So much more

I know someone who is wanting a new beginning, but he is so nervous, afraid that he is not strong enough to leave the past behind and beginning anew.
Thinking about starting over can seem completely overwhelming, until we look to JESUS and remember nothing is impossible with GOD. The very same power that raised JESUS from the dead is at work within us (Ephesians 1:19-20). We forget sometimes that the HOLY SPIRIT is within us (Romans 8:11) working in us and on our behalf. HE is able to do exceedingly abundantly more (the NIV says ‘infinitely more’) than what we can ask, think or even imagine. With HIM leading and strengthening we can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens us. But the key to it all is looking to HIM and asking for HIS help. So, let’s just praise HIS name, sing HIS name, and call upon HIS name.
Looking unto JESUS, the Author and Perfecter of my faith.

new beginnings

Sometimes we see people ensnared by the lies of the enemy and it breaks our hearts.  But the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, HIS mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).  And there are new beginnings.

To reach the struggling and the lost we enter into front-line battle with the devil for he wants to defeat us and keep them enslaved.

Since we are fighting a battle we cannot see, spiritual warfare against spirits, what must we do personally to prepare?

Galatians 5:16 walk in the SPIRIT and go with HIS nudges

Ephesians 6:10-18 and putting on the armor of GOD

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (What seems to be the key here?) The battle is in our mind for our thoughts (for thoughts lead to action) and strongholds are lies against GOD, stating HIS way is wrong.  I find the best way to fight is to take every thought to JESUS!

2 Timothy 2:25-26 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that GOD will grant them the repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do HIS will.

What are the 2 things GOD instructs us to do to reach the lost and hurting?

Gently instruct—be patient, humble, teach and correct.   Pray with expectant Hope that GOD is working in their hearts

Step 1: What must GOD do before a change can come?

Let them see HIS side of the situation (turn their eyes to the truth- repentance means to turn around 180 degrees and have a change in the way you see something)

Step 2: What does step 1 produce in the one who opposes?

An awareness/a knowing of the truth

Is that the same as accepting the truth?

No, you can know and turn away from the light of the truth, or you can seek to walk in that light.

An example of this Felix the Roman ruler over Palestine trembled as he heard the truth.  He understood all to well what it meant, but he flatly refused to walk in the light and stopped Paul’s preaching Acts 24:25

Step 3: What does that term come to your senses mean?

It is when one accepts the truth that GOD’s way is right

Step 4: Now is a time for choice, what is that choice and who must initiate it? A person must want out of the snare of the lies he has believed and be willing to give up what the lies gave him.

If the choice is to leave the snare of the sin that has entangled him, can anyone stop him?

no, but it may be hard, very hare. It means holding on to and verbally speaking the truth aloud over and over at first.

What can we pray for those we know who have left the truth, or never came to know it?

Romans 8:26 that the HOLY SPIRIT pray for that one according to GOD’s design for their life.

Acts 16:14 That GOD open his heart to the truth.

Philippians 3:15 that GOD reveal the truth to that one.

2 Timothy 2:25-26 that GOD give him repentance (a clear seeing of the truth), a knowing the truth (understanding how that works in his life), a coming to his senses (a reaching out for that truth for himself) and a deliberate determination to leave the trap and the lies of the enemy.

Do you have someone you know who needs to escape the snare of the evil one.  There are several I know and last night prayed those verses above for them.  This morning before dawn one of them was at my door and was open to hear and even asked me to write down some verses that she could take and study and use.  Isn’t GOD faithful to hear and act on our cries!

There are new beginnings and like desert after supper, GOD often saves the best until last.

Looking unto JESUS the Author and Perfecter of my faith.(Hebrews 12:2)



GOD listens to the cries of our hearts.

