Popcorn balls

Some check their phones, some ask their friends but where do you go to find the answers to your questions?

My grandchildren love to come to my house and make popcorn balls that old-time favorite holiday treat! The popcorn balls shown here were made by the one shown.

Now if you wanted to make popcorn balls but didn’t know how, which book would you take off the shelf?Would you take a book of history? or a dictionary? Of course not, you would choose a cook book.

We need to use that same kind of reasoning to find the wisdom we need to get answers for life’s challenges.  Answers we can also share with others struggling. We need to go to the ONE who has that wisdom and go to the book HE has given us.

“In whom (JESUS) are hid all the treasures of wisdom & knowledge. And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words(deceive you with well-crafted arguments” (Colossians 2:3-4). “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men,after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Colossians 2:8).

‘Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human reasoning and from the spiritual powers of this world under the instructions of the evil prince of the power of the air that works in the children of disobedience”(Ephesians 2:2).

Instead seek wisdom from Christ and when seeking wisdom remember that one of JESUS CHRIST’s names is the WORD (John 1:1-3, I John 1:1-3).  Don’t look in the world to find GOD’s answers. Go to HIS WORD (Hebrews 4:14-16, James 1:5-6, Proverbs 3:5-7).

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



Out of the blue

Whether getting directions in doing something new, or driving a car, especially in snow or in heavy traffic, it is essential that we give it our utmost attention.

Take heed is just one of several words used throughout the Bible telling us to pay attention.  We are told to pay attention to what we hear, so we can do what GOD prescribes (Mark :23-24) and to pay attention that we are not deceived.  But there is more than one way to hear.  We hear with our ears and eyes, but we also get impressions within, something I like to call whispers or nudges. 

Whispers or nudges (impressions) can come from GOD or the evil one.  But it is easy to discern the source if you just ask GOD.  HE promises to show us if we just stop and ask HIM. But we must be willing to accept what GOD tells us and go with it if we expect HIM to answer.  If we ask and are willing to follow through none can trick us for no one is stronger that GOD and HE, who cannot lie (Titus 1:2), promises to direct our steps, though not necessarily explain it all to us (James 1:5-7, Proverbs 3:5-7).

Like the prophets and the apostles of old were moved by the HOLY SPIRIT, to go and to do to speak or to write so each of us who belong to JESUS have heard that still small voice of the HOLY SPIRIT nudging us to do something. Sadly, we have often brushed away that awareness that we needed to do something and ignored it only to realize later that if we had acted on that nudge it was exactly what was needed. 

Out of the blue do you ever feel the need to call someone? Check it out it may be GOD’s instructions to you.

We need to pay attention, to slow down and listen when we feel a nudge from GOD.  It only takes a second to ask. “LORD is this really from YOU?” If the nudge persists no matter how silly or hard it may seem– do it! Remember we are warned against leaning/ depending on our own understanding and being wise in our own eyes and instructed to trust the LORD with all our hearts for HE knows what HE is doing (Proverbs 3:5-7).

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace(Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



Yes means yes

The leadership of a country or of a business appoint and send representatives/ ambassadors out to represent them to others.  GOD the FATHER sent JESUS to the world to show us what HE was like and to attend HIS business(die for the sins of the world that we might be forgiven John 3:16). JESUS sends believers out in the same manner to witness of HIM (John 20:21, Acts 1:8).

As afollower of CHRIST JESUS, who is the exact representation of GOD the FATHER inhuman form (Hebrews 1:2-3) we represent JESUS and GOD our FATHER to the world.  Therefore, people view GOD by what they see in us.

GOD is true to HIS word, for HE cannot lie (Titus 1:2), if HE has said something, HE will do it. HE doesn’t change HIS mind (Numbers 23:19). 

We believers are sent out to witness of the character and promises of GOD representing JESUS and GOD the FATHER by what we say and do.  We are instructed to simply let our “yes be yes and our no be no” (Matthew 5:37).

In other words, we are called to be people of our word.  We are to do what we say and say what we do so our lives reflect our FATHER in heaven and JESUS CHRIST our LORD and Savior.  As others see that we are dependable/faithful to our word, they will view GOD as faithful and dependable.

  • Many are sent as ambassadors from countries to the US alone.
  • But I’ve been made an ambassador for GOD ALMIGHTY’s throne.
  • They represent mere men’s’ affairs, ideas, policies and way
  • While GOD’s eternal attributes I’m called upon to display.
  • How can I possibly represent such a just, holy and loving ONE?
  • HE’s all I want but fail to be as through daily affairs I run.
  • A still voice speaks, ‘Come learn of ME’, consult ME whatever you do
  • Then I will guide your very thoughts living MY nature out through you.

