A little ant

GOD uses the strangest ways to teach me.

GOD amazed me afresh this morning giving me a smile and an illustration of how the new covenant works (Hebrews 10:16-17) and of how HE is changing me into the likeness of JESUS (Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18). 

Sitting in my chair in the back yard, reading the Bible and talking to GOD as the sun rose, I felt something on my arm.  Glancing down I caught sight of a little ant climbing up my arm.  Initially, I wanted to grumble then instantly a thought came (Proverbs 21:1) that I should be thankful that I have sensitivity in my skin and can feel things.

I laughed as I brushed the little critter off my arm and praised the LORD, thanking HIM for giving me the sense of touch. 

It took a little bit before I realized that thought about feeling had come as the HOLY SPIRIT was writing in my mind that which GOD wanted me to do (Hebrews 10:16) through redirecting my thoughts to the wonder of the sense of touch and feeling.

HE did it so that I would obey GOD’s desire for me to give thanks to HIM for all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18). 

Once again, GOD proved HIMSELF faithful to do what HE says HE will do (1 Thessalonians 5:24). 

Faithful is HE who calls you who also will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24). 

What a fun and wonderful GOD we serve.



I double dare ya

I have gone along for decades eating my food oblivious to what specific foods do.  But as some have gotten diseases, I learned more about the food I eat and its effect on my body.  As grandchildren became vegans (that means no animal products period) I learned even more. 

But my ignorance of what my food was doing (like my spinach giving me a daily dose of vitamin c and keeping me from bleeding too much or garlic easing pain but thinning my blood) did not stop the food from doing what GOD made it to do.  It is the same with the Word of GOD.

GOD’s Word will accomplish all that HE sends it out to do (Isaiah 55:11) we do not have to understand what it’s doing for it to work.

JESUS declared that man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD (Luke 4:4).  Just like eating food gives us energy and helps us grow so the Word of GOD energizes us and helps us grow.  The Word of GOD washes us as we read it (Ephesians 5:26). 

As I mentioned earlier we don’t have to understand it for it to work.  There are many times that I have been reading the Word and questions arise so I ask GOD and if clarity doesn’t come, and often even if understanding is given, I will jot it down in my journal. Its fun to go back and write the answer.

Other times verses will seem to jump off the page and catch my attention.  I understand the verse but have no clue as how it affects me and most of the time even after I ask GOD to show me, I am clueless… that is until later in the day.  Something will happen for myself or another where I will need to share that verse and GOD unknown to me had prepared me for what was ahead.

Now I am telling you all this for a reason.  If you began reading at the beginning of the New Testament, Matthew 1 and read 3 chapters a day you would finish the entire New Testament before Thanksgiving.  As we have seen it would feed your spirit, and nourish you, and prepare you for your day. 

Grace and peace are multiplied to you through knowing more and more about GOD, and as we discover HIS promises in HIS word and use them it changes us and little by little our nature becomes more like godly (2 Peter 1:1-4) and as we grow in CHRIST’s likeness love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness kindness, goodness, faith and self-control flow freely from us. As we learn to recognize and allow the HOLY SPIRIT in us to empower and direct us the result is we meet the needs of others just as we were designed to do.

I’ve read through the bible more times than I can remember but I am still reading 3 chapters a day and GOD catches my attention by something every single day.

How about it are you going to read those 3 chapters a day?  I double dare you.




Are you feeling down?

Imagine you just have moved and everything is in 2 boxes. You must live out of the boxes until you put everything away.

In one you threw in all the bad junk and in the other all the good things. You must live out of those boxes until JESUS comes and takes you to your new home with HIM.

Which box will you live out of?

If you live out of the box with the bad, by constantly looking at the negative you are going to be discouraged and miserable. But if you live out of the box of blessings you will be led by the SPIRIT and filled with peace and joy and expectancy (Romans 15:13).

How can you toss everything you can think of bad about your situation now or things in your past into a box? (one way to do that is write down whatever bad comes to mind go right then and talk to GOD about it, then hand it over to GOD and cross it off the paper. When you can’t think of any more throw the paper in the trash and in that way burn the bad box).

In the second box toss in everything good in your life right now.

I’ve given you a head start by listing some of what I know you have been given. Why not write down the verses that tell of each blessing. But keep this list and add too it as you see more blessings. Then when our enemy Satan whispers accusation and flaunts the bad, do as JESUS did and say no and turn to your box of blessings and pull out one of the verses and read it aloud.

Ist in this box, you have been given a place selected by GOD (Acts 17:26) where HE desires to teach and use you. The Apostle Paul was sent to Arabia to be taught by GOD (Galatians 1:17-18), John the Baptist was sent to the wilderness to be prepared for his assignment (Luke 3:2), with me it was Ellicott. I don’t know why GOD picked your specific place for you but you can know for sure there is a special reason for good (Ezekiel 14:23).