As I read in the Psalms this morning I came across these words:

So foolish was I and ignorant: I was as a beast before THEE.  Nevertheless, I am continually with THEE: YOU hold me by my right hand.  YOU will guide me with YOUR counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.  Whom have I in heaven but YOU? And there is none upon the earth that I desire besides THEE, Psalm 73:22-25

As I read memories tumbled into my mind, memories so vividly clear it was a time my children were very young. The kids were in bed, my husband gone (for he worked construction out of state) and I lay on my bed and was reading my Bible when I came on those words.  They caught me, and I read through them again.

Then I confessed to GOD, “LORD, they are not true for me, YOU know that.  But, I want them to be.”

I couldn’t tell you how much time had passed when one day while reading again in Psalms I read those words and amazed to realized that they were true for me.  Silently, behind the scenes GOD had done a work and answered my heart’s cry when I wasn’t even aware.

GOD is absolutely amazing!  GOD listens to the cries of our hearts.

Are those words true for you?  Hope so, it brings such peace and direction.

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



Greater Works

And they said unto HIM, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of GOD?”

JESUS answered and said unto them, “This is the work of GOD, that ye believe on HIM whom HE (GOD) hath sent” (John 6:28-29).

“No man can come unto ME, except the FATHER draw him” (John 6:44).

GOD’s work is to draw people to JESUS.  Why?

“GOD so loved the word that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believes in HIM (JESUS) should not perish but have eternal life……. HE that believes on the Son (JESUS) has everlasting life; and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of GOD abides on him” John 3:16, 36).

“Don’t you believe that I am in the FATHER, and the FATHER in ME?  The words that I speak unto you I speak not of MYSELF: a but the FATHER that dwells in ME HE does the works” (John 14:10).

On earth JESUS was the agent for GOD the FATHER to do the work.

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, the one that believes on ME, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the FATHER” (John 14:12).

“Nevertheless, I tell you that truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but If I depart, I will send HIM unto you.  And when HE is come, HE will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on ME;” (John 16:7-9).

“But you shall receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT is come upon you: and you shall be witnesses of ME both in Jerusalem, and in all Judah and Samaria and unto the uttermost pasts of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

We get the HOLY SPIRIT when we believe (Ephesians 1:13-14), and when we get HIM we get power.  What is that power for?  to witnesses of JESUS.

Just as GOD worked through JESUS while JESUS was on earth to do the work and draw men to HIM, so now the SPIRIT of GOD works through us to do the work and draw men to JESUS as we witness of HIM.

JESUS had around 3 to 3 ½ years of ministry and although crowds followed HIM around to hear and be healed and fed, there were only 120 true believers in JESUS in the upper room awaiting the giving of the HOLY SPIRIT (Acts 1:14-15).

But, after the SPIRIT of GOD was given and Peter, through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT preached one sermon about 3,000 souls were added to their number of true believers (Acts 2:41).

Now I call that greater works.

Question to answer in the comment section: What does the SPIRIT use to draw men to JESUS? (Ephesians 6:17, Romans 10:17).

Ponder these things and may the LORD give you understanding in all things.



HOLY ground

Have you ever heard the statement, “I don’t know that GOD still talks to people, HE has never talked to me!”

That declaration I’ve heard in one way or another time and time again and I have wondered “why”? Perhaps it’s because people think I am talking about an audible voice. Well most of the time I don’t hear a voice per se it’s an impression, a “knowing”, a nudge from within (Philippians 2:13) when I perceive that GOD is talking to me and telling me what HE wants me to know.  Yet when HE speaks I know precisely what HE means and when I relay it to others I must put it in tangible words they can understand. It’s not that GOD is not speaking to them, it’s just that they, as young Samuel (I Samuel 1:7) don’t recognize GOD’s voice yet.

But there is another reason some (that at times includes me) don’t hear GOD speak.  “If I cherish (cling to) iniquity/wickedness in my heart the LORD will not hear” (Psalm 66:18). If I refuse to forgive, if I do or think something I feel is wrong that is cherishing iniquity in my heart.