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



Are you ready?

JESUS had sent out 70 of HIS followers to go out to tell about JESUS and to heal the sick (Luke 10:1-2, 9) and when they had done as HE asked and returned and reported to JESUS, “And the 70 again returned with joy, saying ‘LORD the devils are subject to us through YOUR name’” (Luke 10:17).

JESUS said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven” (Luke 10:18).

Why did JESUS say that? Satan fell from his high position in heaven because he became proud of himself (Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:17). By saying that JESUS was warning his followers about thinking that the gifts given them to do HIS work made them special.

“For who makes you to differ from another? And what do you have that you did not received?  Now if you have received it why do you glory as if you did not receive it?” (1 Corinthians 4:7) “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of GOD and not of us” (2 Corinthians 4:7).

The purpose of GOD equipping HIS servants with spiritual gifts ar to do HIS work.  It is liketurning on the faucet that has a garden hose attached.  The garden hose is not the source of refreshingwater, but the conduit through which the water flows. We must always remember GODis the source of the power and HE flows through us to do HIS will.

I am an earthen vessel, just a little pot of clay.  without contents I’m worthless, unused inane I lay. Then the tender Master Potter filled HIS vessel from above with the living flowing water of HIS great eternal love.  No longer am I worthless nor inane, unused do lie, for there’s water for the thirsty, their needs HE does supply.

But then JESUS went on to say, “Behold I have given you power (equipped you) …over all the power of the enemy …Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that the spirits are subject to you; but rather rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20).

When we believe in JESUS GOD the FATHER takes us out of the kingdom of darkness and places us into the kingdom of HIS dear son (of heaven)(Colossians 1:13) (and our names are written in the Lamb’s book of life (Malachi 3:16, John 3:16, Philippians 4:3, Revelation 13:7-8, Revelation 20:15).

Considering these truths what is the greatest thing we can have?

Therefore, what are the greater works JESUS speaks about in John 14:12?

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).




  • Joseph waited 22 years
  • Abraham waited 25 years
  • Moses waited 40 years
  • JESUS is still waiting
  • If GOD is making you wait
  • you are in good company!

Has the LORD ever spoken to you and assured you that HE was going to act, but the days come, and the days go, and it still has not come to be?  Join the club.  I want to encourage you as you wait for GOD to fulfill HIS word to you. And HE will, for “GOD is not a man that HE should lie,nor the son of man that HE should change his mind. Has HE said it, and shall HE not do it?  Has HE spoken, and shall HE not bring it to pass?” (Numbers 23:19). Refuse the enemy’s lying whispers that GOD did not speak to you or GOD does not care, for having HIS children wait is one of GOD’s mysterious ways, a tool HE uses to develop and prepare us for what lies ahead.

Take for example 17-year-old Joseph was given a promise that he would be in authority and even his family would go to him for what they needed.  Then the opposite took place-he was stripped of his coat of many colors, thrown in a pit, sold as a slave and taken to Egypt.  But GOD was with him and gave him favor and Joseph was put in authority over everything in the house of his master. Then someone tried to get him to sin and when he refused that one lied accusing Joseph of what she tried to do and he was put in jail. Even in jail GOD was with him and gave Joseph favor and he was put in charge of what went on in the jail.  Then two royal prisoners each had a dream but didn’t know what it meant.  Joseph oversaw them and seeing they were sad he asked what was wrong. Learning of the dreams Joseph declared that “interpretations belong to GOD.” He had learned that what one may think a dream means may play out entirely differently than we think it would. 

So, Joseph heard the dreams of the two high ranking prisoners and accurately explained to each what his dream meant. Joseph had learned during his time of trouble and waiting to ask and to listen to GOD. Joseph asked the cup-bearer to remember him when he got out of jail in 3 days, but the royal cup-bearer (probably so excited about being released from jail) didn’t even think about Joseph.  Two more years went by and Joseph was still in jail. During that time GOD’s promise to him tested him (Psalm 105:19) but it also put him in the place and prepared him for the work GOD had called him to do.

At that time Pharaoh had a dream but none of his advisors could interpret it. Then the cup-bearer remembered that Joseph had rightly interpreted his dream, so he told the Pharaoh about Joseph.  Joseph explained not only the Pharaoh’s dream but advised him in what he should do about it. GOD gave Joseph favor in Pharaoh eyes and he believed Joseph and put him over all of Egypt to put into motion that very plan.  Now this is the 3rd time great authority was given Joseph but still his dreams, his promise from GOD was not completely fulfilled.  It was another 9 years (a total of 22 years of waiting) before that happened.  (See Genesis 37-50 for more details of this amazing story). 