GOD our FATHER in heaven loves you so much HE sent HIS only Begotten SON to die for you so you could be forgiven and have eternal life (John 3:16).

GOD has a plan for your life for good not bad, HE has preset the exact times and places for you according to HIS wisdom and purpose (Ezekiel 14:23).

GOD has prepared a future for you (Jeremiah 29:11-13, Ephesians 2:10)

GOD promises to direct your steps (not necessarily you mind) when you stop and ask HIM (Proverbs 3:5-7).

Nothing is impossible with GOD (Luke 1:37)

What GOD says HE will do (Numbers 23:19)

JESUS, GOD the SON made everything in heaven and earth (Hebrews 1:1-3) made you in HIS image (Genesis 1:26-27).

JESUS loved you so much HE gave up HIS rights as GOD, took on the form of a servant and was make in the likeness of man so that HE could die in your place (Philippians 2:5-8) and save you from your sins (Matthew 1:21).

Now start on your personal list… As an old song says:..count your blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings see what GOD has done, count your blessings name them one by one and it will surprise you what the LORD has done.

With that invitation I will close for now,



Does something in your life seem impossible?

“Not one promise from GOD is empty of power, for nothing is impossible with GOD!” Luke 1:37

We often limit GOD’s involvement in our lives when we base our prayers on what we see in the natural.

As long as our eyes are fixed on the circumstances that seem impossible to overcome, our faith remains limited.

But when we deliberately choose to spend time with GOD, in HIS Word, HE whispers to us and we begin to see things are not limited to our GOD Who made this world and everything in it. We begin to understand and access spiritual resources already ours and always at our disposal, ready to be dispatched to make what is naturally impossible – supernaturally possible when we run to the throne of grace to receive mercy and grace to help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16, Ephesians 1:3).

It was naturally impossible for Mary to conceive the SON of GOD, Who would take away the sin of the world. But her eyes weren’t focused on the natural the day she accepted GOD’s promise. Her eyes were on the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.  Even though she couldn’t see or understand how the details would unfold, she chose to place her faith simply in what GOD said, and embraced HIS Words in her heart and soul, refusing to entertain the sneers of the evil one that it was impossible.

The key is devotion to JESUS- to look to and trust in our unlimited GOD Who chooses to use the foolish things to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27-29) and let HIM accomplish the impossible in and through us by simply doing what HE shows us to do.

Let GOD grow you in the fires of struggles and GOD will make you nourishment for others (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

As we daily look and speak to our LORD and renew our minds in HIS Word, that Word turns to faith (Romans 10:17) and dominates our thoughts. This is how we do the impossible – through GOD given faith in our unlimited wise GOD and HIS unchanging faithfulness.




Are you willing to say what you know is true even if others have a hard time with it?

In HIS time GOD will answer our questions. HE says, Call unto ME and I will answer and show you great and mighty thing you know not. Jeremiah 33:3.

Talking with a gal yesterday the LORD explained something to me that had baffled me.

This is a gal who though I was a bit touched in the head (delusional) for I sometimes say GOD told me.  She knew JESUS as her Savior yet had doubted that GOD talked to people anymore because she had asked to hear HIM speak but HE never spoke to her before.

This gal had been struggling in several relationships with different members of her family and I had previously encouraged her to forgive one who had hurt her badly stating that unless she forgave that one the ones in her family wouldn’t forgive her of things they perceived wrong (Luke 6:37-38).  I spoke of the GOD principle of human relationships that what you sow you will reap.  Which is seen both in the Old Testament and the New.  Though she had not said I was wrong, inside she had thought it and had rejected my counsel.

But yesterday as we sat on my porch swing, she just glowed as she related some recent events in her life.  She told how when out walking she had felt there was nothing left in life for her anymore but rejection and pain and had cried out in desperation for GOD to take her home to heaven.  

Immediately she heard a voice saying, “No!  It’s not time, you have things to do.”  That shook her up and she ran into a store and into a bathroom and fell on her knees before GOD.  Then her phone rang, and it was the one I had told her to forgive.  That one asked for forgiveness and she freely gave it.  Since forgiving the one who had hurt her, she has begun recognizing the LORD’s leading of holding her back or urging her ahead and have seen encouraging results of obeying the HOLY SPIRIT’s leading. For GOD will not tell us anymore until we have done what HE asks us to do.  And we initially know what HE wants us to do for HE places it in our hearts (Philippians 2:13).

She laughed and said, I thought you were crazy Sharon, but now I understand.  I believed but I had not given GOD everything. Jeremiah 29:13…you will find me when you come to ME with ALL your heart.