I am not talking about when we have sinned and go to HIM for forgiveness for HE promises to be there for us then (1 John 1:9). Nor is it when we are struggling with sin and cry out for HIS help.  Those times HE tells us to come to HIM. (Hebrews 4:14-16).  But when we flat out refuse to let go of something we know is not pleasing to GOD (that includes wanting our own way) and yet go and expect HIM to bless us and give us direction or what we ask for.  It isn’t going to happen, as James said, “don’t let that man think he will receive anything from the LORD” (James 1:7).

YOU see the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE through whom GOD speaks to us (John 16:7, 12-15, 1 Corinthians 2:10-12).  HE is GOD and HE is HOLY, so HE can only meet us on HOLY ground. Sin grieves and quenches the HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 4:30, Isaiah 63:10).

“So, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset (entangles, controls, clings to) us” (Hebrews 12:1) and lets meet with GOD on HOLY ground.

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



Have you ever heard the statement, “I don’t know that GOD still talks to people, HE has never talked to me!”


That declaration I’ve heard in one way or another time and time again and I have wondered “why”? Perhaps it’s because people think I am talking about an audible voice. Well most of the time I don’t hear a voice per se it’s an impression, a “knowing”, a nudge from within (Philippians 2:13) when I perceive that GOD is talking to me and telling me what HE wants me to know.  Yet when HE speaks I know precisely what HE means and when I relay it to others I must put it in tangible words they can understand. It’s not that GOD is not speaking to them, it’s just that they, as young Samuel (I Samuel 1:7) don’t recognize GOD’s voice yet.


But there is another reason some (that at times includes me) don’t hear GOD speak.  “If I cherish (cling to) iniquity/wickedness in my heart the LORD will not hear” (Psalm 66:18). If I refuse to forgive, if I do or think something I feel is wrong that is cherishing iniquity in my heart.


I am not talking about when we have sinned and go to HIM for forgiveness for HE promises to be there for us then (1 John 1:9). Nor is it when we are struggling with sin and cry out for HIS help.  Those times HE tells us to come to HIM. (Hebrews 4:14-16).  But when we flat out refuse to let go of something we know is not pleasing to GOD (that includes wanting our own way) and yet go and expect HIM to bless us and give us direction or what we ask for.  It isn’t going to happen, as James said, “don’t let that man think he will receive anything from the LORD” (James 1:7).


YOU see the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE through whom GOD speaks to us (John 16:7, 12-15, 1 Corinthians 2:10-12).  HE is GOD and HE is HOLY, so HE can only meet us on HOLY ground. Sin grieves and quenches the HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 4:30, Isaiah 63:10).


“So, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset (entangles, controls, clings to) us” (Hebrews 12:1) and lets meet with GOD on HOLY ground.


Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



Have you ever heard the statement, “I don’t know that GOD still talks to people, HE has never talked to me!”


That declaration I’ve heard in one way or another time and time again and I have wondered “why”? Perhaps it’s because people think I am talking about an audible voice. Well most of the time I don’t hear a voice per se it’s an impression, a “knowing”, a nudge from within (Philippians 2:13) when I perceive that GOD is talking to me and telling me what HE wants me to know.  Yet when HE speaks I know precisely what HE means and when I relay it to others I must put it in tangible words they can understand. It’s not that GOD is not speaking to them, it’s just that they, as young Samuel (I Samuel 1:7) don’t recognize GOD’s voice yet.


But there is another reason some (that at times includes me) don’t hear GOD speak.  “If I cherish (cling to) iniquity/wickedness in my heart the LORD will not hear” (Psalm 66:18). If I refuse to forgive, if I do or think something I feel is wrong that is cherishing iniquity in my heart.


I am not talking about when we have sinned and go to HIM for forgiveness for HE promises to be there for us then (1 John 1:9). Nor is it when we are struggling with sin and cry out for HIS help.  Those times HE tells us to come to HIM. (Hebrews 4:14-16).  But when we flat out refuse to let go of something we know is not pleasing to GOD (that includes wanting our own way) and yet go and expect HIM to bless us and give us direction or what we ask for.  It isn’t going to happen, as James said, “don’t let that man think he will receive anything from the LORD” (James 1:7).