Like Joseph and the Psalmist, I too have cried out, “Stablish (fulfill) YOUR word to YOUR servant who is devoted to YOU” (Psalms 119:38).

“My soul faints (longs) for YOUR salvation; but I hope in YOUR word.  My eyes fail looking for YOUR promise, when will YOU comfort me?… How long must YOUR servant wait?” (Psalm 119:81-82, 84).

“Remember YOUR word to YOUR servant upon which YOU have caused me to hope” (Psalm 119:49).

Some have said that to get a promise and it not being immediately fulfilled and having to wait for years must be discouraging. But I find the opposite is true. Like the Psalmist I find the promise causes me to hope rather than give up in despair in seemingly hopeless situations and it also keeps me praying.

GOD has tested me through waiting but as I turn to HIM, HE encourages me through the Bible and seeing the wisdom, timing and faithfulness of GOD to Joseph and others encourages and helps me as I wait.  I hope it does the same for you too.

Some have said that to get a promise and it not being immediately fulfilled and having to wait for years must be discouraging. But I find the opposite is true. Like the Psalmist I find the promise causes me to hope rather than give up in despair in seemingly hopeless situations and it also keeps me praying.

GOD has tested me through waiting but as I turn to HIM, HE encourages me through the Bible and seeing the wisdom, timing and faithfulness of GOD to others like Joseph encourages and helps me as I wait.  I hope it does the same for you too.

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



HE backs off

When I first got into Bible study back in my early 20’s I was taught that I could only understand the Word of GOD as the HOLY SPIRIT explained it to me (1 Corinthians 2:10-13, John 16:13-15) because GOD’s ways and thoughts are as high as the heavens are above the earth above my ways and thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9).  I was encouraged to pray before I began reading the Word and ask the HOLY SPIRIT if there was anything blocking my hearing HIS voice.

The HOLY SPIRIT being a person, just like GOD the FATHER and JESUS, HE is infinite which, in part, means HE can be everywhere at the same time.  HE comes and live within us, as a source of living water (John 7:38-39) to teach, lead, remind, comfort, and empower us (John 14:26) when we believe and accept JESUS CHRIST who is the SON of GOD, who died for the sins of the world, was raise again and is coming again to rule.  The HOLY SPIRIT doesn’t just come but is sealed to us until the day of redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14, 4:30).

As a person, the HOLY SPIRIT has feelings.  We can grieve HIM with sin/wrong thoughts and actions (Ephesians 4:30); we can quench HIS work in us by refusing HIS teaching/ leading/ nudging (1 Thessalonians 5:19), we can lie to HIM (but of course HE knows for being GOD HE knows all things).

When we grieve, quench, or in other ways refuse HIS warnings, teaching, leading, nudges, it is like we turn our back on HIM and although HE remains in us (for we are sealed with HIM until JESUS comes) HE backs off.  Just like we do when someone doesn’t want us around. 

When that happens to me, Scripture isn’t alive speaking to me, there also seems a coolness when I pray.  So, I simply ask the HOLY SPIRIT for forgiveness and to show me what is wrong. One awesome thing about HIM, like each of the 3 persons of the GODhead, HE is waiting ready to forgive if we will just ask (1 John 1:9).

Often when there has been blah session of reading the Bible and I stop and pray the HOLY SPIRIT will remind me of a nudge HE had given me to share, something HE laid on my heart (like this word I am writing now).  Once I do what HE has shown me, HE will open up the Word to me again, but not before.   

So, if the Word of GOD doesn’t make much sense, or seems awful boring, even if you have switched to a Psalm or another book, you might want to check with the HOLY SPIRIT to see what the hang-up is.

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



Grow in grace

How do we grow in grace?

Doing some research on some Bible words this morning I got another glimpse of one of GOD’s marvelous ways.  It so excites me, although it is not new, I just have to share it with you.

A word translated add to in English in 2 Peter 1:5, means something different in the Greek*.  It the Greek sentence structure and form means is developed by

We see that specific concept on how we grow in grace and in the knowledge of GOD our FATHER and our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST in James 1:2-4 where we are told to rejoice when we have all different kinds of problems and temptations because that this testing of our faith produces patience in us and then in turn patience endurance works and develops us into maturity where we are full equipped (to cope) and lack nothing.

In 2 Peter 1:5 giving all diligence to walk by faith will develop virtue in us. Then as we apply virtue, knowledge will be developed (Hebrews 5:14 says using what we learn produces discernment).

2 Peter 1:6 says: applying knowledge will develop self-control, and acting with self-control will develop patience and as we learn to wait (walk in patience) we become godly- (we will include GOD in all our thoughts and actions).