What she said next was not new but answered a long-standing question I had asked GOD.  The question was: GOD said all things become new but that seemed to contradict my experience of struggle for my old sin nature still is attracted to things of this world. 

What she said was, “Nothing had changed, but everything was new because my perspective was changed and I have peace, I have hope (Romans 12:1-2).

Think on these things and you will be blessed as I have been.

Rejoice with me for my friend, our sister in CHRIST,



After the storm

In the quiet, after the storm

After a day of 100+ heat came the torrential rain and hail storm with lightning and thunder that shook the ground and even literally and physically shocked my daughter as she drove home, then came the quiet, an orange sky and a rainbow. My phone didn’t catch the wonder of it all but here is what I did catch of GOD’s glorious handiwork. That is so like HIM for after the storms of life, HE will refresh us with beauty.

Feel Defeated?

Is your world crashing down?

Are you or is someone you know feeling defeated, beaten up, purposeless with no direction or even hope? Has your world come crashing down and the stars all faded from view? Whether a victim or villain, regardless of why we are where we are, none has the right to look down on another for all of us have blown it. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD” (Romans 3:23).

In our darkest moment GOD still loves us and has a good plan for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). 

When I hurt so bad, everything seemed so unfair, I couldn’t see any hope at all and didn’t want to go on.  Somehow, the LORD kept running the following words with music in my heart and mind. Singing it out helped me focus and stumble ahead one step at a time- day after day until I was finally out of that awful tunnel

This night there’s pain and weeping The path’s so black ahead, My burden feels so heavy I feel alone, confused, unled.

Chorus:But there’s joy, joy, joy in the morning, joy in the morning with JESUS my King Yes, there’s joy, joy, joy in the morning I’ll be so happy I’ll shout and I’ll sing.

During this night of weeping I’ll cling to Christ my stead For HE claims there is a purpose That through it all I’m being led

Sure enough, just as HE promised HE led me on, one step at a time.  From my hopeless despair HE led me on to wonderful seasons full of meaning and fun.  HE even gave me my childhood back by having me work several years at a Christian Camp in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado, then on to work on a closed Air Force Base where I was asked to take over a prayer chain for the contractors at the Joint National Test Facility for the MDA and HE opened up doors for me to go overseas on 3 prayer journeys through the 10/40 window and let me be part of the research team for the Window.  Plus, I got to lead women’s Bible studies and even after retirement from the work force my life is fuller than ever with teaching and praying and friends.

I’m nothing special, but GOD loves to use the foolish things to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27-29) so none can boast.  HE will use whoever (Romans 2:11) and whatever HE pleases to accomplish HIS purposes (remember the donkey that talked see Numbers 22:22-33). 

HE loves you and me, and HE sent HIS only Begotten Son to die for our sins so that whosoever believes in HIM will not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).  But it doesn’t stop there HE has plans for you, just like HE has for me.  Plans to help you not hurt you, to give you a future and a hope and when you seek HIM with all your heart you will find HIM (Jeremiah 29:11-13).  

Prayer will be effective when we stop using it as a substitute for doing what HE tells us to do and are ready to do whatever HE places in our hearts to do (Philippians 2:13).

I urge you to consider my words and seek my GOD with all your heart for HE is waiting for you to come.

And therefore, will the LORD wait, that HE may be gracious unto you; and therefore will HE be exalted that HE may have mercy upon you… blessed are all they that wait for HIM (Isaiah 30:18).

Hugs, Sharon

It’s so unfair!

Do things seem unfair?

There once was a man who had 12 sons. The 11th son Joseph was his favorite and he gave that boy a coat of many colors.  GOD gave that boy 2 dreams and his 10 older brothers hated him because their father favored him and because of his dreams. 

When Joseph was 17, he obeyed his father and went to see how his older brothers were doing.  His brothers threw him in a pit until a caravan passed by and then they sold their little brother as a slave to the traders, who when they got to Egypt in turn sold Joseph to Potiphar one of the Pharaoh’s officials (Genesis 37).  He worked hard and gained favor but then when he was doing good someone lied about him and he was tossed in the can and he did good there too and interpreted dreams for 2 of Pharaoh’s officials who had fallen out of favor and tossed in jail.  When the dreams came true Joseph asked the one going back to the palace to tell the Pharaoh about the unfair things that had happened.  Excited about getting out, the official forgot all about Joseph until Pharaoh had a dream and needed to find out what it meant. Then the official remembered Joseph, told Pharaoh and Joseph was called for and interpreted the dream for the Pharaoh.  Because of Joseph’s wisdom he was placed in #2 position over all of Egypt Genesis 39-41). 