YOU see the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE through whom GOD speaks to us (John 16:7, 12-15, 1 Corinthians 2:10-12).  HE is GOD and HE is HOLY, so HE can only meet us on HOLY ground. Sin grieves and quenches the HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 4:30, Isaiah 63:10).


“So, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset (entangles, controls, clings to) us” (Hebrews 12:1) and lets meet with GOD on HOLY ground.


Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



Have you ever heard the statement, “I don’t know that GOD still talks to people, HE has never talked to me!”


That declaration I’ve heard in one way or another time and time again and I have wondered “why”? Perhaps it’s because people think I am talking about an audible voice. Well most of the time I don’t hear a voice per se it’s an impression, a “knowing”, a nudge from within (Philippians 2:13) when I perceive that GOD is talking to me and telling me what HE wants me to know.  Yet when HE speaks I know precisely what HE means and when I relay it to others I must put it in tangible words they can understand. It’s not that GOD is not speaking to them, it’s just that they, as young Samuel (I Samuel 1:7) don’t recognize GOD’s voice yet.


But there is another reason some (that at times includes me) don’t hear GOD speak.  “If I cherish (cling to) iniquity/wickedness in my heart the LORD will not hear” (Psalm 66:18). If I refuse to forgive, if I do or think something I feel is wrong that is cherishing iniquity in my heart.


I am not talking about when we have sinned and go to HIM for forgiveness for HE promises to be there for us then (1 John 1:9). Nor is it when we are struggling with sin and cry out for HIS help.  Those times HE tells us to come to HIM. (Hebrews 4:14-16).  But when we flat out refuse to let go of something we know is not pleasing to GOD (that includes wanting our own way) and yet go and expect HIM to bless us and give us direction or what we ask for.  It isn’t going to happen, as James said, “don’t let that man think he will receive anything from the LORD” (James 1:7).


YOU see the HOLY SPIRIT is the ONE through whom GOD speaks to us (John 16:7, 12-15, 1 Corinthians 2:10-12).  HE is GOD and HE is HOLY, so HE can only meet us on HOLY ground. Sin grieves and quenches the HOLY SPIRIT (Ephesians 4:30, Isaiah 63:10).


“So, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset (entangles, controls, clings to) us” (Hebrews 12:1) and lets meet with GOD on HOLY ground.


Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



If HE be for us

If our GOD be for us who can stand against us? Romans 8:31

I am going to confess.  My daughters, Jeri and Kari, love to embellish the telling this true story on me with animated facial expressions and gestures, amidst giggles and snickers concerning my actions that totally shocked them.  The deep lasting impression has not faded from their minds, nor mine.

They weren’t the only ones shocked by my actions, so was I.  My actions that day was totally out of character for me. I was a mild, meek Christian, devoted to the LORD. Many marveled at my calm during crisis after crisis.  The calm wasn’t a mask I put on, but through struggles I had come to know the LORD was there for me, in control, and could handle whatever came my way for. I had learned problems were to teach us something, so when someone commented on my not being upset in a midst of a crisis, I’d often say, “This problem must not be for me, or a lot of people must be praying, cause GOD’s peace is surrounding me.”  And it really was.

But one day, the problem was for me. That day, when injustice loomed over my kids, I lost sight of GOD and seemed to forget everything I knew.  Instead of turning to GOD, I charged, attacking like a she bear, when her cubs are in danger. I pounced forward, snatched a paper away from the culprit, who was using it to hurt my kids, and tore it to smithereens. Not that it did any good, it didn’t.

However, it definitely taught me a lesson and it still humbles me to think back to my uncontrolled actions that day. What happened to me is what happens when we take our eyes off GOD and trusting HIM, and focus on a difficult situation with the attitude “it up to me to fix it!”

But, that is not the reason I am exposing my actions to you. 70% of the killings by grizzly bears are by mother bears defending their cubs. My attacking like a she bear protecting her cubs, believe it or not, is a picture of something JESUS tells us to pray for.

