In this heat

“I would seek GOD…WHO gives rain upon the earth and sends waters upon the fields” (Job 10:8, 10).

With this heat wave, no matter how one tries it is hard to get relief.  One of my girls traveling home in a jeep with no air conditioner stopped at a gas station.  Seeing stars before her eyes, she felt as though she would pass out, so her daughter handed her a bottle of water that she had just purchased. Jeri opened it and poured it over her head standing with people all around.  As the water ran down over her, drenching her from head to foot, she revived!  Praise the LORD Who always prepares ahead and provides what is needed! 

Now this boldly beaked Toucan is the toco toucan, is a great example of GOD preparing HIS creatures for where HE places them.  This bird lives in world’s largest area of tropical wetlands, the Pantanal, which stretches across a large swath of Brazil along with parts of Paraguay and Bolivia. The weather is warm and humid, and GOD, in HIS interesting and creative way enabled the Pantanal’s wildlife to cope in the sultry conditions.

The toco Toucan species has the largest beak, relative to its body, of any bird. While his big bright bill is terrific at plucking and peeling fruit, and defending against predators, its greatest use may be in regulating temperature.  The toco toucan’s lightweight keratin beak is underlain with blood vessels which help dissipate body heat. The jumbo beak serves as a kind of thermostat, cooling the toucan off in much the same way those oversize ears do for elephants.

Aren’t GOD’s colorful designs enthrallingly in amazing wise practicality as well as beauty?

Seeking GOD’s wisdom in HIS creation, when things overwhelm me seek I the LORD JESUS CHRIST who saved me by washing me from my sin with HIS very own blood (Revelation 1:5). HE now lives to pray for me (Hebrews 7:25) and changes and purifies me as I run to HIM.  When I seek HIM and open HIS word there is refreshment and cleansing with the washing of the water of the WORD of GOD (Ephesians 5:26).




Feeling overwhelmed and not knowing what to do the word INTIMACY kept coming to my friend- Judy’s mind. She asked the LORD, “What does that mean?” GOD said simply, “Say it slowly.”

So that is what she did. ‘IN-TO-ME-SEE”.

In other words, “GET-TO-KNOW-ME.”

Scripture backs up those rhema words. JESUS said, “Come unto ME, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you and learn of ME, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest in your souls “(Matthew 11:28-29).

The place to start is in prayer- asking GOD to show you HIMSELF and then open up the Bible and let GOD speak to you as you read. Go to the word expecting GOD to speak to you and HE will.

Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith,