, a day It’s mine to use or waste as I may The time is slipping away, the time is slipping away,

Tick tock goes the clock Where can I find time to do what I ought? There’s never more time than now what I have got. The time is slipping away, the time is slipping away.

Tick tock goes the clock. I’m rushing or waiting can’t seem to get done. The urgent is calling, no time now must run. The time is slipping away, the time is slipping away.

Tick tock goes the clock. Where am I going and where am I at? I’m going in circles, no plan thus begot The time is slipping away, the time is slipping away.

Tick tock goes the clock. Where is the strength and direction from GOD? Too busy to seek HIM, to HIM I’ll just nod. The time is slipping away, the time is slipping away.

Tick tock goes the clock. Where are my children and plans to enjoy? They’re married and gone now their own plans employ. The time has slipped away, the time has slipped away.

Tick tock goes the clock. Where are the lost and plans to proclaim? All preaching is over for the LORD JESUS came. the time has slipped away, all time has slipped away.

Don’t let it happen to you

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith.


Sharon L Manning


What do you like to think about?

“The heavens declare the glory of GOD” (Psalm 19:1). “YOU(GOD) make the outgoing of the mornings and evenings (sunrise/ sunset) to rejoice” Psalm 65:8. Or as the NCV puts it, “YOU make the going out of the morning and evening (sunrise and sunset) shout for joy.”

After surgery to regain strength I was told to walk, but it wasn’t just the walking but being outside seeing the sunrise and sunset that strengthened me.  They definitely shout for joy.

Yesterday someone stated, “Either GOD doesn’t exist, or HE simply doesn’t care.”  It was her response to the bad things that happen in our world.  People hurt people due to the influence of evil and their personal choices.

“People didn’t think it was important to have a true knowledge of GOD.  So, GOD left them and allowed them to have their own worthless thinking (thinking determines actions).  And so those people do things that they should not do” (things that hurt themselves and others) (Romans 1:28 NCV).

Although GOD’s standards are HIS perfections that we are to reach for, HE allows us to choose if we do them or if we refuse.  That is why there is sin, why people hurt people.  But if GOD stopped choices of one,HE would be micro managing him and being GOD is fair and does what is right at all times, if HE took choice away from one, HE would need to take choice away from all.  Then we would be little more that robots and definitely micro-managed.

That very one who questions whether there is a GOD, hates to be told what to do.  Just an hour or so before describing GOD as not existent or non-caring described the giving of detailed instructions as being micro-managed. And I am sure she’s not alone, I don’t think anyone likes to be micro-managed.  Do you?

There will come a time of reckoning for every wrong not paid for by JESUS blood, and a reward for every suffering we have endured.  GOD promises and its going to happen for it is impossible for HIM to lie (Hebrews 6:18).

Please pray for these who blame GOD for what they cannot understand.  There is much I don’t understand but being GOD sent HIS only son to die that all who believe in JESUS would be reconciled to HIM and have eternal life, I know HE care and rest simply in that.

Rearranging my office, I came across my grown son’s 1st Bible an NCV.  Glancing through it I came across awesome words. 

“Listen when I correct you, I will tell you what’s in MY heart.  I will tell you what I am thinking.”

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).