I like to read Scripture aloud and as I read the LORD’s prayer (“Our FATHER who art in heaven”) phrase by phrase slowly so I could mull over what was being said. When I got to the phrase “deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13), I felt a need to know what the original meaning of the word deliver was in this verse. So, going to the Greek text, and several Greek lexicons (Greek dictionaries) I searched out the word ‘deliver’. In the Matthew text ‘deliver’, rhuomia, means drag out of danger, rescue, save. It comes from the root word rhuo- to draw to oneself-hence to rescue.

The tense and mood of the word in Greek, show it is an urgent cry to GOD for help, to snatch us away from the clutches of the evil one; much like a she bear will come running to protect her young at the sound of their cry.  This picture caused me to love my GOD even more as I see HIM running to me when I cry out to HIM for help.

HE rescues me, drawing me to HIMSELF.  Such times I literally feel HIS arms around me.

“Therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and receive grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

A Song to sing when trouble comes

Our GOD, our GOD / by Chris Tomlin
Into the darkness, You shine Out of the ashes, we rise

There’s no one like You   None like You

Our GOD is greater Our GOD is stronger
GOD, You are higher than any other
Our GOD is healer  Awesome in power  Our GOD, our GOD (2x)

And if our GOD is for us, then who could ever stop us?   And if our GOD is with us, then what can stand against us? (2x)

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



Self-will vs Self-controll

There are many translations of the Bible but when I read them I like to check out their emphasis with the King James and the Greek manuscripts that something is not lost in the shuffle.  The reason I check out many different translations is because the use of a word here or there adds clarity for me and gives understanding.  This time around the New American Standard Version (NASB) had such a word.

A Christian recently pointed me to Titus and as I was reading through it I was caught up with 2 words.

Titus 1:7 (KJ, NASB) not self-willed

That is clear enough, don’t go with what you want

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge GOD and HE will direct your steps.  Be not wise in your own eyes fear the LORD and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7).

“If you are willing to do HIS will, you will know if it is of GOD or man” (John 7:17).

Titus 1:8 be self-controlled (NASB)

Don’t let your moods or desires determine your actions, do what you know is right.

If I am having a struggle with self-control I run to the throne of grace, where JESUS (who was tempted in all ways like us but without sin) sits and I find mercy and grace to help in my time of need.  Just like GOD promises (Hebrews 4:14-16).  The invitation is open, you are urged to do the same.

I love the simplicity of this.  I am not to be self-willed but am to be self-controlled.

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)



A Sacrifice?

Today my pastor’s wife gave her testimony about being a living sacrifice. Why should we be a living sacrifice?

Seeing a glorious sunrise or sunset worship rises within me as I am confronted with the majesty and glory of GOD. Seeing the power of a raging storm I think of how JESUS said “hush be still” and the wind and the waves became calm (Matthew 8:24-27) and I have seen that power as HE has helped me in my times of weakness. Overwhelmed when not knowing what I should do, all I need is a glimpse of GOD’s wisdom in things HE has made from the mosquito with properties science can’t duplicate, the bee’s cross pollination so we could have fruits and veggies, or the DNA found in a single cell and I’m confident that HE can and will guide me in the way I am to go. Seeing truths about the LORD as I read HIS word glaringly expose areas when I fall short and need HIS forgiveness and help to change. Although it was over 60 years ago I saw GOD’s love in sending JESUS to die that I might live and confessed JESUS was LORD. Still to this very day I stand amazed at HIS love and the cost HE was willing to pay that I might be HIS.

“For the LORD is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the LORD made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before Him; Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary. Give to the LORD, O families of the peoples, Give to the LORD glory and strength. Give to the LORD the glory due His name; Bring an OFFERING, and come into His courts. Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth.” (Psalm 96:4-9)

JESUS was the OFERING that paid the price required for my sin, so what can I offer?

“ the mercies of GOD present your bodies (for GOD to use to do HIS work) as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto GOD, which is your reasonable service “ (Romans 12: 1).