2 Peter 1:7 When GOD is in all our thoughts, brotherlykindness will begin to flow, andwhen brotherly kindness is acted out then charity (GOD’s agapa love) is anatural overflow.  Then all the awesome qualities found in 1Corinthians 13 will flow from us as the living water of the HOLY SPIRIT isreleased through us (John 7:38-39).

This process is why we are exhorted in Philippians 3:16 to live out what we have learn thus far.  If we do that then Philippians 3:15 says GOD will reveal more to us.  I like how Luke puts it,

“Take heed how you hear (do you pay attention and apply it?) for whosoever has (if you really believe something you will act on it) more will be given, but whosoever has not even that which he thinks he has will be taken away from him” (Luke 8:18- see also Mark 4:23-25).  Now that is a warning that takes us back to 2 Peter 1:5 when we are instructed to diligently apply (live out) our faith).

Isn’t it exciting to know that by simply by practicing what we have learned that we develop other awesome qualities.  GOD’s ways are amazing!  What wisdom and knowledge belongs to HIM.

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2 Corinthians 10:5).



*The word meaning used here is taken from Vincent’s Word Studies of the New Testament.

Keep your word

Do you always do what you say you will do?

Do you expect others to do what they say they will do? “Therefore, all things whatever you would that men do to you, do you even unto them (Matthew 7:12).

When my son was little, and someone did not do what they had told him they would do he would exclaim, “He lied to me!”  I thought it a bit extreme at the time, but is it?

Do you always do what you say you will do?

There is much about GOD and HIS ways that are beyond our understanding (Isaiah 55:8-9) but HE does reveal things true about HIMSELF both in HIS Creation and in HIS Word.  The things GOD shows us about HIMSELF is so that we can learn how we are supposed to act as HIS children. For as babies learn what to do by watching their parents and imitating them, so GOD is teaching us how to act by our seeing HIM in action (Matthew 5:43-48).  For GOD has determined that every believer in JESUS who loves HIM will become like JESUS in character and action (Romans 8:28).

“The secret things belong to the LORD our GOD, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all…” (Deuteronomy 29:29).

Today I’ve been thinking about just one of those things the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has shown us about HIMSELF.  “GOD is not a man that HE should lie nor the son of man that HE should change HIS mind.  Has said and will HE not do it?  Or has HE spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” (Numbers 23:19 ESV).

GOD says, “… I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass, I have purposed, and I will do it” (Isaiah 46:11 ESV).

GOD keeps HIS word. HE keeps covenant (does what HE says HE will do) and mercy with believers.“O LORD GOD there is no GOD like YOU, in the heaven or on earth beneath, keeping covenant and showing steadfast love to YOUR servants who walk before YOU with all their heart” (1 Kings 8:23).

In Matthew 5:48 we are told to imitate or do things the way GOD does them and be like our FATHER in heaven. Psalms 15 is a little Psalm that begins with, “O LORD who will dwell in YOUR tent?” (or be with YOU) And the following verses name qualities GOD wants in HIS children.  In verse 4 it names the quality or virtue that we have been talking about. 

“those who swear (or say they will do something) to their own hurt (later it becomes hard to follow through) and (yet) he does not change (he keeps his word even though it is difficult.)” Psalm 15:4.

Do you, do I glibly say, “I will do this or that”, but when it is not convenient, we make excuses and get out of doing it?

Let this mind be in you that was in CHRIST JESUS (who emptied HIMSELF out to do the will of GOD) (Philippians 2:5).

Now, may the LORD guide you with HIS peace(Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2) and talk over your thoughts with HIM (2Corinthians 10:5).



From the rising of the sun

“when they cried out to the LORD for help, HE raised up a deliverer” Judges 3:9

Sun ☀️ moon 🌙 and stars ✨

I awoke with the words and music of  “The moon and the stars declare WHO YOU are…” (from Phil Wickham’s Cannons) running through my mind.  Though I couldn’t remember all the words, my heart lifted in singing praise to GOD.  Then as I talked with HIS Majesty, I overwhelmed with my blessings and overflowed thanking the LORD for one thing after another, including recent deliverances for me and loved ones.

Then I opened the Word, and I read, “when they cried out to the LORD for help, HE raised up a deliverer” three times (Judges 3:9,15, 4:3).  In each case their troubles came because of disobedience, shows that regardless of reason we are in a bad place GOD is ready to hear and answer our cries for help if we will only turn to HIM.

What a marvelous loving GOD we serve!

May our LORD guide you with HIS peace (Colossians 3:15), strengthen you with HIS joy (Nehemiah 8:10) and enable you with HIS grace (Hebrews 4:16).  Keep looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2).