All the unfairness and trouble started when Joseph was 17 and now, he was 30.  He saw much trouble, but GOD had given him favor wherever he was (even in jail).  But if Joseph had not been in jail when the Pharaoh needed his dream interpreted, GOD’s plan to use Joseph to save many alive would have failed.  Joseph had to be in the right place at the right time.

GOD has preset the exact times and places for each of us (Acts 17:26).

Through those 13 years of unfairness and trouble GOD’s promises given to him in dreams when he was a boy tested and tried him until they proved true after he was released from jail. (Psalm 105:17-19).  Don’t let go of the promises GOD has placed in your heart.

Be confident of this very thing that if you, like so many I know, are experiencing unfairness and struggle after trouble know you are not alone.  Many of us are there.  Be assured GOD knows and is working it all for an end result of good for you and others who love HIM (Romans 8:28, 2 Corinthians 4:15-18).

Think on these things, read over these verses, and be blessed.

Hugs, Sharon

How do I do that?

We can only counter lies if we know the truth.

Reading about how our LORD washed HIS disciples feet in John 13 I noted again that since we are clean (washed in the blood of the Lamb-through faith in HIM Revelation 7:14) all we need is for JESUS to wash the dust off our feet -the stuff we pick up by living in this world  (Hebrews 7:25, 12:11).

Then JESUS said since HE our MASTER washes our feet, so we are to wash one another’s.  I know this means to meet the needs of others but felt compelled I ask the LORD how to work that command out practically in my interactions and all of a sudden I realized that the practices of our culture, the lies that pervade our society, and the false teaching that has crept into the church by sloppy use of scripture (that is teaching that doesn’t jive with and actually twists Scripture -Isaiah 8:20) is the dust of the world that needs to be washed away. 

So, our job is to loving point out scripture that shows the truth.  In that way we would be washing the dust of this world’s thinking off a fellow believer’s feet.  In this way I am to follow the LORD’s example of washing the disciples’ feet. 

Acting true to HIS nature, it wasn’t long before GOD gave me an opportunity to do just that. LOL.

However, we 1st must prayerfully check the Scripture and its context to be sure what we are saying is accurate.  Then we need to be careful not to strive. “For the servant of the LORD must not strive but be gentle to all men …patient and in meekness instructing…” (2 Timothy 2:24-25). We are just loving to introduce the truth into the conversation and let the HOLY SPIRIT take it from there to reveal truth to them.

I love these lessons the LORD is teaching me.




Not being in the Word of GOD is like not eating, it will make us weak  

Matthew 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD.

In the Bible we learn history, and teaches us what GOD wants and how GOD deals with people (Romans 15:4). But it doesn’t stop there the Word shows us things we are not aware of concerning ourselves, revealing our motives and where we don’t measure up (Hebrews 4:12).

It also explains things we need to know, giving us directions in the way we should go (Jeremiah 33:3).

As I was in the Word and talking to the LORD one morning I came to a sentence and I knew it was for me personally. It said, “don’t fight against it, this thing is from ME”.  Now historically it concerned a king and what he was not to do but I knew it was meant for me that very day though I had no clue what I would be tempted to fight against. 

A little later, I got a phone call and knew what GOD was talking about.  But praise the LORD, HE had prepared me not to fight.

Another time I cried out to GOD concerning a problem and GOD told me through scripture something had to happen before the answer would come but that it would come.  Well, at first, I thought that the something would happen right away, I shared what I believed GOD said to me with a couple dear friends.  They didn’t believe it, one even indicated wrong on my part.  So, I questioned myself before GOD concerning it.  In another place the LORD confirmed in another place what HE had spoken into my heart while I read HIS word.

Well, it didn’t happen and didn’t happen I questioned HIM and through scripture HE spoke that it had its appointed time and I was to wait for it for it was sure to come.  And through the years I struggled with this for it was a hard thing that had to happen before the good could come.  Another time I questioned GOD if I had misunderstood HIM and HE spoke a verse to me.

(Sharon), you have need of patience that after you have done the will of GOD you will receive the promise (Hebrews 10:36).

So I can glimpse what is meant in Psalm 105:19 where it says that GOD’s word to Joseph (the prophetic dreams GOD gave Joseph as a boy) tried and tested him over and over through the struggles of being sold as a slave, lied about and tossed in jail and then forgot about.

The enemy used the message this week to have me examine myself again before the LORD on this promise nearly 30 years old. When I spoke to the LORD concerning the accusations immediately verses came to mind that countered the accusationsà those fiery darts of the evil one.  But I also felt the need to share all this with you. 

Perhaps one reading this is being bombarded with the devil’s sneers, like Joseph and I have been.  Tried and tested as we wait.  May I remind you that GOD is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:25), what HE says HE will do but HIS ways and time schedules are often quite different than ours.  But I have come to see great wisdom in the delays both in Joseph’s life and in mine