That is a lifestyle of giving up your rights and acknowledging GOD in everything and letting HIM direct your every step and word. Why should we do it? Because of HIS great mercies to us, the greatest being our salvation from sin and death, it is a small thing, a reasonable thing to ask.

But bear in mind that it’s not a one-time thing to OFFER yourself as a living sacrifice, for even the Apostle Paul said he had to get on the altar as a living sacrifice DAILY (1 Corinthians 15:31). But for you and me it may have to be even more often than that for whenever self rises up wanting its way we fall off the altar.

Think on these things and may GOD give you understanding.

Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2).




Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2).




It was a busy morning at Switch making soft chicken tacos for the kids and staff for our Friday program for the kids.  I got a bit tired so decided to take a nap before the meeting tonight, but the moment my head hit the pillow a song ran through my mind and I thought of someone dear who is struggling.  It’s an old song:


Oh, soul are you weary and troubled, no light in the darkness you see, there’s a light for a look at the Savior and life more abundant and free.  Turn your eyes upon JESUS, look full in HIS wonderful face (think about things true about HIM) and the things of the earth will grow strangely dim in the light of HIS glory and grace.


Thinking of my loved one I prayed.


You too may feel like those Malachi was talking to, they said, “What a weariness it is” Malachi 1:13


Not long ago at the Camp Elim (old timers) retreat we sang an old, old song and here is a line from it:

“My heart is sometimes heavy, but HE comes in sweet relief, HE folds me to HIS bosom when I droop with blighted grief.”


Have been drooping recently?  JESUS has something better for you.  JESUS said, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, trust in GOD and trust also in ME” (John 14:1).


It is the right and privilege of every believer in JESUS to take his heavy heart and every doubt and fear to JESUS who loves him and died to save him from his sins. HE says, “Come unto me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).  Just take every thought to JESUS (2 Corinthians 10:5). JESUS will literally hold you in HIS arms.


One day when it seemed my world was coming to an end a song I had just learned came to mind (some words changed) and as I began to sing, “Oh Son of GOD enfold me with the SPIRIT of YOUR love come and fill my heart and satisfy my soul, take these fears that hold me and YOUR SPIRIT like a dove, rise up and make me fully whole.  JESUS, OH JESUS hold YOUR little lamb, JESUS oh JESUS hold YOU little lamb.”


I’m not kidding, HE held me, and HE will hold you too.


Looking unto JESUS (Hebrews 12:2)




My grandson is in to coding as he programs a game and was explaining in simple terms the general idea behind how he got his character to do what it was doing.  I was amazed by it all and then Sebastian grinned as showed me a quote supposedly from Albert Einstein on his phone.  It read, “If you can’t explain it to your grandma, you don’t know it well enough.”


The Word of GOD warns against being corrupted from the simplicity that is in CHRIST (2 Corinthians 11:3).


That simplicity that is in CHRIST is found in John 3 :16 “For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Begotten SON (whose human body was conceived in an unique fashion Luke 1:34-35) that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.


While the religious leaders proud of their knowledge talked in lofty terms and made up rules and more rules adding to a simple instruction from GOD, JESUS had the art of focusing on an issue and speaking with simplicity and clariity.


In Matthew 22:35-40 we find the religious leaders trying to trap JESUS and asked HIM what the greatest commandment was.  JESUS said simply. “Thou shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the 1st and great commandment and the 2nd is like it. Thou shall love your neighbor as yourself on these 2 commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”


Those words “on these 2 commandments hang all the law and prophets” says this is the essence of what GOD wants.


In Matthew 7:12 JESUS said, “Therefore all things that you would want men to do to you, even so do to them for this is the law and prophets.”


In other words, this is the way you live out the law and the prophets.


JESUS was saying you don’t have to look at a rulebook and struggle to keep the rules, you are to look to GOD and love HIM and let HIS love flow naturally to others as you treat them as you want them to treat you.


Looking to JESUS, (Hebrews 12:2)

